A Pet is a Big Responsibility

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You ended up taking Luke to Beelzebub's bedroom. When you got there, Beel had already come back, but he kept quiet all the time.

"Y/n, this isn't what I was talking about at all. I believe I asked to stay in your room."

"I told you I didn't have one."

"So you've been sleeping with a demon this whole time?!"

"You make it sound weird. And no, it just happened now."

"Are you dating him then? That's ten times worse!" the boy yelled.

"What? No! Calm down. He's husband material, but no."

"He's what now?"

Luke had a weird expression on his face, but you weren't too worried about that. Right now, all you could think of was Beel's thoughts about what you had just said.

Fortunately for you, the demon wasn't paying attention and was, instead, munching on the snacks he had brought from the kitchen.

"Doesn't matter." you pretended to cough "Let me explain what happened, okay?"

You tried to keep your cool while explaining what happened to the little angel. He was just a kid, so you refrained from using bad words,
which was actually the hardest part.

"And so, because of that, I now am staying here with Beel."

The last chip was heard cracking inside Beel's mouth. He got up from the couch and walked towards the both of you.

"I don't remember asking anyone to pick up a dog from the street and bring it back here. Not to mention one that never stops barking."

"Hey! Don't you compare me to a dog!"

A dog uh?

They did call him a chihuahua before.

Now that I think about it...

"Ahem." you cleaned your throat "Beel, thank you for letting him stay here. I really appreciate it."

Beel nodded.

"And Luke... You have to calm down and speak lower. It's against the rules to have, let's say, an outsider in our dorms. If Lucifer found out, the three of us would be dead by now."

"Sorry... Thank you for letting me stay."

"Here, have a drink." Beel grabbed a cup and gave it to the angel.

"Wha- What's this supposed to be? It's red. It better not be some sort of weird demon drink... Like some strange creature's blood or something."

"It's just pomegranate juice."

"What?! Beelzebub, why are you being nice to me? It's creeping me out."

"Because you gave me cake once."

Understandable, honestly.

"Did I...? Ah, you're talking about that one time..."

"Hm? When?" you asked, feeling curious with all the suspense Luke was putting on it.

"It's nothing important, really. But in recent years, I've actually been learning how to bake cakes and pastries and things."

"Whoa, really?! You know how to cook?"

"N-no, it's nothing so impressive. I mean, I've only been doing it for about 300 years or so. I'm still an amateur."

Three hund- what?!


Sometimes I forget this bitches are all old as heck.

But seriously...Luke? He's like...ten years old.

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