The Scarlet Dragon Overlord

By JamesPatrickBueza6

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Ddraig having enough of his perverted host Issei leaves him for good and finds a new host from another dimens... More

Prolouge: Ddraig calls it quits!!
Episode 1: Birth of the Scarlet Dragon Overlord.
Episode 2: More Training and New Powers.
Episode 3: A Challenge becomes a Nightmare (Welcome to Tallon IV).
Episode 5: House of the Lewd Demons.
Minor Update
Episode 6: Evolution.
Episode 7: Big Battle!
Episode 7.5: Upgrading a weapon through the Forge.
Episode 8: Into a new dimension.
Episode 9 Granbelm Episode 1: The Only Mages in the World
Episode 10 Granbelm Episode 2: Why We are Here

Episode 4: James the Spellblade Master.

980 12 0
By JamesPatrickBueza6

//Gamer's Gear speaking//
"[Ddraig speaking]"
'[Ddraig thinking]'
"<Bahamut speaking>"
'<Bahamut thinking>'

(A day later...)

-James' mindscape and the Gamer's Dungeon-

"Hah...! hah...! Yah...! Eyaah! ugh...this is getting a little heavy..." James cursed after swinging Laevatein several times and was starting to feel the weight of the greatsword. "<Is there something the matter James? You've been swinging that sword for several minutes, and from the looks of it you haven't made any progress.>" questioned Bahamut looking at him. "I'm trying to increase my skill in the sword, but like you said: i'm not making any progress." James replied with a bitter sigh and sat down. "<Hmmm...shall i train you?>" asked Bahamut with a grin that interested James. "Train me? can you do that?" asked James now getting interested. "<Why of course. You might think i'm a spearmaster, but my spear can change into a sword. And you might not know this...but i am far more skilled in the ways of the blade than the spear.>" explained Bahamut as his spear changed into a sword. "Alright. let's train." James then felt rejuvenated and quickly held Laevatein in front and readied himself.

-Opening Theme: FIRE!! -T.V. size version- by Kouji Wada (R.I.P.)-

"En Garde! YAAARRRGGGHHH!!!" James screamed as charged towards Bahamut who merely blocked the slash and began swinging his sword to block another slash. "<Interesting...>" Bahamut began as he swung his sword which James blocked but pushed him a few feet away from the force of the swing, "<Your style is a mix of kendo and some sword styles using swords and greatswords...but you lack finesse, all you have is force.>" mused Bahamut as he observed James' sword style which he somewhat criticized angering James upon hearing that. "You think my sword style is shit!? I'll make you eat those words!" screamed James livid charging towards Bahamut once more and was able to push the dragon a few feet away as well. "<No James. All i am saying is that you have no finesse and grace in your sword style, force is good, but a sword style is lacking without finesse and grace. Right now your style needs a lot of polishing.>" Bahamut lectured as he and James' swords clashed. " do i do it then? It's so hard to swing a sword with grace and finesse...i need help..." James whimpered calming down somewhat. "<I will help you. Now pick up yourself and focus with all your heart and sould and pour those feelings into that blade!>" comforted Bahamut giving words of wisdom to James who listened and quickly did a few sword swings and attacks which even surprised him from seeing how his attacks greatly improved.

"<You see James? A true swordsman never lets his anger get the best of him, let your heart and mind be calm as water, and with those words of mine that reach to you...take those words to heart.>" lectured Bahamut as James calmly nodded and readied himself again. "<But remember: let your heart and mind not be controlled or dictated by anger when using your sword, channel the anger and turn it into strength to protect what you care most! That is one of the many lessons i shall teach you in what it means to be a true swordsman.>" added Bahamut as James nodded and listened well. "I will. I will take your words and lessons to heart! Now! Here i come!! YYYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" agreed James charging towards Bahamut once more.

(Approximately 17 hours of training later...)

"Hahh...gahh...heh. I did it, i finally was able to break your defenses." James gasped while holding Laevatein and Ascalon at the same time. "<Impressive James. in just 17 hours you have gained immense progress as a swordsman, now it is time to learn some extremely important techniques that have been overshadowed by many: The Spellblade.>" congratulated Bahamut while explaining new stuff. "The Spellblade? you mean the sword techniques that utilize magic?" James asked now getting intrigued. "<Correct. first we master the basic Spellblade techniques, first are the elemental Spellblades. Now, channel the power of fire into the blade of Laevatein!>" commanded Bahamut as James first dissmissed Ascalon and focused fire magic into the blade of Laevatein until the blade was engulfed into a fiery aura. "<Now. Unleash the flames on that rock over there!>" commanded Bahamut as James shouted and slashed the rock with the flaming Laevaetin leaving burn marks on the stone.

"I'll master the flame types first am i right?" asked James as Bahamut nodded and James sighed and bit his lip and focused more fire magic into the blade of his greatsword once more. "Flames can grow stronger...if so...then my burning determination shall ignite this blade of mine!!" James screamed as Laevatein was engulfed into even larger and brighter flames and swung it once more and cleaved the rock in half while reducing some of it to burnt rubble and ash. "<Very good. You have mastered Flame Sword and Firaga Blade, you now what you must do next right?>" Bahamut asked in a playful tone as James only smirked at the Platinum Dragon's words and focused more fire magic than ever before.

The flames engulfing Laevatein burned brightly than the last two attacks. "HHHRRRRAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!" James roared loudly as he swung the greatsword once and incinerated the other half of the rock, which reduced it to burnt ash. "I guess that was Firaja Blade wasn't it?" asked James to Bahamut who nodded as the former focused even more fire magic once more into the blade and the flames were much more brighter and larger. "Hellflare Sword!" bellowed James as he incinerated the remaining half of the rock and the rubble and ash, leaving nothing behind. "<Very impressive James. You have mastered all the fire type element spellblade techniques. Now try making your own fire element technique and see if it's even more better than the basic ones?>" Bahamut suggested in a helpful tone.

"You're kinda right, now let's try this one: a fire element spellblade that is a combination of all fire element spellblades.!!!!" James screamed focusing all the fire magic he can muster into the blade of Laevatein resulting in a huge flame so red and orange, that it was even beautiful to Bahamut's eyes. "I call this technique: Infernal Hellblaze Sword!" declared James slashing the other rocks, burning them to oblivion. "<James i...have no words to say. This original technique of yours is far more powerful than any of the flame element spellblades techniques i have ever seen...and i am very impressed.>" said an awed Bahamut as James then knelt on one knee in exhaustion. "<And one more thing James, Spellblades drain MP and the cost of the drain increases when you use a high level one such as your original flame element technique Keep that in mind okay?>" added Bahamut as James nodded and sat down to rest for a short while.

(shortly thereafter...)

"*deep sigh* Alright. Now i guess it's the ice element ones am i right?" asked James as Bahamut nodded with tiny smirk as James began focusing ice magic into the blade of Laevatein and swung it at an orb of water that Bahamut conjured, freezing it solid. "Alright, now for the next one!" James then focused more ice magic into the blade once more and swung it at the ice sphere, which encased it in an even bigger sphere of ice. "<Ice Sword and Blizzaga Sword. Now you know what you must do next.>" chuckled Bahamut knowing what would James do next. The determined James focused more ice magic than ever before into the blade and swung it at the ice sphere and somehow cracked it in half, yet both were still in a spherical shape.

"Blizzaja the last one..." growled James focusing ice magic once more into Laevatein's blade which made an icy mist and formed even frost on the blade. "YAAAAHHH!!!" James screamed as he swung Laevatein on the ice spheres and created even more ice spheres. "Artic Frost for my original technique: an ice element spellblade that is a combination of all ice element spellblade techniques...." gasped James as he began focusing all the ice magic he can muster into Laevatein's blade which started making snow crystals and snowflakes and freezing the air and even freezing the ground James was standing on!

"I call this technique: Absolute Zero Frost Blade! Now feel the freeze below zero!" James declared as he swung the blade which froze the area where James slashed. Bahamut's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull as all he can see was ice and snow everywhere! "< have impressed me yet again. While you take a break from mastering the ice element spellblade techniques, go have fun in the snow.>" Bahamut ordered as James joyfully played the snow and made snow angels and snowmen.

(right after that for 30 minutes...)

"<Now James is the thunder element spellblade techniques, you have go into your Balance Breaker to handle this, because this is advanced level.>" explained Bahamut as James wordlessly transformed into Cardinal Crimson Promotion and focused thunder magic into the blade. "You know it's kinda cool that the Phazon Suit's shielding makes me more resistant to damage," quipped James as he swung the blade which zapped a tree and rock in half with burned sections. '<Yeesh. Sometimes i wonder why thunder element magic is still used, then again humans use electricity as part of their daily lives. No wonder i'm starting to think that thunder element magic is the most effective.>' thought Bahamut as James focused more thunder magic into the greatsword and made a humming noise similar to a tesla coil. "Okaaay? This is a little bit weird...but i'll swing it anyway." James mused a bit weirded out by the humming noise and swung Laevatein at another boulder which split it in four halves each with a burnt area. "<Thunder Blade and Thundara Blade. Very shocking improvement James!>" Bahamut chuckled due to the pun he made while James tried not to snicker.

" more! Eh? Now the sounds are getting a little too close to an actual thunderstorm." mused James after focusing a large amount of thunder magic into Laevatein and heard sounds that were similar to a thunderstorm, not to mention the greatsword had sparks of lightning on the blade. " amazed and shocked! This is a very shocking attack!" James deadpanned while trying not to laugh at his pun as unleash a wave of thunder magic which incinerated the four halved rock and zapped some unlucky trees and grass in the process. "<Thundaga Blade. I am very shocked.>" Bahamut deadpanned before bursting into laughter and James tried to hold his own laughter in and thankfully calmed down and focused even more thunder magic than the last one and this time, Laevatein's blade was surging with electricity along with an yellow aura of thunder magic. "No words needed to be said. YAAAAAAHHH!!!" James screamed as he swung the greatsword and completely zapped the trees and the grass surrounding them into ashes or turned into charcoal.

James then began focusing enormous amounts of thunder magic into Laevatein. "The last one was Thundaja Blade. Now for the shocking final move, this original technique is called: Grand Thunderstorm Blade. Now...let's start." James the focused as hard as he can and the greatsword was surging with blue colored electricity and showed sparks of lightning bolts and the aura was a mix of yellow and blue, signifying that the electricity was very, very, very strong. "Now...feel the thunder!!" roared James with a mighty war cry and swung the greatsword and utterly zapped the remainders of the trees, rocks and grass to burnt oblivion or burnt charcoal. "Now that is what i call a shocking finish of electric proportions!" James chuckled at his small pun and sat down to take a rest. "<Rest for a while James. Now it's time for you to learn the wind element spellblade techniques.>" reminded Bahamut as James nodded and laid down on the ground as the area changed once more.

"............" James was silent as the wind as he focused wind magic into Laevatein which somewhat unnerved Bahamut, due to the fact that James was shouting in the previous elemental spellblade techniques. "Wind Sword." whispered James as he slashed a faraway tree followed by a gust of wind which ripped the ground and the same tree in several places. "<James i need to ask...why didn't you say anything while you charging your attack?>" asked Bahamut very confused on why James didn't say anything in previous attack. "All i need was to be as calm as the wind, there was no need for words. That is all that there is to it." James explained in calm voice which made Bahamut think. '<I have a feeling that James has an elemental affinity...but what? James' fire spellblade techniques were much more powerful than the other ones...the same could be said for the wind element, so if my hunch is correct...then James has an affinity for fire type and wind type element magic, not only it's destructive...but also fitting: fire grows stronger with wind and wind gives fire the power needed to burn.>' thought Bahamut rubbing his chin in deep thought as James focused wind magic again, this time the amount was larger than the last.

"Tornado Blade." whispered James as he swung Laevatein down and a gust of wind followed by a tornado smashed several trees and sent rocks flying in different directions and tore the ground even further. "Next...Cyclone Sword..." James then focused more wind magic than before and took a deep breath. "Feel the wind." whispered James in a calm voice as he swung his sword once more and a mighty gale of wind ripped apart the ground, broke the trees even further and sent the rocks flying even farther than before. "<Impressive James. The way you use the wind element is nothing short of amazing.>" complimented Bahamut as James took a deep breath and focused even more wind magic and a tornado aura appeared on Laevatein and James made a quiet sigh and swung the blade once more. "Great Storm Blade." whispered James as the attack completely and utterly destroyed all the trees and even cracked the rocks! "Now...for the original technique." James then focused a massive amount of wind magic into Laevatein's blade and felt a breeze of wind passing by him and took a deep sigh and smiled. "Hakaze: Ranbu no Tachi. (translation: Destructive Wind: Wild Dancing Sword.)" whispered James and what Bahamut saw...was the most impressive original spellblade technique he ever saw.

(Author's Explanation: Hakaze is a combination of the words 'hakai' and 'kaze' which are the japanese words for 'destroy' and 'wind'. Ranbu means 'wild dance' while tachi can mean 'sword or blade', hence the naming of the attack.)

James flew towards a surviving tree and cleaved into it followed by him creating a tornado from Laevatein's blade and used it to trap it and moving as fast as the wind, James quickly slashed the tree in different directions and generated 8 tornadoes which encircled the tree and sliced the tree in half. James then proceeded to slash the other half of the tree and began moving even faster than before and utterly reduced the half into splinters, then James resumed his attack om the remaining half and began a series of slashes which became increasingly faster with each slash and sent the damaged tree half flying with a kick and used the 8 tornadoes to propel him at incredible speeds and performed one last slash which utterly tore the tree to a million pieces and James landed after the attack was over.

"And that." whispered James and stood up and took a deep breath and smiled. "<James...i have no words for the attack you did...for lack of a better was amazing.>" praised Bahamut with a clap of his hands. "Thank you, that alone makes me happy." thanked James smiling underneath his helmet and cracked his gauntleted knuckles and stretched his arms to relax it a bit. "<Now James...the next test me everything you have learned!>" Bahamut declared as James' enhanced senses quickly went into overdrive and dodged a sword swing from Bahamut. "Oh, so you want to start with a sudden attack huh? Alright then...let's boogie!" yelled James quickly dodging another slash from the Platinum Dragon and quickly used Grand Thunderstorm Blade and Artic Frost Sword in quick succession which blinded Bahamut, allowing James to strike him from behind with Hakaze: Ranbu no Tachi which stunned Bahamut greatly. "There's more where that came from!" James quickly used Infernal Hellblaze Sword in a rising variant of the attack which Bahamut somewhat parried and performed his own versions of James' attacks.

"Gah! i better dodge them!" yelled James in panic as Bahamut began spamming Blizzaja Blade and Thundaja Sword with impunity as James frantically evaded every attack only for Bahamut to blindside him with Hellflare Sword which sent him flying to an ice boulder and since there was thunder electrocuted him immediately. "YYEEEAAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!!" James could only scream in agony he felt 1000 volts coursing through his body, which would have knocked out a normal human, but since James was half demon it was slightly dimished and he had the Scale Mail combined with the Phazon Suit equipped to protect him from further damage. " THIS!!!" screamed James shaking off the electricity and used Star Sonic Booster to close the distance between him and Bahamut. As James slowly approached Bahamut, an update screen popped out to give him some new info.


A Passive Ability has been learned!

Name: Dragon Scales of Increased Pain Tolerance.

Description: Allows the user to endure and tolerate all kinds of pain, allowing you to shrug it off which permanently increases your physical, magical and elemental immunity and resistance. However don't rely on it too much as it can also have drawbacks which can be detrimental to your body in the long run if you overuse it.

This Passive Ability can be turned off at will.


James read the information with a grim expression and began attacking Bahamut with Hakaze: Ranbu no Tachi at increased speeds due to James still using Star Sonic Booster. "<Impressive James! Keep at it! Show me all that skill!!!>" Bahamut bellowed as he used Great Storm Blade to counter Ranbu no Tachi, only for James to see it coming and parry the attack with Absolute Zero Frost Blade which froze the air and James quickly kicked a huge shard of ice which sent Bahamut flying to the ground with a mighty crash. "<Hahahahaha! That's more like it!>" Bahamut cackled in glee and quickly used Great Storm Blade to send the shattered ice shards flying towards James. "You've gotta be kidding!" shrieked James in horror as he began dodging the ice shards that threatened to stab or cut him at close proximity.

One of the ice shards nicked James'arm which made him wince from the cold temperatures mixed with numbing pain. "Gh! I have to melt all the ice!" James then quickly used Infernal Hellblaze Sword to melt all the ice into puddles of water, then James then use Grand Thunderstorm Blade to use all the melted ice into a conductor to turn the whole area into a giant electric field which zapped Bahamut. "<Ahahahahahaha! Very good James! KEEP IT UP!>" cackled Bahamut as he then shrugged off the electricity and made one last charge towards James who quickly saw it coming and dodged it and with deft precision and skill...James place Laevatein's blade at Bahamut's throat. "Game Over. I win." James breathed with a smirk as Bahamut chuckled and lowered his weapon. "<I concede James. You have won fair and square. I am very proud of you.>" congratulated Bahamut with a smile as James nodded with a smile.

"Whew. I'm beat." James sighed as he sat down took a few deep breaths as Bahamut began thinking of something. "What is it Bahamut?" asked James noticing the dragon in deep thought. "<James...during the spellblade training, when you were using the fire and wind elements, i noticed that they were stronger than the other two. It seems that you have elemental affinities for fire and wind magics.>" Bahamut explained as James started pondering on what it meant. "<It means the elements you use that have affinity are much stronger than those that do not have affinity.>" explained Bahamut further as James understood what it meant. "So that and wind are much stronger when i use them? No wonder the spellblades i used from them were much much stronger." agreed James with nod and stood up. "<Also, you also have affinities for thunder and ice, but it's currently locked right now.>" added Bahamut as James looked on surprised. "Now how do i unlock them?" James asked now confused. "<To unlock have to be in an area corresponding to the element, like for example: to unlock your thunder must be in an area constantly ravaged by lightning 24/7.>" replied Bahamut as James took a mental note to unlock the other elements later.

-30 minutes of rest later-

"<Alright, now it's time for you to learn the most powerful spellblade techniques: the Flare Sword and it's stronger upgrades.>" Bahamut said as James stretched his arms in preparation for the training. "<But first...>" Bahamut closed his eyes and glowed brightly, as James covered his eyes to shield them from the blinding light. As the light died down...Bahamut's appearance changed...greatly.

"Uhh...Bahamut? why do you look different now!?" asked a shocked James pointing at Bahamut's new look. "<This is my true form James. The form that you always see is one of the many forms i take, this form like i said before, is my true form, the form that i took on when i defeated Erek-Hus.>" explained Bahamut as James looked in awe and wonder. "Wait...Erek-Hus? As in the King of Terror himself!?" James was now getting more shocked with the information given to him. "<Yes James, THAT Erek-Hus. As many people know through Dungeons and Dragons, me and my sister and arch enemy Tiamat slew the King of Terror together, but what they do not know, is that i was a skilled swordmaster upon birth, and with those skills i helped my sister slay the King of Terror. Not any of my followers in that land know much about my supreme sword skills, you are among the few who knows this...sadly that world i originated from entered a time so horrible that the best action for us dragons was to flee it.>" explained Bahamut in a somber tone. "What world did you flee to?" James saddened from what happened to Bahamut's old homeworld. "<Many of us scattered across dimensions, father and i...well remember that Ddraig came from another world? Yes James, i was there too. only that i left much earlier and found you, and i decided to stick with you ever since.>" replied Bahamut with a smile, "I...see...glad you found me, or those 3 factions would have tried to use you for their own gains." said James who sighed in relief. "[But where is Lord Io now?]" asked a drowsy Ddraig from Hypernova Boosted Gear. "<He's currently in the First Void. Father wishes to be left alone, and to safeguard and protect the remaining Cassius Type Sacred Gears. but he told me this: 'I will leave this place when the right time and a rightful dragon heart of justice comes...until then i must stay here.' That's what he said.>" Bahamut replied with a huge sigh. "Okay enough chit-chat. Can i start the Flare Sword training?" asked James with a sigh. Bahamut could only smirk as his words as James was eager to learn the most powerful spellblade techniques.

James then focused on what Bahamut was going to show him. "<Focus magic into your blade James...focus it and icrease the power in it. Then unleash the blade on your target!>" instructed Bahamut and swung his sword at at rock, an explosion appeared after the swing destroying the rock reducing it to a pile of rubble. "<Now you try it.>" urged Bahamut as James noddee and focused all his magic into the blade of Laevatein and took a deep breath and with a mighty war cry, swung the greatsword on the rubble and reduced it to fine sand from the explosion of the attack. "How did i do?" asked James slightly tired from the swing he made. "<Good. Now i shall teach the next one: Flareja Sword.>" instructed Bahamut as he swung his sword after focusing magic into it, soon a larger rock was destroyed from the resulting explosion and split into four smaller rocks from the explosion. "<Now try it for yourself.>" urged Bahamut as James sighed and focused more magic than before and took several deep breaths. "<Don't take too much deep breaths or you'll hyperventilate.>" warned Bahamut as James stopped his deep breaths and swung Laevatein and a wave of energy followed by a larger explosion utterly destroyed two of the smaller rocks which reduced them to sand. "<Excellent James. Now i shall teach you the spellblade variant of my signature move Megaflare: the Megaflare Sword, watch, and see with awe!>" Bahamut boomed as he began charging huge amounts of magic into his sword to the point it began glowing brightly. "<Now! Watch closely James!>" shouted Bahamut as he swung his sword on a huge boulder half his size.

James had no words needed to be said as he watched in awe as a massive explosion tore apart the boulder and reduced it to a boulder the size of Bahamut's foot. "<Give it a go James.>" encouraged Bahamut as James began focusing even larger amounts of magic into his greatsword once more and a took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." James whispered as he swung Laevatein at the boulder and jumped back as soon as the wave hit the boulder, and the explosion completely destroyed the boulder, leaving it a pile of slightly burnt sand. "<Very good James! rest for a while, because i'm going to teach you Gigaflare Sword next.>" praised Bahamut and giving an order to James who merely nodded and sat down to rest and recover.

"Ahh...urrghhh...*cracks knuckles* alright me the Gigaflare Sword." requested James after cracking his knuckles. "<I shall. Now behold! The Gigaflare Sword!!!>" Bahamut bellowed as he did the same thing with Megaflare Sword and swung his sword onto a boulder twice his size. James had no words to say as he saw the explosion which was larger than Megaflare Sword's explosion, and as the dust settled...the huge boulder was split into four pieces and were all the size of Bahamut's foot like the previous boulder he destroyed. "My turn." James then took a deep breath and began focusing magic into Laevatein once more and added more magic power into the blade and with a roar, swung the blade at the four boulders and jumped away from them as the wave hit the boulders. An even larger explosion wiped out all four boulders at once and as the dust settled...James was kneeling on one knee from the fatigue. "<Rest for a while James. Soon we'll head for the next and for now, final technique: Teraflare Sword.>" commended Bahamut while telling James to take a rest. Wincing at the fatigue and exhaustion James nodded and began catching his breath while taking a gulp of a Small Mana Potion that he pulled out of the Hypernova Boosted Gear.

(Yes, the Sacred Gears of James can store objects if he wants to , there he stores Health and Mana Potions)

-10 and a half minutes later-

"<Now i shall teach you the Teraflare Sword. Now watch closely, and you'll be wanting answers once the demonstration is over.>" said Bahamut twirling his sword a bit as James looked a bit confused on what the dragon meant by his words.

Bahamut took a deep breath and began focusing magic into his sword and his aura flared up and gripped the hilt tightly and began charging even more power than usual. Then all of a sudden...Bahamut charged towards the boulder in front of him and whacked it, sending it upwards and flew after it. Bahamut then swung his sword once the boulder was at a certain height and with a loud roar Bahamut swung his sword a second time which unleashed a wave of energy and the boulder was engulfed in a massive explosion that James never saw before. Soon Bahamut then landed softly as James struggled to find the will speak.

"Bahamut i have to ask..." James began very confused and bewildered from what he saw. "Why did you charge more magic than usual? then why did you have to swing the sword twice?" Bahamut chuckled at James' question. "<First, Teraflare Sword is much more powerful than the rest, which is why i have to charge magic first. Second, the reason why i had to swing it twice was to build up the destructive energy that built up follwing the first swing and the second swing unleashed an energy wave right? That was the destructive energy being unleashed before the explosion which signifies that you have to get away from the ensuing explosion.>" explained Bahamut as James nodded and walked towards a boulder that was slightly bigger than him. "<You know what you do right? Now show me what you saw.>" instructed Bahamut as James nodded. "But first...let me do something before i begin charging magic into Laevatein..." James then took a deep breath and what Bahamut heard would shock him...a lot.

"*Places left hand and clears throat and takes a deep breath* No... no, you can't get away. From hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!" growled James while pointing at the boulder in a different voice...the voice of the villain...Khan Noonien Singh from the film The Wrath of Khan. "<Uhhhh...James? How the fucking hell did you change your voice into the voice of the late Ricardo Montalban as Khan!?>" yelled Bahamut in utter shock. "Suprised Bahamut? One of my family's spells is the ability to change our appearance and voice of any character we desire. And right now i am using the magic to change my voice into Khan as you had heard." explain James while still in Khan's voice which made Bahamut uncomfortable from just hearing it. "<Ughh...Can you go back to your normal voice? It's starting to creep me out already.>" groaned Bahamut with a shudder. "Do not worry Bahamut, one day i will use this voice again to get on someone's nerves or gather information." reassured James still in Khan's voice. "<I hope that isn't me...and can you please go back to using your normal voice?>" sighed Bahamut as James just smirked and resumed speaking in his normal voice once more.

"Alright, no more goofing around...Now...let's end this lesson!" yelled James as ne began focusing and charging magic into Laevatein's blade and added more when he felt it was not enough. "Not enough...still need to charge more-!" gaspee James charging more magic until Laevatein's blade was now emitting a firey red-orange aura and he too was emitting said aura as well as James continued to charge magic. "Alright! Here i go!!!" roared James now ready to unleash his own version of Teraflare Sword.

James dashed towards the boulder and sent it flying through a whack and flew towards it, soo James then swung Laevatein with all his might sent it flying even farther and sliced the boulder into many pieces and swung Laevatein a second time which unleashed the energy wave which collided with the boulder and it's pieces...and James quickly flew away to a safe distance as the explosion utterly tore apart the boulder to oblivion. "<I am very impressed James. Not to mention your version of Teraflare Sword had a slash frenzy attack before the second swing! And the explosion is much more reddish in color compared to mine which was orange.>" complimented Bahamut as James landed next to him. "[*Yawn* What did i miss?]" yawned Ddraig clearly missing the action. "<You are finally awake you sleepy dragon! You missed the entirety of James' spellblade training!>" scolded Bahamut annoyed with the Welsh Dragon. "[Give me a break! I was tired yesterday!]" yelled Ddraig irritated from just having woken up.

"Alright you guys, break it up! I understand why, but Ddraig you better sleep less if you want to my progress." admonished James with a chuckle. "[Fine fine. I'll sleep less, now can you both get offa my back?]" grumbled Ddraig complying with James while asking the two to stop bothering him. "Alright, we'll get off your back. But there is one last test am i right Bahamut?" said James turning to face Bahamut while asking the question. "<Indeed. There is one final must fight me a second time, only this time with all the skills i have taught you!>" replied Bahamut answering James' question and entered a battle stance as James entered his own stance. "I see...then...BRING IT!!" yelled James accepting the final test with utter conviction.

James swung Laevatein with all his might as Bahamut parried the swing...only for James to anticipate the defensive manuver and quickly used Megaflare Sword the moment both blades clashed. James then quickly used the smoke from the explosion as a distraction and quickly used Infernal Hellblaze Sword at an unsuspecting Bahamut's rear, the Platinum Dragon's heightened senses quickly sensed the attack coming and used Blizzaja Sword to counter the attack. Alas, Infernal Hellblaze Sword was far more powerful and caused some damage to Bahamut as James leapt away to avoid a swipe from Bahamut's sword. 'I have to think fast! Bahamut has more mana reserves than me...what should i do? That's it! I'll use Ascalon!' thought James while thinking of a strategy and quickly sheathed Laevatein on his back and pulled out Ascalon from the right gauntlet of his Scale Mail where the Hypernova Boosted Gear was placed. "[James? What are you planning while wielding Ascalon?]" asked Ddraig as James just smirked at his words making the Welsh Dragon realize what James was planning. Since Bahamut was a dragon...then that meant...Ascalon's dragon slaying effects would work on him as well, but since Bahamut was far stronger than any other dragon, James' plan was simple: weaken Bahamut during the entire fight using Ascalon's properties and seal a complete victory without any severe injuries or death. The only problem is that Bahamut was much more tougher and more skilled than anything James had ever faced, he had to win using his intellect and quick thinking in order to win against the much more experienced dragon.

James whistled gaining Bahamut's attention. "Oi, Bahamut! Eat this!" James quickly then made a sharp turn to the left and quickly used a Blizzaja Blade followed by a Grand Thunderstorm Blade in rapid succession. "<Gah! James got me good there....wait, he's using Ascalon!? Shoot!>" Bahamut cursed under his breath as James evaded a Gigaflare Sword and used Hakaze: Ranbu no Tachi in retaliation which quickly wounded Bahamut who began feeling the effects of Ascalon's dragon slaying properties. '<Damn he's good at strategizing...even using the sword that can kill all dragons except for father, i am very looking forward to see your growth James!>' thought Bahamut as he began dodging James' attack, only for him to fall prey to Absolute Zero Frost Blade when he least expected it and encasing him in ice which James promptly melted with Infernal Hellblaze Sword.

Bahamut quickly dodged a Flare Sword from James who managed to make the dragon trip due to the puddles left from the melted ice. "Oops, my bad." said James in a mocking tone as he quickly used Megaflare Sword and Great Storm Blade in quick succession and and sent Bahamut flying towards a large boulder which shattered upon impact.

Bahamut recovered and clashed blades with James, the two exchanged fast slashes and strikes as the their blades clashed against each other. "Hrrrrgghhh..." James grit his teeth as he put more force into his blows as blocked some of Bahamut's strikes with Ascalon's blade. "*Huff...puff...* Grrrrgghhh...!" James growled as he sidestepped a slash and quickly parried another slash and quickly retaliated with Teraflare Sword which sent both combatants flying away from each other due to the force of the explosion. Bahamut groggily stood up while James recovered quickly and rushed towards the dragon and pointed Ascalon at his face. "I win. You lose." stated James feeling the effects of fatigue from the dash he had executed. "<Hmph. Very well...i yield.>" said Bahamut conceding as he slowly got while James sat down and looked at Ascalon's blade. 'Whew! That was a tough fight alright, but i least won without any injuries to myself.' James thought with relief and suddenly had an idea.

"Ddraig, you said that Ascalon is steeped in dragon slaying magics am i right?" asked James looking at Ascalon intently. "[Well yes, not only that, the whole sword is in fact steeped in dragon slaying magics. What of it?]" replied Ddraig very confused. "Even the hilt and the pommel?" asked James with a grin slowly creeping up on his face despite that he was in his Balance Breaker. "[Yes, even the hilt and the pommel. All of Ascalon is steeped in dragon slaying magics. Again i have to ask you: what of it?]" replied Ddraig getting more and more confused. "You'll see what i mean." chuckled James as he held Ascalon by the tip of it's blade. "YAAAHHH!!!" James yelled as he cleanly sliced the left part of the hilt and followed with the right shortly after that.

James then picked the golden pieces of Ascalon's chopped hilt and placed the pieces on the right gauntlet of the Scale Mail. "Transfer." James commanded as a green light enveloped the pieces and vanished shortly after the light faded away, James then clenched his right fist in triumph. "So Ddraig...does the Hypernova Boosted Gear feel the same with the pieces of Ascalon?" James asked as he looked at Ascalon's new look from his handiwork.

"[James...what you did...was quite the innovative move. By breaking pieces of Ascalon's hilt and placing the pieces into the Hypernova Boosted Gear allows it to retain Ascalon's dragon slaying properties while allowing you to wield Ascalon without it being in the Sacred Gear.]" replied Ddraig in awe at James' actions. Gamer's Gear then coughed to get everyone's attention. //Ahem! The Forge is now accessible.// he announced as James nodded and got up and was back at the entrance of the dungeon once more.

(a few minutes later...)

James whistled as he saw the Forge in it's glory...except there was one problem: "There is no blacksmith." he said in dismay until Bahamut coughed. "<The Blacksmith is right next to you.>" replied Bahamut grabbing a hold of Ascalon to James' surprise and shock. "Huh!? You're a blacksmith Bahamut? I never knew that!" James exclaimed. as Bahamut began heating up the furnace with his breath and looked at Ascalon.

"<Steel does not lie...the amount of effort you exerted in fighting me shows how much damage the metal is showing...>" commented Bahamut who began hammering the now heated up Ascalon. "<I had to learn the ways of the forge in order to keep my sword/spear sharp and well maintained, and i haven't used a forge in about 500 years. And i kind of like doing this to be honest. Seeing sparks from metal being hammered, seeing the metal taking shape of a weapon, and finishing your hard work.>" explained Bahamut as he swung the hammer once more on Ascalon. "C-can i help? I want to learn as well..." asked James nervously. "<Get that extra hammer and i'll be more than happy to teach you.>" replied Bahamut as James brightened up and began learning on how to be a proper blacksmith.

'This is fun...i'm learning things on my own...i wonder what's next?' James thought as he hammered Ascalon with his hammer while in Balance Breaker, but he did wonder...what was next? He was going to find out in the next few days.

-Ending Theme: Futatsu no Mirai by Michihiko Kuroda.-

Author's notes: Quite possibly the second longest chapter i had ever written. Now that James had improved his sword skills and learned the powerful spellblade techniques and learns how to be a blacksmith, what's next? You'll find out in the next chapter. And as always: please enjoy and comment on it and please take care! Later!

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