By gonsleftcheek

62.6K 2.7K 2.1K

❝ 𝙎𝙤...𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙫𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙩, 𝙝𝙪𝙝? ❞ ❝𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣 𝙖... More

꧁︎ Characters & Stand Info ꧂
1.0 || Evil Spirits!? ||
2.0 || Returned Friend. ||
3.0 || Airplanes & Rapiers. ||
4.0 || Boats. ||
5.0 || Freighter. ||
7.0 || Feuds & Loss? ||
8.0 || Return!? & Cars ||
9.0 || Creepy Town. ||
10.0 || Steely Dan? More like Dirty Dan. ||
11.0 || The Sun. ||
12.0 || Baby...STAND? ||
13.0 || Retrival. ||
14.0 || Almost There. ||
15.0 || Cat & Dog. ||
16.0 || Recovery and.... Family?! ||
17.0 || Dads....amiright? ||
18.0 || Split. ||
18.5 || The Lost. ||
18.7 || The Deal. ||
19.0 || Awakening. ||
20.0 || The Friend. ||
20.5 || Ready to Love? ||

6.0 || Singapore.||

2.9K 142 104
By gonsleftcheek

((Forgot to mention this but Italics are thoughts! This chapter doesn't have much fighting. At least from the mc's pov. AND ITS FILLED WITH MANY TIMESKIPS-))


You stand on the sidewalk as they spoke.
"We're finally in Singapore." Polnareff sighed.

Joseph spoke. "We'll stay at a hotel tonight and figure out our route to Egypt."

A loud whistle gained your attention.
"Hey you!" The officer pointed at Polnareff.
"Yeah I'm talking to you! You threw this trash didn't you? That's a fine of five hundred Singapore dollars!"

"Woah five hundred..."

"Wait what trash?"

Polnareff's eyes trailed down to where the officer was pointing.
"I don't see anything here besides my own luggage. Would you be so kind as to tell me what trash your referring to?"
Polnareff placed a hand on his shoulder. "Where is this trash sir?"

The officer sweat dropped. "That's your luggage?"

"That's right!"

"I-I'm terribly sorry." He apologized.

You all laughed but paused when hearing Annes.
She stopped and looked away.

The officer muttered a farewell as Polnareff shooed him.
"What's with the kid? She's still following us?"

"Didn't you say you were going to meet up with your father?" Joseph turned and questioned her.
"Why don't you stop following us and get going?" Polnareff added.

"I'm meeting up with him in five days. And I can go wherever I want! I'm not taking orders from you guys." She looked away then back with puppy eyes.

You frowned and you all huddled in a circle. "I know it's dangerous but what if she doesn't have money?"

"All right...I guess we can pay for her hotel room." Joseph agreed.
"Polnareff bring her, but don't ruin her pride."

"Got it." He said and you grimaced preparing for the worse.

"Hey! You're poor right? We'll pay for you, so come with us."

You let out a sigh putting your hand on your head.

"Well then.. let's check in."


The receptionist smiled faltered. "I'm terribly sorry but we are rather full this time of year. The rooms won't be next to each other. Is that all right?"

"Well I guess we don't have a choice." Joseph said while signing for the rooms.
"Then for the rooms...Avdol and I will share one."

"Jotaro and I will share a room, since were both students and same gender." Kakyoin said.

You bent down to Anne's height. "We'll share since we are both ladies!" Anne quickly covered her cracking smile, when you were near her.

"And Polnareff with have a room to himself." Joseph said.

Polnareff took a key and walked away.
"Let's go. We've been through hell since we left Hong Kong. Let's hurry up and take a shower where it's safe."
You softly smiled at him and took a key, grabbing Anne's hand and following after him.
"You heard the big boob man let's go!"


"You know it's truee!" You sang, playfully.


You got out of the shower meeting Anne on her bed.
"Jojo's grandpa called about danger and for you to meet him in room 1212." She notified and you nodded then quickly dressed yourself.

Anne admired your outfit while slipped your shoes on.
When you looked up she looked away pretending to read the hotel pamphlet.
"How about later we go out and get some ice cream?"
"And maybe shopping!"

"Uhm yeah sure, whatever."

You opened your mouth to reply but you were cut off by a knock. You grabbed the room key and walked over.

You checked the peephole then opened it.
"Oh I was just about to head over..why are you guys here?" You asked and Anne looked through the space seeing Jotaro and Kakyoin.

The key dropped from your hand. "Well Mr. Joestar mentioned you didn't pick up the phone so we-"

"I'm fine." You waved off while picking the room key from the floor and Kakyoin coughed awkwardly.


Jotaro tugged his hat down, hiding his current expression. "He could see down your shirt from the angle your kneeling at. Now let's go." He said walking away and Kakyoin quickly walked off too, embarrassed.

You blinked twice and looked at Anne who just shrugged.
"Well okay...uh Anne don't leave the room and don't open for strangers! I'll be back for you later."

"O-Okay..." She nodded and watched the door close behind you.


You walked into Avdol and Joseph's room.
"Oh it's just you three? Where's the girl."

"Well she's not a Stand user so we'll be putting her at risk by bringing her here."

"Good point. So that just leave Polnareff. But man is he late...It's already been way over five minutes."

~ Many minutes later. ~

Polnareff walked in disheveled and bloody.

"Polnareff, your finally here. You're not very punctual. All right, everyone. Were gonna get right to it. Let's figure out what were going to do if Soul Sacrifice attacks us." Joseph said obliviously and Pol slid down the wall.

"I-I'm so tired..."

▃▃▃▃ Another timeskip! ▃▃▃

As promised you came back and took Anne out. She wanted Jotaro to come too so he came along. And also Kakyoin, who you met by the entrance.

Anne held onto Jotaro's wrist as she walked in between you.
She let go, running ahead to a local stand.
"Can I get some ice cream?"

The worker greeted her. "Ice cream is good, but this is tasty, too. It's chilled coconut juice." He held it out to her. "How bout it?"

Jotaro spoke up. "I guess we can try it. Give us four."

"Thanks that'll be sixteen dollars."

"Hey, make that eight dollars." Anne reasoned and Kakyoin pulled out his wallet.
"This should cover it."

The moment Kakyoin rested his hands on his sides, some man snatched the wallet and ran.
"I'll take that!"

Kakyoin stared at his hand then summoned Hierophant Green, tripping the thief.

"You thought you could get away with stealing my wallet, you little shit?"

You choked on the juice, looking over, surprised at his choice of words.

"Cough up your guts!" Kakyoin slammed his knee into his head.


He held the thief up but his hair. "Why you..You're worth about as much as a sewer cockroach's dick."
"The idea that..." Kakyoin swung the man over his shoulders and began to do the Backbreaker wrestling move.
"You thought you could steal my wallet with...the same fingers that wipe your filthy ass."

"Kakyoin stop that! You're going to kill him!"

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" He repeated while still doing the move.

Jotaro pushed him and he dropped the thief.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" You and Jotaro checked on the thief making sure he was alive.

"That hurt.. You didn't have to push me like that. That guy tried to steal my wallet which makes him a very bad person." He took the coconut from Anne and sipped on it.
"Of course I should punish him. Am I wrong, Jotaro?"


"What are you glaring at? The look in your eyes look very hostile. You couldn't possibly be thinking about ending our friendship over a little tussle with a thief, now would you? Jotaro?" The thief took the quarrel as a exit and wiggled away.
"You too, Y/n.."

He chuckled at your silence and gave an excuse like the trip, being his reason of changed emotion.

"Just a bad mood huh? Seemed to me you felt pretty good."
Jotaro turned around and began to walk away.
"The old man and Avdol think it's a good idea for us to head to India by train. We leave tomorrow. We'll take the cable car to Singapore Station to reserve tickets."

You sipped your drink before turning also and catching up to Jotaro.
"This is the weirdest I've ever seen him." You muttered, tightening your grip on the coconut.

"Something's definitely wrong." Jotaro confessed and Anne ran up to you, grabbing
both you and Jotaro's arm.
"What's up, half pint?"

"Uh nothing." She said while looking back. You and Jotaro did the same before looking back at each other.

"We can never catch a break."


You tapped the railing, silently waiting for a free cable car.

Kakyoin broke the silence, strutting over to you three.  "Hey, Jotaro. Are you going to eat that cherry?"
"If not then hand it over already! I'm starving."
He took the cherry from Jotaro's ice cream then pushed him over the railing.

"Uh-oh! Better watch out Jotaro!"

You quickly grabbed his hand but began to also slip. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you Kakyoin?!"

Anne grabbed your leg, trying to pull you back up."Y/n! Jojo!"

Your leg slipped through the young girls hand and you and Jotaro began to fall.
"Copycat!!! It would be amazing if you summoned right now!" You yelled.
On que he appeared and transformed into Star Platinum.
He took Jotaro's hand and threw him up, letting him grab the railing.

"Y/n!" Anne and Jotaro looked back at your falling figure.

Copycat turned back and his eyes became Silver.

You smirked as the rapier slashed through the brick holding you 5 feet above the ground.
"Oh that was close."

You looked up and gave the two a thumbs up. "KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO HIS POSSESSED ASS FOR ME!" You yelled.

Unknowingly, Jotaro let out a sigh of relief and turned to Kakyoin, who was licking the hell out of the cherry in his mouth.

The cherry fell out of his mouth but he picked it up and put it back in.
"Good one huh? I'm only playing with you guys."

"Get in Kakyoin."

The cable car behind him opened and Jotaro held up his fist.
"The cable car just got here. Now I told you to get in."
"See. I've got your ticket right here. And like Y/n wanted me to do, I'm gonna knock your crooked, possessed ass right into that cable car!"


You sat beside Polnareff on the train to India.
Your arms on the table and your head buried in it.
You slept peacefully with Copycat also sleeping on top of your head.

"Aww they're so adorable when their sleeping!!" Polnareff cooed wishing he could take a photo.

Copycat turned and hissed at the man before patting your head and sleeping again.

"I don't think he likes you Polnareff." Joseph pointed out and Polnareff huffed looking away.

"I was always a dog person anyways.." He mumbled, salty as ever.


((A/n: I didn't think people would start reading so soon, but HELLO!!!!))

((I need to update my other fic but I have a ton of writers block with it 😣

((Hope you enjoyed! The next chapter is almost done so it will probably be out tomorrow. ))

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