Love like you [Mammon x Reade...

By __hakken

20.9K 738 911

❥Mammon x Reader• ✃- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ➻ Y/n's pronouns: they/them ➻ Book follows the main... More

Royal Academy of Diavolo
The Seven Brothers
House of Lamentation
The Tale of the Seven Lords
The Human Everyone's Talking About
The Pact
An Angel and a Chihuahua
Go Fish
Movie Marathon
The Great TSL Trivia Showdown
TSL Soundtrack
Midnight Custard
Secret of the Attic
I'll help, but not for you
A Pet is a Big Responsibility
Room Inspection
It's Just a Game Anyway
The Dog's Disappearance

A Stupid Demon is a Useful Thing to Have

1K 37 30
By __hakken

I swear I've never been in a place as dark as the Devildom, and yet I can never sleep at night.

Should I try going to the attic again?

But Lucifer will stop me...

But he's not there, is he? I mean, he was yesterday so why would he go again?

Unless... he's hiding a puppy!

It's probably not allowed to have pets so he has to raise it in secret. Such a nice guy.

But Levi has a pet.

Man, I'm overthinking again. I'll just go.

Getting up from your bed, you put on the slippers Lucifer has given you when you got here and finally get to the door, opening it.

After making sure nobody is outside, you walk towards the staircase that leads to the attic.

But as soon as you get there, you're greeted by the only demon you didn't want to be there.

"What's going on, y/n? Out on a stroll?" Lucifer asked, rhetorically "I keep running into you here, don't I? It seems you are really curious about what's at the top of that staircase."

I mean, with all the guard he's putting on it, who wouldn't be curious?

"Unless I'm mistaken, I believe I told you that it's not a place humans have any business going."

"Right, sorry once again." you apologized "I just couldn't manage to fall asleep so I thought I'd go out for a walk..."

"If you can't sleep, perhaps I should make you some tea? Something that will help you have a good night's sleep."

He was smiling when he said that.

So why do I get the feeling that he's not trying to help at all...

But ignoring your hesitant look, Lucifer just kept talking.

"You should probably know that's a bit too effective on humans, to the point that you may find that you never wake up again." he finished.

You gulped.

He wouldn't actually kill me...right?

"I'll go back to my room now." you said.

"I believe that's a great idea. Goodnight, y/n."


You slowly turned your back to the demon standing in front of the staircase, and headed back to your room.

Well, it's definitely not a dog.

You lay down on your bed, but you couldn't fall sleep for the rest of that night.


"Why do I gotta be stuck here with you first thing in the morning, having to look at your face while I'm tryin' to eat my breakfast?"

"Oh, just shut up already, Mammon. You know you love me." you said.

"Not in a million years."

"What if I live for that long?"

"Uh?! Of course you won't!"

"You didn't deny the fact that you would fall in love with me~"

Mammon's cheeks got a bit red, making you chuckle.

"A-Anyway, I'm sure the others have already scurried off to class and left me here to look after ya on my own, the punks."

"That's kind of your job though."

"Ugh! This all comes to Lucifer! Getting stuck having to look after a human, ending up in a pact, everything bad is his fault."

What does that have to do with Lucifer...?

"The way Levi's haircut is so lame, and Satan's horns are so stupid-lookin', and Lucifer's feet are so putrid, all of it is Lucifer's fault!"

What is he even talking about...

Wait, did he say Lucifer's feet were putrid?!

You stare at Mammon, disgusted as you picture him smelling Lucifer's feet.

"Not that I've actually ever smelled his feet!" he said, making you sigh in relief.

An uncomfortable silence fell between you two, each of you getting on your own thoughts again. That, until you broke it.

"So, Mammon. What's at the top of the stairs?" you asked.

"Wait, what stairs? Are you talkin'about the stairs that lead up into the attic?"

You nod, waiting for an answer.

"Oh man, there you go again, stickin' your nose where it doesn't belong..."

"So? You're not gonna tell me anything?"

"Of course not! Not like that!"

"What?! 'Like that' like what?"

"Do you know the secret to getting people to tell you stuff? Go ahead, tell me."

What is he even talking about?!

Well, blackmail would work... I did ask Lucifer for blackmail, but he ended up not saying anything.

Either way, it's Mammon we're talking about here...


"Exactly! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Mammon shouted, excitedly "I guess you do get it! If ya wanna pry valuable information outta someone, you've got to offer 'em proper compensation!"

I still don't have much money though... Nor would I give it to him, when I could just ask someone else.

"Wait a second... Uh-oh, I know what this is about!"

"You do?"

"You tried to climb those stairs, but Lucifer stopped you, right? That's totally it, isn't it?"

"Wow, it seems like you do use your brain sometimes. I'm impressed."

"Shut up." he tossed "Well, then there's something you need to get straight now."

"I'm not gonna give you money."

"What?!" he shouted "You know you're not gonna get any info that way, right? I mean, pretend I told you something I shouldn't. Lucifer would beat me half to dead."

"You keep denying that you're scared of him, but you always say something like that in the end."

"I might not be scared of him, but I'm not a masochist! I don't like being beaten."

"That actually kind of make sense. You're impressing me a lot today and it's still morning." you said, honestly.

"Tsk, I'm a very impressive man, you know?"

"Yes, captain!"

"Still, if you're bound and determined to buy this information off of me... Then you'll have to offer me, let's see... How about the monetary equivalent of the world's total oil production? Two hundred million years' worth. That might do it."

Then his serious expression filled his face again.

"In other words, I ain't gonna tell ya. Is that clear enough for ya, blockhead?"

Blockhead? Who is he calling a blockhead?! He's the dumb one here!

Man, this sucks.

Maybe if I just play a little...

"You really are afraid of him."


"Of Lucifer, I mean."

"I ain't!"

"Be honest though. You're scared, aren't you?"

"I told you, I'm not! I mean, that's crazy!" he frowned "Listen now, most of the time, I don't let people see the full extent of my power."

"Oh, really?" you said, sarcastically.

"Even if I did face off against someone like Lucifer, I wouldn't even have to use all my strength to win. Understand?"

"Then tell me what's up those stairs."

"All right, fine! I will! You can't get up the stairs because Lucifer's blocking the way right? You need to do something to get rid of him, right?"

Wait, so he doesn't know what's up the stairs either?

I guess this helps too. If I go there myself, it will be better.

"Well, guess what? Distracting Lucifer is as easy as pie! Listen um 'cause I'm only gonna say this once, so clean the wax outta your ears for a change and pay attention!"

"I'm all ears." you said.

"You know that series Levi likes? What was it called? Uhm... The Tale of the Seven... Seven..."

"The Tale of the Seven Lords."

"Right, yeah. That's the one. Anyway, you need to get your hands on a vinyl edition copy of the soundtrack for that Tale of The Seven whatsawhosit."

"Lords, Mammon. Just Lords."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter as long as you know. If you have that, you can use it to distract Lucifer no problem."

"So Lucifer can concentrate on my footsteps from his room, but gets distracted by a simple soundtrack?"

"Don't ask why 'cause I've got no idea why Lucifer's interested in somethin' like that either."

"Thank you, Mammon." you said, lowering your head.


"For helping me getting the soundtrack."

"Who said I'm gonna help you get it?!"

"I did. Now let's go!" you said, grabbing his hand.

You pulled Mammon out of his seat, and walked out of the dinning room.

"Oi, human! Don't forget we have class today."

"Uh? Oh, yeah. Of course I didn't forget. Who the heck do you think I am?"

You slowed down your pace, releasing your grip on Mammon's hand.

"I'll go get my bag and be right here, just wait a minute." you said.

"Do whatever ya want, but if ya take more than three seconds, I'll go without you."

"Geez, you're always so nice."

You went up the stairs and ran to your room to get your bag.

Lucifer is not home so this would be the perfect time.

But Mammon is waiting for me...

Man, what do I do?

"Agh! I'll just go."

You hesitantly grabbed the doorknob, opening the door and headed outside.

"I'm back."

"Took you long enough."

In the end I couldn't go there.

Not that Lucifer was blocking the way. He wasn't even there. I just...didn't want to keep Mammon waiting for me.

"With all that talk, we're probably gonna be late." the demon said heading outside.

"You're the one who didn't wanna tell me anything." you followed.

"If you didn't kept bugging me, we wouldn't have wasted time arguin' about it, in the first place." he noted.

"Geez, you're so annoying."

"So you admit that I am right?" he asked, proudly.

"Yeah, whatever."


"D'ah! Quit pullin' on me! Gr...dammit, let me go! Let me go this instant!" Mammon grunted.

"Just calm down! I ain't even pulling that hard!"

"It still hurts!"

"I thought you said you were super strong and all, but you're just as weak as a bug." you teased him.

"For your information, when I said that, I meant when beating someone! Not being ripped by them! My body isn't made of titanium, ya know?!"

"Yeah, whatever you say. Now be quiet."

You finally let go of Mammon's collar, giving him space to fix it again.

"I can't believe you decided to go straight to Levi and ask him for the soundtrack... You really don't have any patience, do you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I already wasted all my patience on you!" you whisper shouted.

"There's no way Levi's just gonna agree to lend you his Tale of whatever it was vinyl soundtrack."

"Being the otaku he is, I doubt it as well, but I have to try at least. Wasting time without trying the quick way first would be stupid."

"Mammon, you jackass..."

"What did you say?!" Mammon glared at you.

"It wasn't me, you dumbass!" you said.

"Hold on, I recognize that voice. So, where are you, anyway?"

Mammon started looking everywhere, searching for something.

"You're making way to much noise, Mammon..." you heard again "Would you do me a favor annd not stand outside my door being loud? I'm in the middle of watching the best scene of The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl."

*So it really is Leviathan...*

"Levi, we need to talk to you. Get off your ass and come to the door!" Mammon said.


"See? See? What'd I tell ya? He won't even open the damn door for us."

Ignoring Mammon's grumble, you knocked on the door.

*This probably won't work, but it's all I can think of right now.*

"Levi, I need to borrow your TSL soundtrack!"


"Told ya."

"Levi, please! It's really important."

"Nothing is more important than Ruri-chan. Go away!"


"Let's break the door." Mammon said.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Do you have any better plan?"

"Alright, just do your thing."

Mammon stepped back a little preparing to break the door, but before he started running, someone came from the hallway.

"I was wondering who that wasout here in the hall. So, it's the pair everyone is talking about..."

"What pair?!" you and Mammon shouted simultaneously.

The man laughed at your flustered expressions taking his time to calm down.

"Ah, Solomon. It's you." you greet him.

"We meet again. It might be destiny." he teased.

"What destiny? You're just breaking in our dorm!" Mammon interrupted "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because Leviathan invited me." Solomon replied.

"Well, that's surprising." you said.

Solomon walked past you, passing his hand through your shoulder.

"Levi, it's me." he said, knocking on the door.

"What's the secret phrase?"

"The second lord..." Solomon started, followed by Leviathan.

"...attempted to steal the Lord of Corruption's platypus, which could lay golded eggs..."

"...having incurred the wrath of the Lord of Corruption for this misdeed..."

" was ordered that the second lord would be forever dubbed the Lord of Fools." Levi finished "Secret phrase authenticated. You may enter."

*What the hell was that...*

*How can he remember all of that?*

"Well, guess I'll see you two later. Bye." he waved.

You tried taking a peek inside the room, but the door quickly closed as soon as Solomon entered.

In the meantime, you hear Mammon sigh.

"What were they even talking about just now...?" he asked, completely defeated.

"And how am I supposed to know?"

"Wait a minute... That was the secret phrase! They gave it away, didn't they?"

"Uh? Oh, yeah! They did." you said, finally realizing what Mammon was up to.

"Excellent. All right, try saying what Solomon did."

You nodded and knocked on the door again.

"What's the secret phrase?" Levi grumbled from the inside.

"The second lord..."

Some seconds later, you heard Leviathan's reply. It was a weird noise almost like the sound of bees, followed by his words.

"Secret phrase authentication failure. Access denied."

"What? Wait, that was totally right! It's exactly what Solomon said!" Mammon shouted.

"The secret phrase is periodically reset."

"You're saying it's a one-time password? Seriously?!"

"Maybe you should come back after you've at least watched TSL on DVD."

And those were the demon's last words. After that, Leviathan didn't say anything else no matter how many times Mammon shouted and knocked on the door.

"Ugh, come on! What the hell, Levi?!"

"It's useless, Mammon." you sighed "We'll just have to watch TSL and try later."

"Uh? What do you mean 'we'?"

"I mean you and I, of course."

"Hell, no. I ain't gonna watch that. Much less with a human like you."

"It wasn't a question."

"You can't force me to do whatever you feel like!"

"Actually I can, but that's not it. I simply want to spend some time with you."


You could notice Mammon getting flushed and you saw his reddish cheeks.

"I'm just kidding!" you laughed "Man, sometimes you're so cute I can't help it."


"But it's fine if you don't want to. It might be boring for you and you already helped me enough."

"No, I wanna watch it."


*Wait, does he really want to watch it now?*

"You know I'm not gonna pay you, right?" you asked, still not believing what Mammon just said.

"I already said I would watch it, so shut up already!"

"Yes Sir! Mammon, Sir!" you replied in a military way.

A moment later you found yourself staring at the demon with a gentle smile on your face.

"Alright! Let's go, sailor!"

You followed Mammon down the hall, until you finally arrived at your room. When you came in, the demon sat on the bed, waiting for you to get your laptop and lay down beside him.

*Thank you, Mammon.*

But Levi has a pet.

Man, I'm overthinking again. I'll just go.

Getting up from your bed, you put on the slippers Lucifer has given you when you got here and finally get to the door, opening it.

After making sure nobody is outside, you walk towards the staircase that leads to the attic.

But as soon as you get there, you're greeted by the only demon you didn't want to be there.

"What's going on, y/n? Out on a stroll?" Lucifer asked, rhetorically "I keep running into you here, don't I? It seems you are really curious about what's at the top of that staircase."

I mean, with all the guard he's putting on it, who wouldn't be curious?

"Unless I'm mistaken, I believe I told you that it's not a place humans have any business going."

"Right, sorry once again." you apologized "I just couldn't manage to fall asleep so I thought I'd go out for a walk..."

"If you can't sleep, perhaps I should make you some tea? Something that will help you have a good night's sleep."

He was smiling when he said that.

So why do I get the feeling that he's not trying to help at all...

But ignoring your hesitant look, Lucifer just kept talking.

"You should probably know that's a bit too effective on humans, to the point that you may find that you never wake up again." he finished.

You gulped.

He wouldn't actually kill me...right?

"I'll go back to my room now." you said.

"I believe that's a great idea. Goodnight, y/n."


You slowly turned your back to the demon standing in front of the staircase, and headed back to your room.

Well, it's definitely not a dog.

You lay down on your bed, but you couldn't fall sleep for the rest of that night.


"Why do I gotta be stuck here with you first thing in the morning, having to look at your face while I'm tryin' to eat my breakfast?"

"Oh, just shut up already, Mammon. You know you love me." you said.

"Not in a million years."

"What if I live for that long?"

"Uh?! Of course you won't!"

"You didn't deny the fact that you would fall in love with me~"

Mammon's cheeks got a bit red, making you chuckle.

"A-Anyway, I'm sure the others have already scurried off to class and left me here to look after ya on my own, the punks."

"That's kind of your job though."

"Ugh! This all comes to Lucifer! Getting stuck having to look after a human, ending up in a pact, everything bad is his fault."

What does that have to do with Lucifer?

"The way Levi's haircut is so lame, and Satan's horns are so stupid-lookin', and Lucifer's feet are so putrid, all of it is Lucifer's fault!"

What is he even talking about...

Wait, did he just say Lucifer's feet were putrid?!

You stare at Mammon, disgusted as you picture him smelling Lucifer's feet.

"Not that I've actually ever smelled his feet!" he said, making you sigh in relief.

An uncomfortable silence fell between you two, each of you getting on your own thoughts again. That, until you broke it.

"So, Mammon. What's at the top of the stairs?" you asked.

"Wait, what stairs? Are you talkin'about the stairs that lead up into the attic?"

You nod, waiting for an answer.

"Oh man, there you go again, stickin' your nose where it doesn't belong..."

"So? You're not gonna tell me anything?"

"Of course not! Not like that!"

"What?! 'Like that' like what?"

"Do you know the secret to getting people to tell you stuff? Go ahead, tell me."

What is he even talking about?!

Well, blackmail would work... I did ask Lucifer for blackmail, but he ended up not saying anything.

Either way, it's Mammon we're talking about here...


"Exactly! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Mammon shouted, excitedly "I guess you do get it! If ya wanna pry valuable information outta someone, you've got to offer 'em proper compensation!"

I still don't have much money though... Nor would I give it to him, when I could just ask someone else.

"Wait a second... Uh-oh, I know what this is about!"

"You do?"

"You tried to climb those stairs, but Lucifer stopped you, right? That's totally it, isn't it?"

"Wow, it seems like you do use your brain sometimes. I'm impressed."

"Shut up." he tossed "Well, then there's something you need to get straight now."

"I'm not gonna give you money."

"What?!" he shouted "You know you're not gonna get any info that way, right? I mean, pretend I told you something I shouldn't. Lucifer would beat me half to dead."

"You keep denying that you're scared of him, but you always say something like that in the end."

"I might not be scared of him, but I'm not a masochist! I don't like being beaten."

"That actually kind of make sense. You're impressing me a lot today and it's still morning." you said, honestly.

"Tsk, I'm a very impressive man, you know?"

"Yes, captain!"

"Still, if you're bound and determined to buy this information off of me... Then you'll have to offer me, let's see... How about the monetary equivalent of the world's total oil production? Two hundred million years' worth. That might do it."

Then his serious expression filled his face again.

"In other words, I ain't gonna tell ya. Is that clear enough for ya, blockhead?"

Blockhead? Who is he calling a blockhead?! He's the dumb one here! Right...?

Man, this sucks.

Maybe if I just play a little...

"You really are afraid of him."


"Of Lucifer, I mean."

"I ain't!"

"Be honest though. You're scared, aren't you?"

"I told you, I'm not! I mean, that's crazy!" he frowned "Listen now, most of the time, I don't let people see the full extent of my power."

"Oh, really?" you said, sarcastically.

"Even if I did face off against someone like Lucifer, I wouldn't even have to use all my strength to win. Understand?"

"Then tell me what's up those stairs."

"All right, fine! I will! You can't get up the stairs because Lucifer's blocking the way right? You need to do something to get rid of him, right?"

Wait, so he doesn't know what's up the stairs either?

I guess this helps too. If I go there myself, it will be better.

"Well, guess what? Distracting Lucifer is as easy as pie! Listen um 'cause I'm only gonna say this once, so clean the wax outta your ears for a change and pay attention!"

"I'm all ears." you said.

"You know that series Levi likes? What was it called? Uhm... The Tale of the Seven... Seven..."

"The Tale of the Seven Lords."

"Right, yeah. That's the one. Anyway, you need to get your hands on a vinyl edition copy of the soundtrack for that Tale of The Seven whatsawhosit."

"Lords, Mammon. Just Lords."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter as long as you know. If you have that, you can use it to distract Lucifer no problem."

"So Lucifer can concentrate on my footsteps from his room, but gets distracted by a simple soundtrack?"

"Don't ask why 'cause I've got no idea why Lucifer's interested in somethin' like that either."

"Thank you, Mammon." you said, lowering your head.


"For helping me getting the soundtrack."

"Who said I'm gonna help you get it?!"

"I did. Now let's go!" you said, grabbing his hand.

You pulled Mammon out of his seat, and walked out of the dinning room.

"Oi, human! Don't forget we have class today."

"Uh? Oh, yeah. Of course I didn't forget. Who the heck do you think I am?"

You slowed down your pace, releasing your grip on Mammon's hand.

"I'll go get my bag and be right here, just wait a minute." you said.

"Do whatever ya want, but if ya take more than three seconds, I'll go without you."

"Geez, you're always so nice."

You went up the stairs and ran to your room to get your bag.

Lucifer's not home so this would be the perfect time.

But Mammon is waiting for me...

Man, what do I do?

"Agh! I'll just go."

You hesitantly grabbed the doorknob, opening the door and headed outside.

"I'm back."

"Took you long enough."

In the end I couldn't go there.

Not that Lucifer was blocking the way. He wasn't even there. I just...didn't want to keep Mammon waiting for me.

"With all that talk, we're probably gonna be late." the demon said heading outside.

"You're the one who didn't wanna tell me anything." you followed.

"If you didn't kept bugging me, we wouldn't have wasted time arguin' about it, in the first place." he noted.

"Geez, you're so annoying."

"So you admit that I am right?" he asked, proudly.

"Yeah, whatever."


"D'ah! Quit pullin' on me! Gr...dammit, let me go! Let me go this instant!" Mammon grunted.

"Just calm down! I ain't even pulling that hard!"

"It still hurts!"

"I thought you said you were super strong and all, but you're just as weak as a bug." you teased him.

"For your information, when I said that, I meant when beating someone! Not being ripped by them! My body isn't made of titanium, ya know?!"

"Yeah, whatever you say. Now be quiet."

You finally let go of Mammon's collar, giving him space to fix it again.

"I can't believe you decided to go straight to Levi and ask him for the soundtrack... You really don't have any patience, do you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I already wasted all my patience on you!" you whisper shouted.

"There's no way Levi's just gonna agree to lend you his Tale of whatever it was vinyl soundtrack."

"Being the otaku he is, I doubt it as well, but I have to try at least. Wasting time without trying the quick way first would be stupid."

"Mammon, you jackass..."

"What did you say?!" Mammon glared at you.

"It wasn't me, you dumbass!" you said.

"Hold on, I recognize that voice. So, where are you, anyway?"

Mammon started looking everywhere, searching for something.

"You're making way to much noise, Mammon..." you heard again "Would you do me a favor annd not stand outside my door being loud? I'm in the middle of watching the best scene of The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl."

So it really is Leviathan...

"Levi, we need to talk to you. Get off your ass and come to the door!" Mammon said.


"See? See? What'd I tell ya? He won't even open the damn door for us."

Ignoring Mammon's grumble, you knocked on the door.

This probably won't work, but it's all I can think of right now.

"Levi, I need to borrow your TSL soundtrack!"


"Told ya."

"Levi, please! It's really important."

"Nothing is more important than Ruri-chan. Go away!"


"Let's break the door." Mammon said.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Do you have any better plan?"

"Alright, just do your thing."

Mammon stepped back a little preparing to break the door, but before he started running, someone came from the hallway.

"I was wondering who that wasout here in the hall. So, it's the pair everyone is talking about..."

"What pair?!" you and Mammon shouted simultaneously.

The man laughed at your flustered expressions taking his time to calm down.

"Ah, Solomon. It's you." you greet him.

"We meet again. It might be destiny." he teased.

"What destiny? You're just breaking in our dorm!" Mammon interrupted "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because Leviathan invited me." Solomon replied.

"Well, that's surprising." you said.

Solomon walked past you, passing his hand through your shoulder.

"Levi, it's me." he said, knocking on the door.

"What's the secret phrase?"

"The second lord..." Solomon started, followed by Leviathan.

"...attempted to steal the Lord of Corruption's platypus, which could lay golded eggs..."

"...having incurred the wrath of the Lord of Corruption for this misdeed..."

" was ordered that the second lord would be forever dubbed the Lord of Fools." Levi finished "Secret phrase authenticated. You may enter."

What the hell was that...

How can he remember all of that?

"Well, guess I'll see you two later. Bye." he waved.

You tried taking a peek inside the room, but the door quickly closed as soon as Solomon entered.

In the meantime, you hear Mammon sigh.

"What were they even talking about just now...?" he asked, completely defeated.

"And how am I supposed to know?"

"Wait a minute... That was the secret phrase! They gave it away, didn't they?"

"Uh? Oh, yeah! They did." you said, finally realizing what Mammon was up to.

"Excellent. All right, try saying what Solomon did."

You nodded and knocked on the door again.

"What's the secret phrase?" Levi grumbled from the inside.

"The second lord..."

Some seconds later, you heard Leviathan's reply. It was a weird noise almost like the sound of bees, followed by his words.

"Secret phrase authentication failure. Access denied."

"What? Wait, that was totally right! It's exactly what Solomon said!" Mammon shouted.

"The secret phrase is periodically reset."

"You're saying it's a one-time password? Seriously?!"

"Maybe you should come back after you've at least watched TSL on DVD."

And those were the demon's last words. After that, Leviathan didn't say anything else no matter how many times Mammon shouted and knocked on the door.

"Ugh, come on! What the hell, Levi?!"

"It's useless, Mammon." you sighed "We'll just have to watch TSL and try later."

"Uh? What do you mean 'we'?"

"I mean you and I, of course."

"Hell, no. I ain't gonna watch that. Much less with a human like you."

"It wasn't a question."

"You can't force me to do whatever you feel like!"

"Actually I can, but that's not it. I simply want to spend some time with you."


You could notice Mammon getting flushed and you saw his reddish cheeks.

"I'm just kidding!" you laughed "Man, sometimes you're so cute I can't help it."


"But it's fine if you don't want to. It might be boring for you and you already helped me enough."

"No, I wanna watch it."


Wait, does he really want to watch it now?

"You know I'm not gonna pay you, right?" you asked, still not believing what Mammon just said.

"I already said I would watch it, so shut up already!"

"Yes Sir! Mammon, Sir!" you replied in a military way.

A moment later you found yourself staring at the demon with a gentle smile on your face.

"Alright! Let's go, soldier!"

You followed Mammon down the hall, until you finally arrived at your room. When you came in, the demon sat on the bed, waiting for you to get your laptop and lay down beside him.

Thank you, Mammon.

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