KITTEN [vkook]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

703K 41.3K 6.6K

Taehyung a lost hybrid sees something he shouldnt have and it brings him in a lot of unwanted trouble and att... More

1: kitten
2: streets
3: coincidence
4: meds
5: lost (m)
6: pet
7: captive
8: penthouse
9: clean
10: helping out (m)
11: stay
12: home
13: Bored
14: return
15: come along
16: wait
17: cranberry juice
18: ex
19: dinner
20: outside
21: Lu
22: dessert
23: sick
24: mine
25: head pats
26: panting
27: no strings attached (m)
28: connection
29: cut
30: snuggled
31: breakfast
32: lunch
33: shopping
34: tears
35: new friends
36: cat
37: forehead kisses
38: kittens
39: found
40: gently (m)
41: donut
42: intruders
43: yes, brother
44: evil
45: casino
46: jealousy (m❗)
47: ready
48: on water
49: action
50: reunite
51: helicopter
52: home
53: changed
54: threat
55: back for revenge -1-
57: back for revenge -3-
58: distraction
59: mister
60: clingy
61: souvenir
62: arcade
63: decision
64: babies (m)
65: one or two bars
66: food food food
67: baby
68: learning and love
69: together forever (end)

56: back for revenge -2-

6.1K 387 42
By YoongiAndHisMochi

It was time, the group had gathered in a dark street alley to go over the plan once more. it didn't sound so complicated, but the hard part was always to execute it right. "Alright, I will be going then. i have further to go than you guys" jimin said and ran off into the street to find a high location near their target building. the big backpack on his back filled with the equipment he needed.

"Okay, lets go" Jungkook said to hoseok who gave him a nod. Yes jungkook wasnt so stupid to go alone with his closest friends. we had a backup team ready, but this should be done more stealthy, they can't barge in with force like normal. it will blow their cover. they want to secretly eliminate youngsoo without jinsang knowing and get alarmed. Jungkook had his men around the building to kill everyone that may leave the building during the time.

"Wait, how do we even get in?" Hoseok asked.

"I have a card from Yoongi, it should open the back door for us. If not, then we will have to climb" Jungkook said as he looked up at the tall building. There was no sign of a helicopter, it seems youngsoo haven't arrived yet which was good for them. they were ahead of him.

"Jeon Ryu's helicopter has been spotted, you have ten minutes until his arrival" Yoongi informed through their earpiece.

"got it" jungkook said and headed with hoseok to the back door unlocking it. "oh i didn't expect it to actually work" he mumbled. which didn't go unnoticed by his partner.

"Did you just question my technical abilities? want me to go offline on you?'' Yoongi threatened.

"don't be a kid, let's get this over with," Jungkook said, holding back a chuckle. Hoseok and the others had clearly noticed jungkook blooming up again. dropping his cold emotionless act he had made himself live in and slowly going back to his normal self. Taehyung managed to break through the walls jungkook had build for himself.

"Okay, the first floor is clear. you can go" yoongi informed as he kept a close eye on the 3d mapping he just made with Hoseok's scan that the man was wearing on his jacket. He could see every corner and every door in the building.

Jungkook gave hoseok the sign to follow. Jungkook wasn't a big fan of doing things himself. He would usually send his men towards the job or just walk after them until they got to the boss. judging his men their work heavily. But this time it's something he should do himself. He wants to be the one to take Ryu brother's life. He wants to be the one to take taehyung's revenge. not one of his men, that wouldn't please him. Too easy. too little for what they have done.

"Seven minutes, move quickly. you don't want to miss the shot" yoongi said checking the messages on his other computer that were telling him the time of the helicopter landing.

"Yea yea, plenty of time" jungkook muttered back as they walked up the stairs. as yoongi said there was no one here at all. probably they were on the higher floors. "we s-" jungkook quickly shut his lips hearing voices around the corner. slowly he loads his gun making sure the magazine was full before peeking around the corner. in the small two seconds he saw two guards talking together. well they looked like normal men wearing hoodies and baggy pants. just the average drug dealer look most would go for. They didn't look like they were in a rich mafia like Jungkook and Youngsoo's. Jungkook looked at hoseok giving him some hand signs. hoseok nodded and went ahead rolling to the other side of the hallway. It took merly three seconds they jumped from behind their hiding spot and ran to the men Slamming them in the chest while covering their mouth from any sounds. they can't risk making noise now. yes they had a silencer but they will use it for the last parts. they don't have all the bullets of the world with them.

"this is gonna be a long night, these stairs are endless" hoseok whispered complaining about all the stairs they had to take to get up there, he rather use the elevator but yoongi said not to do it. so they won't.

"Jeon there are a lot above you. keep your eyes open" Yoongi said. He saw the two were almost at the top floor and the dots were increasing around them. they were really nearing boss territory now.

"We will manage" Jungkook said back and peeked around the corner, his legs burning from all those stars. This building was very high up.

"I will go ahead" hoseok said and they got their guns ready. Jungkook nodded at the other and watched hoseok run into the hallway that led to the last set of stairs, shooting two men until they eventually noticed the intruders and began their defence. Jungkook followed after hoseok and shot as well, hitting all that came from the stairs. "Hoseok left!" Jungkook shouted seeing a door open. Hoseok heard it and turned around giving the man a side kick and shot him in the head when he hit the ground.

"thanks!" Hoseok said back and moved closer to Jungkook to guard his back.

"more are coming up "

"yes yes, i see '' jungkook mumbled and shot them clearing this floor as well. "ugh, so much work already" jungkook complained now.

"hm, yea. but we will get him eventually.'' Hoseok said while reloading his gun as he followed Jungkook to the last set of stairs.


It took longer than expected to get up there, but they managed both out of breath. catching their breath while waiting at the last door that leads to the rooftop. They could hear voices, most likely that drug dealer yoongi spoke about. in the distance they heard the helicopter. Jungkook carefully peeked through the small gap of the door wiping the blood splatters from his face that were rolling down now. These enemies were really making a mess just now. He was glad he took more than just one suit with him.

It took a while for the helicopter to land and youngsoo to come into view. again anger rose up in jungkook's body. He will not let that man escape here alive, he will end him here. So as soon the helicopter was closed and youngsoo was far away from it jungkook swung the door open and shut the ones he could hit from there hoseok doing the same, it got their attention right away and all their guns were aimed at them. freezing everyone on the helicopter platform.

"jk, i am ready if you need me" it was jimin this time. " i have clear aim at him"

"Wait, I will find a way, it can't be that hard" Jungkook whispered to the other. He knew any suspicious movement mant his own death, but Jungkook will think of something.

" Well well if it isn't Jeon Jungkook, we meet earlier than i expected " youngsoo said looking at the uninvited guest. "Why are you here, coming to ask for forgiveness?"

"no" jungkook replied with his gun aiming at youngsoo perfectly who stood next to the drug dealer. "I came for your head"

"Oh really now, I didn't think you would actually try. Most dogs are just bark, no bite. hmm too bad for you that i won't let that happen" Youngsoo chuckled. "You know i can kill you right here with just the raise of a finger hm?"

"Yes, I am very aware of that. but dont think it scares me"

"You're just barking youngsoo, dog with no bite" Hoseok said, making youngsoo glare at him.

"don't think I won't kill you too, Mr Jung '' Young Soo said and raised his hand. "Kill them!"

Jungkook had seen that coming. He shot his gun as quickly as he could but youngsoo was faster. He pulled the drug dealer in front of himself and the bullet killed the man. Jungkook didn't intend to kill but he didn't get bothered by it. it's not like he had time to think of it. he had to run. The gunshots were flying around their heads. Hoseok took cover behind the door, and Jungkook behind a flower pot.

"Don't hide Jeon. you can't win against me!" Youngsoo said, firing at the flower pot. breaking a few pieces of the edge.

"Doesn't mean i wont try!" jungkook shouted back and rolled form behind the pot shooting more of youngsoo's men.

"Try all you want." youngsoo said heading for the helicopter. but jungkook was faster, he shot at the man but missed by an inch hitting the helicopter window. it startled youngsoo. he did not see that coming. Jungkook took this chance to shoot more. at the running youngsoo who was not panicking. this didn't go as planned. Hoseok was doing a good job keeping the guards busy and killing as many he could. Meanwhile Jimin had a hard time keeping a clear view on young soo and other enemies. but he managed.

"Stop running Ryu '' Jungkook said, annoyed having a clear shot on the man. which he didn't let go this time, he fired his bullet hitting in the man's belly. Youngsoo gasped and fell over with a grunt. He reached for his own gun but Jungkook didn't let it happen, shooting the man's hand as well. "You make it too easy for us, Youngsoo. don't you think you could have made it a little more difficult. i see you're just a coward when the enemy gets too close" jungkook said looking down on the man as he pressed his foot on the bullet wound stepping on it making the man scream. "But that doesn't matter now. you would have died either way."

"you're still a kid jeon. get over the past" youngsoo said playing his last cards. but jungkook didn't seem affected.

"I have. But you decided to anger me. if you would have just went into a fair battle with me i might have given you what you want. but hurting the one i love is cheating youngsoo. I am not a violent person but I am fair and I have respect. unlike you. You're just doing anything to get what you want. anything for the power. Too bad for you that you chose the wrong man." Jungkook glared at the man and aimed his gun. "Now this is goodbye, tell me later how it was to die. we will meet again in hell" jungkook said and shot the man through his head and one in the heart. making sure he was dead and wont come back ever again. "hoseok, time to go. Did you get everyone?" Jungkook asked. Hoseok nodded after finishing off the last attacker on the roof there.

"Let's go down to make sure," hoseok suggested. Jungkook nodded, reloading his gun.

"What about re bodies?"

"They don't deserve my respect anymore. let them rot" jungkook replied and lit up a cigarette before heading back inside with hoseok.


Thank you for reading. last revenge serie update tomorrow! see you tomorrow again hihi.


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