
By KayleighRodriguez

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"Cora..." I say with an annoyed tone. I throw her arms off my waist, and grab a hold of Claire's hand. She gi... More

Characters Page!
Prologue: Xylon
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Lingering Questions
Chapter 3: Birthday
Chapter 4: The Mark
Chapter 5: Delusionally Secure
Chapter 6: Only Day
Chapter 7: Disaster Date
Chapter 8: White Russian
Chapter 9: Vampire Schedule
Chapter 11: Underworld
Chapter 12: Just a Question
Chapter 13: Claire's Pregnancy
Chapter 14: Baby Names
Chapter 15: How Many Blood Bags?
Chapter 16: False Hope
Chapter 17: Baby
Chapter 18: A Plan
Chapter 19: Escape
Chapter 20: You Have A Beautiful Baby..
Chapter 21: Strange
Chapter 22: All I See Is Red
Chapter 23: Jealous?
Chapter 24: The Ball
Chapter 25: Xylo
Epilogue: Claire
Authors Note

Chapter 10: Gone

69 2 0
By KayleighRodriguez

Sexual content ahead!
If you are too immature, this is your opportunity to stop.

Claire's P.O.V

Xylon slowly crept up on me, leaving a trail of kisses along my stomach. He's holding my hands above my head with his hands, while his mouth teases me. He gives me kisses, and hickeys, all along my body. If he was always angry, you'd think he's abusive to me. But no, they are thankfully just hickeys.
Xylon slides off my dark blue shorts, that I happened to wear tonight, to the side as his only free hand holds my hip. When his arms are wrapped around me, I feel my legs against his as I reach to grab his hair. He gives my lips a little peck before he began to study me. I wanted to give him time to take in the sight of my body in his, but I can't control what is happening.

I grab a hold of his body as he tugs my hair gently. My lips slide against his cheek as his neck lowers to the nape of my neck to kiss me. I feel my way around his shoulders as he nips and tugs at my skin.
My bra is the next item of clothing to come off, he takes his sweet time with it too. He uses a special method to unhook my bra and take it off. With his fangs. As he pulled it off, I felt weightless. I felt like I wanted to just have Xylon take articles of clothing off my body. It feels so good, a knot in my stomach tightens, but it's only calling for him.
When my breasts are in full view, he presses his chest up against me and kisses my lips slowly. I follow what he is doing, because I like it. I wish we could start over and begin again. Any time that this has happened, it has been full of passion and love.

The music in the background has me grip at Xylons skin, causing a low growl to come from him. He doesn't do it out of anger, because he brings his face down to my chest to leave another trail of kisses.
His mouth lingers above my breasts, the hot air from his mouth makes the rest of my body shiver. He tugs softly at my nip, and because I want to have him closer, I pull his hair in order for him to come closer to me.
Our lips meet and I mentally call to him. To give in, to make love to me. He starts to hesitate, saying this is all he was going to give to me. But I need it, if I don't receive what I was expecting to receive I think I might burst. I need to feel him, I need this right now, my body is yearning for this.

A few short minutes later, he begins to prepare to pleasure the both of us, in a way that's a little more satisfying than being unified in holy matrimony. By the time he was ready, we were both completely naked underneath the covers. My hand reached for his face, feeling his strong cheek bones beneath my palm. He positions himself above me and kisses my forehead before finding my core.
I reach down and hold onto his biceps, he grabs my body and thrusts forward. I feel the pressure, that is then followed by pleasure. He grabs the headboard, because there's nothing else to grab. He could grab me, but I think he was afraid he was going to hurt me. I don't know how long he lasted for, all I remember is passing out of a short period of time.

My hips are sore, my body is filled with hickeys, and minor bruises. I lie awake with Xylon beside me, sleeping. He is snoring softly, which I can't help but think is the most cutest thing ever. He is the type of boyfriend I would have as a child, someone who is willing to take care of my needs before their own. Well, without the love making and make outs. When I was a child, I dreamt about meeting my Prince Charming and allowing myself to fall in love someone, whom I just met. In a way I received my Prince Charming, but instead of being the blonde haired, blue eyed charmer, I received someone way better. A person who is dark, mysterious, gentle, funny... My mind trails off in to a beautiful scene of Xylon and I.
The scene isn't a memory, but a thought that yearned for it to be real.
There is tall grass around us, little flowers begin to peek out at the top, while the wind breezes by. Xylons hair moves with the wind, while my hair was pressed neatly in the grass. I began to smile at him, having him reach for my hand. He holds onto it as I get up. When my eyes are locked on his, we both lean in for a kiss, but... My beautiful scenery is ruined, which is then changed to me watching my mom and a tall, mid-20s, dark haired male, speaking to each other. It looks as if she is flirting with him, but he isn't fazed by the hints and gestures. She leans in for a kiss, which he doesn't hesitate at, he leans in for the kiss! My mom is like 40! He's so young, why would she be going for someone so young? He gets up after the kiss and snaps her fingers. My mom has vanished from the room and the male is staring directly at me. Why is he looking at me? Before he is able to speak to me, my eyes open.

I'm still awake, alone. Xylon has stayed asleep the whole time I was dozed off. I guess it was a short dream, because, looking at the clock on the nightstand, it's only seven.
I guess I should follow Xylons instructions, I mean, I guess I threw him off while I had to sleep. Because now I have to follow his schedule. It's not like any of us meant for this, life is just a bitch. That's all I can say, well that and if something annoys me to the point of no solution, I blame gravity. Everything is gravity's fault in that moment and there's nothing to be done about it. If you want to do something about it, find a solution to my situation, then it won't be gravity's fault anymore.

I turn my body over, having my hands and body, closer on Xylons stomach and chest. His arm wraps around me, pulling me closer. I feel a tug on my eyelids, forcing my eyes to shut, leaving me no other choice than to go to sleep. Falling asleep in Xylons embrace? I see nothing better to do, besides, I think if I disobey him, there will be an argument.


Two days later and I'm still waiting for Xylon to come home. He left in the night, two days ago, saying nothing but 'I'll be home soon'. I'm losing my mind every second he is away, and all I can do is wait.
He has ignored everyone's phone call, by basically turning off his phone.
I started to blame myself, crying in Dahlias arms because I didn't understand why. I had to lock myself in my room, because I feared of losing control without him here. Dahlia and Xavier occasionally stopped by to give me blood bags, but now I am just wrapped in the blankets, by myself.

Not wanting to be alone anymore, I walk to the phone and call my father. He answers on the first ring and I ask to meet him. Of course he has to come to us, considering it is broad daylight, and I am a Vampire. I awaited for his arrival, and upon waiting, I was given my daily blood supply. I have no care for the bood being in the bag or not, I just want to get the blood into my body before I kill someone.
By the time I my father arrived, I had finished two blood bags. It was enough for me, but Xavier was questioning my appetite.

"Claire. It's good to see you."

My dad says after fully taking off his jacket. He sets his jacket on a hook by the front door, and we turn to walk down the hallway towards the little strip mall.

"I have arranged a lunch. We can talk there."

I say opening the entrance door leading to the mall. We walked in silence to the restaurant, there were a ton of people surrounding us, I didn't want anyone to know what we are going to talk about. I want to learn about the Demonic side of me. I want to become a full Demon, or half.
We arrive at 'The Crescents Steakhouse' and the hostess leads us to our seats. She tells us our server will be with us soon, before vanishing into the kitchen.

"What's the first step into becoming a Demon?"

I ask in a whisper. My dad leans in and smiles.

"We can do it now, if you are really intrigued."

"What do you have to do?"

"I have to summon you in. Then I will make your Demonic side come forth. After that, a few practices each month and you are part of the Demonic Society."

"I do want to be part Demon."

He grabs a hold of my hand and bows his head. He doesn't say a word, and I see his eyes go black. I feel a gust of wind come by and hit me in the stomach, causing me to choke and struggle on breathing. He didn't tell me anything about this. A cold sensation is felt throughout my body and I am let go from my fathers hands.

My eyelids blink and I feel a smile grow upon my face.

"Now your eyes are black."

"How do I switch them back?"

"All you have to do is blink two times fast. But don't do that multiple times, you can cause yourself to non-stop seizures."

"I'll know not to do that now."

The waiter walks up to our private table and asks us what we will be having to drink. My dad orders wine, and since they serve blood, I ordered it. They came back with our drinks, but we still needed time to order. I don't even think he wants to order, I think he just wants to practice. He has a smile forming on his face and is tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

"Let me show you the Underworld. You are going to have to go there once out of your lifetime."

He says, Leaving me in shock and speechless.

"The Underworld?"

He looks at me with a face that is becoming still, he was really into the fact that he wanted to take me to the Underworld. But I don't know, it seems cool, but I don't want to go there not knowing what to expect. I don't want to be that person who stares to long at a creature, I would be bitch for doing that.

"I can show you where you were actually born, where the King lives, the shoppes..."

He starts to think about everything and is lost in thought. Giving me time to analyze and pick why I want to go to the Underworld. I can see where I was born! But, still, I don't know what to expect. I mean we could of not been living like how we are now. Nice house, nice lawn. Classy suburban area, with nice neighbors. Sometimes I would think they were too nice.
We could see some shoppes. I know those can be nice to go to, get some new clothes. I wonder what the clothes look like there.
No, you just want to see if you can meet the King.
No! It would be nice to, considering that I have never met a King, but I just want to check it out. The place he resides in.

"Uh, sure. Let's go."

I say gulping the rest of my blood. He is snapped out of his thoughts and is serious now.

"If you want to go, then we'll have to leave by magic. Do you know how to preform magic?"

"I thought once you become a Vampire, you lose the ability to preform magic?"

"No you dunce, this isn't that show you watched when you were home. You still have everything intact, you just don't get to really keep it. Every so often you can practice it. So since you don't know how to preform magic, I'm going to have to call my sister to send someone over. Or send us through the phone..."

I pull out the phone that Xavier gave me to use. Since Xylon is gone, he needed to be able to find me. He didn't fully trust my dad, which is okay, he doesn't know him. I'm sure Xylon was the same way.
Thinking of him right now makes me mad, but I'm sure if he came home today, I would be wrapped in his arms.
I'm flipping through my messages, half of them are sent to Xylon. I go to the message that I regret sending, the hateful message. It's basically saying how could leave me without telling me where he was going. I also put how the Beloved thing has me trapped without him and some things I'd rather not think of.
But of course, there was no response.
I dial his number, and to my surprise, it rings. But he doesn't answer, he waits for it to go to voicemail. So I guess he turned his phone on.
I got up to leave my message, while my dad was talking to his sister, though I am still waiting for the beep to sound. The phone doesn't make anymore rings and it doesn't beep, so I leave a message anyway.

"Hey, um, in case you come home or not, my dad is taking me to the Underworld. Yeah. Bye."

I hang up the phone call as if I was talking to a silent Xylon. An empty feeling fills me within, so I shove the phone back in the pocket of my jacket and walk towards my dad. He's holding the phone to his ear and motioning me to come near him.

"I've let the waiters know we'll be heading out, but they'll need to keep this room off limits. When we come back, we're coming here."


He sets the phone between us, then puts it on speaker.

"Don't move, and repeat after me."

"Go on."

My dad says. He then wraps his arm around my shoulder and waits.

"Body and soul, transfer. Darkness and light accept."

We repeat in unison.
As we are speaking, the ground is disappearing and rings of light started to form around our bodies all of the rings strangely had human faces, or dead bodies? Either way, it looked like the soul from Hercules, and I was a tad freaked out. The restaurant walls began turning into a rocky wall, with stairs off to the side. Fog surrounded us and it was pitch black.

"I can't even see!"

I say holding onto my dads arm.

"Blink two times fast."

When I do, I finally am able to see. Everything is in color and it's as if my eyes turned on the light switch.


"It's as if our second pair of eyes only work in complete darkness."

He says walking down the stairs. I follow him closely behind, and we slowly make our way towards a big wooden door.

"Where are we?"

"The King has to bless you into the Underworld, then you will be a part of the Citizens branch of the Demonic Society. You'll still need to practice to be a full part of the Demonic Society."

"I'm going to meet the King?"


I started to wonder what the King of the Underworld is like? Is he a dark lord that hates everyone that is not a part of the Demonic Society? Or is he a kind person? Or both, perhaps? Or does he hate his own citizens?
Also, why does the King has to bless everyone that comes, if they are not a citizen? What if they don't ant to be a citizen? Not that I do not want to be a citizen, I just want to know what possessed him to want to bless everyone.


My dad says, and my vision focuses to a man in black dress pants, and a white dress shirt. His hair is black, like Xylons, but messier. He has white eyes, with the pupils showing in the middle. Probably the most normal eye color I have seen on a supernatural creature, yet.

"Your Highness, my daughter Claire is here to be blessed. Will you bless her?"

"Of course."

He smiles and leads me into his castle. The main room is very spacious, there would be enough room to fit a thousand people in here. I didn't realize until now, that I am gawking at the room. I can't help but admire this place, it's something that you rarely get to witness. I'm standing in a castle, next to royalty, and not just any person from royalty, the King.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are beautiful?"


"Good, because they were telling the truth."

If I didn't know any better, I would think that this guy is flirting with me. Why would he be flirting with me!?
He brings my hands up, then kisses them each. He mumbles a bunch of words and I have no idea what he is saying. Before I am able to speak, he takes a cup of water, throws it up in the air, and freezes it by forcing a light out of his finger. The water falls down in little ice particles and I can't help but be amazed.

"Welcome to the Underworld, Claire."


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