The Dog's Disappearance

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As agreed, you and Beel went to the school cafeteria to buy some food. You were just following him around while he walked by the counter, taking huge amounts of the different dishes to his plate.

Finally, he reached the end of the counter and was greeted by an old demoness instead. You, however, couldn't even see her because of all the food in Beel's plate and just noticed it was a woman by the voice. It wouldn't be exaggerated to say it was a mountain of food.

"That will be... 27.684 grimm."

Beel placed the plate to the side, carefully to make sure nothing would fall, and then grabbed his wallet from his pocket, taking out a credit card and handing it to the lady.

When she gave him the card back, the plate was already half way finished and only then you noticed the woman's features.

I feel betrayed.

She doesn't look like how she sounds at all!

Beel finished his food as fast as always and left the now empty plate on a specific table for dirty dishes. Then, the two of you headed outside and started walking towards the House of Lamentation.

"You know, Beel... Sometimes I question how you have enough money to buy all that food."

"Well, there are part time jobs all over the Devildom. I just work sometimes and make sure I have grimm."

Oh, that's right. The was a pamphlet in the hallway when I entered the dorm that day.

"I think I should get a job too... At this point, I might as well die here. The money Lucifer gave me when I arrived was only for a month of meals... My time will end soon."

"I can help you. Well, not at Hell's Kitchen... I got kicked out because I ate the ingredients."

"Pfft- I don't even know how you cook dinner on your days without eating it whole. I think that's good already."

"Really? The others just keep yelling at me about it though. Thank you, y/n." he smiled.

"Hmhm. I'll accept your offer too."


After arriving at the dorm, you and Beel decided it would be better to go separate ways in hopes you would find Luke before the others arrived. However, the boy never showed up. You went to the meeting spot after looking everywhere on the second floor and found Beel there waiting for you.

So he didn't find him either...

The boy hurried in your direction, and stopped in front of you, rubbing the back of his head. You were worried you'd never be able to find the little angel again, and you could tell Beel was too.

"From the look on your face, I'm guessing he wasn't anywhere on the second floor either, huh?" he said.

You nodded. There were some doors you didn't dare open and it made you feel bad knowing he could be in one of those, but they were the doors to the demons' rooms.

Well, you entered Mammon's room, but it smelled awful so you figured Luke would be there. You also tried your luck on Levi's, but he locked the door. The other rooms were Lucifer's bedroom, Asmo's bedroom and Satan's bedroom and you knew better than to mess with them.

"Don't worry. I know you couldn't look in all the rooms. Let's try one more time, okay?" the demon smiled, as gentle as ever "This time you look on the first floor, and I'll search the sec-"

"So, you're looking for something, are you?"

"Satan? What are you doing here?"

Please, tell me I'm dreaming...

From the three brothers you haven't yet get to know, although Lucifer was, not only the oldest, but also the strongest and powerful, Satan was the one that scared you the most.

You knew he would do anything, at least nothing too extreme, but he just felt different. Like he was never honest and was only haply when making others feel bad about themselves. And not only that, but he's also very observant and smart.

He would be great as a project partner, but definitely not as an enemy.

"What are you two whispering about?"

"I don't know what you mean. We're not whispering." Beel interfered.

"Oh yes, you are. And you'd better give me the truth, or I might have to tell Lucifer about this."

Fucking bitch.

"We're looking for a dog."

"Ah, so you really are hiding a dog in your room, then. I did think it was awfully strange that you didn't finish your breakfast."

Wait, what-

"I won't say anything to Lucofer about this, but after you've had your fun with this dog of yours, you need to get rid of it." he emphasized the word dog.

Satan waved goodbye to the two of you with his typical forced smiled and disappeared inside his room.

Ah, so he did notice...

"Looks like we managed to worm our way out of that, somehow, huh..." Beel muttered "We'd better find Luke fast."

"Agreed. Let's keep searching... He couldn't just disappear like that, right?"

If someone else ends up discovering him before we do, it'll only spell trouble for us.

You looked on the first floor this time, while Beel took the second floor, including the rooms, except for Satan's and Lucifer's, of course.

However, the boy was still missing. None of you could find him.

"It's strange that we still haven't found him even after searching for all this time."

"I'm really sorry. If I hadn't brought him to the house, you-"

"Don't apologize. He only stayed because I let him. You have nothing to do with it. Besides, thinking about that won't help us find him now."

"Yes, but I still feel like I need to apologize. It is my fault after all."

"No worries."

You looked around once more, praying that the angel would appear out of nowhere, but to your disappointment, he didn't. That's when you noticed a decorative dollhouse near the entrance of the building.

"Is that the House of Lamentation?" you asked.


"We could try finding him using this."

"Y/n, I know Luke is a child, but... I don't think he likes to play with dollhouses. Well, at least not in front of us."

"That's not what I meant. Think about it, if this is a model of the house, it means all the rooms are here, right? Maybe there's a secret passage or something."

"A secret passage...?"

"He disappeared inside the closet, so yeah."

"I see. Let's do it then."

You studied the dollhouse carefully, paying attention to every room, until Beel caught up to something.

"This room here."

"Hm? Did you find anything? Where is it?"

"Well... This room doesn't exist."


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