Forced to be his Wife

By fruthy27

95.7K 2K 104

"Le-t me go! You monster!" I shouted at him as I tried to pushed his body away from me. Tristan is now hoveri... More

Chapter VII


8.6K 173 28
By fruthy27


Lea is very patient and caring in attending my wounds.

She clothed me and help me to eat my breakfast.

Deep scratches around my faces is still visible even if I cover them with make ups. You will notice them if you look at them closely.

Currently I am at the garden together with Lea planning for my escape as she promised that she will help me.

Lea said that we can't go to the police because Tristan has the control over them that they will not even spare me a glace if they know I am going to report Tristan Miller.

What we are planning is that to help  Lucca escape in the warehouse and we are going to live in another country away from Tristan.

I am going to use all my savings in starting our new life. I know my family will never agree with my plan so Im not expecting any help from them.

We agreed to meet again tomorrow here in the garden for the finalization of our plan.


I am eating silently together with Tristan here in the long dinning table and thankfully he didn't noticed my scratches all over my face.

Make ups are very helpful in times of this.

We didn't talk much as I went to bedroom to have a hot shower and at the same to cover up my deep scratches with make ups.

Sleeping with him naked still disgusted me and I am praying that he will not do anything again to me.

Even I feel nauseated looking at the love marks Tristan put around my body, I just leave it there to prevent him from suspecting anything.

I opened the bathroom door as Tristan face greeted me. He travel his gaze around my naked body with satisfied smirk in his face.

"Good girl princess" He whispered seductively. I stand rigidly not daring to move not wanting to be touch by him again.

He move his face closer to my neck and inhaled me.

"Wait, what the hell happened to this?" He question looking at the back of my neck.

D*mn I forgot that I also clawed at the back of my neck!

"I-- I s---" I spoke shattering not knowing what to say.

Fear embraced me as I didn't expect that he will notice it.


He hold me firmly in both shoulder and carefully inspect my body and I could see in his eyes that his suspicious was right with unreadable enrage.

He drag me inside the bathroom and scrab me with soap removing all the make ups around my body. His hand is everywhere my body but I prevent my self  not to whimper because my scratches is still painful.

He just stared my body in disbelieve after the make up are all removed.

"Who did this to you?" He asked me back to his cold tone.

I didn't dare to speak not knowing what to say.

"I asked you Amerie!" This time he shouted at me desperately like he will ready to kill whoever did this to me.

I was not expecting that he will care that much to me after doing all the bad things to me.

"I-i did this to myself l" I spoke in low tone already finding my voice.

"You dare to hurt yourself!?" He screamed and suddenly laugh darkly like a mad man.

"Let me get this straight to you" he paused calmly


I gasped in what he just said. He just can't do whatever he wants with me! I also have a life! I own my self, This is my life!

Tears threatening to fall but I refused to let it happen. I didn't dare to talk back to him this might get worse.

"Words Amerie" He spoke waiting for my answer

"Y-yes, I understand" I shattered not believing that I just agreed to him. D*mn! I can't even stand with myself.

"Let me remind you Amerie I control your life in everything you do. You can't live without me. You have nothing to go and not even your parents will accept you. In other words your life depends on me the moment you turned 16 years old"

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion

Did he just said that he controlled me at the age of 16. How come I barely know him until I married him.

"I already know you in your d*mn teenage years and I chose to marry you when you're ready" he told me darkly.

"I don't understand" still confused.

He knew me? I only heard his name when my father told me before 3 days I am going to marry him and I never saw him in my life until I married him. So Dad knows did but he never let me know?

My anger is at the edges, I feel so betrayed with my own family. They did not tell me about my marriage with this devil. I may prevent this from happening in the first place.

"Enough with that! You don't need to know it anymore. It is not that important. It is time for your punishment for hurting yourself without my consent"

He dragged my arms tightly still my body is wet.

"Ww-ait what----" I panicked not wanting to force himself again to me.

He sit in the leather couch and let me laid my stomach to his thighs.

"Pak!" A sudden slap went to my butt.

"Ahh" I screamed in pain as I struggled to get off on him.

Did he just spanked me?

"Stay still or i'll make it worse" He spoke in anger as he hit me one more time.

I cried in pain as he hit me a lot of times that I nearly passed out that's the time when he decided to stop.

I curse him inside my mind and my anger to him is just increasing.

He leave me  in the couch crying in pain still my stomach touching the couch. My butt is numb. That monster is so cruel. He deserves to die in the most painful way!

I hate him!!

He is the worst person I ever known alive. Does he have even a heart?

Tristan came back with something in his hand as my cry began to stop.

What he is planning to do again to me? He is going to hurt me again.

"Please no more pain! I couldn't take it anymore" I pleaded not wanting to hurt me again.

He always hurt me not only physically but mentally.

He didn't say anything as he came closer and sit on the floor facing my butt.

His warm hand touched my butt as I screamed again because of the stinging pain.

"Shh! Stop screaming" He said irritatedly.

I want to tell him that he is the cause of this but no words want to come from my mouth because we both know that at the end of the day he always win.

Im just saving myself from anymore pain but it doesn't mean that I will just accept my defeat, after all I will soon get my freeedom back. Keeping my thoughts will be the smartest thing to do right now.

He applied something sticky liquid at my butt and it eased my pain a little. He applied to the other side of my butt cheeks as he began to massage it softly.

The pain is still there whenever he touched it but it lessened compared awhile ago.

"Turn back" He commanded as I obliged to him weakly.

I turned my my front body to him while my butt touches the couch and I whimpered in pain.

I laid facing him and he scan my scratches all over my body.

He started to apply ointments softly around my breast to my torso. He also applied some at my face.

I just closed my eyes all the time not wanting to look at him. It's kinda awkward he is treating my scars.

But my anger is still there. This will never happen if it's not because of him.

I can't even accept my own self! I can't help but to feel disgusted everytime Im looking at the mirror.

I also got confussed when he gets angry without any reason that he can hurt me physically and now he is being nice to me after he just hurted me. I could not understand his personality and it is really hard to read him.

He suddenly carried me bridal style as I open my eyes tiredly to look at him.

He is looking straight away from me with stern face and he put me slowly at the other side of the king size bed.

He stand up and went to the bathroom and I hear the shower on.

My eyes is sleepy as I heard him closed the shower and entered our room.

I opened my eyes lazily as he is only wearing his boxers and drying himself with a towel.

I stared at his abs in awe but it quickly changed knowing what kind of man he is.

I closed again my eyes ready to sleep as I heard him speak.

"By the way about my surprise for you, Do you still want to know it?

I shot my open wide as he is staring at me.

Oh yeah, How could I forget his stupid surprise.

"Yes of course . What is it?" I asked excitedly but not really interested.

"I already released Lucca but I told him not to tell anyone what happened to him or else his family will all die" He chuckled darkly.

"Really!? You let him go? " This time my eyes wide in happiness. It will not be that difficult to escape him knowing that Lucca is already safe.

"Ah ah ah.. but don't try anything stupid or I might bring him back" He smirked showing his dimples as my smile disappeared in my face.

"If you continue to be a good girl I might let you work as a doctor again" He continued

"Really you will do that for me?" His words really gets my attention completely.

If he let me outside it is easier for me to escape him.

He didn't say anything as he closed the lights and began to slip in the blanket beside me and I began to move my body in the side corner to distance myself from him.

"Just be obedient wife and don't you ever try to hurt yourself again" He warned.

"Yes Tristan I'll do whatever you want just let me go work again" I said excitedly.

I didn't expect that It will be easier for me to gain my freedom back and I couldn't also believe that I just need to do what he wants before I get the things I like. It is really unfair!

"I want you to kiss me now. " He commanded.

What did he just said? I can't believe what he just asked me. I even don't want to touch him let alone to kiss him.

Freedom Amerie! Freedom!

But I need to do this.

"Okay" I agreed unwillingly hiding my disgust.

I started to move near him and kissed him on cheeks. I pulled quickly disgusted not bothering to hide it on my face. It's good it's already he can't see my expression.

"Is that an even kiss to you?" He said irritably.

"Do it again on lips" He ordered again.

I sighed not wanting to changed his mind as I pecked him on lips quickly.

"Are you really trying my patient?" He said as I could feel his anger beginning to rise again.

"This will be your last chance or else you will never step outside this mansion" He warned.

Do I really need to do this. He is really going to much. My freedom is at stake so I need to do this.

I breathe deep as I put my shaking lips on him.

He didn't response as if he is waiting for my next step.

I move my lips hesitantly to his lower lip sucking and biting it softly.

I am going to pull off as his hand firmly hold at the top my head.

My lips firmly pressed to his and he began to kiss me passionately he asked for an entrance as I let him to finish it already.

Our tongues disgustedly touched fighting for dominance and as usual he always win.

After an eternity he already released me as we began to catch our breath for air.

"I can't get enough of you" He said lustfully.

I began to move my self away from him. He immediately grabbed my hands to close our distance.

He caged me between his strong arms with my back touches his warm chest.

Im too sleepy to protest as I let my self completely drift into sleep.


I woke up as the sun rays hitting my face. I slowly opened my eyes as yawn excaped my lips.

I looked around and noticed Tristan already left.

I went straight to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I noticed that my scratches are healing so quick. What Tristan applied here is really effective.

My butt is still painful but thankfully it's tolerable.

I went down for breakfast and also to talk to Lea to discuss some changes in plan.

"Goodmorning Maam Amerie, What do you want for breakfast? A femine asked behind me.

I look at her and noticed her age is around 40's with pale skin.

"Anything will do" I smiled kindly to her.  She then leave bowing her head to prepare my breakfast.

"Where's Lea?" I asked the woman after finishing everything in my plate. I don't want to waste it knowing that she put efforts in making it.

She hesitate to answer me, knowing that they had strict command not to talk to me.

"It's okay not to answer my questiom. Just tell her that I wanted to see her in the garden if she have time. I will be waiting for her" I smiled to her leaving the table not forgetting to thank her for breakfast.

Deep inside I was so hurt that even our helpers are forbidden to talk me. My life is so sad that no one wanted to talk how's my day, laugh with me over silly jokes and comfort me when Tristan did terrible things to me.

Im also human too. I need someone to share my thoughts and luckily I have Lea who is bold enough to talk with me and with that I am very greatful.

"Goodmorning maam Amerie" Lea softly greeted snapping my thoughts, quickly glancing at her.

"Hi Lea, how are you?" I trying to have a little conversation with her.

"Im good Maam, why did you call me?" She asked carefully knowing why I really wanted to talk to her.

"It's all about our plan" I whispered enough for her to hear.



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