A Summer Romance [Cameron Dal...

By CaitlynMcdowell

3.7K 104 39

Skyler is a fan of the Magcon Boys and when she goes to meet them at the meet and greet, Cameron and her get... More

The Journey
Meeting The Magcon Boys
Getting Close With Cameron
Nothing but Lies and Tears.
The Truth
Authors Note
Meeting Skyler's Parents
Visiting Justin
Searching For Cameron
Arriving back in LA
Finding out Cameron's Secret
The First Time
Feelings For Them Both
Nash's True Identity
Friends to Haters
Good and Bad News
Authors Note
Going to the Police
The Trial

Telling Cameron

79 4 3
By CaitlynMcdowell

Skyler's P.O.V
I sat there in shock of what news I had just been told. I'm only 17, I had my whole life ahead of me, I couldn't have a baby yet?

Cameron came through the door and handed me a Carmel Latte from Starbucks.

"Your favourite" he said smirking.

"Thank you." I replied, taking a sip of my Latte.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah why wouldn't it be?" I said in a panic.

"Hmm, I know that look.." He said suspiciously.

"Cameron what are your talking about, everything's fine." I said, pulling a fake smile.

"Well if you say so." He replied, kissing the top of my head.

Phew that was close. Cameron always knows when there's something wrong with me, he's like a sensor.

He stood up and leaned over me. "I have an interview in half an hour about my movie so I'm gonna have to leave now babe." He said pressing his lips against mine.

"Okay, good looking" I said.

"Thank you, now get some rest, I will be back before you know it." He replied.

To be honest I was glad he was leaving for a while because I needed to get my head around things.

Moments later my mom came in and told me I was being discharged this afternoon.

She helped me out of bed and I went to the bathroom to change into my own clothes.

It felt so good to get out of that hospital gown.

I grabbed my belongings and text Cameron to tell him I would be at home.

"Ready?" Asked my mom.

"Yeah." I replied.

As I walked out of the hospital doors, the heat of the sun hit my skin and gave me a warm feeling inside and a light breeze blew through my hair.

I got in the car and drove home.

When I got home, Justin was lying on the sofa playing his Xbox and my dad was reading the newspaper.

Things started to feel like they were getting back to normal again. Although one thing was still at the back of my mind, who was the father of my baby?

I ran upstairs and grabbed a pregnancy test from the bathroom cabinet, my mom always kept a few in there for some reason and I wanted to take it because I didn't believe what I heard was true.

I cleaned myself up and waited patiently for the results to show.

2 lines appeared. Positive.

I put my head on my knees and sobbed. One I was too young to be a mother and two a rapist that used to be my idol could be the father of my child.

"Sky what's going on in there?" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Cameron.

"Nothing." I replied, wiping my eyes.

"Sky open up, I know your crying." He asked.

I slowly stood up and took a deep breath and unlocked the door. I sat back down and stared at the test.

Cameron approached me and froze.

"Oh God no?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded and began to cry again. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Shh" he whispered as he cradled me.

"I do...don't k..know wh..what to d..do?" I sobbed.

"Well baby I will support you through this and we will have the most incredible baby ever." He said.

He sat on his knees so that he was at eye level with me and wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

He held out his hand for me to grab it and he pulled me to my feet.

I leant against his chest and he kissed me letting me know that it would be okay.

But the thing was he didn't know that there is a possibility it could be Nash's, so how could everything be okay?

"Have you told your mom?" He asked.

"Not yet." I said.

"Are your planning to?" He asked.

"No, I'm gonna go around with a bump for 9 months and no ones gonna notice." I said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean." He said playfully punching my arm.

I punched him back. "Ouch" he said, grabbing his arm.

"Sorry." I said smirking.

"Oh your gonna to get it." He replied, running towards me.

"Cameron no!" I screamed like a little girl.

We both laughed and he picked me up and took me to my bedroom.

He set me on my bed and he lay next to me, placing his hand on my stomach.

I smiled. I could tell he was already excited to be a father although it hadn't crossed his mind that the baby could be Nash's..

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