I Am Become War

By Arackma872

139 1 6

Imagine you have the perfect life. You're in college, you are star of the football team, you have lots of fri... More

All I Have Left
This Means War
Back From the Dead
Museum of Blood
I am Become War - Part 1


51 1 3
By Arackma872

Hi, my name is Mark. And I have a question for you. Have you ever been in one of those moments where you are doing something you will definitely forget about in a couple of months? One of those moments that mean nothing to you? A moment that will be rarely remembered? Then suddenly, life slaps you in the face with some horrible event that makes you cringe at the sight of it.

I was in a college class when it went down. It felt like yesterday. Six horrible months went by and I still remember it perfectly.

My life wasn't perfect, but it was well lived. I was a very popular kid among the class. I always sat with my four friends and my girlfriend at lunch. I was the second best football player on our team. The best was Bruno, my best friend. Bruno was a kid who was like two feet shorter than me. He had long hair that was pulled away from his face and a faint mustache. He had a tan face that was clear of every pimple. We are complete opposites and we're still best friends.

I was in class where my science teacher, Mr. Hewitt, was teaching us biology, today's lesson was about photosynthesis.

Mr. Hewitt was a short, chubby, bald man who loved his job. He had a stringy white beard and a mustache that was way too small for his head. He was one of those teachers that everyone likes.

"Can anyone in here tell me the equation for photosynthesis?" Mr. Hewitt asks.

Half the class raised their hands. Even my girlfriend, Jeanne, raised her hand.

"Good." he said. "Now who can tell me the equation for cellular respiration?"

Bruno, who is sitting next to me, shot up his right arm. He then, again, recited the equation perfectly without a stutter.

"Good." Mr. Hewitt continued. He further explained the cycles of the of plants and went into more detail about cellular respiration.

"Now some of you may have noticed, but the equation for photosynthesis is the reverse version of the equation for cellular respiration. This is because when the plant takes in energy, it has to put out the energy that it has converted.

"Hope you took notes. Next class, we are going to go deeper into this cycle," Mr. Hewitt said to the class as the bell rung.

Later, we sat at the lunch table that we always sat at. Jake and Bruno were there first to arrive to the spot we always hung out at. Jeanne was getting her lunch from her refrigerator which she forgot everyday. The other two, Paul and Frank, are doing the same thing.

Paul was blonde and his face was completely covered in freckles and achene. He had a large nose and one of his ears was smaller than the other. Frank was a blast to hang out with. He was dyslexic, but it didn't matter to us. He was bigger than me and had long stringy black hair that hung to his chin. He always wore a tuxedo with no tie for some reason.

"So I here you just turned 21?" Jake asked me.

"Like three months ago." I replied.

"My big brother is throwing a party at his house just a mile from here. There is going to be a lot of alcohol. Just wondering if you want to come and if you were the right age."

"Me and Mark are in." Bruno said right away.

I almost said no, but then I thought What the heck.

"The party starts at 7:30." Jake said. "And feel free to bring Jeanne."

"What party?" Frank said as he walked over to the table with Paul. "Didn't hear anything about a party."

"Oh, I almost forgot invite you guys." Jake replied.

We sat and waited for Jeanne. She took longer than usual. She always arrived ten minutes after she went to the dorms. We always ate together. We were starving so we dug in.

Ten minutes later, Jeanne came rushing towards our table. She looked worried. Her lunch was not in her hands.

"We have to get out of here right now!" Jeanne said.

"What the hell is gong on," I asked.

But before she answered, I heard a long wur that echoed through the sky. I ran to the front door which was completely made of glass. I looked up to see a plane that was covered in blue paint and had a cloud painted onto it. The more I looked at it, the more planes I saw.

Suddenly, what seemed like hundreds of men emerged from the plane. They floated down in parachutes that were painted like the planes. Their feet touched the ground and they immediately started pulling off their gear. They then pulled rifles out and started shooting at innocent people.

I ran back to the table and screamed at them to get the hell out of here. We ran through the building telling people to get out, but I sadly didn't have hope for anybody to get out.

I heard the cracking sound of glass and gunfire. I looked back to see eight men coming through the glass. The ground crunched as they walked.

I looked to my left to see a kid with pink hair and a beanie get shot in the leg. I ran back to him and brought him to his feet. His leg was so badly wounded that he couldn't walk. I couldn't carry him over my shoulders, it would slow me down.

When I was about to give up, Frank ran over to me and slumped the guy over his shoulder and ran. I followed him worried that the eight soldiers behind me would catch up. I looked back to see them gone. They must have gone the other direction to kill everybody else.

I noticed that nobody else was following us except Mr. Hewitt who appeared out of nowhere. Mr. Hewitt was helping Jake catch up because he was too slow. We finally got to the back entrance and went through the door.

The back entrance was connected to a garage filled with cars. I opened a four wheel drive's door and Frank dumped the pink haired guy in the back. Mr. Hewitt got in the front seat and started the car with a key from his pocket. I got into the passenger seat and everybody else jumped into the back.

Mr. Hewitt started the car and went to the exit. The exit had a dead man in the security room. Next to the room was a piece of wood that barred us off from the road. Mr. Hewitt drove through the bar and I heard splintering wood and a screech as we made a sharp turn.

When we turned the corner, we saw multiple soldiers firing upon a man women and daughter. They didn't stop until they were all dead.

Raged, I said to Mr. Hewitt "Hit them."

Hewitt slammed his foot onto the pedal and went flying straight towards the group of soldiers. I watched as four men rolled backwards over the car. I heard a clang on the roof. One of the soldiers must have dropped one of their weapons.

Gunfire followed us as we drove down the street. I looked up at the sky to see a different type of plane in the air. It was black and flat. It was a stealth bomber. I saw as it dropped multiple bombs down over the city. Screams and explosions were heard among the city. I then had an Idea.

"Go to one of the buildings that were bombed." I said to Hewitt.

"What?" he asked.

"If we go to one of the buildings that were bombed, we could be safe there."

"There will be fires and the soldiers will search the place."

"Then we put out the fires and kill the people that search the building. As simple as that."

"Then a unicorn will come out of my arse." said the pink haired kid in a strong British voice.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Caleb." he replied.

"Shut up Caleb."

"It's worth a shot." said Jake.

"Okay we'll go there!" Hewitt screamed.

"Go across town so the people we just hit don't try to follow us." said Paul.

We then reached one of the houses that were in shambles, but it stood. We waited, preparing for them to come, but they didn't.

This would go on for a few more months.

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