Eternal Desires - Zamasu x Go...

By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

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Cover was drawn by me (✿◡‿◡) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goku was always one for a fight. To clash and comp... More

⚜ Information ⚜
⚜ Chapter One - Conflicts ⚜
⚜ Chapter Two - Emotions ⚜
⚜ Chapter Three - Change ⚜
⚜ Chapter Four - Contentment ⚜
⚜ Chapter Five - Wrath ⚜
⚜ Chapter Six - Fallout ⚜
⚜ Chapter Seven - Vigor ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eight - Blessings ⚜
⚜ Chapter Nine - Regrets ⚜
⚜ Chapter Ten - Presage ⚜
⚜ Chapter Eleven - Disheartened ⚜
⚜ Chapter Twelve - Duplicity ⚜

⚜ Chapter Thirteen - Culmination ⚜

114 5 2
By NarutoHarem4Lyfe

Of those remaining, only Vegeta remained seated. He knew better than anyone, he was yet to get the spotlight. After all, he figured Goku still had a lingering irritation against Earth. So he simply sat back when he spotted the Saiyan come back without his oldest. It made him smile, knowing he still remained the same in his own heart. Of course, the two present had already prepared for battle. They were the opening show before the finale. A simple obstacle that Vegeta was sure Goku would simply smash through.

He had never been more right than in that moment. One moment the Saiyan had remained still, the next he broke the distance. A single punch sent the android spiraling backwards, Piccolo attempting to reach out. He let his arms stretch, not preparing for Goku; who simply grabbed hold. In a swift movement, he spun the Namekian around, colliding the green form with the rising android. Both hit hard, leaving them to roll together along the ground. Dust rose in the air before Goku shot a blast, seeing the explosion that vibrated the air before viewing the two reappear above in the stands. It made the other Saiyan sigh before his gaze rolled over Vegeta.

The Prince had stayed patient, simply observing. He gave a wide smirk, finally taking note that he was up. Rising from the rubble, he stepped down from his vantage point. Each step was light, his charcoal hair shifted rarely with the elegant approach. His once cold gaze had warmed over, showing a genuine joy. Even his voice seeped with anticipation and sheer excitement. To finally fight his rival once more; it was like a dream.

"It's just you and I, Kakarot. Don't hold back on me." Goku nodded, letting his voice wash over the other Saiyan.

"I'd dare not. It would be rude and impolite, Vegeta. I owe you much, including an apology. I simply left without a word, so I want to say 'I'm sorry'. You were my only real friend, while a rival; yet you held me high in respect. You deserve the truth of my location. For that, I owe you greatly."

"You owe me nothing, Kakarot. They wronged you. I understand why you left." Goku gave a weak smile, glancing toward the stands.

"What of Chi-Chi?" Vegeta raised a brow, scoffing.

"You still worry about that harpy?"

"Hardly. I simply wish to know whether she's breathing or not. I haven't paid much mind to the planet, but I do want to thank you for keeping Gohan out of trouble." The prince sighed, waving it off as it brought a chuckle to Goku. "I mean it, Vegeta. He's still my family."

"I know that. Because he was family, I kept tabs on him. Earth doesn't have forever though. I've marked its days, so be sure to claim back your family before then. You can't blame me if you forget." Goku smiled widely, nodding as he refocused on Vegeta.

"I'll be sure to do so. Pay me a visit sometime. You're welcome anytime, Vegeta. Whether we're both destroyers or not, you're my true friend." Vegeta hummed in approval, narrowing his gaze. He rested his body a bit lower on his feet, raising his hands as he let his tone fall.

"I'll think about it. I say we get this fight going, Kakarot. No holding back, remember!" The other Saiyan nodded, readying his stance.

"All out from the beginning, correct?"

"While I'd enjoy drawing this out, we're running on thin time. It's our final battle for a time, so I'd like to see the growth. To see my rival's strength. Hold nothing back." Goku smirked, taking a few steps back as he felt Vegeta's power rise. The blue glow illuminated the Saiyan as the Prince prepared to strike. He still remained still, simply observing as Goku took the silence to transform. He'd kept it on reserve, but he was prepared to reveal his secret. While Vegeta waited for the brilliant blue, he was put in awe by the deep breathing of the other. The slight white and silver glow rolled along the muscles and length of Goku's body, surrounding him as a gentle warmth seeped off the frame. It made Vegeta widen his eyes, though a smile remained present. He needed no answers. He knew what was before him. It was something he had yet to achieve, but swore to conquer in the future. "You did it. You achieved Ultra instinct!"

"It took a while, but I mastered it." The bright silver hair shimmered under the reflection of the aura. Those piercing eyes like molten silver bore into Vegeta, bringing a new feeling into the Prince's gut. It made his excitement leap higher than ever.

"You never cease to surpass me, Kakarot. I'll get to your level one day... No, I'll surpass you. That is a promise." Goku lowered his stance, chuckling softly as he took in a deeper breath, focusing his attention and letting his expression fall blank.

"I'll be looking forward to your challenge, Vegeta." With that final statement, none said another word. There was no need. The message was clear and engraved into each heart. Held as an oath and promise. In the future, they will meet again. No matter who won, it was their foundation. The constant battle to get higher than the other. Even if they remained universes away, it would never cease to exist. It was simply what made them as they were. Made them Saiyans. One was the Prince of the race that had been brought to extinction. The other was a low class warrior that broke the standards. That had been sent to a planet that turned its back on the Saiyan. Through all the rising problems and battles, Goku had proven far superior. To Vegeta, the warrior was one of a kind. Someone that would hold the respect and eye of the Prince. Someone of importance and the greatest friend the Prince could have ever desired. Goku was simply irreplaceable.

There had been a length of silence as the two Saiyan's held a gaze. Simply scoped the situation. It left a dreaded silence above as most waited. As they sought to reach the end and see the victor. Universe 7 had much to lose. They were doomed from the beginning. Yet, some held a joyful expression. Even if the truth bore into them of their timely demise, it changed little. Some held hope. Others held despair. A few held a newer emotion; content. As for Universe 10, they held such neutral expressions. There was no need for fear. They knew what the Saiyan sought to accomplish and they believed in him completely. Without hesitation, they entrusted everything to Son Goku; their future destroyer and ally.

So when the silence was shattered by a devastating first blow, it brought all to focus on the final fight. The last battle of the match between the best. Each strike from Goku was precise, holding a deep strength that rattled Vegeta's frame. It left the Prince on the defensive for a time, his smile never falling even as he felt the strikes and knew the looming doom. It only made him grin further, knowing this was his desired next goal. He'd strive to get stronger for the day there was once more a rematch. Only Goku could be his rival.

Dodging a strike from Goku, the Prince stepped toward the side, letting a blast try to reach the Saiyan. It was a good attempt, the edge singeing his attire before it shot past, a fist colliding with Vegeta's chest as he was pelted away. As his back tore through the solid boulder, he let one more blast fall forward as Goku closed the distance, catching sight of the blast moments before it went off. The widened smirk of Vegeta was coated as the energy spread, the blast hitting both as Goku was forced away. Vegeta ended up colliding with the ground, regaining his footing as he took the opportunity. Spotting Goku hit the pillar, Vegeta launched forward, his foot barely meeting the other. A hand rested below the shoe, slowing the impact. There was still a show that the kick connected, but it left no real physical evidence.

Pulling his foot back, he dodged a blast from Goku. He let his body drop, rolling as the other slammed his heel where Vegeta once lay. Climbing to his feet, he felt knuckles meet his ribs, hearing the internal cries as a few gave way. Sent bounding backwards, he steadied himself before feeling the presence behind him. In quick succession, he formed a ball of energy, blocking Goku's own blast. The two pressed together, merging as the detonation happened instantaneously. The sudden wave shook the stands as pieces of the stage fell, the impact breaking the ground as the light from both blasts combined, spreading wider. It ate the stage whole, blinding most before the dust rocketed about. It coated the stage, leaving most to squint in hopes to witness the carnage through the barrier protecting them.

Minutes, that was how long it felt before the dust settled. Everyone could view the destruction. A single multi blast knocked apart the stage, leaving pieces to slowly fall into the darkness below. As for Goku and Vegeta, the two were laid on fragments falling as well. Vegeta held his chest, red seeping from where a slight white bone stuck out. His hand was completely burned, along with his attire torn and back scorched from the blast that had knocked him around. As for Goku, his transformation had worn off, leaving him keeled over in pain. His brown tail was bare on the end, scorched beyond belief. The right side of his face was blistered slightly, leaving his right eyes sealed shut as red trickled from the eye. His entire stomach was revealed, his top burned away and revealing where his skin had touched the blast. Pieces of rock sat in the open wound, leaving him in more pain than he'd like. That being said, Vegeta was not better off. They were yards away, yet neither moved. Vegeta attempted to, but his legs gave way, his transformation having run down as well. He bit into his tongue, rolling onto his back as he sighed, coughing at the breath he took afterward. As for Goku, he stayed seated, simply observing the other.

"To think you actually made an explosion that close to both of us." Vegeta chuckled, tensing at the sharp pain.

"It was all I could do. Ultra Instinct is a cheat, I swear. You dodge everything..." Goku hummed, but smiled softly, tasting the blood that fell into his mouth.

"I didn't dodge that. You did it with the dust hiding your move. Pretty smart." Sighing, Goku let himself fall backwards. He peered to his tail, frowning. "You completely killed my tail..."

"Well, you completely killed my ribs. We're even." Both laughed, ignoring the pain as they felt themselves falling further. "It's my loss, Kakarot."

"Maybe. But you also deserve some credit. You're the first to beat me, even if it's a draw." Vegeta smiled proudly, glancing upward as both viewed the remaining contestant. Rylibeu remained above, hovering as she smiled innocently. She gave a short wave with her wing, causing Vegeta to snort. It drew Goku's focus. "Why the laugh?"

"You simply found better people. I'm glad you found a place to belong." There was a lingering silence, Goku nodding to the statement. He knew better than anyone, he'd found the perfect place. A place where he was loved. Respected. Treated fairly. Universe 10 was his home and would always remain as his stable foundation.

"You know, Vegeta; once this is over, come visit me. I would love to have you meet everyone." Vegeta kept silent, but Goku could already tell the answer. It left him smiling as they vanished from the rubble that kept on falling.

In a single moment they appeared in the stands, Vegeta feeling hands ease him lower. He was placed gently, his gaze peering to Whis and Beerus, who gave a small smile. It made Vegeta attempt to sit up. Once seated, he viewed Universe 10. It made him content seeing Goku's smile and laughter as those around him crowded him.

"You did well, Vegeta." Beerus' words made the Prince snicker.

"Next time I'll win, that's for sure." Both Destroyer and Angel fell quiet before trading glances.

"Next time?" Vegeta nodded.

"There will be a next time, I'm sure of it." The Prince met Goku's gaze, seeing the short nod. It made Vegeta smile as a glow enveloped them. They all stayed silent, accepting their fate as they all vanished without a second thought. As for Universe 10, Rylibeu flew up to the stands. She landed, peering at Goku who was being looked at by Rumsshi. The Destroyer gave a solid hit to Goku's head, leaving the Saiyan to chuckle as concern showed in the other's voice.
"That blast could have killed you!" Goku chuckled, taking a long breath as he let relief take hold.

"But it didn't. I'm still alive and so will everyone else." Those words confused most, beyond those that had been close to the Saiyan. Even if he was terrifyingly strong, he still held a good heart. He glanced at Rylibeu, motioning her forward. As she leaned closer, he whispered something to her, leaving Zamasu to frown. Even so, the other nodded once Goku broke away as the Great Priest approached. He gave a curt nod, speaking sternly.

"Universe 10, you are the victors. As such, it is your choice on what to wish for. State what you desire." Rylibeu took a single glance back before smiling, her wings moving a bit.

"We'd like to bring all those who participated back. Each and everyone of them!" The shorter individual gave a brief smile.

"Is that your final choice?"

"It is." She nodded quickly, taking a seat as he moved away. Universe 10 remained silent as they viewed the spectacle. Taking in the marvelous view. How the larger dragon of a brilliant gold did as desired, leaving Goku with hope. He smiled to no one in particular, and was just simply happy. After all, they had won and everyone would come back. All those that lost their life would be given it back. Leaning his head back, he laid it on Zamasu's lap as hands pressed through his locks. He dared not open his right eye, but felt the way fingers laid on his left cheek. Lips pressed to his forehead, a soft whisper ushered into his mind from the Kai above him.

"You did well, Goku. My Dearest Son Goku."

After the tournament, things settled once more. Goku had gone through with his promise, taking Gohan with him. In the end, Piccolo was added to the equation. They were sent to another planet within Universe 10, simply to offer a living residence. As for Vegeta, he had paid up on the visit. He'd favored Zaku more, merely from the superb strength of the child. He had suffered an injury that ran a scar along his chest, but nothing major. He'd also brought Trunks along, who had grown close to not only Goten, but Zaku as well. In a short time, they had become a trio of misfits.

Of all that were dealt a blow by the end, Goku had it worse. The explosion killed his eyesight in his right eye along with feeling on the right side of his stomach. His tail had been cut off, completely burned and ruined. It took a bit to get used to, but he overcame it. He had Zamasu after all. The Kai took care of his needs. Placed him first when he was recovering. As for Gowasu, he began teaching Zaku on the concept of patience and a calm nature. To put it simple, it was a struggle for a time to get the child to sit still.

All in all, things worked out for everyone. Universe 10 was back to its peaceful state. The Kai's went about business while Goku went back to training, Goten joining in to view the sessions. Both parents had simply decided that the two would take over after them. The two siblings were inseparable. Goten and Zaku; both a blessing for Zamasu and Goku. A reason both held such a crystal clear view on things. However, Goku had an effect on Zamasu.

Once; the Kai had sought something bad. Sought to eliminate all those inferior. But a single Saiyan changed his view. Made him have a differing opinion that altered his once darkened heart. Where he sought violence, he was brought to a calm, similar to the sea. He needed nothing beyond the emotions and love he received from the one person that molded him for the better.

Son Goku was his one and only. Forever and always.

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