The Scars of a Wolf

By Artist1923

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The wolf attacked me and I feel as though now bearing these scars I am alive but a part of me is dead. No one... More

The Scars of a Wolf
Beautiful (2)
No Mistakes (3)
Unexpected (4)
Secrets (5)
Unprepared (6)
No replacements (7)
Too much (8)
Myths and Legends (9)
Nightmares,and Fights (10)
Mrs.Barbie and her Wicked ways (11)
Strong Wolf Heart(12)
It runs within the family (13)
Unsafe Town (14)
Passion in the art of Training (15)

Goodbye Battles [16]

215 8 2
By Artist1923






Artist1923 <3

(Trent's pov)

I look out into the misty forest and sigh, taking the bottle of whisky beside me and drinking half of it in one gulp. The whisky burns my throat on the way down but atleast it numbs my stupidity. "Idiot." I mumble to myself. You had her she wanted you and you did what ran off? What the hell? Who does that?

It all comes back, the smile on her face that makes her glow, the way her eyes spoke to me, her body getting closer and closer melting into mine, the kisses, and then I bolted. I grab the bottle of whisky and throw it full force at a tree. It explodes into a million tiny pieces and the amber liquid soaks into the soil.

"Idiot!" I yell. I sit back down and run my hands over my face and through my tattered hair. You had her... Maybe I was just trying to protect her. I mean I knew she probably wasn't ready, and as much as I want to I don't. I love her that much that I don't want to sleep with her. Weird huh?

Rosa! Shit. I forgot that I had just left without an explanation, and now I would have to explain. I jump up off the log I had been sitting on and began to break into a run back to the house.

(Rosa pov)

I sat on the ground for a few minutes trying to realize what had happened. Trent and I were making out then.. then he disapeared. I don't know where he went or why he left. Was he mad at me for something? Had I done something wrong? I don't know what could have gone wrong.

I finally pulled myself off the floor and tried not to think... but sadly my thoughts swirled in my head with the worst assumption. 'What if he doesn't love me? What if the curse made him think he did...' I choaked back a sob and walked out of the room stumbling because of dizziness. I stood in the doorway for a second letting myself breath until I could stand and then walked down towards the kitchen.

I was alone in the house. Rafiel and the others must be out and about someplace.. and Trent well I don't know where he is.

I turn on the kettle and boil some water maybe a hot peppermint tea will clear my head and calm me.

"Rosa!" I hear someone yell outside in the moonlight. "Rosa!" I open the door and walk outside to see a shadow running through the trees.

"Hello?" I ask the darkness. I hear the shadow panting and catching their breath.

"Rosa I'm so sorry." It is Trent, but I don't run to him I stand there. "Rosa I didn't mean to run off." He says still catching his breath as he walk towards me. Sweat drips off his face and glistens in the white moon light, and dirt smears his face.

"Why did you then?" I ask trying not to look into his mysterious blue eyes.

"I.. I Love you." He whispers. A tear spills down my cheek.

"That's not a reason to run off." I say looking at my feet. Trent comes closer amd lifts my chin up towards his.

"Rosa I want to, but not right now, not like this." He says and kisses my cheek.

"Trent you're the one I want to be with. You're the one I want to lose this to." I whisper.

"I know and I promise we will but not now ok? I love you. " He says and kisses me.

The kettle screeches in the background, but Trent and I ignore it. He kisses me and pushes me against the wall. I kiss him back and pull away when he kisses my forehead. "Forever, we have forever." He whispers holding me close.


I carry the teas into the living room where Trent is sitting on the couch. "Here you go." I say and hand him the tea. I place mine on the table and sit next to him cuddling. I can hear his heart beat slowly then quickly, slowly then quickly.

"Rosa you are so beautiful." He says to me. I giggle and bury my pink face in his chest so he can't see me. He tries to pull my face up but I resist. "Damn you're strong." He says laughing until he finally pulls me over. I lay on my back on the couch with him over top of me.

"You're beautiful," He says and I pull his face down to meet mine. I kiss him and pull back but suddenly he kisses me going for the makeout, I don't resist.

He bites my bottom lip hard that I swear I can taste my blood, I gasp for air when he pulls away and kisses my cheek slowly moving towards my neck. I grope at his back as he kisses my neck amd begins to move his hips suggestively. "Hehe, so what happened to waiting?" I say.

"We can still wait, but doesn't mean we can't do this." He says and kisses me again moving his hips into mine again and again. His jeans rub against mine, and I've never felt better. I moan as he continuously kisses me harder and harder. My nose is squished against his face, and I can hardly breathe but I don't mind. For once I don't have to think I just do what comes naturally.

I pull back trying to catch my breath but it only makes my heart race more. I push Trent with enough force that I'm over top of him, my legs tightly gripped around his hips and I kiss him. I kiss his neck and then stop. I just stay there looking down at Trent's face until I slowly give him a single kiss and fall back resting on his chest. This is perfect, he is perfect. "I love you," I say closing my eyes falling asleep listening to his heart try to slow itself down.

Before I drift off into my dreams I hear Trent whisper "I love you more..."


"Rosa." I hear a voice say as if talking to a newborn baby.

"Rosa." It begins to sound more like a man.

"Rosa." The voice grows loud and harsh until "ROSA!" The voice is screaming in my ear with rage. Making me want to cover my ears to prevent me from becoming deaf, but I can't my hands are restrained, tied with rope behind my back. The screaming continues bursting my ead drums until finally silence..

Everything is black and then a single light above me flickers on and off like in a scary movie. I lift my aching head with my hair falling infront of my face. I'm tied to a metal office chair. The rope around my chest digs into my lungs with every breath I take, the rope around my wrists behind the chair cause my shoulders to stick out and tears apart my wrists, the one around my thighs cause bruising, and the ones at my bare feet are so tight I forget I have feet.

I look around seeing nothing but black except for where the flickering light shines. "Hello!" I yell out shaking my body in the chair. "Hello! What do you want!?" I scream trying not to cry. Then I throw my head down with exhaustion as my vision blacks out for a second. "Hello..." I whisper.

A man or what I believe is a man telling by his formal pants and dress shoes walks out of the darkness and into the light. I lift my head up slowly. The man is dressed for an occasion, he wears a tuxedo like James Bond. His face is young but aging with lines, and his stuble turning dark brown in the light. He has black eyes to match his foul soul.

"Well that isn't very nice." He says smirking. "You don't even know me and yet you judge me." He shakes his index finger in my face. "Naughty Naughty girl.." He says too pleasurably.

"Who are you?" I ask him practically spitting in discust. He walks behind me and puts his hands on the back of the metal chair.

"I am.." He begins to move his cold hands to my collarbone and slowly trying to move down my shirt, but I jolt my shoulder hitting him in the face. He comes infront of me and slaps me. "I am your future." He says coming closer resting his cold hands on my thighs.

"Don't touch me." I say. He moves his hands and puts them into his tux pockets. "What do you mean my future?" I say watching as he walks in circles, rubbing his chin.

"Let's say its a life or death choice sweety." He says smugly and pulls out a dagger and holds it against my cheek. Such a good cop bad cop cliché. His eyes flicker a deep gold... a werewolf.

With that he smiles and kisses my cheek. "King actually." He says and stabs me in the heart without a second thought or slight guilt in his eyes.

"AGHHHH!!" I cry out in pain as blood rolls down my chest and onto a white wedding dress.

I wake up gasping and trying to pull the dagger out of my chest. I look down to see nothing and that it was a dream but the pain felt so real.

Trent is still asleep beside me in the bed but I don't even try to fall back asleep. I sit up running my hands through my hair and sighing. What was that all about? Who was that man? And the wedding dress at the end.. it was just another nightmare I tell myself. Just another stupid nightmare.

I throw the blankets off my legs and put on socks before I go out into the hallway. Sashah is in the kitchen sipping on coffee. "Hey," I say and throw my hair up into a ponytail.

"Oh Hey Rosa, I didn't wake you did I?" She says yawning.

"No bad dream." I say to her and go towards the fridge looking for a snack.

"Yeah I hate those, can never fall back to sleep." She says and takes a large gulp of coffee.

"Its just , they're so real. And hey sorry that you have to be on like 'protection duty' 24/7." I say and walk back to the table picking at some green grapes.

"Its not a big deal I don't sleep much anyways.."

"Nightmares." We both say insyncly.

"Yeah I don't like dreaming it never turns into a good dream for me, ever since those wolves attacked me I just never really..." She drifted off and took another sip of coffee.

"Why did this have to happen. Not even to me but you. I can't imagine how many other girls have been hurt or killed because of me. I feel like I have murdered them in a way." I say depressingly.

"Rosa it was never your fault, and it is not your fault for all those girls who have been hurt or even killed because of it. It was the werewolves who did it, not you."

"Thanks Sashah." I say and she nods.

"Well I better get back out there, have a good night Rosa." She says and puts her cup into the sink.

"You too." I say and eat a grape.


I wake up in the morning with a kiss on my forehead. "Mhmmmm." I roll over and see Trent smiling at me. "Morning." I say and give him a kiss.

"Good Morning." He says and kisses me back. "So I thought since we will be leaving soon we should probably go back to your house and get all the things you will want to bring." He says and pushes my hair away from my face.

"All I want is you."

Trent laughs. "That's great I want you too but we still need to go to your house babe, we can have eachother later." He says and laughs again.

I pout. "Oh ok fine. I'll do as I'm told." I say and shove him off me. I change into a sweater and jeans and put on my shoes. "Can we walk today?" I turn around and ask him.

"Sure, walking sounds great." He says and takes my hand leading me outside.

We walk down the dirt road holding hands in the dusk of morning. The grass is full of dew, and the sun sparkles bright inbetween the trees. The birds sing their songs and if you're quiet you can see a deer run across the road into the woods. "Trent when do we have to leave?" I ask sad.

"I dunno the exact date but sometime this week. Rafiel wants up to be prepared that's why he said to get your things incase we might have to leave tomorrow or something." He says looking down at me. "Why Rosa, do you not want to go."

I stop and let go of his hand. "Of course I want to go." I say.

"No you dont."

I sigh. "You are right I don't want to go but we have to and I get that ok. But I grew up here, lived here with my Mom. I don't want to leave it all behind. I know we have to leave for our safety but it is hard ok. It is hard." I say choaking on the lump in my throat. Trent comes closer and pulls me close hugging me.

"We will have eachother amd the memories of this place but we have to go." He says and pulls back looking into my eyes.

"I know." I say grabbing his hand to continue walking.

We reach my house and on the outside it looks like I still live here, but the inside looks like I was murdered here. There is tears in the walls and on the pictures. Wood pieces shredded from the stairs, pictures torn off the walls, drawers strewn across the kitchen, knives thrown like darts, feathers from pillows everywhere, and a window smashed in the back. "Well they've been here." I say and run my hands across a claw mark on the back of the front door.

"Let's be quick about this." Trent says and rushes me upstairs. My bedroom is torn apart. My bed is riped and clothes strewn across the floor. On the wall there is a note, it reads;


We will find you. You will be torn apart like pulled pork and we will drink your blood. Oh and you bo Trent he will have the same fate. Why don't you just give up and surrender? We will find you...

We are coming...

Trent takes the note and puts it in his pocket. "Ok anything you want?" He says worried.

"Uhh well I can grab most of the clothes that aren't torn. And uhh that's it I think." Trent helps me search the room for any clothes not shredded. And when he isn't looking I grab the unwritten journal under my mattress. Now I can use this.

Trent rushes us back home looking back every few seconds. "Trent please calm down." I say to him but he just puts his hand on my back and continues to push me forward towards the house. When we get inside he locks the door and calls for Rafiel.

"God damnit where is he!?" He yells and slams his hand against the wood table making it jump slightly.

"Trent look at me." I say but he walks around huffing and puffing running his hands through his hair. I get up and walk towards him. I take his hands but he doesn't look at me. I grab his jaw and turn him to see me. "Trent, calm down we will be alright ok. They obviously don't know I am here yet. We have time." He looks at me and takes a deep breath hugging me.

Trent finally calms down and kisses me like the night before. "Hehe." I giggle as he kisses my neck. Something inside me switches on and I pull him off my neck kissing him. His tounge enters my mouth playing war with mine. I laugh and smile as we kiss.

He pushes me against a wall and I turn to push him back but his strength is better than mine and he pushes me back knocking the wind out of me. "You're so hot." I say and wrap my hands around his neck, and my legs around his waist. His hips dig into mine again and I roll my eyes back. He kisses my neck and moves down to my collarbone and his hands go up my shirt.

"Trent you...." Rafiel walks in and Trent and I stop. I fix my shirt and cough. "Uhh well I umm gotta go." I say and leave the kitchen. Rafiel laughs and and waves awkwardly goodbye.

(Trents pov)

I shake my head and laugh, clearing my throat. "Ehhmmm anyways. I called you because we went back to Rosa's place right like you said." Rafiel nods and takes a seat, I still stand. "So we get there and the inside of the house is demolished. Wallpaper torn off the wall, claw marks everywhere, and things are torn apart and strewn everywhere. I've already begun to worry but then we go up to Rosa's room amd we find this note. " I hand Rafiel the note from my back pocket and let him read it. "Now I dunno when they were there, if they know where she is or if they are comingg back but I think that we shouldn't hold off leaving anymore. I would rather leave early while we have the chance than leave and it be too late."

Rafiel re-reads the note a few times and stands up. "Did anyone follow you here?" He asks resting his hand on my shoulder.

"No I looked back every second no one was behind us."

"Ok you are right we had better leave like tonight. We'll get everything ready today and leave sometime tonight. Let me just tell Cytal and Sashah." Rafiel says biting his thumb and walking out to the backyard.

I walk down the hall to the room to find Rosa putting things into the drawers. "Rosa no don't put anything away start packing we are leaving tonight." I say and grab a duffel back and throw it on the bed beginning to throw her clothes in.

"What?" She asks.

"We have to go. I showed Rafiel the note and we agreed it is better we leave now while we have the chance then be too late. We don't know when those werewolves where there last, if they know where you are or when they are coming back." I say worried, and Rosa doesn't say anything she nods her head as I throw more clothes furiously into the duffel bag. She comes up behind me and hugs me resting her chin on my shoulder.

"I'll do this you help Rafiel." Rosa says and kisses my cheek.

I turn around and kiss her. "Pack most of our clothes ok and anything else we'll need relevant to that Rafiel amd I will take care of the rest. " I say and head out of the room.

Rafiel is talking to Cytal amd Sashah when I get outside. "Ok so what do we need?" I ask him.

"Ok well Sashah and Cytal will stay on alert until we leave and you and I will get the travel plans ready. We'll need to forge a few documents and such so let's get going. What's Rosa doing?" He asks.

"I've got her inside packing our clothes and whatever we need."

"All you'll need is clothes and money, I'll pack anything else we need like weapons and such." He pats me on the shoulder and we head inside.

(Rosas pov)

I throw all my clothes along with Trents into the duffel bag, including that emerald lace lingure I was saving for a night. I know I probably will not be using not that we are leaving but I don't wanna feel like a runaway, I need a resemblance of normalcy.

I throw in the stack of hundreds Trent hid away for this day in a backpack along with my journal and other things like a hair brush and a picture of my mom and I.

I still cannot believe we are leaving tonight, in a couple of hours. I wanted to go visit my mother's grave before we left to say goodbye but I guess I can say good bye to that Idea.

I bring the duffel bag out into the living room to see passports and papers on the table next to Trent and Rafiel. "We're almost done give us another hour and we will be close to leaving Rosa." Rafiel says to me not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Great." Is all I can suffice.

I walk outside with the backpack carrying my journal to see the sun begining to drop out of the sky letting the moon take its place. I take a spot on the grass leaning against the stone wall of the house and pull out a pen and my journal.

I begin to write.

Entry #1, wait should I write that or dear diary? I scribble out the "entry #1" and write Dear Diary.

Dear Diary,

I guess people write this to feel like they are actually talking to someone and not just themselves in their head. And maybe by the time we leave that is what I will need. Something to confide in to keep all my hidden thoughts, feelings, dreams and nightmares..

I wonder if I wasn't attacked by Trent that night that I wouldn't be a werewolf, just bipolar or something. My father may have never left but him leaving at the time seemed horrible but I feel like now it was for the best until he returned and murdered my mother. If I hadn't been attacked I wouldn't have these scars.. making me feel dead. But I'm not dead, not a zombie, not one hundered percent alive, and not yet living. The life of a cursed, legendary female werewolf...

Half the time I just want to give up, let whoever wants me dead to kill me. It might be easier, fighting was never my thing. But I know I can't give up for girls like Sashah, and people like Trent and Rafiel.. and Cytal.


(I cross the last name out.)


But I know I can't give up for girls like Sashah, and people like Trent and Rafiel. Cytal is different he I feel like is the one we should be fighting. He has this certian aura about him that gives you chills, makes babies cry, and just makes you nervous. I don't trust him. But Rafiel does so I guess that is the important part.


I hear a rustle in the trees near fhe edge of the forest. I put down my pen and journal in the backpack amd toss it under the porch.

I begin walking slowly towards the noise when it stops for a moment. I stop and don't make a sound, I turn around and look at the open kitchen door to Trent's house makong sure they are able to hear me if I needed them, and when I look back Sashah is running out of the trees.

"Rosa!" She cries out. Her hair is tangled and knotted filled with leaves and tiny branches. She has cuts along her forearms and scrapes on her face dripping with blood, and her clothes torn.

"Sashah what happened?" I ask and catch her as she fall into my arms knocking me to the ground.

"C-Cy--Cytal... H-he.. he is on the other side." She says whispering.

"He what!?" I yell.

"Shhh." She shushes me putting a finger to her lips pointing to the trees. "They're coming."

"Oh my god.." I mouth. I help her up and walk her back to the porch. "Trent! Rafiel! " I yell but they don't come. "TRENT, RAFIEL!" I scream , and begin to cry looking into Sashah's fading eyes.

They both come running out looking down at the both of us. "What. Happened?" Asks Rafiel craddling Sashah's head in his lap.

"I dunno I think Cytal attacked her." I say looking back at the trees to see Cytal walking out, and slowly following behind him is six werewolves. "He betrayed us." I spit.

Trent comes to me and puta his hands on my shoulders as I get up. Cytal stares at me smiling. "Rosa dont." Trent says into my ear. I look at him as he waves back the other wolves and nods at me giving me kissy faces. I rip myself from Trents grasp hearing him yell "Come back!" as I run at Cytal.

"Well isn't she a fighter." He says and smiles.

I walk closer and closer to him until I am under his nose. "How dare you. You betrayed us. You're no better than a murderer. You should rot in the coldest level of hell, unable to freeze or move! You sick bastard!!" I yell amd slap him making his chocolate skin turn a slight pink.

I turn to go back to Trent wishing it was that easy. Trent, Rafiel, and a weak Sashah in their werewolf form behind me. "Stay and enjoy the fight hun, but I don't think you'll last long to see most of it." Says Cytal sickly. He stands there eyes burning into my back and I turn back at him snarling transforming into my wolf form.

"Bring it mutt." I say snarling bearing my sharp teeth.

I watch as Cytal transforms into his wolf form amd Trents voice enters my head. "Rosa let someone else take him he's too stong. Remember training."

I know that Trent is right but I cant help but slash Cytal across the face with my claws. I cut right through one of his eyes and hear Rafiel. "Oh shit now she's done it! ATTACK!"

Everyone enters in a blood shedding battle. I take on Cytal, while the others take on two. "You're going down little pussy cat." I jump at Cytal and we roll around like a little kid down a grassy hill. I claw at his face with anger and he kicks.

I bite into his exposed shoulder tearing apart a piece of his fur. He lets out a whimper and I dig my claws into his bare patch of skin.

Trent and the others have already killed two of the other werewolves. Sashah is limping and two of the werewolves are going at her and no one but me sees her. I side hit Cytal which sends him flying and go running after the werewolves stalking Sashah. I pounce onto one tumbling but getting a clear view of its vital blood organ in its neck. I sink my jaw into it and rip it out spilling his blood everywhere. He falls to the ground without a fight dead.

The other is already attacking Sashah I throw it off her and sink my claws into him. This one is harder to kill he fights back knocking me off him and slashing my leg. I let out a soft whimper and growl at him. Rafiel comes over and finishes him off. When I turn back to see Sashah I hear Cytal first. "Game over." I see him crouched over her with blood dripping off his jaw.

I growl so loud everyone looks at me. Trent and Rafiel finish off the last werewolf and I charge at Cytal causing him to fall back. I slash his arms, legs, face and chest with my claws. He cries out in pain. "You win." He says.

"Sorry. Game over." I say and Slash his right through the heart and fall off him in shock of what I had just done. Rafiel and Trent come rushing at me still in wolf form. "Rosa are you alright!? Are you hurt!?" He says worried.

"No I'm fine just shaken up." I say and look up at them slowly, tearing up as I see Sashah lay dead. Trent comes and nuzzles his head next to mine. "We are leaving and we will be safe." He says.

"Yes we leave now." Says Rafiel tranforming back to human form running back to the house


After we got rid of all the dead werewolf bodies I grabbed the bag under the porch and we headed into the car to the airport.

"What I thought might be the end of the fighting ended up only just being the beginning..." I said to myself as I fell asleep in the back of jeep resting my head on Trent.



LOVE Artist1923 <3 xoxoxo

till next time keep reading! <3

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