.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequ...

Da Nova_3213

640K 19.6K 53.3K

If you haven't read the first book! Go read it or you will be so so confused! Just click on my user and you w... Altro

.: 19 :.


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Da Nova_3213


My fucking life has been dedicated to this shit man ;( this story was supposed to be 30 chapters long NOW LOOK WHERE I AM!

Almost 87 chapters and a new story..


Anyways if you haven't read the first story- you should go do that Lmao, click on my user and acc to find me other storiesss.

Yeah- and my dumbass missed a hole big chunk of the omega verse- I forgot about the heat and rut bs.

Stuff in this story bla bla: sexual stuff, assault, rape, etc.


Smut, etc

This is the sequel to the first book my little pet! Go read that before you read this or you will be confused!!

Dream huffed as he sat on the couch, treating the scar on zumas face.... God it's been almost three months already without George..
"There you go baby..." he kissed zumas forehead.

"Mama..?" Zuma glanced around... everyday he always asks for George.. but he's not here...

He stopped calling about 3 weeks ago.. cause apparently he had to up his training..

"Moms not here right now zuma.." Dream ruffled Zumas hair.
"He will be back soon." He smiled.

"Yeah! Daddy's gotta go to work later, He has a a lot of paper work and Karl will be taking care of you tomorrow!" Dream smiled as he rubbed zumas cheek.... It made him miss George more and more everyday.

Zuma just whined..

"Cmon.. it's time to go to bed.." Dream picked zuma up, rubbing his back.

Zuma just yawned as he laid into dreams arms.

"Just a few more weeks and we have George back.." Dream had a faint smile as he walked over to zumas room.

Zuma just rubbed his eyes.

Dream carefully settled zuma down in the crib.
"Goodnight Angel..." he kissed zuma on the forehead.

Zuma just yawned as he nuzzled into the crib, gripping his small blanket.

Dream chuckled before turning the nightlight on.
"I'll be just in the other room zuma.." he turned the light off before shutting the door behind him.

He sighed as he walked down the empty hallways.. walking into his quiet room... it's so empty without George.

He closed his door behind him, flopping down on his bed....

He missed george... more and more.. everyday...

As he was about to drift asleep, his phone went off.... Who the fuck is calling me.

"Huh...?"Dream reached over and grabbed his phone, picking up the call.

'Hi!' George giggled threw the phone.

"GEORG-!" As Dream shot up, he hit his head on the bedframe.
"OW- FUCK-" he grabbed his forehead.

'Did I call at a bad time..? I can call another time-' George tone soon changed into a sore one.

"No! No! I'm fine! I just hit my head is all." Dream smiled as he held the phone close.
"It's so good to hear your voice again." He smiled as he gripped his phone.

George just giggled.
'Well I got some good news! Hannah said that I'm done my training! I can come home this weekend!"

"Actually?! Saturday or Sunday?! What time?? Will it be in the morning or afternoon??" Dreams smiled widened, he wanted to know when George came home.. exactly-

George just laughed.
'I think Saturday morning'

"YES! Then I can kiss that gorgeous face of yours!" Dream raised his arms in the air.

George just laughed.
"God I'm so glad this training is done.. it took a lot out of me.." he hummed with the faintest wince.

"Well.. how was training..? You didn't call or message at all for weeks." Dream was curious.. cause George actually never talked about his training.

'It's- good! They taught me how to use two weapons! I'll show you them when I get home!" George sounded very excited- but also not at the same time.

"May I ask what weapo-" as Dream tried to speak he was soon cut off.

'Oh- I have to go.. I have to finish some last minute training! I'll talk to you soon! I love you!' The call soon ended after that.

Dream frowned as he looked at his phone.
"Love you too...." He sighed.. George always cut the calls short because of training.. god he was only gone for a few months?! How much training does he have to do..

And why....

.: timeskip till Saturday :.

Dream waited eagerly outside, pacing back and forth... what state was his lover in?? Knowing hannah she probably worked him too the bone.

"Calm down dude." Sapnap huffed as he laid on the stairs..
"He will be here any minute."

"Exactly!" Dream looked over at Sapnap.
"I haven't seen him in three months! I don't know what state he's in!" He looked down at the ground.
"What if he found someone else while training-" he frowned.

"You fucking idiot, hes engaged and has a kid to one of the most notorious mafia bosses- you think he's going to do that.. even if he did you'd most likely kill any guy that George talks too." Sapnap rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

Dream just bit the inside of his cheek.. as he was about to say anything a car pulled up to the driveway.

He soon perked up, walking down the steps and towards the car very quickly.

The back car door opened fairly quick, George soon sprinting towards Dream at full speed.

"DREAM!" George jumped into Dreams arms.

Dream gladly engulfed George in a hug.
"Oh my god! I missed you soo much." He lifted George up, holding under his thighs as they span around.

"I missed you too!" George cupped dreams cheeks, pulling into a passionate kiss...
Wow things escalated quickly.

Dream ended up stumbling back and falling on the stairs, still holding George.
"Oh my god.. I missed this." He pulled away faintly, looking up at George as George straddled his lap.

George just giggled as he hugged Dream.
"I did too!" He rubbed his scent off on the alpha.

Hannah soon walked up to the two, holding a fairly large black bag.

George and Dream both turned around, looking at Hannah.

"George your forgetting something." Hannah held up the black bag, with a very unimpressed look.
"I don't think you want to loose these." She spat.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" George got off of Dream and walked over to Hannah, grasping the bag carefully.

Dream just looked over angry and annoyed...
He didn't like Hannah speaking to him that way..

Hannah soon turned over to Dream.
"He's all ready to go on missions now.. he is the finest agent I have ever trained.. he's a fast learner." She had a small smirk.
"A full fledged weapon."

George frowned as he looked down- he didn't really like.. being called a weapon..

Dream furrowed his brows- yeah sure- like he's actually going to put George on a mission-
"Yeah- I know.." he ran his hand along George's back as he sat.
"Do not call him a weapon.. he's my mate.. not a weapon." He spat.

Hannah just rolled his eyes.. whatever.

"I want to thank you and also say fuck you for the training, but mostly thank you." George smiled as he looked at Hannah.... The smile wasn't genuine.

Hannah just chuckled.
"Good luck.." she wandered back towards her car.

Dream stood up and looked down at George from the higher steps.
"What was that about..?"

"Hell.. absolutely hell." George huffed before turning to Dream with a smile.
"I'm never going back." He hummed as he walked past Dream.

Dream raised an eyebrow as he followed George.
"Was it that bad??" He quickly caught up with George.. trying to grasp my hand.

"Yeah.. I sprained my wrist and pulled my leg muscle." George looked at his fairly wrapped up wrist.

"WH- are you okay???" Dream quickly grasped George's wrist, making sure he's fine.. he only saw a few faint bruises.
"Why do you have bruises George??" His hands trailed up George's arm.

George just chuckled.
"It was from hand to hand combat, the one on my side is pretty bad." He rubbed his side as he

Dream lifted George's shirt faintly and saw the bruise.
"Nope- nope.. you are never going back to Hannah's." He picked George up, grasping under his thighs.

"I can walk." George giggled as he held the bag behind Dreams back.
"And I agree with not going back... she's really harsh.." he sighed.
"And mean..."

"Did she give you any breaks??" Dream wandered into the elevator, clicking his card. against the scanner... if he trained George he would definitely give George breaks.

George shook his head.
"Only breakfast and dinner.. and sleep of course." He yawned as he rested his head on dreams shoulder..
"Barely any sleep... and it was bad.. I slept on a twin bed with a thin blanket and got up 4am every morning..."

"God, we are also getting you in more clean clothes- the ones Hannah gave you are ugly." Dream looked at the jeans and blue shirt.
"And you are getting rest."

"I just wanna wear your clothes.." George nuzzled into dreams neck, rubbing his own scent against Dreams neck while getting Dreams scent on him.

"Alright.. you can wear my clothes darling." Dream kissed George's cheek.
"Anything you want.. I will get you.." he hummed trying to make George feel better.

"I think I just want to lay down..." George mumbled tiredly.
"But I want to stay awake and be with you."

"Let's just get you to bed." Dream held george closely as he walked out of the elevator.

George stayed in his blue shirt as he wore a pair of Dreams sweats.

"Here.. you can wear my Button up- but just this once." Dream passes George his button up.

"REALLY??" George gasped as he took Dreams shirt.. he was really excited.

Dream smiled.. he hasn't changed one bit.

George took off his shirt, revealing bruises and scratches on his body.

Dream smile soon faded as his eyes widened.
"George! What the fuck?!" He quickly grew concerned.

George just looked at Dream confused.

"What did they do too you!" Dream rested his hands on George's torso.. staring at the bruises.

"It didn't hurt much, we were practicing hand to hand combat- and I wasn't very good at it... so it took a few trials and errors." George hummed died down as he slid on the button up.

Dream bit the inside of his cheek.
"That's it... no more.. no more training- not from Hannah.." he hugged George faintly.

"I'm fine Dream, I'm stronger then I look." George hummed as he buttoned up a few buttons.

Dream frowned as he looked at George.
"Doesnt mean I don't want to see you hurt..." he cupped George's cheeks.

As George was about to say something- foolish walked in.

Dream quickly turned around.
"Ever heard of knocking??" He growled.. he didn't like how his brother was so close to his bed..
Especially near George after his return.

"I know I know.. but this is important." Foolish held a file up.
"It's about you know who." He held it towards dream.

Dream furrowed his brows as he stood up, walking over to foolish and grabbing the file.. opening it and reading the contents inside.
"I'm guessing your holding a mission then.." he hummed a reply.

Foolish nodded.
"We're having a meeting in 10, I expect you and George to be there." He took the file back, sliding it between his arms.

Dream furrowed his brows.. George?? Hell no.
"Woah woah- George doesn't have a part in this-" he had a small growl.

"George is on your team correct?" Foolish raised an eyebrow as he looked at Dream confused.

"Well yes but-" Dream was quick to get interrupted.

"Then I expect him at the meeting in ten.. dress properly because the missions tonight." Foolish soon walked out of the room.

Dream gritted his teeth in annoyance.. ever since - puffy joined aces side.. foolish has taken control of the missions... it's annoying.. I should be in charge of my own team and wha they do.

As he was about to talk to George, he turned and saw the omega was missing.

"George??" Dream quickly glanced around- where did he go...?

"Yes..?" George walked back out..

Dream soon went speechless as he stared at his omega.

George was wearing a black grey plaid skirt with black thigh high boots.. having a black turtle neck sweatshirt with a garter over his upper chest.
"What..?" He looked confused..

"You look so hot-" Dream mumbled before shaking his head.. he couldn't get distracted.
"But why are you so dressed up?"

"The meeting..?" George tilted his head in confusion as he picked up his black bag.
"Cmon, we are going to be late." He walked passed Dream, rubbing his eyes.

Dream watched as George left... maybe he did change a little bit..

Dream walked in, noticing george was the only one at the table- they still have like 5 minutes before people started coming in.
"Hello darling." He smiled.. maybe he could get George to talk.. he knows somethings wrong.

"Hi" george mumbled as he rubbed his wrists.

"Are you alright..?" Dream furrowed his brows as he sat down next to george.

George was about to say yes.. but he just shook his head.
"No-" he mumbled again.. he had to be honest with Dream.. he's his mate and fiancé.

"What's wrong? Is there anything I can do..?" Dream rested his hands on George's thigh, rubbing his thumb.

"I don't want to go back to Hannah's.." george shook his head as he winced.
"She's a lot more ruthless then I thought.." he looked like he was about to burst into tears.
"I thought she was nice..."

"Why didnt you tell me before?! I would have came and got you immediately!" Dream cupped George's cheeks.

"I wanted to be strong... I wanted to be able to help you on missions and be apart of the mafia! You always say how behind you are on your missions and work! and you don't have enough members! I wanted to help!" George bit the inside of his cheek.
"I don't want you to think I'm weak.."

Dreams gaze softened.. does George think I think of him as weak- well.. maybe a little bit but obviously he's strong.
"Darling... I've never thought of you as weak! I've thought the exact opposite!" He smiled as he rubbed his thumb on George's cheek.
"Your so brave.. you've been through so much!"

George looked at Dream hopeful.

"You have been through hell and back so many times!" Dream cupped George's cheek, placing a faint kiss on George's lips.

George smiled as he faintly purred- he was happy.
"Can I truly be apart of your team then?? Instead of being a standby and doing nothing and being useless..??" His smile grew hoping so.

Dream thought for a moment- he didn't exactly want George going on missions.. so why not give him an easy job..?
"How about you become my accountant..? Or well secretary..?" Give him a safe and simple job... near me at all times.

George had a small smile.
"Will I actually be allowed to help?"

Dream nodded.
"Yeah- it will help- I really need help keeping management of my work and of future meetings as now- I'm going to be so busy.." he huffed as he looked at his phone.. seeing all the work he has to do.

"Can I carry zuma around with me..?" George wanted to be able to spend time with zuma as well.

"Of course- but not during meetings or missions." Dream wrapped his arm around George's shoulders.

"Where is zuma? I want to see my little Angel." George hummed as he perked up, glancing over at the door.

"He's asleep right now.. Karl's watching him." Dream had a faint smile as he rest his hands on George's cheek.

George smiled and nodded.

"After the meeting we can go watch something.. all three of us." Dream hummed as he kissed the tip of George's nose.

After a few moments people started to walk in.

"Alright.. we have a lot.. to talk about." Foolish put his hand down on the table.. having a file under his arms.

Sapnap, Punz, wilbur, eret, jack, sam and Niki walked in, sitting around the table.

Dream got up and walked over to foolish's side, leaning against his desk, he kept his eyes on George most the time.. he's just so hot to look at right now.

After a few moments after everyone settled.. foolish soon began the meeting.

"Alright everyone, we have a lot to talk about." Foolish put the file down on the main table, letting everyone else look at them.

George looked at the table confused since he didn't know what to exactly look at... there were way too many pages.

Everyone else grabbed different pages where George just looked confused.

Dream had a faint chuckle as he saw how confused George was.. he wasn't supposed to be lovey Dovey during meetings or treat George differently- but.. these are one of the times he needs help.
"Here.." he walked behind George, reaching over for a piece of paper and sliding it to george.

George looked down at the page, he saw information about a break-in near an old security base.
"Thank you." He smiled.

Dream nodded before going back to his spot, laying next to foolish.

"You can't treat him differently here Dream.. he's a hit man.. not your fiancé here." Foolish walked over and carefully slid the page away from George, putting it in a pile with the rest of the files before picking them all up.

"Oh- sorry!" George quickly apologized as he looked down at the table.. he felt bad and embarrassed..

Dream rolled his eyes.
"I know foolish, I was only helping him.. now getting back to wherever we were." He glanced back over at George who was looking down at the table embarrassed.. technically this was his first ever meeting- like this anyways.. a full on serious one.

Foolish spent most the time explaining the plan and what to do.

Dream ignores his brothers words, he just kept his gaze on George, he wanted to kiss him on the cheek and tell him it was okay but he couldn't.

"Now.. to go over who's coming with us on the mission... sam I need you to go and hack the system." Foolish looked up at Sam, Sam nodding in a response.

"Punz and eret.. I need you to guard around front and jack and wilbur.. head around back and try getting to the power source.. and shut off the left side.." foolish pointed to a blue print of the base

"Fuck." Wilbur muttered.. he got the dumbass.

George watched carefully, remembering the plan... he wanted to help.

"Dream and Sapnap.. I need you to go in front." Foolish looked over at Dream and then Sapnap.. circling the front of the blueprint.

George rubbed his eyes tiredly- he's most likely not going to be able to go on a mission.... After all the training he did.

Dream had a faint sigh of relief.. thank god.. he didn't want to risk George going.

"George." Foolish glanced over at george.

Dream quickly looked over at George then foolish.. shaking his head ever so faintly.
"Dont-" he muttered..

But foolish didn't listen.

"Your going to be our defence.. your gonna help Dream and Sapnap clear the building.." Foolish looked down at the blueprint again.
"We also need a distraction around.. this general area.. so I need you to split apart from Dream and Sapnap and deal with them."

George perked up and quickly nodded.
"Alright!" He smiled cheerfully, this was technically his 'first' fledged mission!

"Don't be so perky.. this is a mission.. not going shopping trip." Foolish rolled his eyes as he looked down at the table.

George had a faint quiet wince as he nodded, looking down at the table... he just was happy to be back.

Dream stomped unnoticeably on foolishs foot.
"Dont." He growled faintly.. he does not have the right to speak to his mate like that.

Foolish just rolled his eyes.
"I expect you all to be ready in an hour.." he watched as everyone else left the office leaving George, Dream and foolish by themselves.
"And George.."

George glanced up at foolish.
"Yeah..?" He mumbled.

"Dont dress so much like a slut next time." Foolish glared at George before leaving the room.
"It's immature and unprofessional." He clicked his tongue.(god- I've been wanting to add this since chapter 40 but I wanted to wait for the sequel where George was more badass)
"Go change."

George soon winced as tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

Dream quickly shot up, nearly about to go and beat his brothers ass... as he was about to go he saw George stand up.
"George- darling... don't listen to him-" he quickly walked over to George.

"I'm gonna go change- I'll see you in a bit..." george rubbed his eyes as he quickly fled out of the office.

Dream tried grabbing George but he was gone.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream felt his heart ache- before he felt anger stir threw his body.

Dream quickly followed out of the office, seeing foolish walked the opposite direction of George.

He quickly stomped over to foolish, gritting his teeth.

"FOOLISH." Dream snapped as he gripped his fists that tightly.

Foolish just turned around.

"What the actual fuck." Dream gritted his teeth as he stared at his brother.
"How dare you talk to my fiancé that way." He scrunched his nose.

"He needs to learn not to wear stuff like that on the missions." Foolish clicked his tongue as he crossed his arms.

"Does not mean you get to talk to my fiancé like that! Nor do you talk to my team like that!" Dream stepped forward, growling in foolishs face.

"This is my mission-" foolish was soon cut off.

"Doesn't mean you talk to my lover like that! If you ever talk to him like that again.. you will be out of my house." Dream gritted his fangs.. his scent filling with anger.
"And out of my business."

Foolish just rolled his eyes.
"Dream- he was gone for three months and trained for this, if he wants to actually be useful and help us deal with ace.. then he needs to start taking things seriously." He growled back to Dream.

"He is new to this-" Dream was soon cut off.

"Cut the bullshit Dream- he has been here for over a year.. he doesn't know shit about what we do for a living, he needs to grow up and stop getting in the way and start helping us." Foolish soon stepped back from Dream.

Dream gripped his fists tightly again.
"He has been helping us." He stared at foolish.

"By doing what? Running off and getting kidnapped!?" Foolish huffed.
"I'm sorry Dream, but you need to get your shit together if you want to protect your family.. even if it means sending them away." He soon turned and walked off.
(This isn't foreshadowing, I'm just saying)

Dream clicked his tongue... if he wasn't his brother... he would have killed him..

.: George POV :.

George sniffed as he put most of his old outfits in a fairly large box... he didn't want to make Dream look bad.

He closed it and just picked it up.. he didn't need it anymore- especially if they made him look like a slut..

George wandered out of the bedroom.. he was just going to put this in the living room to bring up later.. but as he was walking he heard zuma.

He quickly dropped the box and walked into zumas room.. he missed zuma.

He was awake playing on the ground.. cute.

Karl was sitting next to him, reading a book.

Karl soon looked up at saw George.
"George! Your back!" He quickly stood up, hugging George.
"Nice outfit!"

George just had a faint smile as he rubbed his eyes.. getting rid of his tears.
"Yeah- it's uh... my new style..." his eyes laid on zuma.

Zuma soon glanced up at George and held out his arms.
"Mama!" He made a really happy noise.

George quickly picked up zuma.
"I see your little scratch is healing nicely..." his fingers traced over the scar.

Zuma just quickly nuzzled into George's chest, taking in his scent.
"Mama!" He squeaked.

George quickly nuzzled zuma on the nose.. he's had such a shitty day so far.. Atleast he has Dream and zuma back..

"Well I'm gonna head upstairs- I need a break." Karl yawned as he stretched his back.
"I'm really glad your back"

"Oh.. can you bring the box outside zumas room up to the garage..?" George was planning just to get rid of his clothes.

"Sure- why not.." Karl nodded as he walked out of zumas room.

George crossed his legs and sat down on the ground, twirling his finger around zumas hair.
"God I missed you..."

.: Dream POV :.

Dream sighed as he walked out of the elevator... why couldn't this day just be perfect...

He frowned as he tucked his hands in his pockets.

"Shit-" Karl stumbled ahead with the pocket.

Dream looked up at Karl, raising a faint eyebrow.
"What are you doing...?"

"George told me to put this in the garage." Karl struggled to hold the box.

Dream walked over and opened the box.. he saw all of George's skirts and crop tops and different kind of clothes.
"Here- give these to me." He easily picked up the box out of Karl's hand.

"Oh- alright." Karl nodded.
"Well I'm going to go upstairs.. I am tired.." he yawned before walking passed Dream.
"George is in zumas room.."

Dream just walked towards the bedroom, placing the box infront of the door before walking over to zumas room and poking his head in.

.: George POV :.

George rubbed his eyes as he held zuma.. this is probably the most calmest it has been since he got here...

"Hi darling..." Dream spoked from behind him
In a gentle tone.

"Hi.." George didn't bother to look behind him, his attention focused on zuma.

"Don't listen to him.. I think you look beautiful.." Dream sat down behind george, glancing down at zuma over George's shoulder.

"He has your scar.." George ignored what Dream said and looked at the scar on zumas face.

"Yeah... he's way too young..." Dream frowned as he rubbed zumas cheek, resting his head on George's shoulder.

George rubbed his eyes, trying to get all the loose tears out of his face.

"Don't listen to him George... you look hot in your clothes.." Dream glanced over at George, repeating what he said.
"You can wear whatever you want..."

George just shrugged.
"I already got Karl to take my old clothes to the garage.." he mumbled.

"I took the box back, I'm not letting you get rid of your clothes." Dream glanced over at George.

"But they make me look-" George was soon cut off by Dream.

"no, they don't make you look like a slut." Dream ran his fingers threw George's hair, twirling his finger faintly around the omegas hair.

"But foolish said-" George was interrupted once again.

"Who gives a shit what he said.. I want you to wear that outfit of yours.." Dream cupped under George's chin, tilting his head up as he whispered in George's ear.
"And what I say goes.." he hummed.

George had a small nod and smiled.
"Alright." He leaned into dream, getting comfortable.

Zuma just nuzzled into George's grasp.

"When we get home.. I want to have a nice warm bath.. then too sleep." George groaned as he held zuma to his chest.. kissing the top of his head.

Dream had a small hum.
"Cmon.. let's go watch something before we go.." he stood up holding his hand out for george.

George gladly took Dreams hand, pulling himself up.

"Go change first.. I'll take zuma." Dream nuzzled George's forehead before picking up zuma.

"I think I'll stay in what I'm wearing-" George had a small hum as he looked down at himself.

Dream tilted George's chin up.
"Go change.. I want to see you in that outfit again.." he smiled, cupping George's cheeks with one hand ever so lightly.

George giggled and nodded.
"Alright... I love you so much."

Total word count: 4708

Gasp the first chapter- I'm probably gonna start working on the rink again after I rewrite all the chapters cause my grammar 💀💀

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