A land of milk and honey

By lil-gaki

5.4K 156 52

MODERN BORUTO FANFICTION ROMANCE BORUSARA at the age of 12 boruto has a huge argument with His father and fa... More

chapter.1 leaving
chapter.2 fuhget about it
chapter.3 studying
chapter4. i am never partying again
chapter 5. university
chapter.7 gang gang
chapter.8 love
chapter.9 shots.
new story
i know you know .

crash and burn

180 6 2
By lil-gaki

Val was never one to worry. He after all was the fun one.  The one with connections . He could know a guy who knew a guy longer then your family ancestory .

So when he found out what pa said. Well let's just say its better off not being the guy to deliver bad news .

He instantly called nicky and told him what he was told.

"Pa has cancer nicky" said Val with remorse in his voice.

Even though they wernt face to face , both boys could see each other crying .

Nicky had to grieve . But as the oldest he can't.  They had a trip to go back home in two days and they would see pa.

Nicky just stood in the empty house. Boruto never seems to come home anymore. Val is busy eith the connection side of things.

We're all to busy. But we have to make time for this .

"Who's going to tell him" said Val.
No one has the heart to do it.  He decided to send a voice message containing what he heard.

An hour later a message came to their family group chat. " Pa will make it , he has to ".

Nicky eyes widened . His father's voice entered in his mind . " look after boruto,  you now how he gets " .

If what he thinks is true , then were all in trouble.

Where boruto is

The blond boy had franky di angelo pinned to a wall. A knife to his throat kept the italian man quiet. After all.
He was there to listen not to talk.

"Not a word of this to anyone " said boruto with a unsual look in his eyes. As if two people were staring down on him.

He took the mans bag , which was lying down on the ground .

He checked for it's contents and found his old friend. His own happy restuarnt with its own happy pharmacy in there .

The boy then went back to franky and dusted his shoulders of. He gave him a smile. A creepy smile.  "Remember . No one knows " said the boy.

He then just walked away. " we've got our old friend back momo".  He may have looked crazy speaking to no one , but hell , he knows he already is.

An immediate flood of emotions bombarded the teen. He dropped on the floor , gasping for air. Clutching his heart , he struggled to take the pills.

Trying his best to stabalise his shakey hands , he managed to to grab three before swallowing them.

He waited in his state of agony . And the wait was worth it. He shot up like a rocket ready for lunch.

Feeling happy he grabbed the bag and walked off.

" Hey momo" said the boy.
"Yes " said  Momoshiki .

"Do I pay my respects to grandpa before or after I slaughter a entire gang".

The uzumaki residence .

Boruto made his way Into the uzumaki residence . He made his way to the door and knocked . A man in a butler's uniform opened the door. He had brown hair , brown eyes and regal facial features.

He was shocked to say the least . Trying to devolep him in a hug the boy side stepped him. He was here to pay his respects nothing else. Maybe kill that old man but nothing else.

He should of been scared . He should be anxiouse . But the drugs worked.

He walked in the house and stood.  He walked to the last portrait of his grandfather . He bowed his head downwards.

Coming down the stairs was his biological mother. Hinata . No matter how pretty she was , he saw what she really looked like. A pieace of shit.

Her eyes widened . Her eyes averted to his scar.  She had nothing to say. What could she say.

Boruto threw a bag of cash. A duffel bag filled with 50 dollar bills.

" Whatever you did to preserve the old man, it wasent enough " said boruto coldly.

Nothing is good enough for a man like that.

He looked the women in the eyes . A hateful glare. A strong glare. Nothing else had to be said. His look said it all.
A simple Message coveying the words

He wanted to bad mouth the women harshly. To break her like she did to him. But not in front of the old man.

Moving closer to the portrait he made the Catholic sign . He taped his forehead , then his his two shoulers and finally his chest.

Having paid his respects He went towards the door until hinata called his name.

Not even bothering to look backwards he walked out the door slamming it . Deciding it didint portray how angry he felt he kicked the door down.

" sorry kizo" muttered boruto.

He made his way off the property.  He decided he made the rigth decision to murder that raition gang. Otherwise he would have taken it out on her.

Boruto in his dorm

He was giggling . He felt nothing in his dazed state . He felt like he was floating .

He got a voice message from Nicky.  After hearing it he stood in shock. With his phone on the floor he just muttered two words. 

" he's ok" .

His heart flooded with emotions . He dropped to the floor and slowly formed a protective ball. He let sobs out. The sobs turned to crying . The crying turned to shouting . The shouting turned to ........ everything .

That brave and out going persona was gone. What's left was a helpless child with more pain then anyone could handle .

He couldn't handle it. His whole being was being deconstructed with what he flet.

He took 2 different pills from the bag. One was a party drug and one was a prescription happy drug.

He swallowed them as fast as he could.
He needed to feel numb. Otherwise he would kill everyone. then him self.


" when is he going to come " said a voice . The voice belonged to a female. It sounded sweet and innocent .

The figure next to her was no one other momoshiki.

Momoshiki who didint exist outside boruto.

Momoshiki looked down at the girl. She had violet hair and eyes with a petite body.

He then began to speak. " calm down sumire . He will come soon enough ".

She gave him a questioning look.             " how exactly are you communicating with him?" She asked.

Momoshiki chuckled lightly.
" I had a friend called isshiki. He adapted a monk persona called jigen.
He taught me how to split my conscience".

She looked baffled. " believe me or don't,  I don't care but I get results " said  Momoshiki.

Momoshiki came to care for the boy.  He would love for him to Mary his adopted daughter.  He liked everything about the boy. His phycotic and craziness to his compassion and kindness . He knew that boy better then he knew himself .

In sumires mind she relived the memory . The memory that made her fall for him.

She stood alone in a park. Three boys came to bother her. Pushing and shoving her . Teasing and insulting her biological parents death. She was starting to cry .

Then out of no where he came . The boy with bluest eyes on earth.

He rushed to help her. He fougth three boys on his own for her. When he finished she looked in shock . He had a bruised lip and a purple eye.

He came over to her and gently put hid hand on her shoulder.
" Don't pay attention to those boys" he said. He smiled at her . " if they bother you again you tell me and ill be there.always.".

He walked her home and gave her his name and number. It made her heart skip a beat. He fought for her up until till he left. She knew that he would marry her. It was his parents fualt.  He had to.
She would make him .

Her heart felt for him and only him.
One way or another he would come to love her.

No matter what state he's in she would love him. After all. Crazy people stick together . Rigth?


Hoped you liked it . Slowly going darker and darker . Geting less believable but hey momoshiki can break the law of nature .

Vote and comment if you enjoyed !😁

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