By deey_jah

225K 43K 10.9K

A few minutes into the walk, I heard footsteps shuffling behind me. I tensed up and halted in my tracks. My h... More

1. Manal
2. Manal
3. Manal
4. Manal
5. Manal
6. Manal
7. Manal
8. Manal
9: Manal
10: Manal
11: Manal
12: Manal
13: Manal
14. Manal
15. Manal
16: Manal
17. Manal
18. Manal
19. Manal
20. Manal
21. Jawaad
22. Manal
23. Manal
24. Manal
25. Manal
26. Manal
27. Jawaad
28. Jawaad
29. Manal
30: Manal
31: Manal
32: Manal
33: Manal
34: Jawaad
35: Manal
36: Jawaad
37: Manal
38: Jawaad
39: Manal
40: Manal
41: Jawaad
42: Manal
43: Manal
44: Manal
45: Jawaad
46: Manal
47: Manal
48: Manal
49: Jawaad
50: Manal
51: Manal
52: Manal
53: Manal
54: Jawaad
55: Manal
56: Manal
57: Manal
58: Manal
59: Jawaad
60: Jawaad
61: Manal
62: Manal
63: Jawaad
64: Manal
65: Na'eem
66: Jawaad
67: Jawaad
68: Manal
69; Jawaad
70: Manal
71: Jawaad
72: Jawaad
73: Manal
74: Manal
75: Manal
76: Na'eem
77: Manal
78: Farida
79: Jawaad
Jawaad or Na'eem?
80: Jawaad
81: Manal*
82: Jawaad
83: Manal
84: Manal
85: Jawaad
86: Manal
87: Manal
88: Manal
89: Jawaad
90: Manal
91: Manal
92: Manal
93: Jawaad
94: Manal
95: Manal
96: Manal
97: Hala
99: Jawaad
100: Manal
101: Jawaad & Manal*

98: Manal

1.6K 346 130
By deey_jah

I felt feeble. I couldn't even lift my limps. It almost seemed as if I was paralyzed or constrained by some strong force. I opened my eyes to an unknown room. I tried to get up but my effort was futile. I realized I had indeed been bound to the bed by ropes-my feet and hands.

My breath hitched in my throat. I couldn't figure out how I got there. My mind was completely blank. All I could think of was how to get out of the room and fast! The red lightning illuminating the room was dim.

My fear intensified when I heard the sounds of footsteps approaching. I began to mutter duas beneath my breath.

The doorknob turned and Hala's friend walked in.


My eyes widened in shock. The first thought that invaded my mind was deception. I had been deceived by Hala yet again.

In an attempt to spurn the insinuation from my mind, I shook my head. Hala and I had a misunderstanding, but it was in the past, and we had already put that behind us. There had to be a misunderstanding somewhere.

"Hi, sweetheart," Adam smirked. "Missed me?"

I resisted the urge to spit on his face. I had to be tactical to get away from him. "What do you want from me?" I asked in a subdued voice. I was controlling myself so badly from shouting for help. "Where is Hala? Does she even know about this?"

"Hala?" He laughed out loud.

His reaction confirmed my hunch. He indeed conspired with Hala to kidnap me.

But why?

The question lingered in my mind.

"Please let me go," I beseeched. "I have done nothing to you. I don't even know you before today. If you were paid to keep me here, I promise to pay you double of what you were given if you'd just let me go. Keeping me here will be of no benefit to you."

"You think so?" He chuckled. "Keeping you here will be of a huge benefit to me. Just wait and see."

Tears prickled my eyes at the seriousness in his tone. He was getting scarier by the second. "What have I done to you?"

"Oh!" He nodded his head repeatedly. "Playing dumb, are we? Well," he sunk his fingers in his beards. "It doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I will finally be able to have my revenge, and you know what's even more interesting?"

Tears ran down my cheeks as I listened to him acting like the worst villain in a movie.

"I will be getting cash for it." He smiled sheepishly. "A lot of cash. Doesn't that sound interesting?"

"Hala paid you, didn't she?" It hurt to even imagine her giving the order. After all, we had been through together? Despite everything she did to me, I forgave her and even gave her a place in my house. I loved her genuinely.

"Anyone that sees you from afar will think you're one sophisticated, intelligent babe, but you're far from that," he shook his head. "You're so naive-much more naive than my five-year-old cousin, and you're dense. I honestly wonder how you do well in your studies. How can you be so stupid not to see the signs? I mean, the signs were so glaring. I thought you'd figure it all out when you were being compelled to drink. Gosh! What are you? Ten?"

Hala spiked my drink!

"Right now," he continued. "I feel foolish for falling in love with you before. This your big head just dey empty. You just fine for nothing."

"What?" Although he sounded irritating, I hoped I'd be able to use his words to my advantage. "If you really love me like you-"

"Loved." He emphasized. "Not anymore. I decided to withdraw the day you blatantly rejected me in the presence of my friends." He hissed. "Do you know how embarrassed I was?"

From the depths of my heart, I had no idea what he was saying. I could swear our paths had never crossed. But by how intensely he was speaking-as if he was still pained, it seemed he was not lying. I could literally see the blazing vengeance in his eyes as he spoke. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

He scoffed. "You're sorry?" He cupped my jaw a little too tightly. "You're sorry?" He repeated. "Do you think your apology will be able to restore my honor? I was made jest of because of you!"

As he spoke, his hold on my jaw was getting tighter. I feared for my teeth. "Ple....ase stop!"

"And why should I?" He stared directly into my eyes. "Why should I stop?"

My tears were the reply he got. I couldn't even speak.

He aggressively pushed my face to the side before letting me go.

My heart skipped when he began to loosened the ropes on my hands and then proceeded to loose the ones used to tie my feet. "Thank yo-"

"Not so fast," he chose the moment to burst my bubbles. "I'm not setting you free. I'm about to get to business."

My eyes broadened in realization when he began to take off his shirt.

I instantly fell on my knees and began to cry. "Please don't do it. Please. If you have any goodness left in you, don't touch me."

He rolled his eyes. "I had a lot of goodness in me when I approached you. I wanted a future with you, but what did you do? You shattered everything. When Hala came to me and told me about her plan to make sure your wedding doesn't push through, I quickly grabbed the opportunity. I wanted no one else to do the job but for me. The money she's giving to me is just a bonus. I would do this job regardless."

His words pierced directly into my heart like a dagger. I still couldn't believe Hala was so despicable. I couldn't believe she could stoop so low again. I felt betrayed. I felt hurt. I felt disappointed and used. More than anything, I felt stupid! Stupid to have trusted Hala again.

The past few months had been peaceful for Hala and me. We got along perfectly. We ate together, shared our stuff, and practically did everything together. She constantly apologized to me for all the mean things she had said and done to me in the past, and I forgave her because she sounded so genuine. I felt so stupid because I treated Hala like a sister. I let her use my car anyhow she wanted. Whenever she would ask for money or something else from me, I'd give it to her. Since we were living together, Hala was always the first person I'd go to for advice, even before Farida.

"Let's see how he's going to marry you after I'm done with you," Adam smirked.

I shook my head, more tears streaming down my face. "Please let me go. Don't do this to me."

"Shut up!" He yelled.

I held my lips, indicating I wouldn't dare speak as it was his command.

"Now, take off your clothes. I don't want to be forced to do it myself. You wouldn't like the outcome." He threatened.

"Please stop this!" I cried. "How much do you want?"

"This girl is even denser than I thought." He hissed. "Take off your clothes. Don't make me repeat myself."

At this point, I was sweating profusely. I didn't know what to do anymore. I just wanted to see myself at home with my family-my haven. As a kid, I used to be so afraid of going out alone because I was scared of being taken away. The traumatic incident of what happened to me as a child never left. I may have tried to bury it, but it just wouldn't go away. For years, I battled with nightmares. Nafisa's scary face was deeply inscribed in my mind.

Adam sighed. "I guess you don't listen to simple instructions." He crouched in front of me and struck me across the face with the back of his palm. It was so hard that I legit saw stars floating in the air in circles.

Before I could react, he held the hem of my shirt and was about to rip it.

With all of the strength I could muster, I pushed him away and ran to the door but unfortunately for me, it was locked.

Adam's venomous laugh filled the air. "Did you think you could escape from me? No, babes, you can't. Not until I'm done with y-" the ringtone of his phone cut him off.

I heaved a small sigh of relief when he ambled to the bed to pick it up.

"Hala, my friend!" He squeaked, his gaze darting to me. "you just interrupted me. I was just about to start before you called. Anyways, talk to your friend. I'm putting the call on speaker." He announced before doing just that.

"Aren't any of you found to say anything to the other?" Adam asked, tracing patterns on my face with his finger.

I recoiled. His touch felt like a hot coal on my skin. I hated it passionately. "Stay away from me. Don't touch me!" Though my voice quivered, making me seem so vulnerable, I warned him.

I had so many things I wanted to say to Hala. So many things I wanted to ask her, but my voice failed me. I couldn't even construct a coherent sentence in my mind for it was clouded with fear. The most important thing for me at the moment was getting out of there untouched. I would never be able to forgive myself otherwise.

"What are you doing to her?" Hala asked.

"Exactly what you paid me to do." Adam shrugged. "I'm going to make sure her wedding doesn't happen."

"Don't do anything stupid!" Hala yelled.

"What do you mean by I shouldn't do anything stupid? Isn't this what you asked me to do? The difference is just that I'm going to do it my way."

"Don't you dare do anything to her, Adam. Let her go right now."

"Aren't you a confused person?" Adam chuckled. "One minute you want me to spike your friend's drink and make her look so unattractive that her fiancè would not want to marry her anymore, and the next minute you want me to let her go? What do you take me for?"

My jaw dropped. I was too shocked to even say anything.

"You fool, I told you to make her look unattractive by putting permanent marks on her face. I even spiked her drink because I didn't want her to feel a lot of pain. I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO RAPE HER! Are you mad? You better let Manal go otherwise I'm going to call the police. I'm serious. Let her go right now!"

"Bitch," Adam seethed. "You asked me to pour acid on her face. Who the hell do you think you are to order me around like a kid? For your information, I don't need your money anymore and you wouldn't dare call the police. I swear, Hala, I'm going to.
drag you down with me. You don't want to cross me." With that, he ended the call and crouched down in front of me again. "Are you going to cooperate or make me force you?"

"You're a coward!" I didn't know where I got the sudden courage from, but I wanted him to know exactly what he was. "You-" I was cut off by another resounding slap across my cheek.

"Say it one more time and I swear, I'm going to ruin your pretty face before anything else."

"Do it!" I screamed in his face. "Do it, you coward!" I was tired of begging. Tired of crying and acting like a weakling. I wanted to show a little strength. I wanted to prove to myself that I was not as stupid as people think.

"Should I?"

My heart pounded vigorously in my heart when Adam picked up the electric pressing iron and plugged it into a socket.

I remained glued to my spot as he pulled it out after a while, afraid of making the wrong move. I didn't want to provoke him more than I already had.

"You asked for it." He approached me and crouched in front of me; the burning iron dangerously close to my face.

I shivered in fear.

Adam burst out laughing. "Weren't you just daring me a few minutes ago? Where has your courage flown to?"

I wanted to apologize to him and tell him that I didn't mean to, but again, I couldn't talk. I could only sob.

Adam continued to take the iron closer to my face until I could feel the hotness on my face.

I couldn't sit back and allowed him to ruin my face. Repulsively, I kneed him in the groin. He threw his head back and groaned but didn't let go of the iron.

That action of mine seemed to have awoken the beast in him. Adam lifted the hot iron and without thinking twice, he touched the side of my face with it.

I screamed at the top of my voice. The pain I felt was like none other. I could feel my skin melting under the heat. I tried to make him take it off my face but he didn't. Amidst my agony, he was smiling, thoroughly enjoying the scene.

"Adam!" Hala's voice reverberated from outside the room. "Adam!" She banged on the door aggressively. "If you don't open this door, I swear I'm going to break it down!"

I didn't feel any better when the pressing iron was taken off my face. My whole face was burning. I could feel blisters rising all over, and the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. At that very moment, I didn't care about the severe pain I was in. I was much more worried about my face. I couldn't see it at that time, but I could only imagine how I looked. I was too afraid to touch it.

At the top of my lungs, I screamed.

I didn't even realize Adam had unlocked the door until Hala appeared in front of me and began to apologize profusely. "Please forgive me, Manal. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to do this to you, please-"

"Stay away from me!" I pushed her away and wrapped my arms around my folded knees. I was tired. I just wanted to go home.

"What are you doing here?" Adam grabbed Hala's hand, making her stand up.

Hala yanked her arm away and slapped him hard on the face. "What have you done to my friend?"

Adam seethed, obviously furious by the slap he received. He wrapped his hand around Hala's neck and began to wriggle. "Exactly what you told me to do, bitch!"

Hala's breath was uneven. She wrapped her hands around his, trying to peel them off her neck, but her effort was futile.

Her eyes had already begun to roll to the back of her head when Adam released his hold on her neck.

Hala wrapped her hand loosely around her neck and began to cough.

For the first time, I didn't care if someone was killed in front of me. She deserved everything she was getting.

"While I'm still being nice, leave, Hala," Adam pointed to the door. "I have unfinished business to attend to."

"Please, it's enough." Tears ran down Hala's cheeks. "You've done enough. Please let her go. I will pay you doublethe amount I promised. Just let her go, please. I know I asked you to ruin her face, which you already did. What more do you want?"

"To hell with your money." He gave a half-smile and huffed. "I don't need it anymore. This is a personal beef between Manal and me. On another thought, you can stay and watch if it pleases you." With that said, he walked over to where I was curled in a ball and ripped my shirt before I could even stop him. It happened in a split second.

Intuitively, my arms wrapped themselves around my chest. I pitied myself because I couldn't even fight back.

I'm stupid, and I accept it!

Just as Adam attempted to take off the rest of my clothing, I closed my eyes, anticipating the worst, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to a furious Adam punching Hala square on the face and a broken vase on the floor.

It seemed Hala hit him with it to stop him from having his way with me and that infuriated him.

Hala had blood emerging from her lips and nose, yet she didn't let go of him. She held him tightly by his trousers and refused to let go.

"I'm warning you for the last time, Hala, get your hands off me!" Adam's voice was laced with venom. He seemed to have really lost it. Perhaps he was high on some cheap drugs.

Hala's gaze darted to me and then to the door. She repeated the act three times.

I understood what she was trying to say, but I just couldn't lift my body. I didn't trust her still either. Maybe she was acting to get away with the crime because Adam had already exposed her to me.

"Damnit!" Hala yelled. "Get out, Manal! Escape now! Leave! Run and don't even look back. I will handle him."

"You're making a mistake," Adam warned. "If she escapes, I'm going to kill you."

"What are you waiting for, Mana-" she was cut off by another punch on her stomach. "Don't worry about me, just leave! Runaway now." She finished her last statement and spat blood on Adam.

I gasped, afraid of what he would do to Hala. I didn't understand why I was feeling so much sympathy for her after what she did to me. She didn't deserve my sympathy. Anger boiled in me as I remembered why we were in the situation in the first place. It was because of her!

I stood up and began to maneuver my way to the ajar door.

"You're going to regret this!" Adam's high-pitched voice made me turn around.

He had his hand wrapped around Hala's neck and was wriggling it so mercilessly.

Hala's face had turned completely red. Tears prickled my eyes at the sight.

"Go!" Hala muttered as she couldn't even speak anymore.

I shook my head. I wasn't inhumane. I wasn't the type of person to compensate evil with evil. If I decided to leave at that moment and something happens to Hala, I would never be able to forgive myself and my conscience would forever hunt me.

I ran back to the room and began to hit Adam with my fists, but he didn't budge. His hand around Hala's neck didn't loosen, likewise Hala's grip on his trousers. Adam was acting as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

"G...o," Hala's tried to speak.

"Don't worry, Hala, I'm going to get help. I will be back." I promised and began to run as fast as my weak legs could carry me. The dizziness I was feeling didn't hinder me from getting out of the house.

I abruptly halted in my tracks when I heard a shrill sound, followed by a flump.

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