Heart to Heart

By saiamrutha77

544K 20.8K 468

He was her crush..! She loved his magnetic smile... Life goes never as planned..! Time takes a step..! 2years... More

1. I can do it!!!
2.Rehaan savanth
3 . proper conversation
4.Its her!!!
5. auh...! Hello
6. Well..?!
7 .Should i tell her..?!
8. This is my messed up life....!
9.Drunk and what.......?!
10.Are you sure..?!
11. Marriage it is...then?! FINE
12. Its really happening..!
14 .The engagement-2
16. Spending time together
17. Bangalore
18. Pre Wedding Jitter's
19. The Wedding
20.Just Married
21. New couple
22. Dinner Disaster
23. Explanation
24. Bed time Revelations
25. Getting used to
26.Sharing your germs
27. 'Aa..Aa...achu....'
29. Elope you away from this world


13.8K 630 12
By saiamrutha77

Rehaan's p.o.v

I feel so strange .... 1 month back if you had came and told me that i would be engaged I would have laughed my butt off!
And now here I am at the airport to receive my sister. Ananya, my cousin (my mom's sister's daughter) for my engagement. She was coming from Delhi, she is still pursuing her degree in some posh college there. I dont remember the college name.
" Booo... " yeah yeah it was her style to welcome me.
"Rehaan you are supposed to be startled when i shout like that" she said huffing.
I just chuckled because of her childish behavior " not when i know you are back there".
"Anu...  "My mom said as she engulfed her in hug.
"Aunty... How have you been ? I missed you so much..!" And from there i zoned out. Dont ask me what pleasantries they exchanged.
Ananya is my closet cousin she see's me as an inspiration, as a hero, as her own sibling. We were back at my mom's place that night when ananya started to talk about Kritika the only one topic which i am avoiding.

"What the helll..." She shirked when i told her about the loveless marriage deal i put in front of Kritika."are you nuts..?! Why are you doing this ....?! Dont you wanna move on..?!" She fired.

"Come on anu.. You know i have moved on." I defended.

"Oh yeah...?! 'A part of my heart will always be with her' , 'a loveless marriage is what i can give you.' Do you fucking call it moving on?!" She shouted.

"Anu ... Language and i am sure that i am not in love with kritika so i just dont want bring her hopes high."

" Rehaan bro.. What happened to you? Have you damaged your brain somewhere? Why are you behaving as a douchebag?" She questioned.

" Anu.... You are still kid you don't get it. Life goes never as planned, 2years back i met Kritika in some college event, that was the time i had been sulking over Nitya. Can you imagine two years later I get to marry her. From all this i just wanna say is .... I dont want to live my life with false hopes and expectations. I have been hit by reality once" i said silencing her.

After two minutes she started " Rehaan ..." Her voice thick with emotion, i guess  " Nitya was just a bitter past, you have to let go  the sourness that relationship has left you with. Dont shut your self from Kritika,  give her a chance Rehaan."

Anu .... My small sister .... Was talking about relationships , moving on in life...." Are you really my sister?" I joked.

She just laughed about it because she knows when to stop. Then our conversation shifted to her hot,young, good looking maths lecturer.

Mom had ordered that i am supposed to go for selection of my engagement ring with Kritika.

We were 'Glia' from past one hour and Kritika couldn't still chose a ring. Ananya have been following her down the aisle and i have been playing Clash of clans in my phone and as well as attending few business calls. Whats taking her so long its just a ring..i thought. Yea... But unlike you she is excited. My subconscious sneered. May be i can help. I was just going through some when Kritika and Ananya joined beside me "have you selected ..?" I asked.
"Um.. " she started but i cut her off "let me guess no...?! Right...?!" I said. Women i tell you. " Try this one" i said giving her a simple two stone studded diamond ring.
Wow..! That's actually pretty god nice choice Rehaan i praised myself. After we were done shopping we hit Opera ,Ananya suddenly backed out from the dinner plan i was so not happy with that for which she gave me a disapproved look. Kritika was however busy with stuffing her mouth with food... Okay it may sound gross but it was kind of cute. Cute...?! Where the hell did that come from..?!

"So..." I started " we are getting married in 6 days"

'You are not a psychopath killer right...?!" Kritika just blurred out. Her complete face flushed red.and i couldn't control and burst out into laughter.

" why would you ask that..!",i asked.
"I dont know " she said completely embarrassed " i cant believe i  am getting engaged to you" her voice full of excitement. Why would anyone be excited for a loveless marriage i thought. " i mean getting engaged to anyone" she continued.

"... Its really happening" i said rather to me then to her.
6 days later the engagement...

Auh... I hate these functions .... These shervani kurta's,oversized relatives, the unnecessary melodrama.... Everything... Every fucking thing. But the saddest thing is I cant just walk out right now because its my own engagement... All my mom's relatives my dads relatives... My friends .... Shrey, Veronica were scattered around. Kritika didnt even show her attire.

And just then Kritika walked in her white and pink colored lehanga....her hair pinned in some complicated updo. Her eyes were wandering all over but never daring to meet mine i wonder why..?!

And then when she came and stood beside me God i  bet the temperature raised few notches.

She was twisting her fingers, may be a habit while she is anxious. When you look at us you would easily understand how anxious we were ... Because i was doing and undoing buttons of my over coat on the shervani and she was well twisting her fingers.

"Are you sure...?!" I asked her before my mom gave me ring to slip on her fingers. Thats when she snapped her head towards me and said... " Yes I am... And if one more freaking time you ask are you sure i will slap you." She mumbled. Thats when i saw something for me in her eyes.

" Good because there is no backing off from here." I said slipping the ring on her finger.

" And i don't even want to" she said winking at me.

While claps echoed around the function hall.

So..... Thats chapter 13 THE ENGAGEMENT.... yea... They are engaged. What do you think .... This choice of their life would it be heart touching or heart breaking for them....!
For that you have to wait.

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