Love Me Still (Five X reader)

By dracomalfoysimp78893

94.6K 1.7K 1.1K

Yn was a very powerful witch and with that power comes a very dysfunctional family. She was turned into an as... More

The commission Files.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Season Two
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35

chapter 31

1.4K 20 1
By dracomalfoysimp78893

"All right here's the plan Oswald finishes his shift at 4.30pm once he walks out those doors we force him into the front seat ."

"I'm in the front seat."

"Okay fine in the backseat. Your going to pin his arms and I'm gonna cut off his trigger finger."

I open the door of Diego's car and laugh at his stupidity. Did he really think that would work?

"Thats not going to workkkkk."


"In the flesh and I am not letting you do this."

"Who's that?"

"Could ask you the same question but anyway your whole plan is completely and utterly stupid."

"Whoever she is she's right. Chopping off a guys finger what's that going to do?"

"Leave a blood stain in this nice car."

"No its his TRIGGER finger. You can't shoot without your trigger finger."

It's at that moment I realise he's being serious and I can't help but laugh. My brother is a bigger idiot than I thought. Don't get me wrong I love him but how can he be so stupid.

"What if he's ambidextrous?"

"Or ya know skillful enough to shoot a gun with a different finger."

"Honestly, how do you get through a day?"

"Get out. Both of you. I can do this on my own."

"Dr Moncton was right this hero complex is no joke."

"Hero my ass. Your more like the annoying vigilante who got way to many seasons on Netflix."

"Shut up Eight and that is not what this is about."

"It kinda is Di you wanna prove to daddy dearest that your better than big grape ape."

"No you two don't know anything about me!"

"I know everything about you you are an open book for very dumb children."

"She's not wrong but .Wait how do you even know him?"

"Psych Ward."

"So let me get this straight you brought a looney with you without doing background checks or anything? Such a wise leader."

"Umm rude U never told us why u were doing this."

"Because he is an idiot."

I look at Five who smirks at me but there was a look in his eyes which had grown since the last time I saw him. It was a look of sadness.

"Wait there two of you now? Who the hell are you?"

"Wells she's my girl and I'm his loving brother."

He didn't need to introduce me as his girl but at the same time I wouldn't stop him from doing it again.

"Who left me to rot in a nuthouse. Yn tell him off."

"Are you really crazy enough to think you didn't belong in there too?"

"What Yn means is we did it to protect you."

" I really didn't mean that." Five jokingly glares at me. "I stand by my comment."

"Okay all three of you out."

"Lose the crazy lady and come with us."

I laugh and lean against Five a bit while Lila is looking at us like we are crazy. I mean in some ways were are. Our pasts are all full of crazy scary things that nobody would ever believe we're true.

"I told you after I save JFK."

"Okay fine. Officer!"

I lean over Fives lap to get to the window and laugh as Diego and Lila start to freak. The police officer didn't even see me, such drama queens.

"What are you doing eight!"

Five grabs my waist and pulls my head from the window and I come eye to eye with a pissed off Diego, oops.

"There's a reward out for you to Di and as you can tell I would kill for a new pair of heels."

"She's bluffing."

"Oh Lila sweetheart, I'm not."

Five leans into my ear and whispers, Thats my girl. I smirk a little bit more and lean back kicking my feet on to the back of Diego's chair.

"I'll go with you."

"What about me?"

"And I'm bringing the crazy lady."

I roll my eyes but lean into Five again who wraps an arm loosely around my waist while telling Diego where to go.

As soon as we walk into the building a gun is pointed at our heads. Five pushes me behind him a little bit and I scoff. Yes I love the protective Five but I can take care of myself.

"Where'd you get the film? The Frankel footage, the truth this time."

"You know this lunatic?"

"New acquaintance. He's harmless."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Are you or are you not an enemy of the people?"

"Such an open minded question yea." Diego answers while looking at Five

"Really depends on the people." Five answers and looks at me

"I mean isn't everyone in there own way?"

We all laugh like the gun means nothing to us, which it doesn't.

"You move one more muscle and I will blow your brains out."

"Okay calm down pinkie pie on steroids. Take the gun out of our faces before we become the enemy."

Five looks at me and smirks with pride whereas Lila is staring at me with fear.

"Yns got him"

"Definitely. Hey lila."

I shadow travel behind him and push the gun upwards. Bang.

"What the hell just happened?"

"We just learnt the dude Infront of us has bad aim. Now let's watch this tape."

Five put on the tape and I stood beside him. I know Five has been through a lot and I know he's the perfect guy but sometimes I just wish he would show it more often. The arms around the waist are cute but even then.

"They're so cute. I love old couples. I'm always so proud of them not murdering each other. Wait that's six days from now!"

"Congratulations you know the date, do you want a cookie."

"Holy shit this is it. The grassy knoll. Kennedy's about to get shot. How do you have this?"

"Hazel died to get me this footage."

"He's dead? Shame he seemed so nice. Do you think it will help stop doomsday?"

"How did you know?"

"I know you better than u know yourself."

Five can't even say I was reading his mind because that power is long gone. I'm now stuck with two powers, shadow traveling and fire. I used to be so powerful and now I can't even cast a stupid spell.

"Skip back again, hazel?"

"Long story."

"What's doomsday?"

"Longer story. Hazel was killed before he could explain but whatever he wanted us to see is on this film."

"Wait stop!"

"Okay you gonna fill me in now? What the hell is this shit were watching?"

"No that's impossible."

"Clearly it's not."

Hey Diego you were right, saving JFK would totally piss off dad."

"Of course dad would be involved in the assassination. I should've known."

"No you are both jumping to conclusions."

"What else is he doing standing on the grassy knoll holding an open black umbrella on a sunny day in Dallas. The exact same moment the president gets shot."

"He's using the umbrella so he doesn't get burnt by the sun and plus many people were there to see the oh so holy president."

I'm not on either one of the two boys teams I just like watching them argue about something we will never know the answer to.

"Is that really your excuse Yn? He's the signalman for the whole goddamn thing so stop acting like he's innocent because you like Five!"

Okay now I'm on Fives team. A lady should never have her opinion looked down on.

"Hey don't yell at her."

Awww he stood up for me I'm touched. I like the softer side of Five. I need to make sure he's okay because he seems... Off.

"Even if he does help kill him it's meant to happen so let it be!"

"This was obviously what the big oaf was trying to tell you. We have to stop dad from killing the president."

"I'm going to kill you before you can even say the president's name if you don't shut up about him! God you're just like Luther about the moon!"

I felt a pain in my cheek and laugh. Diego punched me, he actually punched me. Five grabbed him by the collar and it took all of my energy not to yell 'cat fight'

"Never touch her again.'

"Jeez that's a weak punch. All I'm saying in dad's not boy scout but a presidential assassination..."

"It's not his thing."

"How would you know that Five. You skipped out on his golden years!"

"You asshole!"

"Skipped out? You think I had it easy Diego? I was alone for 45 years. We don't have time for this right now. Dads Cleary in Dallas right. Let's just go talk to him maybe he can help us fix the timeline."

"Dallas is a big place. We need to find him first."

"No really. If only we had some magical old timely way of finding people and their addresses."

"Let's start simple, his name."

"Shit there's nothing here."

"Try his company, d.s umbrella manufacturing co."

"Yeah I know the name."

"I'm surprised you can even read."

We all get up finding the address when Diego looks back.

"He's okay to leave here like that?"

"Yeah he's fine."

It was my turn to ask about Lyla. Wait is that her name or was it Lila? No it was Lydia! Or was it Lisa...

"What about the other one?"


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