Two Katanas [1] (Arcana Famig...

By Midnight-life

14.7K 288 7

Mondo and Sumire's second daughter comes back home after years. Yet not many in the Famiglia know about her a... More

Notice please!
Libertá's mysterious savior
Papa's birthday!!
Great success
Sudden awakening
Outfit always matters
Ma Famiglia
A Pirate against a Samurai
Thank you
Orange to red to white
Proud Mama and a crying Papa
Falicitá's outburst
New office!
Dinner time!
Night time paperwork
Disrespecting Women!?
Waking Nova
Tons of paperwork but blackjack break
Goodnight kiss
Morning surprise
Adventure with a little kitten
Home safe and sound
The arrow
Helping at the docks
Love potion ❤
Long road home
Flood plans approved
Casual week on Regalo Island
Old Friend's
Church cleaning and a true story.....
Papa passes out because 'he's stressed'
She's back!.....but dieing
The Arcana Duwelo day has arrived
Fighting for a precious life
Mama's awake!
Thank you all!!

Burnt gingerbread

223 4 0
By Midnight-life

Stellae's POV*

56 days till the Arcana Duwelo.

I woke up that morning unsure of how I got here. All of a sudden things came flooding back.

We kicked those mens asses and we gave the purse back to the lovely woman, once we got home I went to help Nova with the plans for the flooding. And that's all I remember. I must of fallen asleep when I was with Nova! Shit!

I got up quickly had a quick shower. That was much needed. Changed and headed to breakfast.

*Libertá's POV*

Stellae walked in with her flattering suit on. She looked beautiful and as kind as ever. She swayed her hips back and forth as she walked. Her hair moved with everyone of her movements. He eyes sparkled in the morning sun.

She took her seat next to Luca. They started chatting about Luca's herbs gardens and how he needed to check up on a few of them as they seemed to be dieing off. Just as I was about to move into one of the two empty seats to sit next too Stellae two figures took those seats instead. Dabito took the seat next to her and Pace next to him. They both gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes at them. Dabito started flirting with Stellae as Pace, Luca and I sat their angry that he gets her attention so much. A huge scream that comes from the kitchen catches us all off guard. Stealle jumps out of her seat and runs to the kitchen.

'She's fucking fast!' Pace says in disbelief. I nod as we run after her.

We reach the kitchen to see the whole place in black smoke. I cough because of it. Luca and Pace run to the other side of the room to open then windows. As the black smoke starts to slightly clear Stellae careful moves all the kitchen staff to the dining room just for safety purposes. We all wait patiently for the smoke to clear. Everyone went back to their breakfast as nothing was on fire and no one seemed to be in danger.

Not long after we head back to the kitchen. Luca and Stellae talking in front of Dabito, Pace and myself. I take a look at Stellae from behind. My eyes lingering a while on her ass. I feel two hands on my neck. One on either side.

'Don't be disrespectful Libertá!' Pace whisper-shouts. I try to ignore them but their grip increases on my neck.

'You heard Pace! Respect her or we beat the shit out of you because of it, got it?' Dabito asks. I nod my head vigorously. They let go and keep walking without looking back. Fucking assholes! What the fuck was all that!? Just wait till she's mine!

*Stellae's POV*

Pace and Dabito caught up after talking to Libertá about something. I wonder what...?. We all started talking about Regalo and the mansion. They seem just as passionate about Regalo as Nova was, yet Nova seemed much more protective.

We reached the kitchen to smell burnt gingerbread. Unlike the homey, sweet smell it's suppose to have, it smelt like a salty graveyard. It gave me shivers right to the bone. I walk past Luca to look over everything, making sure everything was intacked and doesn't need replacing. Everything seemed fine, everything in perfect condition, but the oven. I squatted doown to the ovens level and opened the door to it. The oven on the outside seemed fine but once you opened the door to the inside of it the salty graveyard smell came wafting out. I scrunch my nose in disgust. I looked in to see a tray of what looked like flat charcoal pieces. I I stood back up looking for a cloth or an oven mit to take the tray out with but Pace just comes over to me with a cloth in hand and took them out for me.

'Thanks Pace!' I smile at him as he places the tray infront of us all.

'No problem princess!' He says happily. We both reluctantly look away from each other before looking down to the tray. We all stare wide eyed down at it before laughing our asses off.

'What the hell did you do Luca!' Dabito says through laughs.

'I-i tried to make gingerbread! He stammers. I giggle.

'They look horrible!' Libertá squeaks out as he laughs.

'H-hey I tried!' He says as his face turns red. I laugh out at his words before walking to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

'And you did such an amazing job!' I say sarcastically. Everyone burst out laughing including Luca. I calm down a bit. 'So what were the gingerbread biscuits for?' I ask.

'I'm making them for the Picolino!' Luca says proudly as if he didn't burn the biscuits. I look around at them confusingly.

'Picolino?' I asks. They all look at me in disbelief.

'Its when we bring the children of Regalo to the church on the outskirts of the city and tell them stories, play with them and have so much fun!' Pace answers excitedly hopping up and down. I grin up at them.

'Can I come?' I ask them with puppy eyes. They chuckle.

'Of course Cariño~ it would be no fun without you' Dabito says sending me a wink.

'And besides the kids have been talking about you non stop and they would love to meet you!' Libertá says. I smile and hop up and down.

'Yay!' I smile.

'Its not for another week or so though so calm down!' Pace says laughing at my actions.

'Aw...' I say sadly. I feel a hand on my head. I realise it's Libertá.

'Don't worry it goes by quicker than expected' and just like that he leaves the kitchen. I had a feeling he wasn't just talking about the Picolino. All of a sudden loud footsteps were heard. And by the way they walked they were angry.

'That's Milady! Run!' Luca says running out the side door of the kitchen. Pace grabs my hand and pulls me with him. I almost fell to the floor from his strength, but we were just in time before we felt Falicitá's rage.

'Luca how dare you!?' She screamed after us. I laughed as the others chuckled as the four of us ran through the garden like little kids.


1068 words!

Hope you enjoyed.

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