Back to You

By EstelleEirene

950 86 18


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 7

51 5 0
By EstelleEirene

I was in library studying for the upcoming exams. I got distracted when sombody asked me in a manly voice " hey.. umm can i sit here". I looked at him, A tall and slim man with blue eyes and black hair was standing  infront of  me. I diverted mybgaze from him and looked around the library to find an empty place. "You can sit there" i pointed at an empty seat far away from me. I don't want to share my seat with anyone.  He looked at me confused. I raised my brows at him asking what happened? "What are you doing here zaid?" A voice came from behind him. I peaked to look who he was, actually i knew who's voice it was but just confirming it.
The man infront of me turned around and started giving an excuse to Ayaan.
" well, i came here to issue a book, and when i saw her sitting here i came to say hello" he said scratching his neck.
For some reason Ayaan didn't look convinced, because he was still looking at him narrowing his eyes.
" shall we go then?" Zaid asked Ayaan.
"Hmm" Ayaan asnwered finally looking elsewhere from Zaid.

I hate it how he pretends to protect me when actually he doesn't care about me.
I sat and started studying, they already wasted alot of my time. Can't afford to waste more.

After studying i grabbed my books and notes and left the library.

I was in my class, the classroom was almost empty still. I decided to sit on the front row. I went and sat on a middle seat of the front row.
i saw Ayaan and Zaid entering classrrom.both had a irritated expression on their face.
Did they hsd s fight?  I asked myself. Then Ayaan raised his head and looked at me. He started walking towards me and then sat beside me. Zaid went to sit on the row behind me.
I don't understand what he has started doing now?

I grabbed my books and slided to the next seat to my left. He was sitting to my right side.
I don't want to sit beside him.
He slided to the seat i was seating before grabbing his bag.
I looked at him questioning.
He looked away.

What the hell is he upto now?
Does he want to talk to me?
Did he relised his mistake?
Is he trying to apologize again?

A million thought ran through my head.
Lecturer had still to come.
I bend to his side " what are you doing?" I asked him.
He quickly changed his expression that he was wearing this whole time since he entered classroom " what did i do now?" He asked looking at me.
" you are asking that from me?" I asked unbelievably, does he thinks what he has started doing from past three days is normal?
" yes..who else do you think" he answered plausibly.
" you and i were done i told you even agreed to it. Than what is this now?" I asked him.
" what is it you find so hard to understand right now?" Cant he just answer a simple question, instead of twisting them.
I sighed " why are you sitting next to me?" I asked.
" because the seat was empty" he answered. Seriously?  Did he hit his head three days back, or something?

" Listen Ayaan.. whatever you are doing, stop doing it, we are over now" i told him trying to finish the conversation which was making no sense.
" yes i know, but what did i do that needs to be stopped?" He asked. God! He is so irritating.
"Nothing forget it" i said and looked at the board.
" no tel-" he was about to say something when the teacher opened the door and everyone started greeting him.
After that i just focused on the lecture.

When the lecture was over  i was getting out of classroom when i felt something on my wrist. Which started pulling me. "Wait-wai-" i was trying to stop whoever was pullung me but the hallway was so busy that i kept bumping into students.
Finally we were at the end of the hallway. I took some deep breathes after running. I was so pissed, someone needs to arrange money for my bail, because now i'm going to murder someone.
" sorry for dragging you to here" i heard Ayaan's voice.
Suddenly my anger doubled.
"What the Hell?" I almost screamed.
"What do you think you are doing?, didn't i tell you to stop, why don't you get it?" I was so loud that someone might even get the teacher.
"Shh..shh Natasha ..don't shout atleast" he tried to calm me down..but the anger only kept building inside me.
He doesn't asnwer back properly. Never clarified what has been bothering him, or what he really wants, he just listens to my questions, either twists it or say something out of the book.
" shout? Do you think what you just did was funny? I have told you many time not to touch me or even talk to me,  but everytime every single freaking time you dodged the question, you never listen to me" i felt i was about to burst into tears to i stopped. I hate crying infront of someone.
He was looking at me with wided eyes, as if he was not expecting this. Well,  neither i expected him to be a jerk. But guess, you don't always get what you expect.

"Natasha" his voice was deep and full of hurt. But what is actually hurting him?
" why do you have to act like a bitch always?" i questioned him.
"I'm sorry" he sounded hurt again. But was he really hurt or was he regreting?
The tears which i was fighting finally rolled down my cheeks.
A blush started creeping up my face. And my face became a light shade of pink.
He came closer to wipe the tears. Taking a step vack i streched out a hand stopping him from coming any further.

"Do you think this sorry this gonna fix everything?" I asked him, his head was bent downwards.
"No, right?" I asked him again.
" then why are you trying to seat beside me in every class we have the same. Why did you offer me a ride.
Why did it affect you when zaid asked to sit beside me?" I asked him, wishing to get a proper answer this time.
Like always, what a fool i am, again expecting answers from whom, who seems like he isn't sure himself about what he wants.

Sometimes i feel like he still want us together. But then he does something polar opposite.

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