The Destroyer on Remnant (Des...

By sirkibblesthe3rd

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Remnant... A planet long abandoned by the brother gods... But what happens when the brother gods, decide to s... More

The Awakening
The Mission
Exploring Remnant
The Hunt for Vale pt. 1 Vacuo
The Hunt for Vale pt.2 Menagerie
Menagerie part 2
Before the Storm
Where I've been
First Day
A Late Night Talk
A Trip Gone Wrong
Not a chapter More of the same


1.6K 35 9
By sirkibblesthe3rd



"Will I ever see you again?"


Y/N: "You will, eventually..."


Y/N: "But rest assured... We will meet again..."


"I'll be waiting!"


You let out an aggravated sigh, looking at the two humans in front of you.

Y/N: "The war against Salem, How much progress have you made?"

Ozpin: "I... I-I don't know what yo-"

Letting out a snarl you violently grab him by the chin and lift him up to eye level, staring deep into his soul.

Y/N: "Don't you lie to me you pathetic creature!  I can feel the ancient magic in your soul, now answer the damn question!"

Ozpin struggles to breathe, Glynda raises her wand ready to attack you. 

Ozpin: "STOP!"

Glynda lowers her wand as Ozpin struggles to speak.

Ozpin: "Please... Release me and I will tell you!"

You bring him close to your face, staring into his eyes.  You breathe out a small amount of micro oxygen onto his face.

Y/N: "Try anything and I shall tear the both of you limb from limb."

You abruptly drop him and he lands hard on his back, taking deep breaths now that he can breathe. Goodwitch quickly runs over and helps Ozpin to his feet.  After catching his breath he finally looks to you.

Ozpin: "You... You're not from Remnant... Are you?"

Y/N: "No, I am not... The Gods have sent me to investigate this planet and to see if it's worth preserving or if it should be destroyed... And so far... I am Not impressed..."

Ozpin: "So the gods made more planets... And more Humans?  We're not the only ones?"

Y/N: "Other humans?  I am not so sure..."

Ozpin: "But yo-"

Y/N: "I am neither Human nor Faunus, I merely adopted this form to better blend in with your species."

Glynda: *Scoffs* Not a Faunus?  Then do tell, what do you look like then?"

Y/N: "If I were to adopt my true form at this very moment the both of you would be crushed under my foot..."

Ozpin: "I see... So yo-"

Y/N: "Stop."

He quickly becomes quiet.  Ozpin is no fool, he saw your display of power... And he's fully aware you were just playing with your prey.

Y/N: "I am not here to discuss myself.  Answer. The. Question."

Ozpin sighs and takes off his glasses and cleans them before looking back to you.

Ozpin: "As of right now, we are in a stalemate. Neither of us have gained or lost ground for some time."

Y/N: "Is that so...?  Because to me it appears that your species is currently on the back foot against the Grimm, you seem to be losing more and more settlement to the Grimm each passing day.  So are you quite sure you're in a 'Stalemate'? "

Ozpin places his glasses on his face and a look of determination spreads across his face, he places both hands on his cane and straightens his back.

Ozpin: "The settlements destroyed by the Grimm are small and hardly defended.  Any attempts made on larges settlements have been quickly shut down.  And the major cities such as Vale are the best protected, the chances of one falling is incredibly slim."

Y/N: "Slim, but not Zero."

You lift your tail and let it drop, shaking the area around you, seemingly feeling everything around you.

Y/N: "As far as I'm concerned, you have done little to help humanity defeat the Grimm in it's entirety.  You all seem to be on the verge of war, with camps of armed forces in random places near various settlements.  My opinion has not shifted from what I have stated."

Glynda: "What does your opinion mean to us?"

You turn your head and stare at her, stepping closer you tower over her.  She shrinks back a little under your gaze.  Your eyes glowing orange once more.

Y/N: "Were you not listening earlier?  If I do not deem this planet worthy of saving, I will wipe this planet clean of all life.  The gods will use this rock to make a new world, remnant and all of it's people will die."

You lift your tail and slam it down, feeling the vibrations of the world around you once more...  Something is off, but you choose to ignore this feeling for now.

Ozpin: "So, what can we do to change your mind?"

Y/N: "The fact you must ask that is the most disappointing thing so far..."

        Yang P.O.V.

The group of students are all walking in silence back to beacon, all of them processing what had occurred during the initiation.

Yang: "So... We all agree that none of us know what happened... Right?"


Weiss: "Would you stop yelling!?!"

Blake: "Not a clue, No idea, From the Forest, he was indeed very Yoked."

Yang: "Vvvvery Yoked~"

Nora: "Why are we using the word 'Yoked'?"

Yang: "I dunno, Jaune said it."

The group calms down and continues their conversation, looking for answers.

Weiss: "Right...So, does anyone know who or what that was?"

Pyrrha: "No clue, but the way he threw those Grimm around was... Astonishing..."

Nora: "It was so cool!  He tossed that deathstalker around like a toy!"

Blake: "So, none of you know him?"

everyone collectively shakes their heads, until Yang remembers something.

Yang: "Wait a minute... Ruby was expecting him... So what...?"

Weiss: "Ruby, do you care to explain?"


Weiss: "Ruby?"

The group stops and looks around, Ruby is no where to be found.

        Second P.O.V.

Ozpin: "If it's strength you wish to see, I can assure you we are much stronger than you may believe."

Y/N: "Strength?  Is that what you believe I wish to see?"

Ozpin: "Strength is what you desire correct?"

Y/N: "I do not care for the strength of your people Ozpin."

Glynda: "Then what is it that you want?"

You cross your arms and stare at the both of them, this conversation of trying to guess what you want was growing irritating.  Very Irritating... You slam your tail on the ground once more, creating a small crater. 

Y/N: "It isn't about what I want... It's about what the Gods want."

Glynda: "Well what is it th-"

You slam your tail again, now completely fed up with these to.  This is who the gods entrusted this planet to?  In what world was this a good decision?  You swing your tail destroying several nearby trees.

Y/N: "Is it that difficult for you to understand!?!  The gods wish to 'Kinship' 'Benevolent Leaders' 'Kinship!'  They wish to see this planet grow and prosper!  They wish to see you live in a Utopia!  You have accomplished NONE OF THIS!  All I have seen since I've been here is hostility!  Governments spreading lies and miss information to keep their people fighting to make it easier to control them!  People attacking one another simply because of something such as an animal trait or skin color!  Kingdoms on the verge of going to war with one another!  And from my understanding, this is far from the first one!"

Ozpin and Glynda both back up in shock, each word you spoke made you angrier and angrier.  The reality of everything finally hitting Ozpin like a truck.  Your horn was Glowing, your eyes Glazed over with an orange glow, Micro Oxygen leaking from your mouth and ears.

Y/N: "Allow me to be perfectly clear, I do not care for you or this world.  I am here to do a Job for my own freedom, As far as I'm concerned you and everything else on this planet can burn away into ash.  And seeing how you've failed in nearly all of these tasks, I believe I've already made my decision."

Ozpin: "Y-You have?"

You look to the sky, your presence and all the energy leaking from you caused the sky to turn orange once more. You sway your tail side to side as you stare at the Flaming sky.

Y/N: "You have failed this world, there is no kinship, no unity.  And your leaders actively manipulate their own people for their own gain.  Humanity is not worth saving, and I look forward to when I must destroy it...."

Ozpin grits his teeth and grips his cane, a defiant look on his face.

Ozpin: "I can not and will not allow you to destroy my home, I will stop you from delivering you message the gods here and now.  You will fail in your mission and you will not gain your freedom!"

You stare at him, your terrifyingly calm.  You unfold your arms and stand at your full height.  He has threatened you... He has threatened your Freedom... You speak and a shockingly calm, terrifyingly casual fashion.

Y/N: "Then you will be the first to die..."

Ozpin swings his cane at you as you lazily block it, Goodwitch raises her wand to attack you but you bat her way with your tail.  You grab Ozpin by the Jaw, you jam your fingers into his mouth, keeping your thumb on his chin. You grip tightly and begin to pull.


You remove your hand from Ozpins mouth, a look of shock on his face for multiple reasons.  He looks to the side to find the source of the voice, his eyes widen when he see's-

Ozpin: "R-Ruby?  H-How long have you been there?"

Y/N: "The entire time..."

Ozpin: "A-And you didn't say anything?  This is a sensitive matter!"

Y/N: "So you Were hiding the truth from them.  Does she even know?  Is she even aware of her own powers?"

Ruby stares at you, wide eyed and very confused.

Ruby: "P-Powers?"

You scoff and look back to Ozpin, letting out a low growl.

Y/N: "I believe I made the correct decision disposing of you..."

You real your hand back ready to take off his head when you feel a weight on your arm, you slowly look to your arm to see the silver eyed girl hanging from your arm, holding it tightly.

Ruby: "Please Just wait!"

Y/N: "And why should I?  This planet has failed in every regard, and now this pathetic creature is attempting to stand between me and my freedom.  For what reason should I stop?"

Ruby: "Please, You haven't been here long.  I felt it when you landed here, when you quickly fly across the world it's easy to pick out all the evil that's here.  But please!  Give us a chance!  I can show you that we're not as bad as you think!  We look out for each other, we help each other when we're in need. Just give us a chance!  Please!"

Y/N: "Oh?  Is that so?  And you will be undertaking this task yourself?"

Ruby: "W-Well I... Uh..."

You bring her closer to your face, looking directly into her eyes.

Y/N: "If you're so confident that there is so much good in this world, then YOU can be the one to show it to me.  You cannot make such claims just to pawn the job off to someone else."

Ruby: "A-Alright...!  I'll do it!  I'll show you the good in this world, I promise you'll change your mind!"

Ruby claims as she drops down from your arm and looks up at you, clearly set on what she said.

Y/N: "You're either Brave or Stupid, however I respect your determination."

Ruby: "How long do I have to change your mind?"

Tossing Ozpin to the ground you put your hand to your chin, thinking of how long you've been here.  You came to your conclusion in a little over a week, but she seems determined to give you a close look at everything.  Which means no skimming around the planet, you'd be taking it slow. A month perhaps, A month and a half?  Yes, A month and a Half.

Y/N: "A month and a half."

She nods, but from either Stupidity, Adrenalin or Sheer Will power she speaks up.

Ruby: "Three months! 

Ozpin: "R-Ruby!"

You stare at her for a moment before a big grin spreads across your face.  You lean down towards her.

Y/N: "Daring one aren't you?"

She stares back at you unwavering, holding strong.  She's not backing down from what she said.  Your grin gets larger as you begin to cackle.  She looks at you now confused.

Y/N: "Very well, Three months.  You better make that time count..."

You turn your head to see Godwitch now standing and Ozpin staggering to his feet again, you point at Ozpin.

Y/N: "You there, Failure.  The Child has bought you more time to live.  Now, Which direction is beacon...?"

Ozpin: "I-I will lead you there, I must attend the ceremony to announce the teams. Miss Rose."

Ruby Perks up hearing her name.

Ozpin: "I would like a word with you after the assembly.  Mr. Destroyah, if you wouldn't mind waiting in my office till the assembly is finished."

Y/N: "For what purpose...?"

Ozpin: "We must make accommodations for your stay here, we must work everything out for your stay.  It's is the large tower, at the very top."

Y/N: "I shall do as I please..."

Ozpin: "Please, we must keep some semblance of order.   Miss Rose's job will be much harder if you're constantly causing chaos."

Ruby: "O-Only a little..."

You look down at her, and she fidgets a bit under your gaze.  You let out a sigh and walk towards the academy.

Y/N: "Fine..."

Ozpin breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes his shoulders, while Glynda fixes her hair.  Ruby stands tall with a smile on her face and hands on her hips.  She raises her hands to her mouth.

Ruby: "Thank you!"

  Third Person P.O.V.

Ruby take a deep breath and turns toward Ozpin and Glynda.  Her smile wide as ever.   Before her face finally changes to one of terror.

Ruby: "Oh my God..."

She says as she leans forward putting her hands on her head and breathing heavily.  Her brave, confident and calm demeaner breaking down.  She runs her fingers through her hair trying to calm herself down.

Ruby: "Th-That just happened right?  All of that just happened?"

Goodwitch: "Yes Miss Rose, all of that happened."

Ruby: "Of all of the things that have happened in my life, INCLUDING TODAY!  That was the most terrifying thing that I have ever done!  If this keeps up I think my heart is gonna give out!"

Ozpin: "Ruby... You must understand something, Even if it's only for three months... You just saved Remnant.  But are you sure you know what you're doing here?"

Ruby: *Deep breath* "Not a clue, but I'm gonna try my best or die trying..."

He gives Ruby a concerned look, before letting out a sigh. He pats Ruby on the back and motions for the both of them to follow.

Ozpin: "Come along, we have an assembly to attend."

           [Short time skip]

The three finally arrive back, Ruby smiles finally back to safety-


Ruby: "AH!  HIDE ME!"

She attempts to run before a Blond girl tackles her, pinning Ruby to the ground.  Yangs eyes are red and her hair glowing.


Jaune: "We thought something happened to you!"

Weiss: "Just how Irresponsible can you be?"

Ozpin: "Enough!  Miss Xiao Long, Release her, Now."

Yang stares at Ozpin, sparing a glance at Ruby before getting off.

Ozpin: "Everything is fine.  Miss Rose was with me and Ms. Goodwitch.  Now then, if are done with the excitement for the day, let's get to the ceremony."

He and Glynda walk ahead, Ruby goes to follow but is stopped as Yang grabs her arm.

Yang: "Stop."

Ruby: "Yang we-"

Yang: "No, I'm tired of waiting.  It's time you explain what's going on here."

Ruby: "I-I don-"

Yang: "You've been acting strange this past week and even more so today.  Oz, has been talking with you one on one a lot. What is going on?  Who was that?"

Ruby: "W-Well... Alright... He-"

Goodwitch: "Today, children."

Ruby let's out a sigh and looks at the group.

Ruby: "I'll tell you after, alright?"

Yang, now clearly upset that the answers she wants keeps getting delayed.  She walks past Ruby, not looking at her.  The rest of the group follows but giving Ruby curious and confused expressions.  Ruby slowly walks after the group.

The ceremony passes quickly, with Ruby be announced as the Leader of Team RWBY and Jaune being the Leader of Team JNPR.  And some other group of students that looked like a bunch of pricks.  Ruby begins to follow her team to their dorm before Goodwitch snags Ruby and takes her to Ozpin's  office.  Further angering Yang.  The two get to the elevator to see Ozpin waiting for them.

He presses the button to go to the top floor, Ruby reaches out to push another button but Goodwitch slaps her hand.  As they get to the top they see Y/N waiting for them, arms crossed and tail swaying behind him.

Ozpin: "Ah Destroyah, I see you figured out how to work the elevator."

Y/N: "Yeah, lets go with that."

As he's saying this Ruby looks at a broken window and all the glass on the floor.  Goodwitch sighs and waves her wand repairing the window as Ozpin sits down at his desk.

Ozpin: "Now then, Miss Rose... I need to make something perfectly clear to you.  You are undertaking a Huge responsibility, every action you make will shape the future.  To get to the point, Remnants fate lies in your hands."

Ruby: "Right, So... No pressure... heh heh... oh..."

Y/N: "Really giving her a confidence boost aren't you...?"

Ozpin: "It's important for her to understand the gravity of the situation."

He looks to Ruby, a serious expression on his face once more.

Ozpin: "Ruby, as much as they wish to know... You can not inform your team of what is going on..."

Ruby: "W-WHAT!?!"

Y/N: "Keeping more things in the dark Ozpin...?"

Ozpin: "If they are made aware of what's happening their responses will be artificial and acted.  You say you wish to see our people for who they are, this is how you will see."

Y/N: "Hm"

Ruby: "They deserve to know!  After everything that's happened today the-"

Ozpin: "No, This is where I put my foot down Miss Rose.  If you tell your team or anyone else about all of this, I will have you expelled.  Do I make myself clear?"

She stares at him in disbelief, she looks to Goodwitch who simply nods with a stern face.  She stares at the ground trying to figure out what to do.  Ruby glances at Y/N, he stares back at her with an unreadable expression.  She lets out a sad sigh and looks down.

Ruby: "Yes sir..."

Ozpin: "Good, you are dismissed."

Ruby: "H-Huh?  That was it?  I thought-"

Goodwitch: "Now Miss Rose."

The young reaper clenches her fist clearly aggravated at what's occuring, she turns and walks to the elevator and pushes the button to go down.  Now it's just the teachers and the monster.

Ozpin: "Now then I-"

Y/N: "The single most important person currently on the planet, and the first thing you do is blackmail them.  I question how you've made it this far to begin with..."

Ozpin: "It's important she understands the gravity of-"

Y/N: "It's important You understand that she could very well cause the destruction of this world out of spite."

Ozpin: "If that is the case I shall simply assigned the job to someone else."

Y/N: "Oh?  And who are you to make such a decision?"

Ozpin: "What?  I-"

Y/N: "You have no power over this, she came to your rescue and volunteered herself for this task.  You no longer have control of this situation, it is in her hands and hers alone.  She now decides the fate of this world.  Not You..."

The Destroyer looks at the headmaster with a piercing gaze.  Ozpin stares back, eventually he submits and bows his head.  The monster smirks and gives a small chuckle.

Ozpin: "Now then, onto other matters.  I much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, there are rules you must follow..."

Y/N: "Excuse you?"

Goodwitch: "If you are to stay here so that Miss Rose can do what has been assigned to her, we can not have you causing chaos or even death simply because you feel like it."

Y/N: "Seems like a You problem."

Ozpin: "We can not continue as normal if you are constantly killing and terrorizing students and civilians."

Y/N: "I should care?  Even if I do break your rules, there is no consequence for my actions."

Ozpin: "The gods want a fair judgement, yes?  If they come to see if your lying or not, you will never gain your freedom."

Y/N: "So what do you suppose I do then?"

The headmaster rises from his desk and begins to pace the room with his hands behind his back.

Ozpin: "You shall pose as a student, you'll attend classes as everyone else does as to not draw suspicion towards yourself.  As you go through the motions Ruby will do as she has been tasked with."

Y/N: "This seems to be a colossal waste of time, this appears to be more of a means of temporary containment... If you could even call it that..."

Ozpin: "Doing as we ask ensures that you will be near Miss Rose at all times, allowing for little to no wasted time to do her job as well as keeping both her and you fed and well rested.  I believe this is the best option."

Y/N stares at the headmaster for sometime, seemingly processing everything that has been stated.  He cares little for any of this, he could just take Ruby and leave but then he would have to search for food for her.  Doing so could also lead to her being over stressed and cause her to think and act irrationally...

Y/N: "Very well...  But if this proves to be nothing but a waste of my time.  I will make you watch as I kill everyone and burn this place to the ground..."

Ozpin: "T-Thank you Destroyah...  Now then... About your sleeping arrangements...."

Ruby stomps through the halls towards her dorm, she risked her life and saved Ozpin just for this to happen?  She promised her team that she'd tell them everything!  And now because of Ozpin she can't!  They're gonna hate her now!  And Yang... How is she gonna deal with that?  She runs her fingers through her hair trying to come up with something, but she can't think of anything.  

She gives out an angry scream and stops walking.  She pulls her hood over her head, gripping it tightly.  All of this is happening to her... Just because she tried to stop one criminal...  How was she supposed to know that it'd eventually lead to her talking to a God of destruction?  She wanted something more than an ordinary life... But this?

Soon the young reaper arrives at the door to her dorm.  How was she gonna explain this?  She takes a deep breath and opens the door.  Inside the room her team all turn their heads to look at her.  She slowly closes the door behind her and stares at the ground.  Not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.  Her cloak is draped around her, hiding her body.  Weiss and Blake each get up from their beds and walk over to her while Yang stares at her with an expecting face.

Yang: "So... Ready to talk?"

Ruby's hood covers her face as she turns her head away from her sister.  Yang's eyes begin to turn red as she stands up.  Weiss let's out a huff while Blake seems some what neutral.  Yang stomps closer to her sister.

Yang: "Are... You... SERIOUS!?!"

While her face is kept hidden, Ruby takes a step back.  Clearly not wanting to face her sisters wrath.

Yang: "Through out this whole day you've been putting off what's actually going on here!  And after what happened earlier, I've had enough!  You're going to tell what's happening!  NOW!"

Ruby: "Yang... I-"

Yang: "NO!  Enough excuses!  You're telling me what going on!  I'm tired of being given the run around!"

Ruby: "Yang...!  I can't-"


Ruby: "I CAN'T!"

Yang: "WHAT!?!"



Finally snapping Ruby shoves Yang back as her hood fall down showing the tears running down her face.


Yang now taken aback by Ruby's aggression stares in shock, slowly processing what she just said.

Yang: "W-What?"

Weiss: "Woah Woah, hang on a second.  Why would you get kicked out of beacon?  What happened that just sharing that information would get you removed?  Sounds far fetched to me."

Blake: "It does sound rather unlikely, you would've had to do something extreme for something like that to happen.  I would like to know the truth Ruby."

Ruby: "I can't tell you, I already told you that!"

Weiss: "And I don't believe you!  It's time to fess up you little brat!"


She's stopped mid sentence as the door opens once more, everyone turns to look and see Y/N leaning down through the door frame entering the room.  Everyone stops talking and stares at the creature before he slowly closes the door behind him.  He scans the room, looking at the team as he does so.  He slowly walks towards the group, everyone but Ruby begins backing up as Destroyah closes in on them.  He comes to a halt next to Ruby, staring down at her as she stares at the floor.

Second Person P.O.V.

You stare down at the as she stares at the floor, you could tell what was happening.

Y/N: "You wish to tell them... Don't you...?"

The young Rose says nothing, but she merely nods her head.  You give a hum and look to the group, confusion clearly on their faces. 

Y/N: "Then tell them..."

Ruby: "I... I can't remember...?"

Yang: "He was there?"

Y/N: "And why can't you?"

You ask, leaning down to look at Ruby's face.  She glances at you, confused.  There's an odd sense of menace and calm in the air.

Ruby: "Ozpin said, i-if I told anyone... H-He'd expel me..."

Y/N: "And you listened to him...?"

Ruby: "W-Well... Y-Yeah... Why wouldn't I...?"

You return to your upright posture as you look down at her, she looks up to meet your eyes as you begin to speak again.

Y/N: "...Ruby... Yes...?"

She nods.

Y/N: "If you haven't taken note of your situation...  You are The Single, Most Important Person on this planet at this moment in time.  Ozpin can not do anything to you without jeopardizing this world.  Any threats he makes towards you are hollow.  He can not touch you..."

Ruby's stares at you as reality sets in for her, she looks to the ground mulling over what you just said.  She looks over to her team, who are now even more confused.  'Most Important Person on the Planet'?  What the hell were you talking about.  Ruby takes a deep breathe and faces her team.

Ruby: "So... You really want to know what's happening...?"

Her team looks at each other, then to you, then back to Ruby.

Ruby: "Once I tell you, there's no going back.  Are you sure?"

They nod, Ruby looks to you, you give her a nod as well.  She looks back to her team.

Ruby: "Alright... Here's what happening..." 


"I don't believe you."

Weiss states, the group now sitting around after the breakdown from Ruby.  You stand off to the side simply watching and listening to the breakdown. The sun had set as Ruby filled everyone in on what's happening.  Ruby is clearly exhausted from the events today, physically and mostly mentally and emotionally.  She leans back and shrugs.

Ruby: "Well, it's the truth.  What more do you want?"

Weiss: "Yeah right, you're on a mission to save the world form... This guy, who can apparently destroy all life on the planet?  Give me a break.  He's clearly just some sort mutated faunus.  This is all just some elaborate prank."

Yang: "I'm more stuck on the fact that dad was here."

Ruby: "That's what your stuck on?"

Yang: "I mean... Kinda?  He has a job to do, so him just showing up here randomly doesn't make much sense."

Ruby: "What do yo- You know what forget it.  I'm calling him."

Yang: "Eh?"

The silver eyed girl pulls out her scroll and taps a contact on her list, it rings for a couple of moments before Yang hears a familiar voice on speaker.

Tai: "Hello?"

Ruby: "Hi dad!"

Tai: "Ruby!  You're okay!  How'd initiation go?"

Ruby: "It uh... Went...  ANYWAYS!  Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

Tai: "You mean the meeting with Oz?  Yeah, why?"

Yang: "Wait, you were actually here!?!"

Tai: "Is that Yang?"

Ruby: "Yup!"

Tai: "Hi Yang!" 

Yang: "Hi... Dad, You were here?"

Tai: "Sure was, did uh, everything work out Ruby?"

Ruby: "Uh..."

She looks to you, you look back.

Ruby: "Yes?"

Tai: "Good to hear, is uh is that all you needed?"

Ruby: "Yup, bye dad."

Tai: "Bye"


Yang: "Huh... Welp, I believe you."

Weiss: "That's it?  That's all it took to convince you?"

Yang: "Eyyyup"

Weiss: "Blake?"

Blake: "Seems to fit the events in the news well enough, seems possible."

Weiss: "He's just some guy!  He's not some sort of world ending monster!"

Y/N: "And what would change your mind exactly?"

Weiss: "Proof, you're just a man.  A very strong, very tall man, but a man none the less."

Y/N: "Come with me and I'll show you one of my lesser forms."

Weiss: "No way, you'll probably just take me to a spot where you have something rigged up."

Y/N: "Then you choose a spot."

Weiss: "Here."

Y/N: "No."

Weiss: "Why not?  Don't have anything ready?"

Y/N: "Because you need a room to stay in for the next four years."

Weiss: "Fine, I'll go pick a spot.  Come along."

Y/N: "Don't order me around if you value your life."

Weiss: "Hmph."

Ruby: "Oh! I wanna see!"

Yang: "Same."

Blake: "Might as well..."

All of you get up and follow the heiress through the halls and outside, you walk for quite some time, Ruby growing more tired with every step.  Weiss mean while is choosing the perfect spot.

Ruby: "How much longer are we gonna walk Weiss?"

Weiss: "Hush you, we're almost there."

A another minute passes and you all arrive in a small clearing, Weiss looks around as if looking for any sort of tampering.  She gets a smug smile and turns to you, hands on her hips.

Weiss: "Here, Mister 'Monster'.  Let's see that 'true form'"

You give a grunt and walk in front of the group, you come to a stop and slowly spread your wings to their full length.  Then, you go still, not a single movement.  Ruby, now wide awake once more watches with anticipation. A few moments go by and nothing happens.

Ruby: "Wha-"

As she begins to speak you burst into glowing orange dust.  Said dust slowly sinks into the ground and disappears.  A few more moments pass... Nothing...  Just wind... Weiss's smug smile returns.

Weiss: "Just what I thought, he didn't have anything so he ran away!  What a waste of ti-"

Before she can finisher sentence the ground rumbles and explodes in front of the students, something rises out of the ground. as the dust settles they see something, an outline.  Clearly not human.

Yang: "What the hell is that!?!" 

They all stare at the creature, neither them nor the creature in front of them move.  Weiss now some what panicking now that she's losing ground begins to get desperate.

Weiss: "W-Well clearly it's just a statue!  No creature like that exists! he ju-"

Her theory is dashed as the monster moves one of it's legs forward.  Then another.  Then another.  Slowly closing in on the students.  It's eyes narrow and it's head begins bob side to side as purple electricity crackles around it's head.  It fire a VERY familiar looking purple beam from it's mouth at the feet of the girls as the all jump back.  It's eyes lock onto Weiss, who's now in complete shock.  A second set a of jaws extend from the creatures mouth and open and close repeatedly, as if it was laughing at her.  The Jaws retract and The monster bursts into orange dust once more before quickly reforming into your human state in a kneeling position.

 You rise from your spot and approach the girls, mostly Weiss. You lean down and look her in they eyes. 

Y/N: "Do you believe me now...?"

She just stares in awe at you.  Unable to speak.  Mean while someone else has a very important question for you.

Yang: "D-Do you have that second mouth when you're in this form?  I gotta know."

You look to her and lean very close, you stare at her and she stares back.  After a moment you open your mouth and-

Yang: "Oh, I guess no-"

She almost finishes her sentence before your inner jaw shoots out and bites at her.  She shrieks and jumps back.  You begin to chuckle as she recomposes herself.

Yang: "Where was that thing even hiding!?!  I just saw the Whole inside of you mouth!"

You slowly open your mouth once more, Ruby leaning close to Yang to get a better look.  They see your inner jaw closely outlines the inside of your mouth, making it seem as if it's not there to begin with.

Ruby: "Huh, Neat...  Can we go to bed now?"

Blake: "Please..."

You all quickly make your way back to the dorm, everyone gets ready for bed as they realize something.

Ruby: "Hey uh Destroyah?  Could you step out of the room while we change?"

Y/N: "...No..."

Yang: "Perv."

Y/N: "Why is it such a big deal if I stay in here or not while you change?"

Blake: "He really is an alien." 

Ruby: "Well, it's just uh...  Well you see... Uh... Guys, a little help here?"

Blake: "Members of the opposing sex do not typically change in the same room at the same time."

Y/N: "You creatures are so sensitive about the dumbest things..."

Ruby: "So...?"

Y/N: "Still no."

Ruby: "Oh...  Hey wait, where are you going to sleep?"

Everyone looks around the room, 5 people, 4 beds.  They begin to think of ideas before you walk to the middle of the room.  You violently open your wings throw the beds to opposite sides of the room, 2 beds on one side, 2 beds on the other, and a big empty space in the middle.  You plop yourself down in the middle of the room and lay on your stomach, using your arms as pillows.  The girls mean while just stare at you.

Yang: "That works."

You slowly spread your wings before they go limp, your wings now taking up a good chunk of the room.  You're not really paying attention as everyone gets changed, everyone climbs into bed and one by one falls asleep.  You notice in the darkness a pair of faintly glowing silver eyes watching you, your eyes glow orange as you make eye contact.

Ruby: *Whispering* "Hey, Mister Destroyer?  What did you mean earlier when you asked if I knew about my powers?  I-I don't have any powers... Do I?"

Y/N: "...You do, though you may not have used them yet, you do have them and you are more powerful than you realize."

Ruby: *Whispering: "Really!?!  What are they?!?  What can I do!?!"

Y/N: "Another time, Ruby.  Go to sleep."

Ruby: *Whispering* "Aw... Alright...  Goodnight!"




"Goodnight Ruby"






Another chapter before then end of the year, and now the story is getting moving.
I wanted to get another chapter out for the holidays and I did!

What do you guys think so far?  Anything you would change?

And yes, my writing style change again. Sorry.


Would any of you be interested in a RWBY JoJo story, where you are Dio?  Neither on Ozpin's or Salem's side, but on your own team, helping whichever side benefits you the most at the moment. 

Let me know.


As always any writing tips or feed back is appreciated, let me know what you think.

I'm Sirkibbles 

Merry Christmas

Ocelot: And Happy Holidays.

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