When the Tracer leaves a mark.

By TheNotoriousPotato

1K 45 67

When a team of very different individuals, gathered to stop the Omnic Crisis things, a mission that screams '... More

We both have some stuff we wish we could forget..
The Last Samurai is joining the cavalry!
A wind of change...
Nothing like your first day.
Bounty Hunting.
The Strike Commander.
Scars don't heal.
Our lowest point, the greatest change.
Two roads meet forging a single one.
The night is young.
A new morning routine..
Back to base.
Defending Her Honor.
Fujin's tough time.

Halloween Party (Special)

45 1 0
By TheNotoriousPotato

The movie night wasn't totally a disaster... maybe a little bit. Fujin and Lena's interactions weren't much but she was sitting on his lap while watching the movie and Angela with Genji... well, they had some interactions which were kind of akward but Fujin and Lena did their best to make them feel as comfortable as they could.

-Fujin and Lena's room

"That honestly could have gone worse." Fujin said as he changed into his new bought pajama pants that his lovely girlfriend got for him as she did the same. "Yes, think they will end up together?" the bri asked and put on her tank top and slid under the covers. "We did, so everything is possible." The man chuckled and walked over at the stand were his suit was waiting. "You know part of all of this doesn't seem real still.." he smiled at it and put the sword back in its case since it was brought to the base by Angela. Lena smiled at him too "Which part?" The samurai looked at her "All of it." and with that Fujin walked over to the bed and joined her under the covers. At this point it was like a every night ritual, whenever he would get under the covers she would scoot all the way against him and force to lay her head on his bicep. And he would always love it no matter what. "Good job today.." Lena whispered as she rested her hand on his chest. "Thank you, mission went as smoothly as it could." he chuckled "I'm talking about everything.." she kissed him on the cheek before she closed her eyes and going to sleep. If he didn't know better he would have tried to get a clearer answer. 

-Hours after the sun rose

Fujin was enjoying a good and comfortable sleep before everything started shaking. Very intense shaking and that made him bolt up "Who- what's happening!" he looked around and saw that the source of shake was Lena. Fujin's mouth was open and he took a very big breath and exhaled after. "Don't do that again, like, never." he pointed at the woman who shrugged it off before putting her finger right into his face. "LOOK!" she yelled. "Lena i can't see shit when you put the phone right into my eyes.." the samurai pushed her hand out of his face and started reading what was a message from someone called Emily. When he was done he tilted his head to the side and looked behind the phone at Lena who was grinning. "What's this?" he pointed at the phone. "Well, we are invited to a halloween party... since you know... halloween is coming!" the same grin on her face and the same glare still on his face. "C'mon Takedaaaa... i know you don't do 'fun' but this once pleaseeeeee, they are all my friends from way back that it has been some years since i last saw them." Fujin kept glaring and she had no other choice than to use the only thing that could change his mind. Puppy eyes. "Don't you even think-" it was already too late, she was looking right into his own eyes with her hands above her chest like a prayer. "Pretty please with a cherry on top.." Fujin blinked in frustration before looking up at her. She smiled widely before pulling him in for a tight embrace and then giving him a peck on his lips. "I knew puppy eyes couldn't fail me!" she threw her fist in the air in a victory pose before looking back at the man. "You know what im gonna say." Lena looked back at him with a grin "Everything's gonna be just fine Fujin." she kissed his cheek. "What are you dressing as?" she asked as she jumped on her feet. "Overwatch Samurai." he then laid back under the covers. "Wot- NO!" she yelled before she jumped back on the bed and got on top of him. "You are not dressing as Fujin." the man could only glare at her. "Watch me." he smirked before he turned on his side and tried to get some more sleep.

-October 30st

"So we will be crashing with Emily." The brit sat next to him as the auto-pilot took over the rest of the flight. "How did you get Morisson to agree for this?" Fujin asked as he crossed his arms over his chest "Well, it's the same as always. Said we can go as long as we will be back if needed." she smiled at the smurai who smiled back. It ended up that he would go dressed as... well... Fujin. "What are you dressing up as?" his eyes met hers as he dropped the question "You will see.." she touched his nose teasingly before she dived into her phone again and started typing God knows what. "This is dangerous.." he looked at her slightly "What?" she raised on of her eye brows. "This, going out and stuff. We are targets." he was now looking fully at her "I know Fujin." the reply was short "But i can't live like that." she was now looking fully at him as well sitting on the seat with her legs crossed. "Like what?" Fujin asked "Like how i used to live, my life used to be so boring, mission-base-mission-base. No time for me, no time with friends, no joy no nothing. And now i found my joy." she pointed at him "I found you, and i can't keep living the same lifestyle. I just can't..." she sighed and looked down. Fujin was unsure of what to say or do, he was getting better at interacting with people but this was something he wasn't ready for. "I just want to look out for you, for us." Lena raised her head only to see that he wasn't looking at her anymore, he had a blank stare that wasn't focused anywhere in particular. "I can't lose you Lena, if i do... i don't even know what's gonna happen." the samurai took a deep breath in and out "I'm weird and im messed up and i know, but if i lose you... i don't think there will be any way i could stay sane." he rubbed his forehead. Lena had her mouth open but found no words to say. "Yeah, okay i get it. I'm paranoid, i'll find a way to fix it.." he got up and walked to the back of the dropship and sat down cross-legged trying to meditate. Lena knew it was no one's fault but couldn't help but feel bad about it just like he was. "I understand Fujin... but i want us to live a life like people, not like prisoners." she sat next to him and took hold of his hand "I know there are risks at that, but what we do, our life is a risk luv. Just trust me on this one." she  smiled slightly at him and that eased his worries, "Okay.." he returned the smile before her face lit up with excitement. "Thank you." The samurai didn't reply, he just squeezed her hand slightly and closed his eyes again returning to his meditating. 

-Outside Emily's house

Fujin wasn't nervous, he rarely was, and this wasn't one of those times. He just wasn't sure of what to take from all of this. All these thoughts while Lena was banging on a door which opened shortly after and behind it was revealed a young woman. Mid-twenties with long red hair. Same height as Lena. "Lena!" she shouted before they both got into a tight hug for a couple of minutes, Fujin was just standing behind his girlfriend waiting for this to end so he could introduce himself. After some time Emily looked at him and broke the hug with Lena to take a good look at him "Well he is indeed handsome." she looked at the brunette with a grin who blushed slightly. "My name is-" he extended his hand but before he could finish introducing himself she yelled "Fujin!" and pulled him in a tight hug which was more than uncomfortable but he said nothing non the less. "Indeed." he gave a smile at the redhead before she led the couple inside her house. "You can settle in i've made this room for two cause she told me you're sleeping together." Emily opened a door and walked inside said room and Fujin just glared at his girlfriend who grinned at him. "So i will let you settle in and you can find me in the living room once you feel like coming out." Giving a last smile to both of them she then walked out closing the door behind her. "Sorry..." Lena said as she took one of the bags Fujin was carrying to help him. "No need." she was most surprised when she heard that and the best part was that it came along with a smile from the man. "Wot?" she glared at him which didn't faze him at all. "It's good to tell people about your personal life. Friends are good to have and you happen to have some." Fujin took the  bag from her hands and placed it down by a bean bag. Lena blinked infront of him and put her hands on his chest while looking intensely into his eyes "Who are you and what have you done to my Fujin?" she now used both her hands to squeeze his cheeks "I'm just saying that you did good. I only have two friends and with one of them it's been quite a while since i last talked to them. I'm just saying, im glad you have people you can trust." He kissed her forehead before he pulled his gear out of one bag and laid it on the bean bag. Lena was more than confused from this discussion "So you're not mad?" her head tilting slightly to the side "Not at all." he caressed her cheek before giving her a kiss which she didn't really return cause she was still kind of shocked by what has just happened since Fujin had always been really strict to matters like this one.

"So what do we do now?" the samurai asked his girlfriend as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "We..." Lena was still not sure what to do or say "We wait because the party is in a few hours..." Fujin smiled at her before getting up and walking to the door. "Your friend said we should join her in the living room once we are ready, you want to go now?" Lena nodded and he opened the door for her like a true gentleman.

Upon walking in the living room Fujin couldn't help but notice the amount of similarities it shared with Lena's, it was like an exact copy but the main color was red instead of orange. Emily signaled for the two to sit down at the large couch she had right across her and they did. She took a good look at Fujin when his back found the couch "So, how was the trip?" she asked, everything was almost identical to Lena. Even Emily's accent. "Was a'ight luv, short and sweet." The brit answered the redhead looked at Fujin and he was looking back at her like having a staring contest. "Well, don't just look, talk!" she pointed at him. The samurai shook his head "Well what do you want to know?" he leaned forward "Anything, blimey! He isn't a talker huh." As Fujin opened his mouth to talk he was interrupted by his phone which was ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out and took a brief look at who it was "Sorry, i must take this." he gave a smile to both women before he got up and answered the phone while walking somwhat away from them "Yes, Akane?" they heard him say before the rest of the dialogue wasn't audible. "No, he is not a talker." Lena laughed and Emily shook her head "And how did you both end up together, ya seem exact different in my eye." Lena shrugged her shoulders as she smiled at her friend "We kind of are... has its magic y'know." Emily smiled at that. She was glad that her firend found someone to live with and love but she still wasn't convinced he was the right one, Lena had a special place in her heart and she would do anything to keep her protected at all costs. They could see he had a puzzled look on his face like he was trying to remember something before he turned around and continued talking. "And who might Akane be?" Emily raised an eye brow at the brunette "His mother figure. Both his parents were murdered when he was 10." Tracer bit her lip as this was a serious matter. Emily nodded as she realised that things were a little more serious than she thought. Fujin walked again in the room "Sorry about that." He looked at both of them and then his eyes shifted to Lena "Clan matters." she nodded before the redhead talked "Wait clan?" now the samurai looked at the redhead and nodded. "As in the movies?" now her attention was rising rapidily as to who was her best friend dating. The man sat down and slightly shook his head "Kind of." He was starting to warm up to the idea of opening up a little more but not too much, he still had a long way ahead of him. Emily was about to say something else but once she looked at the screen of the phone it was like she saw a ghost. She jumped off her seat and run into the room before calling Lena in there. "Oh shi-" The brunette said as she looked at the time as well "Babe, i need to go.." she said before blinking up "But we still have 5 hours to go." Fujin raised his eye brow as he grimaced "Well, our make up will take quite some time luv. Make y'self at home." Lena gave him a kiss before she dissapeared into the room. The samurai refused to think more about it and just opened the TV to pass his time. 

-5 Hours Later. 

The trio were walking towards the building in which the party would take place. Lena was dressed as what she called 'Will-oh-wisp' which she was getting ready for about all five hours. Emily was dressed as something similar which Fujin had already given up on the idea of trying to understand. He was wearing his usual gear and his reason for being dressed like this would be that 'Fujin is my favorite Overwatch Agent' which was indeed lame but, who really cared?

Upon reaching the entrance a man stopped them "Emily, what a nice costume." they both hugged before she thanked the man who apparently was named Antonio. "They are with me, this is Lena and that is her boyfriend Fujin." Emily introduced them and by the looks of it Lena knew him since they hugged before he shook Antonio's hand. "That's a sick costume man!" he cheered before Fujin thanked him for the compliment. As the group walked inside he shot a glare at Lena who grinned at him before turning her attention to a group of women who rushed at her upon seeing her. The samurai assumed all of those were her friends. Tracer no matter having so much time to see her friends she still tried to keep Fujin in her sights and even tried reaching him but was unable from people pulling, pushing her as long as people dancing. The only reason the Samurai was there was that he knew if he didn't go she wouldn't go either and the last thing he needed was have Lena miss her friends when she has a chance to see them after so long. Fujin motioned to her woman that he would make his way towards the bar and rest there while waiting for her and her friends to catch up after so long.

-Hours Later

Fujin could swear that those people could not get tired from dancing. He tried not to drink too much cause it wasn't right and it wouldn't be good for the way back since Lena and Emily both had gotten drunk over their head. As Fujin played with his half full glass of alcohol by turning it round and round a man came close to him from the side and started nudging him. "Well ain't ya a party killah." The samurai was very good at maintaining his emotions in moments like this so bad outcomes can be avoided.  Fujin could tell just by the man's breath he was shit-drunk level and trying to talk sense into him wouldn't work. The edges of Fujin's lips turned slightly upwards making a smirk appear on his face before calling to the bartender. "Get this man a drink, on me." the male behind the bar nodded before getting the man another drink who thanked the samurai before taking the glass and walking away almost falling a couple of times. A sigh left his lips as he realised he just avoided a fight before something else outside caught his attention. There were shadows that went from window to window and he knew better than this, he knew he had to check whatever the hell was going on out there. The way through the crowd was quick and swift, Fujin found a side door from which he got out and could have his eye on the suspicious group. "Is this the right spot?" one of the men asked as he searched in his duffel bag and another holding some sort of blue prints replied "Yes, this is where the gas goes through, will get this place sky-high." The samurai's eyes more than widened after hearing this, they were planting a bomb. Another terrorrist attack. He swore this place couldn't catch a break, truth to be told he was glad he was taking Lena away from this shit-hole as he would call it. It might be her home but still, facts are facts. 

Before the device was placed Fujin had already knocked out two of the five guys that the group was made from. The rest did give a fight, so much that while Fujin was fighting hand-to-hand two of the three, the last one came from behind and tossed him in the club through the window shattering it in the meantime. He slid on the floor which people moments ago where dancing since everyone's gaze was now on him. Fujin groaned before he helped himself back on his feet when he saw the barrel of a gun pointed at him. "Fujin!" that voice was too familiar for him to miss. on his right Lena run towards him before the gun fired, in split seconds he drew his sword from its holster and deflected the bullet to the ceiling where no one could be harmed. He pushed Lena back in Emily's hands before turning to the three last guys, quickly and luckily he was able to roll near them knocking the guns out of their hands. Blood was drown as he slightly sliced the arm of one enough to make him lose his cool to find and opening and knock him out using the handle of his blade. The last two wasn't too hard for him since he grabbed one of them and threw him on the other before punching them both unconcious. 

Shortly after the police was there with the plans to arrest Fujin, which changed once he showed his Overwatch badge. Then they simply collected the rest of the terrorists and left since any and every Overwatch operation was classified. There was a lot going on in the bar as people started to slowly realise who he was, the one's that weren't drunk that is. One of them being Antonio who put the pieces together but he had a post to stay and that was in the front door. The samurai placed the sword back in its holster before pulling a piece of glass out of his hand. "Son of a bitch.." He whispered before throwing it in the bin and walking towards the bar finishing his drink cause he really felt like he needed something. Upon leaving the empty glass on the table with a thud and giving a tip to the bar-tender he walked to the front door and got out coming face to face with Antonio who was really hyped. "Can i get a picture?" Fujin didn't see why not grant the request while waiting for Lena and so Antonio did get a picture before asking for an autograph. 'To Antonio from your firend, Fujin.' it said and the man promised he would frame it and hang it on his wall to always remember it. Next to Lena's. Of course she had given autographs. 

Roughly thirty minutes later Lena and Emily walked out of the door and came face to face with Antonio and Fujin, the first was still standing next to the door and the latter had found a chair and sat down a little further from the door. "Fujin thank god you're okay." Lena hugged him, just from her breath he could tell she was drunk and there was no need to talk about how bad  she was failing at  balancing herself. And she almost fell down before he caught her, while looking up into his eyes Lena was like she was in a trance no matter how drunk she would be always those eyes would make her fall in love again and again. "How romantic..." she stuttered as the alcohol was making talking quite difficult. Fujin smiled before leaning down and landing his lips on hers for a slight second before the taste of the alcohol threw him off and pulled her back up on her feet. "We should get going." The samurai rubbed his forehead intensely before looking at Emily who seemed ready  to fall asleep. Lena raised her finger in an attempt to protest which was quickly shut down by her boyfriend and so they started their way towards the appartment.

When all three walked through the door it was one of the best feelings Fujin had ever felt, throughout the way it was like he had to take care of two kids, and a drunk Lena is already much... now imagine two drunk Lenas. "Goodnight Fellipe!" Emily giggled before closing the door of her room and seconds after there was a loud thud. Fujin was about to tell her that that's not his name but, most likely she had already passed out. Lena grabbed his hand and pulled both of them in their room before pushing him against the wall and looked up in his eyes. "Aren't you tired..?" the samurai smirked before her response made that smirk even bigger. "I'm really really turned on..." she whispered and the man moved his hands on her hips "We still got our clothes on." Lena shrugged her shoulders "I've always wanted to do it with you wearing your suit." she smirked before kissing his neck. "Naughty..." Fujin whispered as Lena was having an effect on him. "It's the alcohol.." Lena whispered again before giggling "Actually its just me wanting you.." 


Hey this one took some time and you gonna see its says part 1/2 and that is because i will have another halloween party with Fujin and Lena with the rest of the Overwatch team. I dont know if im gonna make it in time with the other chapter but eh, at least this one was on time. I wanna say im sorry for taking so long to post this part but since moving for college i've been having a really tough time mentally so, that's one reason. I'm postivie the next one wont take this long, i hope at least. Happy Halloween.

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