Crashing into Another World

By RockCandies

134K 5.5K 882

On a routine flight headed up north to restock a lumber camp, Iris gets caught in a dry microburst* while fly... More

Character intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

4.8K 246 72
By RockCandies

Didn't want to leave you all on a cliff hanger for too long... So here is an early update :D


The males wearily observed the camp. They were not yet ready to enter and investigate, not wanting to fight off any angry males.

The camp was simple but seemed well setup. There was what seemed to be a fire pit as far from all the trees as it could be. The ground around the pit looked as if it was usually well maintained but had been forgotten recently, maybe for only a two days or so.

There was dried wood for a fire stacked under an odd-looking blue skin. The males did not know what animal it could possibly come from, but it seemed to repel water. There was also a strange tool under the skin, laying with the wood. It was completely smooth wood with an oddly shaped triangular silvery thing at the top. Neither male dwelled on it for long.

Wanting to get a look at the camp from a better vantage point, Ink slithered up a tree. On the other hand, Tawn went to do the perimeter of the area, sniffing.

Once Ink was perched well above ground, he looked down over the camp. Something was missing. Female's never liked to sleep out in the open. His eyes scanned the camp looking for some form of shelter.

Meanwhile, Tawn had reached a grouping of trees that smelled as if they had been used for excretion. There were little mounds of dirt that likely buried someone's business and the base of some trees smelt distinctly of urine. Female urine. He couldn't scent any male markings nearby either. She seemed to be unclaimed.

Allowing his instincts to take hold, Tawn lifted one of his hind legs and marked the spot, right above where the female had gone. He went around marking each spot she had been.

Ink observed the beastman in wolf form and shook his head suppressing his laugher. He was partway through rolling his eyes when something caught his attention.

There was an oddly shaped yellow contraption in a tree and a rope that lead up to it.

He couldn't really see what was inside from his current spot, but by then both males had confirmed that there was no male presence in the camp.

Noticing that Tawn was finally done peeing over what Ink assumed was the female's piss, he signaled the male to come over.

The wolf trotted over to the tree Ink had gone up while Ink slithered down.

Once the males were face to face, Tawn finally shifted back to his humanoid form.

"She's unclaimed!" Exclaimed Tawn almost immediately.

"We can't know for certain until we see her. For all we know she might be elderly, or her mates might have had to hide her and will be back." Ink corrected, though hope was clear in his voice.

"From what I was smelling, she smells fertile. Very fertile." Tawn fired back, his eyes twinkling with barely suppressed excitement. They could very well become her first mates.

Ink nodded his head mater-of-fact. There was still the possibility of her personality being a complete nightmare. Although, if they were her only mates, they could force it out of her with time. He and Tawn were two highly dominate males who were both at level three. There was nothing a weak, mateless female could do to oppose them.

"But her scent is a few days old. It's as if she hasn't gone to pee in a while." Tawn moved on sounding concerned.

Ink scented the air with his forked tongue. He could still smell her in the air. She was close.

"I think I know where she is and if you hadn't been so busy smelling old piss, you likely would know too." Ink chided, looking to get a rise out of his companion.

As expected, Tawn squared his shoulders and growled at the half snake. "If you want me thrusting into so bad, all you have to do is ask nicely." He took a dominating step forward.

The males had gotten sidetracked.

--------- Inside the plane---------

Iris stretched as she groggily woke up. The forest seemed louder that morning, and her surroundings looked crisper. She felt stronger than before and refreshed as is she had slept for a long time. She probably had cuz she seriously needed to pee.

Invigorated by her need to relieve herself, Iris grabbed her knife, bow and arrows that she now brought everywhere with her.

Per usual, before opening the plane's door, she looked out the window to check for predators – or pray. She'd never seen any dangerous animals in her camp before, though sometimes a deer or rabbit would be present and just like that breakfast would be served.

This time however, what she saw when she looked through the window was nothing short of astounding. There just barely in the foliage, were what seemed to be two naked men making out.

Quickly getting over her shock due to her bladder's needs, she observed the duo closer, assessing for any risk the clearly horny, naked men could pose to her. She was in no way checking out their very chiseled bodies.

As her eyes made their way down the men's torsos, she noticed that the blue-haired male's lower half was a snake tail. A. SNAKE. TAIL. The dude was half snake.

On impulse, Iris silently popped the door open, pulled out her bow, aimed at the gap between the men's foreheads and released her arrow.

--------- Ink & Tawn---------

Tawn had Ink's upper body in a vice grip while he dominantly led the aggressive kiss. His member was alive and pressing against Ink's lower abdomen. He began gliding a hand down Ink's side, prompting the male to fully shift to his legged form.


Both males separated with a start was a stick imbedded itself into the tree behind them. It had passed right between their heads, just missing both males. Their members immediately soft at the prospect of an adversary.

They locked eyes before simultaneously turning to where the projectile had come flying from.

There up in the tree, inside the odd yellow contraption that Ink had forgotten to inform Tawn about, was a female. She had short fluffy golden hair that fell to about her mid neck and framed a pale face that had obviously gotten a few sunburns. Her muscles were toned, which was unusual for a female and her chest flat. The female wore tattered coverings that were nothing like either male had seen before.

Noticing the male's attention on her, "FUCK!" She swore.

The beastmen watched as she latched another pointed stick onto her rounded stick and pulled the vine that was attached to both ends of the rounded stick, curving it further. "The fuck you want on my camp?" She yelled confidently at them while she seemed to be pointing at them with the pointed stick.

Both males felt themselves grow infinitely hard at the sight of the challenging female.


Thank you for reading! 

Oct. 13, 2021

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