The Pact

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"I'm so damn tired I could fall asleep right now." you said to yourself as you got out of the bathtub.

After dressing up, you headed to your bedroom, but stopped midway when you saw Mammon in the corridor.

"Yo, what are you doing here at this time of the night?" you asked, walking towards him.

"Geez! What the hell?! What are you doing here?"

"I asked first."

"Gosh, I was uh...taking a bath."

"Liar." you said.

"What? How is that a lie?"

"Because I just got out from the bathroom myself."

"Ugh, fine. I'm searching for something."

"I see... Well, I'm gonna sleep now. Good luck with that."

"Goodnight." he said in response.

"Did you just-" your eyes widen.

"Did I just what?" he asks, confused.

"You said 'Goodnight' to me!"

"What?! Of course I did! You're going to sleep, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am. But I didn't thought you could have this much common sense! It's so sweet of you!"

"Whatever! Now go to sleep, or else!"

"Or else what?" you said, getting closer to the demon with a grin.

"Or else I'll freeze you!"

"Talk about freezing things." you laughed.

You stepped back, and started walking towards your bedroom again, leaving Mammon alone in the corridor again.


When you got to your room, you sat on the edge of the bed, immersed in your own thoughts.

You remembered Lucifer's first words from when you got to the Devildom.

He said there are seven brothers... Mammon said it too.

Lucifer is the oldest, and Mammon is the second oldest. Then there's Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus and finally Beelzebub...

What about the seventh and youngest brother?

You lay down trying to sleep, but besides how tires you are, you can't get to sleep.

I'll just watch some videos os something.

You grab your phone, and immediately search for DevilTube, since you hadn't had the time to download any games yet.

After a while, your phone buzzes with a text.

What the fuck, bro?! Who the hell is awake at this time?! It's almost 4am!

Leviathan? Of course he'd be awake...


You say Lucifer mentioned having frozen something?
Are you absolutely sure that's what he said?

Yep, I'm absolutely sure.

Come to the kitchen. Right now.
Don't tell anyone what you're doing. I don't want anyone to mistakenly think that I hang out with some human normie.

So you just wanna hang out?

Did you hear what I said?

Love you too.

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