We are one - HTTYD FanFic (Th...

Par ZombieBeheader

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I turn to the boy as he thrusts his flaming sword towards me. I dodge and I kick the sword out of his hands a... Plus

Chapter 1 - Blood bruises and scars
Chapter 2 - Getting to know my friends...and foes
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Chiefs mother
Chapter 4 - Hiccup actually cries
Chapter 5 - Wildsouls
Chapter 6 - Talking about the perks of puberty
Chapter 7 - How does whips and chains sound?
Chapter 8 - Shirtless
Chapter 9 - Hugger
Chapter 10 - Banished
Chapter 11 - The pain of love
Chapter 13 - Take a leap of Faith or a fall of Fear
Chapter 14 - A trail of kisses
Chapter 15 - The fall of the Night Fury
Chapter 16 - Blue Tattoo?
Chapter 17 - Pain...it hurts
Chapter 18 - Splitting skin
Chapter 19 - Dragon Racing with style
Chapter 20 - Take my heart
Chapter 21 - Burning skin
Chapter 22 - The Heart of a Chief and the Soul of a Dragon
Chapter 23 - Shirtless...again
Chapter 25 - Teeth and claws
A/N - Writing Tips
Chapter 25 - Rogue and Blind
Chapter 26 - Finding a cure
Chapter 27 - The missing Harmony
Chapter 28 - Snoggletog
Chapter 29 - ...Uh?
Chapter 30 - Stolen Child

Chapter 12 - Vigilantes

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Par ZombieBeheader

Chapter 12 - Vigilantes

"Ember...." says Hiccup, then a laugh escapes his lips. "You have soup all over you!"

Confused, I sit up and I groan as I see that the sticky substance isn't blood, it's my breakfast. The dagger has shattered the bowl, and it lays beside me.

Oh...I thought...I thought...

Of course you weren't hit. There was no pain. Ember, you're an idiot.

I stand, wiping off some of the soup. I look up to see the twins throwing knifes at a board, and I don't think they realise that they almost got me.

Soon, this luck of mine is going to run out.

I turn to the laughing Hiccup and a smirk spreads across my face. I open my arms up and I walk towards him. "C'mere Hiccup. I wanna hug."

"No-no! No! I'm fine!" he says, backing away.

"COME HERE!" I laugh and he turns, about to run off but I quickly bend down, grabbing his peg leg, tripping him over.

I laugh as he quickly scrambles up. "Why did you-?"

I throw my arms around him, squeezing him, then I release myself and I walk back home.

"Oh, that's why" he mutters to himself.



I throw my axe from one hand to the other, whistling. I hear a roar and I look up to see Hookfang fly over me, Snotlout riding him. I look back to the ground, still throwing my axe between my hands. I look up and see a man and a woman, holding hands and my chest tightens.

Hiccup has been chief for almost a year. I have hardly been able to spend time with him, and then this girl comes along and I see him with her.

Always with her!

I don't like Ember. I won't deny it. When I first saw her, I thought she was alright. But...but then I was hit with a gut feeling. She's hiding...something. I know she is. I'm probably being all judgemental and stuff, but something is off with her.

I am not jealous. I know how Hiccup feels about me. It's just...it's just....oh I don't know! I just don't like her!

And there's something about her name. I have heard Hiccup say it before...after the battle with the Red Death...a...a few months after. I remember him saying it as he was waking up. Ember.

Maybe he said something else and I am just being paranoid, but I swear that's what he said.

Another thing I am paranoid about. Those men in the woods...they have suddenly disappeared. I mean, I remember seeing their faces around Berk, but now...I can't see them anyway. I have been keeping a careful eye out for them...and that girl.

Who was that? Who would save me like that?

"Excuse me, I need your help."

I turn around to face a boy I have not seen before. He has black hair combed over to the side and deep blue eyes. His skin is tan, and he has a pretty good build. It's not broad...or thick...it's...it's just...it's just right.

Okay. I'll admit it. He's hot. But it's not like I'm crushing on him, I just think he's the second best looking man on Berk.

After Hiccup.

"Oh?" I say, surprised.

He holds out his hand. "I'm Ethan. I'm new here."

"I'm Astrid" I say, shaking his hand. "What do you need help with?"

"I don't know where the forge is. Can you direct me?"

I nod. "Sure. I'll take you there."

He follows me through the streets of Berk, not talking much. He keeps his head down, his hands in his pockets.

I stop at the blacksmiths. "Here we are" I say softly.

He smiles. "Thanks you Astrid, I hope we meet again." He the picks up my hand and kisses it before walking in to the shop.

A weird, tingly feeling happens in my hand as his lips touch it and I shake my hand to lose the feeling.

Who is this guy?

I sigh, swinging my axe in my hand. I look up to see Hiccup walking towards the docks, his back to me. I chase after him, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around.

"Hey beautiful" he smiles, giving me a small peck on the lips.

I glare at him, smacking his arm."Don't you, 'hey beautiful' me. Where have you been? I don't see you anymore."

He sighs, raking his hair with his hands. "Chief stuff."

"I didn't know chief stuff involved Ember" I spit.

He clenches his jaw, and for a second, he looks...almost...almost angry, but it disappears as soon as it surfaces. He raises an eyebrow. "Wha? I'm so confused right now. What has Ember got to do with this?"

"Do you like Ember?"

He hesitates. "She's a friend...yes-"

"Do you like like her?"

He hesitates. "No."

I pucker my lips, placing my hand on my hip. "You are spending more time with her, then you are with me."

"We are staying in the same house Astrid; kinda hard not to spend time with her."

"She's WHAT?!?!" I exclaim.

His cheeks redden. "S-She's...s-staying at m-my place."


"Because t-there's n-no one else who she will stay with."

I growl. "Hiccup. I don't like Ember. I think she's...shes...distracting you."

His jaw clenches and he balls his hands into fists, like he's trying to hide his anger. He raises an eyebrow. "Distracting me?"

I nod. "From me."

He rolls his eyes. "Astrid. Don't be stupid. I love you, and Ember is not getting in the way. She is only a friend."

I grit my teeth, gripping on to my axe tighter. Hiccup sighs, leaning in and kissing my forehead before walking off.

I stare at him as he leaves, and I just stand here, wishing he would stay.

He didn't even say goodbye...

There's something wrong with Hiccup, and I have to find out what it is.



I sit on the edge of the jetty, my legs swinging off the side. I stare out into the ocean, into the nothingness. I have just finished visiting Luna, giving her some food and getting a thousand licks off Althea.

I feel a sudden urge to go back to Byte.

Ruthless nudges me with her snout and I smile, rubbing her snout. "Hey girl, you wanna go home?"

She roars excitedly. 'Home?! Like home home? Like Byte!'

I laugh. "Yes...home..."

She gives me a cold look. She grunts. 'Why?'

I shrug. "I haven't been there in fourteen or so years...I wanna go."

It will also take my mind off Ethan.

She grins and I stand, looking back up to Berk and slightly smiling. This place has been pretty good to me, minus Astrid and Ethan.

"Should we tell Hiccup?" I ask her.

She grunts. 'I don't know.'

"I think we should." I sigh.

I hear a high-pitched shriek and the hairs on my back stand up on end. I spin around and I see a ship emerging from the smoke. It looks like a simple Viking boat, but I find myself crouching in a ready-to-fight stance.

The boat stops in the docks, a man jumping out of it and wiping his sleeves. His face is thin and long, and his nose is large. His grey hair is slicked back and his clothes are quite neat and tidy for a viking.

He turns to me, slightly bending down because of his large height. "Do you know where I can find sir Hiccup?" he asks in a British accent.

I have been many places.

The Viking from Britain are quite posh, and they have strange accents. I don't know why, but they do.

I fold my arms over my chest. "Why do you wish to speak to him?" I ask.

I don't like this guy. Not. One. Bit.

He smiles tightly. "I have a message."

"Pass it to me. I'll pass it onto the Chief."

He shakes his head, tsking. "No no no. I can not trust you."

"Fine. If you won't tell me, you may leave" I spit.

"I can't."

Ruthless growls behind me and I take a step towards him. "Then go."

I don't like this guy. He could be an assassin trying to kill Hiccup for all I know.

He grits his teeth. "I can not-"

Ruthless steps up to him, growling and showing her teeth.

"Leave" I spit. "Or spill."

"I cant-"

Ruthless roars, and the man jumps back in fright, quickly checking to see if his hair is okay.

"Now" I grit.

He groans, obviously annoyed. He rubs his temples. "Fine. I'll tell you. If you will shut up and pass on the message."

I smirk. "I will."

He bows. "My name is Dagata. I am a humble messenger, and my job is to deliver messages to people my clients have requested me to."

I still don't trust him. He can be king of lala land for all I care-he's suspicious.

I shrug. "Get on with it."

He glares at me, straightening up. "Where fury strikes, the fire of blood will roar. Infected will spread, in the core. Fire and Flames, two is one. Fury of night, the chosen one. Beware the fire burning within; keep it hidden with the sin. But beware the touch of the immortal kiss, since fire burns brighter in darkness." He bows again. "I have delivered my message."

Well this is totally random, isn't it?

"Who sent it?" I ask. "What does it mean? Is it a riddle?"

He smirks. "I am not permitted to tell you."

I growl. "Come on." I then flutter my eyelashes at him, smiling. "I promise I won't go babbling to the village."

He shakes his head, jumping back on to his boat. "No. That is all. I deliver the message, that's it."

He gives me another bow and I snarl at him. The boat drifts out of the docks and I watch it until it disappears.

This isn't weird at all. No, not at all.

Some 'messenger' man comes up to you and says all this random stuff that some 'anonymous' person sent is strange and suspicious.

It doesn't even make sense! One minute it talks about fire, then it talks about a kiss!

"Who was that?"

I turn to face Hiccup, who is looking where the boat had been.

Where fury strikes, the fire of blood will roar. Infected will spread, in the core. Fire and Flames, two is one. Fury of night, the chosen one. Beware the fire burning within; keep it hidden with the sin. But beware the touch of the immortal kiss, since fire burns brighter indarkness.

Should I tell him? Or should I just forget about it? Forgetting a bout it sounds easier.

"Where fury strikes, the fire of blood will roar. Infected will spread, in the core. Fire and Flames, two is one. Fury of night, the chosen one. Beware the fire burning within; keep it hidden with the sin. But beware the touch of the immortal kiss, since fire burns brighter in darkness."

Hiccup stares at me like I have gone mad. "Wha?"

I nudge my head to where the boat had once been. "It was a messenger. That's the message he gave me."

"He had a message for you?" says Hiccup, looking confused.

I shake my head. "It was for you. I said I'd pass it on."

"W-Who was the message from?" he asks. "Who would be smart enough to send that?"

"Definitely not Alvin the Treacherous. Or Dagur the Deranged. It wasn't Drago, cause Drago's more of an 'in your face!' type of person."

"Evadeen" whispers Hiccup to himself, but I heard it.


He shakes his head. "Never mind."

We stand there for a second in silence. Ruthless grumbles and I sigh.

"Oh, Hiccup. I'll be gone for a day or two."

His eyebrows shoot up. "What?-when? Where? Why?-"

"I feel like going back to Byte" I say softly. "I miss my village...I want to see what is left."

"Then I am coming with you" he says.

I laugh. "No Hiccup. You are chief. And I wouldn't worry about me, I have a Night Fury on my side. I'm quite capable-"

"No. I want to go with you" says Hiccup, puffing out his chest. "A chief must protect his friends" he says in a thick, Scottish accent.

I realise he is impersonating his dad, Stoick.

"Yeah. Your friends here, on Berk. I have to go back Hiccup. I need to get...I need to get my mind clear. I need to relax...and I need to see Byte. Maybe there were survivors? Maybe there's a new village there now?"

"You parents could be alive" says Hiccup softly.

My heart squeezes.

Yes, I know why he's saying that. His mother supposedly died, then Hiccup meets her twenty years later. But my parents have no hope. I saw my father dying, I saw my mother being buried by rubble...I saw them.


There is no hope for my parents.

I do his shoulder shrug. "Shrug" I whisper.

We stand there for a moment, silence hanging over us like a thick blanket.

"Are you coming with me?" I ask softly.

He nods. "Definitely."

I groan.

Great. So much for not being distracted.



Hiccup and I freeze as we are heading down the stairs. We share a worried glance before slowly walking to the kitchen to where the shout had come from.

Valka stands there, not looking impressed.

Oh no.

"Hey" says Hiccup, giving her a big smile.

"What do you like your do'in son?" she asks and Hiccup winces.

Why did he wince?

"I'm going to Byte. I am going with Ember. We want-"

"You ain't going" she says sternly. "You are chief of Berk Hiccup...and you are my son. I don't want you hurt."

He winces again.

Why is he wincing?

"Mom...I am fine. I'll get you and...and Astrid to run the village while I'm gone. I'll be-"

"No Hiccup" says Valka. "You are my son, and I say no."

Something snaps inside Hiccup and his hands start to shake with fury, and his breaths become deep and audible.

This can't be good...


Valka covers her mouth as tears well in her eyes and I just stand there like an idiot, gobsmacked.

He points a finger at her, his rage an inferno. "Don't. You. DARE!"

Oh. My. Gods.

Tears start running down Valka's face and she barges past Hiccup and storms into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Hiccup stands there, breathing loudly. He turns to me, confused and he takes a deep breath.


"...Hiccup...why did you...why...-"

"I don't know" he says softly, gripping his head. "Argh! Why did I do that?! You are an idiot Hiccup. AN IDIOT!"

"Is that true?" I ask softly. "W-What you said?"

He drops his hands, sighing. He does his shoulder shrug, muttering "Shrug."

Hiccup grabs a piece of fish off the counter and heads out the door. I follow.

"Toothless!" calls Hiccup.

Toothless comes running from somewhere and stops in front of Hiccup when he sees his fish. Ruthless also comes out from somewhere and sits in front of Hiccup.

"We should take just one" says Hiccup softly. "We'll draw too much attention if we have both. If there is survivors, or if there is a village there, we can't have two Night Furies. Who's it gonna be?"

"Ruthless" I say softly. "If we bump into any trappers, they'll know it's her. They already know she exists. If they saw Toothless...they'd be chasing us. And they don't stop."

Toothless drops his head in disappointment and Hiccup scratches his dragons head. "I'll bring you back a treat."

Toothless lifts his head up, grinning. Hiccup gives him the fish and scratches his head again.

"Do you have to come?" I whine like a five year old.


I stick my tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes. "Are you sure you are twenty one?"

"No" I smirk.

He sighs, grabbing his helmet off Toothless's harness and he studies it.

"Why do I have to wear this?"

I unclip mine from Ruthless's harness and I grin slightly. "We are anonymous. Well...you'll be anonymous. Everyone knows me."

Hiccup laughs. "I don't think so."

I sigh. "I am the 'Dragon Tamer' and 'The Dragon Whisperer' and also 'The Avenger' annnd, I have also been called 'The Dragon Mistress'-that's my most common one."

Hiccup starts laughing.

"What? it's true."

He smiles. "N-No. It's just that I have been called names before. Like 'Dragon Master' and 'Dragon conqueror' and 'Dragon Rider'."

I groan. "Then you must know how I feel."

He nods. "I guess we are the Dragon Master and Mistress."

I snort. "I guess we are."

I jump on to Ruthless's back and I rub her head. Hiccup stands there for a second, looking unsure.


He shrugs. "I'm worried. What if...if we find remains?"

I furrow my eyebrow. "I'm hoping for that."

"No...I mean...human remains."

I freeze, staring in to his forest green eyes. He blows out a big breath, rocking back and fourth on the balls of his feet. Toothless nudges Hiccup with his snout and Hiccup rubs his head.

Human remains. Human...remains.

"Sorry bud" sighs Hiccup. "Look after the village for me while I'm gone."

Human remains?!

Toothless grumbles. 'Fine.'

Hiccup sits on the back of Ruthless, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I pat Ruthless's head. "Okay girl, nice and slow...we are in no rush-"

Ruthless zooms into the sky, and I yelp as I almost fall of, but I am able to grab her harness before I do. Hiccup yelps, grabbing my arm, sitting himself up and then he wraps his arms around my waist, making warmth ripple through me.

It feels more like a hum at the moment though.

"She's just like Toothless" smiles Hiccup. "Could they be siblings?"

I shake my head. "Night Furies have one egg at a time. And they can only have one once every year. Toothless and Ruthless are the same age; they can't be brother and sister."

"Are you a wizz with Night Furies? I mean, I haven't got much information on them. Some simple things...but not much."

I sigh, rubbing Ruthless's head. "They are the most intelligent species of Dragon. The fastest and they most powerful. They are the only species of dragon that can cry, and they are the most protective."

"They can cry?" he asks, amazed.

I nod. "Yeah...Toothless cried when you were unconscious."

He clears his throat. "H-Have you...had you...ever...e-ever heard of me? Before w-we met. Like...one of my nicknames."

My world fades away...

"Someone else trained dragons" spat one of the guards in my face. "Do you know him?"

"No" I hissed.

He backhanded me in the face, making my head jerk to the side. "Liar!"

I gasp and Hiccup rubs my back, like he knows what happened.

"Kinda...all I knew is that there was a boy who trained dragons...nothing more."

We fly in silence for a few more minutes, and my body hums with heat as Hiccup holds on to me.

"Have you decided when to propose?" I ask, breaking the silence.

He sighs. "No. I don't know if I can do it."

I give his hand that is around my waist a friendly squeeze. "You can do it."

He sighs again. "Oh, I know I can do it...I meant...what will happen after? Can I become a father? A husband?"

I smirk. "You are just not ready to give your virginity up, are you?"

His hands slither away from my waist and I imagine him turning red.

"I...I guess...I mean...that included, yeah. And other things, like being a husband. And if we did have children...would I be a good father?"

I nod. "I think you would."

"And names. Would I name is after my father? My mother? I have no idea."

"If they have your eyes, call them Forest" I say. "If they have Astrids, call them Sky. They are both unisex names."

He softly chuckles. "Forest and Sky. I like them."

I sigh, looking up into the clouds and I take a deep breath in. "Hiccup. If you are not ready, don't do it."

"...What? Are we talking about proposing to Astrid or having se-"

"Proposal!" I butt in. I clear my throat and he chuckles. "You shouldn't force yourself into things you aren't sure about Hiccup. What does your gut say?" I ask.

He sighs again, and I feel his warm breath fan over my neck, sending tingles up my spines. "My gut tells me I shouldn't...but...then it says I should...I don't know. What if she finds another?"

"What if you find another?" I say softly. "Hiccup...sometimes when your gut is failing you, you should just take a leap of faith."

He groans. "Life sucks."

"When life gives you lemons, feed them to your dragon" I smile.

Hiccup laughs. "That should be written down."

I smirk, turning around and ruffing his. "It is."

He laughs, straightening his hair out. "Hey! Why did you do that?"

"Your hair looks so silky and...and smooth. It is hard not to touch it."

He then ruffles my hair and I laugh, batting his hand away.


"Aw, don't you like it?" he smirks, ruffing it again.

I laugh, elbowing him in the gut, making him do a surprised, "Oomph" and clutch his stomach. This just makes him laugh even more.

"No one can touch my beautiful, sexy hair!" I exclaim

"Then you can't touch my sexy hair."

I laugh. "Your hair is greasy, stiff and horrid. I can touch it all I want."

He smirks. "No. Beautiful hair always goes with a beautiful face."

Oh, it so does.

I smirk. "You just called me beautiful."

He stiffens slightly. "W-What? N-no I did...no I didn't. I was-"

I elbow him again, laughing. "Hiccup, I'm playing around! I already know that you think I'm gorgeous."

He sighs. "Yes Ember. I think you are the beautifulest woman I have ever come across."

"And you are the ugliest guy I have come across."

"I know-wait what?!"

I laugh, and Hiccup joins in. Our laughter slowly dies down but I can't keep the smile off my face.

Silence for a few minutes.

Then Ruthless flaps her wings, and she goes turbo. I gasp, grabbing the harness before I go flying back. Hiccup yelps, wrapping his arms around my waist before he falls.

"Ruthless!" I exclaim.

She laughs.

Silence hangs over us as we fly. Hiccup keeps his arms around my waist, and then he rests his head on my back, and truth is, I don't mind him being so close, it doesn't make me feel awkward or anything.

Is that strange?

And it doesn't make Hiccup feel awkward.

Is that bad?

Ruthless doesn't say much, which means she isn't complaining, which is a first.

On this trip of mine, I have brought my katana sword, my Screaming Death staff and a bag of food and blankets that Hiccup currently has on his back. I also have a satchel around my shoulder, you know, just in case.

After four or so hours of flying, I see my island, Byte. It's flatter than Berk, and it's ten times larger, and half is covered in trees.

My emotions start to surface but I chug them down.

No more crying Ember!

"There it is" I say.

No response.

Confused, I turn my head to see Hiccup asleep, leaning his head on my back. I have always imagined him as a snorer, but he sleeps soundly and peacefully, almost as if he is dead.

I shudder.

He hasn't gotten much sleep I think, probably because I was crying last night. And he has woken up a few times from dreams...or nightmares. But he's that type of person that just wakes up. He doesn't scream of thrash, unlike me.

"Hiccup" I say, nudging him with my elbow.

He groans, turning his head over,


He doesn't respond.

I sigh, turning to Ruthless. "Let's go upside down girl."

Ruthless smirks, then she turns over so she flies upside down. Hiccup slips off the harness and wakes up, screaming as he falls. He is able to quickly grab my hand as I hold it out to him.

He looks at me, shocked and scared.

"You were asleep" I say, looking down into his forest green eyes.

"And you wake me up?!?"


"Okay, let me rephrase. And you wake me up like this?!"

I laugh. "Your face was hilarious. I'm sorry, it was so tempting."

Hiccup groans, then he laughs a little. Sighing, Ruthless turns right side up and I pull Hiccup on to Toothless.

"We are here" I say softly.

I unclip my mask from Ruthless's harness and I put it on. Hiccup puts his on as well. Ruthless starts to descend, and Hiccup holds on to me tighter as we do.

"So what's the plan miss?" asks Hiccup.

"We stay on the other side of the island, and we work our way towards the ruins of the village. We will stay the night, then leave first thing in the morning."

He sighs. "And if there are people on the island?"

"We'll say hello" I smirk.

As we get closer I see something orange flickering in the trees. I peer closer at it, not able to make out what it is.

"What the-"

The orange flicker suddenly is speeding towards us, and Ruthless doesn't see it.

It's a flaming arrow.

"PULL UP!" I roar and Ruthless manages to miss it.

Another heads straight for us and it nicks my arm and I hiss. Hiccup holds onto me tighter.

"Drop! Now!" I order Ruthless.

She drops towards the earth at top speed and a few arrows fly past, Ruthless easily dodging them. We pull up just before we hit the quite tall trees and I see a few men in those trees, arrows aimed at us.

"I'm jumping off" I say to Hiccup.


I remove his hands from around me and I jump off Ruthless as we fly past one of the trees with a man in it. I grab a branch and I swing on it, letting go and landing right on top of the man. He yelps as I take his arrows off him and I grab the front of his shirt.

"Who are you?" I spit.

"I'm not telling you anything" he grits.

"Fine" I spit.

I push him away from me and he falls towards the ground, screaming. I quickly grab his hand before he falls to his death and I smirk at him.

"Hmm...do you think you'll reconsider telling me now?"

He nods quickly. "Y-Y-Yes. Of course."

"Good. Tell me who you are, and where I am."

He gulps. "M-My name is Racher."

"Hello Racher" I smile.

He gulps. "T-This island is the island of Byte, but that village was destroyed fifteen years ago. I am from Tyral, a village that has grown in the woods, far, far away from the remains of Byte. I-I can take you to my chief."

"Were there any survivors?" I ask.


I sigh, letting go of him and watching as he falls to the ground. Then Ruthless comes out of no where and catches him, setting him down on the ground properly.

"Good catch girl!" I laugh, jumping from one branch to another as I make my way down the tree.

She mutters something that I don't catch, and I drop to the ground, wiping dirt off my sleeves.

The man is whimpering and Hiccup is giving me the 'really' look through his mask. I smirk, walking past him and to the man who is still whimpering.

"Get up Racher" I spit and he quickly jumps up.

He sees Ruthless and his face pales, then he sees me and Hiccup. He then gets on one knee, bowing. "The Dragon Mistress...I didn't know...please forgive me."

Oh great. Not this again.

"Get up Racher, I accept your apology."

He quickly gets up, brushing himself off. He bows, taking his Viking helmet off and placing it on his chest. "What may I do for our saviour?"

I smirk, and Hiccup rolls his eyes. "Take me and my friend here to see your chief, I would like to have a word with him."

Racher nods quickly, turning and pulling out a horn from his belt. He blows in it four times and then clips it back on.

"Sorry about the arrows" he sighs. "We don't really expect visitors."

I nod. "That's okay, show us to your chief."

He nods again, and I see the other men climbing down from the trees and walk back to their village. We follow Racher, and I look around at the scenery. Tall, thick trees all close together. The sky is cloudless and a crisp breeze flows through the trees.

I lean my head closer to Hiccup. "You like the name Drake?"

He raises an eyebrow.

"You have to have a fake name, and Drake means 'Dragon' so I think it suits."

"What's your name?" he asks.


"Why Lilith?"

"It means 'Night Monster'."

He rolls his eyes. "Of course you'd have that name."

I smirk. "Of course."

Racher leads us to a clearing where multiple Viking house lay, standing tall and strong. Ruthless makes an unsure noise behind me and I reach back and tap her on the nose.

"You'll be fine girl, don't worry about it. I will see you later" I say.

She nods, turning away and dashing off in to the trees.

Vikings stop what they are doing and turn to face us, their faces paling. Probably because they know it's me.

Racher leads us to a large, wooden hall and pushes the doors open. We follow him inside. The hall is pretty large, very spacious. A man on a large seat eyes us as we come in and I know who he is before we are even introduced.

I do a small bow. "Chief Karn."

He runs a large hand through his black beard and sighs.

I have met this chief before; that's why Racher called me 'saviour.' Their boat was being attacked by dragons, and I saved them. Karn kinda...loved me after that.

Karn leans forward in his chair, a smile spreading across his lips.

"Ah! The Dragon Mistress! I never thought I would live to see the day I see you again. What brings you to my village?"

I crack my knuckles and look to him. "I wanted to check out a village that used to be here, but it was destroyers fifteen years ago. True?"

He nods. "We have not set foot on the rubble covered land since we first arrived, which was only six years ago. Some say the place is cursed, others say there are dragons."

"Well, I just wanted to check the place out if that is okay with you?"

He shakes his head. "Not now. In the morning, when the sun is rising. The superstitious people believe that, that is when the spirits are asleep. I suggest you stay here the night, then leave in the morning."

I sigh. "That's fine."

Karn looks to Hiccup, raising an eyebrow. "Who's that?" he asks.

I gulp. "Uh, Karn...this is Drake, he is my...boyfriend."

Hiccup head jerks up a little as I say that and I give him the, just-go-with-it look.

Karn cracks a smile. "Ah, lucky boy you are. Do you also have a dragon?"

"He doesn't" I say. "We both ride mine."

Karn makes a grunt like noise and leans back in his chair. "I don't like dragons. I still think they should be slaughtered, but no harm shall come to your dragon."

I narrow my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "She won't be coming any where near this place. I am pretty wary of some people that are here."

He nods. "Of course. I understand."

I blow hair out if my face. "But I thank you Karn; most people would of shooed me off if I stepped foot on their island."

He smiles. "Well...I am alive because of you, and I made a promise. I promised you that if we ever crossed paths again, I would treat you as if you were royalty."

I nod. "Thank you, Karn the Courageous."

He clasps his hands together. "Right! It's dinner time soon so I hope you kids are hungry, cause I got some lovely food being cooked tonight."

I think Hiccup smiles. I can't tell under his mask.

"Oh, we are. When will it be ready?"

"In about an hour. You can explore my beautiful village until it is all ready. A horn will sound when it's ready."

I nod, giving another small bow before exiting, Hiccup behind me. As soon as we are out of the hall, I grab Hiccups arm and drag him into the woods, making warmth ripple through me at his touch.

When we are far enough away so we won't be heard, he flips his mask up and gives me an annoyed look. I sigh, flipping my mask up.

"Boyfriend?" he says, slightly unimpressed.

"Fine. Don't be my boyfriend, and let the girls run all over you like ants."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Wha?"

"Face it Hiccup, you are attractive. You are lucky that you are my boyfriend, so the girls won't flirt with you because they will be scared that I will knock them out cold. And we cant be siblings, we look nothing alike."

His face reddens. "Y-You think...I-I'm a-attractive?"


"No. I seriously think that the world is messed up, but apparently you are. Haven't you seen people give you hungry looks before?"

He just stands there, face red and shocked.

I roll my eyes. "Seriously Hiccup. Say something, it's not like it's 'earth shattering' news."

He opens his mouth to speak, but then closes it.



Sighing, I turn around and I call Ruthless. She comes a few seconds later, making relaxed humming noises. I pat her head, then scratching under her chin.

"We will be back later tonight, after dinner. Okay?"

She nods.

I give her a small hug before releasing her and turning back to Hiccup who is looking at me, unsure.

"What?" I ask.

He looks back to me, his eyes roaming all over my body and I feel self conscious as he does. His gaze travels to my feet, up legs and to my torso, to my arms and finally resting on my face.

"Scars and burns wreck the body" he says softly. "So why haven't they wrecked yours?"

I stand there, shocked by his little observation. "I am lucky."

His gaze washes over my body once more and stops on my burnt hand, and he looks almost pain stricken. Then it travels up my arm and to my shoulder, slowly...very slowly up my neck and back to my face. Then his gaze meets mine and we stare in to each other eyes.

A zap, spark like thing goes off again in my chest and I slightly jump back.

...didn't that happen before?

Hiccups gaze goes to the ground and he flips his mask down so it conceals most of his face, all except his eyes.

"Let's go" he says, walking back towards the village.

I stand here, my fingers tingling and my eyes never leaving him. Ruthless nudges me with her snout before speeding back into the wilderness, away from sight.

I look back to Hiccup and I just see him disappear from view.

"Coming M'la-"he pauses. "Ember?"

I sigh, flipping my mask down and following through the woods.


"It's Nadder meat" gulps Hiccup, examining the leg of meat he grabbed.

I pick up mine, sniffing it through my mask and slowly putting it back down. "I feel like this is Cannibalism."

Hiccup groans, putting his leg down and standing, grabbing both our plates. "I'll see if they have anything else."

I watch him leave, my gaze then going back to the spot he had just been, right across from me.

Why was he looking at me like that before in the woods? Did I look familiar then? Or was it because of something else?

I shake my head.

No. He loves Astrid. Not me. I don't want him to love me; Astrid is ten times better. Why? Because she is safer than me. And her children won't be crazy Wildsouls like mine would...and let's face it, Astrid is good looking.

Unfortunately, I am better.

I'm not being up-my-self but it is true. Wildsouls are gorgeous creatures, able to seduce nearly anyone. If, in some strange alter reality, Hiccup was falling for me, it would because I was absolutely beautiful, and it would be hard not to.

But he's not. And I'll do everything in my power to keep it like that.

"Here we are" says Hiccup, sitting down across from me, "Chicken."

He hands me my plate and rip a chunk of meat off it, then sneak my hand up my mask and place it in my mouth.

He laughs. "I notice you never bite into things, why is that?"

My world fades away...

They tore through everything, their snarling mouths full of rows of sharp teeth grabbing people, ripping them apart. Screams erupted from the flames and I stood there, eyes wide. I didn't know where to go...and I didn't have any parents.

Not anymore.

A Deadly Nadder poked it's head out from the flames, holding a limp Viking in it's mouth. It spotted me and dropped it's food, snarling.

It charged.

"-eriously need help."

I am clutching the table and my gaze lands on Hiccup who is looking at me with worry in those forest green eyes of his.

"I'm fine" I say softly. "Its just that tearing into f-food reminds me of those dragons in the Gone...the ones that tore into buildings and...and people."

Hiccup gives me an apologetic smile and rips a chunk off his chicken, sneaking his hand up into his mask and eating it. "And, it's easier to eat this way. Doesn't get around the mouth. And I don't have to take my mask off".

I smile. "Exactly."

"Aye, hello Lilith, you look a wii bit different from last time" says a woman as she sits next to me.

"Oh Hella!" I say. I turn to Hiccup. "Erm, Hic-Drake, this is Hella, she helped with some of my wounds when I scared off the dragons."

Hella has black hair with a few streaks of grey. She has wrinkles at the corners of her mouth from all the times she has smiled. Her voice has a thick Scottish accent to it, but it sounds a little more wobbly now because of her age. Her eyes are a pale brown and her frame is thin and frail.

"You don't look like the fourteen year old I remember" she smiles, patting my shoulder.

Hiccup chokes on some chicken, coughing. He hits his chest until he regains himself. "Fourteen?"

Hella nods. "Aye. A wii girl she was back then. She was thin...frail look'n. You'd never imagine her be'n the one to save us! I couldn't believe you were the one who everyone was talk'n about!"

I smile. "Yeah. I guess."

"You look beautiful" she says, giving me a kiss on my forehead, which is covered with my mask.

I smile. "I'm surprised you remember my name."

She smiles wider. "Aye. With this brain a'mine, I thought I would forget." She grabs my hand in hers, giving it a friendly squeeze. "But you are special Lilith...very special."

I internally wince. I trust Hella, and she is so kind to me, and I haven't even given her my real name. Then again, if Drago or Alvin took her...and if she knew my name...

It's safer this way.

"So...Drake" she says, looking to him. "What are you to my Lilith."

He gulps. "I-I'm her boyfriend."

She blinks a few times before her smile spreads across her face once more. "Aye! Of course. So, you bit of a dragon nut too? Or is it the vigilante stuff that got you in?"


"Actually" I say. "I saved his life from a dragon trap he nearly fell in to. He had no home so he stayed with me and we kinda got together after that."

Hella smiles and I internally wince yet again.

You can lie so fluently.

"So the lad is a hero too?"

I nod. "Yeah."

She laughs, patting my shoulder again. "Kids these days! All they want'a be is heroes!" She stands, giving me a kiss on the forehead, which is my mask, and a small hug before going over to Hiccup and giving him a small hug, which he looks embarrassed by. "Look after her will ya? She's precious."

He nods.

Hella then kisses his mask and walks off, waving. We both wave and Hiccup turns to me, giving me a 'really' look.


"You never told me about her."

I sigh. "Seriously Hiccup! Do you want me to give every single detail of my life?"

He smirks. "Yes."

Sighing, I throw a bit of chicken at him and he laughs. I throw another and he yelps as it hits his eye. I clutch my stomach as I laugh and he lifts his mask up slightly so the piece of chicken falls out.

We eat the rest of our dinner with small chit chat. People have given us looks, but other than that, we weren't approached. But girls kept giggling and looking over to Hiccup, but stopped when I gave them death glares.

When we are finished, we stand and head out the doors. As I walk out, I see four people that make my blood turn ice cold.

The first one, a few years older, black hair and even blacker eyes with a broad, but lean build.

The other, a female. Brown hair with streaks of blond in two braids that fall down her back. She is thin, yet athletic looking with a scar across her eyebrow. Her eyes also dark.

Another, a boy with orange hair and freckles that are sprinkled across his nose, cheeks and up his arms. Dark eyes and a broader build than the first, muscle packed into his biceps.

The last, a brunette with black hair in dread-locks and thick muscle, but curvy build. Her eyes are a light blue compared to the others who have dark eyes.

They all wear black suits with spikes. A strange symbol on their shoulder armour. It looks like a dragon...with an arrow through it.

Hiccup sees me freeze at the sight of them and he nudges me with his shoulder.

I snap back in to reality, grabbing his arm and pulling him behind a building before the four see us.

They walk past, my anger rising.

"Who are they?" Hiccup asks. When I don't answer, he grabs my shoulder, spinning me around so I face him, warmth rippling through me. "Who are they?" he asks sternly.

"They are assassins" I say softly. " The Dragon Killers."





<---PIC on side is a random edit


P.S My town was hit by a massive storm on Monday night, so school was closed on Tuesday! But we couldn't get out of the house cause the storm was still going and there was a massive tree across the road, in front of our driveway! And there was no power, meaning no wifi!



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