Our own fairytale

Par Lonely-writer-girl

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So this is a Grimm story set during 2x15 where Juliette and Nick are broken up due to her amnesia from her co... Plus

Chapter 1: best day of my life
Chapter 2: lucky
Chapter 3: ghost
Chapter 4: think about it
Chapter 5: love
chapter 6: believer
Chapter8: heart pf stone
Chapter 9: home
Chapter 10:hit it
Chapter 11: oh, what a life
Chapter 12: the one that got away
Chapte 13: same old same old
Chapter 14: dust to dust
Chapter 15: i had me a girl
chapter 16: devils backbone
chapter 17: disarm
Chapte 18: sacred hearts
chapter 19: tell mama
Chapter 20: eavesdrop
chapter 21: form this valley
Chapter 22: oh henry
chapter 23: D'arline

Chapter 7: trouble

3.2K 41 6
Par Lonely-writer-girl

Hey guys so here is another chapter for you I hope you like it, also I'm on the look out for a beta who I can bounce ideas off and who can check my spelling/grammar but also someone who's fast so if you want to do it just pm me. And as always let me know what you think by pming me or review the chapter

Chapter 7: trouble

The next morning Mia woke up to the smell of coffee, she slowly began to sit up to see a cup of coffee sitting on the bedside table next her and a very awake Nick who was probably onto his second or third cup. Mia was wearing a pair of blue sleep shorts, a white and blue striped v-necked T-shirt and a blue bra that you could see through her t-shirt. She ran a hand through her crazy mess of wavy hair to push it out of her face as she put her glasses on since she hadn't put her contacts in yet. Once she had drank at least half of coffee she placed it back on the bedside table before turning her attention to the very patient Nick who was waiting till she was more awake.

" well hi there" he said before leaning towards her to kiss which made her smile even more as she gently forced him lie back so that she could straddle him

" I feel it's only fair to let you know that I see right through you, first you supply me with coffee then tempt me with sex" she said laughing as he began to kiss her again

" oh yeah you've figured out my game plan, damn it was so complicated" he said taking of her top before flipping over so that she was now on the bottom with him on top of her

" you aren't that complicated and I'm not complaining" she said catching his lips again as they began to heat things quickly, things between them seemed to be back on track

" well I'd hope not, if you're complaining then we'd defiantly have an issue" he said just then his phone went off, causing him groan into her skin as she reached out to get it

" answer it, I'll still be here when you're finished plus the quicker you're finished then quicker we can get back to what we were doing" she said as he rolled off of her onto his own side of the bed as she began to kiss his neck to distract him

" hey captain what's up... yeah sure ok I'll be there in as soon as I can" he said before ending the call with the captain, he placed the phone on the beside table to Mia putting her top back on

" is happened with the Cracher- Mortel case or is it something new?" she asked him as she sat crossed leg on the bed drinking the rest of her coffee as she watched him move around the room beginning to get dressed

" no I don't think so, he just said something had come up and that we couldn't talk about it over the phone " Nick said beginning to get dressed, he loved how she seemed to fit into his life and home so perfectly as if she was always meant to be there

" maybe he wants to discuss a secret half royal grimm handshake?" she said joking as she stood up in her knees on top of the bed as she began to button his shirt for him

" I see someone is feeling better, what's changed? other than me knowing about everything" he said pulling her closer to his chest by wrapping his arms around her waist

" nothing I guess, I think just knowing that I'm not totally alone in this anymore helps and I can't wait for them to make their move so I'm going to go about my life till they do" she said happy that he was there for her, they both knew the other had plenty of baggage

" and when they do we'll deal with it together... hey want to come with me to the office? we could go and grab some breakfast afterwards" he said moving her hair out of eyes then began to ran his hand through her hair

" that sounds like a plan, do you think it would be okay if I used your police resources to check out a few council people?" she asked knowing that she probably wouldn't be allow to hear what Nick and his boss were discussing

" sure as long as you don't get caught" he said pulling her in for another kiss before she pulled away then climbed off the bed to look for clothes to wear

Eventually Mia and Nick arrived at the precinct where the Captain was waiting by his office door for Nick, Nick logged onto his work computer and showed Mia everything that she would need to look into the people on her lis. Nick told her where the coffee was before giving her a kiss on the forehead then went to talk to the captain. Mia wore a green striped tank, a pair of jeans, a white cardigan, a dark green coat and brown boots that laced up at the back as well as a brown tote bag. Since they were in somewhat of rush that morning to get ready Mia decided to leave her hair in its near curly state and simple place a mint coloured jewelled hairband to keep it out of her eyes which made it look messier and carefree. Her eye make was heavily black and smokey and her lips were simple light pink colour. She began to look through her list of people when she was suddenly interrupted

" Hey Nick, you'll never guess what's happene- woah you're not Nick" Sergeant Wu said as stopping when he realised that there was unexpectedly a beautiful female in Nick's place

"no I'm Mia Nick's girlfriend, actually we've met before during one of your case about a guy who blinded his victims" she said spinning on her chair to see him after she changed the screen and cancelled all the files she had opened on his computer

" where is Nick and why are you on his computer?" he said finding it weird that a strange was on a detectives computer, although he did remember her from that case

" he's in the captain's office and I was just checking my facebook page, he said it would be okay" she said trying to act innocent so that he wouldn't think she was up to something

" hey Mia, you ready to go? oh hey Wu what's up?" he said knowing that Wu would only beee at his desk if something had happened with their case

"we've got a mini crime wave situation going on, there has been a ton and by that I mean a crap load of 911 calls reporting violent assault and property damage downtown. From the calls they sound drug fuelled similar to what me and Frank ran into in that house the other day" he told Nick knowing things were about hit the fan and get worse for the already busy police force

" Lilly O'Hara is still missing" he said thinking out loud that she could have something to do with the sudden rise in crime in the streets of Portland as well as the Cracher- Mortel that was running around infecting people

" if this keeps up, I'm going to run out of uniforms" he said knowing that the majority of his force was out on the streets trying to contain it but most of them were getting hurt

" ok I'll come... I'm sorry but I'm going to have to reschedule breakfast" he said turning to Mia who was still siting on the chair facing him, she stood as she grabbed her things

" its fine,you clearly have bigger fish to fry than me but please do me a favour and be careful because by sounds of it its the Cracher-mortel and his zombie minions" she said creating a side plan in her head to help him out

"yeah I know that's what I was thinking too... before I forget the captain was telling me about how his Eric is in town for some unknown reason but we think he's going to make a play for the key" he told since he didn't want any secrets between them

" it makes sense for one of the most powerful members of the seven house to try and get something that would only make more powerful plus it just screams Eric" she said with distaste as she thought about the royal prince who even as a teen was unlikeable

" you knew Eric?" he said thinking that you could make that kind of statement if you knew the person on a personal level, it was like he was learning about a whole knew side of her

" his dad would visit the council all the time and would bring him so that he could all about the kingdom, I hated him I mean he used to hit on me all the time and generally just annoyed me" she said remembering how he used to tease her for reading in the library all the time

" I think he's still like that.... I should go but please be careful out there and steer clear of downtown" he said not wanting her to be caught in the mayhem and get hurt

" it's fine I won't, I'm actually going to head to the old spice shop and see if theres a way to stop or reverse this" she said knowing that bullets weren't going to make a difference to people that were already dead, she gave him a kiss before leaving since Wu was shouting on him

As soon as Mia go into the spice shop she began to fill them in on everything that had been going on including finding out that there was a Cracher-mortel in Portland and that he was infecting people with his abilities, causing them become zombie like. Rosalee and Monroe began to pull out books that they thought was the most relevant to what they wanted know while Mia began to make a pot coffee since she figured that they would be there for a while. Mia flipped open laptop and found the local news staton where they had a live feed of what was going on downtown, it comforted her slightly to know what was going on.After a while Nick called them to let them know that they were bringing one of the zombie victims to the spice shop to use him as patient zero. When they came in Monroe went to help the guy who was currently slumped over and passed out, Mia noticed that Nick had been in a small and went to make sure she he was ok. Hank, Monroe and Nick began to chain the older man to the bed after warning them what he would be like when he woke up

" he looks dead" Monroe said staring at the mans appearance, everything from his white pale skin to the dark circle around his eyes screamed that this guys wasn't a member of the living club

"I know he looks dead and he probably was for a little while but he's not now" Nick said failing to think of a better way to describe this guy's current state, he knew that zombie didn't quite sum it up

" so you're telling me that this guy is going to wake up?" Mia said finding it hard that this guy would just be able to get up and walk away from this compared to his current state

"yeah and he's going to be in a really bad mood" Nick said referring to the state of violence that both Lilly O'Hara and her murderer both showed

" so far we're seen three just like him" Hank told them so that they would know that this wasn't just a one time thing that strictly applied to this one guy but was becoming a regular occurrence

"three?" Rosalee asked finding it hard to believer that was more people just like this guy out there, she could tell by their tone that they thought there might be moe

"that we know of" Nick said confirming what they already thinking, he knew it was high possibility that the Cracher-Mortel had made plenty more of these servants

"two were pronounced dead and then got to cause a lot of trouble so we bought this one here" he said feeling the need to explain why they had suddenly turned up with a near dead body

" I already filled in on how I looked through the books last night and found out about the Cracher-Mortel as well as told them the delightful story about the voodoo priest" Mia said letting Nick and Hank that they were all on the same page so far

"and as it turned out I have a few books on wesen transiences including the one that tells about the state that Cracher-Mortel deals with. it talks about how the Cracher- Mortel spits tetrodotoxin, it shuts down the neurosignals of nerves and heart cells and causes suspended animation" Rosalee said gesturing to the current state of the man lying down on the backroom bed

" according to this book there is four stages which are paralysis, cataplexy, death like phrase and lastly the victims become increasingly violent that leads to murder and mayhem" Mia said reading the section on the four stages that she felt was the most relevant information

"oh good god, is any mentioning of a treatment to stop this?" Monroe said thinking that this was probably worse wesen case that they had ever scene

"fortunately there is treatment..." Rosalee said trailing off the end as she began to read the section on the treatment that involved the four stages

" great so then we treat everyone in the first stages" Nick said thinking that curing them all before the craziness could begin would save them all a lot of hassle as stop people from getting hurt

"no we can't giving it to them during the first three stages will actually kill them, we have to wait till they are in the four stage before giving it to them" she said as began to walk towards her work bench where she began to look for the things that she needed to make the cure

"what is the treatment?" Hank said thinking that they should probably get a move on with making the treatment so that they could begin to treat people from this

" as far as I've read its created to help simulate the neurosignals since that's the part that has been targeted and it's says it can be any way but the best way is.... by three injects all at once" Mia said wondering if she had read the book right as Nick placed a hand on her back as he moved closer to her

"I actually think I have something that might helps us with that, it's called the Piqure-Gigantesque and I should have everything else that I need to make it" Rosalee said as she opened a box with a large round syringe with three needle points as Mia wrote down the ingredients needed and the instructions on how to make it

" how long does it take?" Nick asked knowing that they didn't exactly have all the time in the world to spend on waiting for something to work on them

" the treatment itself should be work almost instantly but it'll take a while for the treatment to be ready" Rosalee said thinking that the treatment would need time to stew for it to be effective to cure everyone that needed

" are you going to be ok getting it ready while we head back to the prescient?" Nick asked them, he figured that he and Hank should head back to see if anything knew had happened

" we'll be fine, are you handcuff will be able to hold him?" Monroe said nodding wearily at the man lying on the bed still passed out from when Nick hit him, they knew that when he woke up he would be in stage 4

"yeah but just in case here's the keys" he said handing him the handcuff keys before going to Mia, who he knew was trying her hardest to help in any way she could

" you know that you don't need to check up on me or make sure I'm ok right because I'll be fine plus it's you we should be worried about since you're the out there with them" she said as he wrapped his arms around her waist, just her touch and mere present helped him feel better

" I'll be fine, you'll see by tonight this will all be sorted and we'll be sharing a bottle of wine before you know it.... see you at home?" he said after giving her a small kiss, he didn't hesitant to call his home theirs

" that sounds much needed" she said kissing him again before he left with Hank, his words as he said out home kept turning in her head as they bugged on his meaning or if it was a simple slip of the tongue

After Nick and Hank left go back to the prescient to check on how things had progressed with the case while Mia, Rosalee and Monroe began to get things ready for the cure. Mia decide to cut and prepare the ingredients while Rosalee and Monroe began t brew them, they decided to make a small amount of the antidote to test if it work then they would make more if it did. As they were checking and waiting for the antidote to be ready when something occurred to Monroe

"we got this into him before.... oh you're up, you're probably wondering where you are...we're your friends" Monroe said trying to calm him down by showing them that they weren't a threat as he made sure that Mia and Rosalee were behind him in case the man became violent

" we're here to help you, we want to make you better...woah" Rosalee said trying to reenforce what Monroe was already trying to do when the man began to get up and pull at the handcuffs which soon gave way

"woah woah Mia get the shot, we're going to hold him and Rosalee you're going to give him the shot.." Monroe said as they all began to move back as the man started to become more violent towards them, he began to come up with a plan of action in his head

" umm guys it's not ready yet" Mia said panicking that this guy was going to hurt one of them or that he was going to get free and hurt someone else out there

"fine we'll try to buy you some time, ok just calm down....I don't want to hurt you but if you make me-" he began to say before the man kicked him hard on the leg causing him to cry out in pain

"here its ready, Rosalee catch" Mia said as she loaded the Piqure-Gigantesque and threw it to Rosalee as she helped Monroe pin the man down on the bed for Rosalee to inject him

" under the shirt, under the shirt!" Rosalee said in a hurry to tell one of them to pull up his shirt to allow her access to his stomach where it had to be injected

A little while later when things had calmed down Monroe began to insist that Mia was to go home to relax a little and when she protested that someone had to stay here with their patient he told her that he and Rosalee would stay since the shop was still open. Mia eventually gave in and grabbed her things before heading to the train station where she got the train near where Nick lived and then went into the local bakery to bag so ice cream as well as cake since she didn't feel like cooking or eating anything big. When Nick came in he found Mia sitting on the couch with her head resting on the back of it as she slowly began to drift, he took his coat off and smiled as he noticed that she had got all his favourites from the local bakery that he loved

" hey when did you get in?" she asked as she began to wake at the sound of someone else moving around the house despite Nick trying his hardest to be silent as can be

"just now, I'm sorry that I woke you though its been a crazy day" she said joining her on the couch sitting next to her as Mia settled herself into Nick by resting her back on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her

"yeah just a bit, did you guys get any further with the case?" she asked still half asleep as Nick combed through her hair with her fingers

" kinda we spoke to his boss who told us that he was the exact opposite of how he is being and let us listen to the call, it turned out to the Baron" he said knowing that she was trying her hardest to be involved in his life and be a part of it all

"so he lured him out there to what? add another solider for his army" she said wondering how he was able to choose who he had added or if it was anyone he liked

" what about things on your end? how did things with antidote go?" he asked loving the fact that he and Juliette had never been able to talk like this about not just his wesen world but also everything

" well he woke up and kicked Roe so we pinned the guy down while Rosalee injected him with the antidote, they said they would one of us when he woke up" she said wondering if they could really save everyone who was infected by the baron

"I meant what I said about this place being our home, I want you to move in with me" he said causing her to sit and face him as she tried to process what he had just asked her

"seriously? Nick I really like you like so much but don't you think moving together after three months is a bit fast, I mean not that long ago you were with Juliette" she said trying to justify all this in her head, it was easy to chalk this up to him missing living with the girl he loved or rather liked

" Juliette has nothing to this or us and I'm not asking you, I'm just telling you so that when I do ask that you wont surprised or freaked out like you are now. I know we aren't prefect but we're close to" he said wanting her to stop overthinking things in her head for once and just do what she felt like

" yeah I know I get it but moving together is kinda a big step worth freaking out over.... you should get that, its probably my brother" she said welcoming the disruption as she grabbed her boots from underneath the coffee table and began to put them on

" you got lucky but I'm not letting this go, hey Monroe whats up? yeah okay we'll be there.... we got to go, Al's awake and apparently so much better" he said as he walked over to the door where he grabbed his jacket as well as hers and her bag.

Monroe was waiting by the door for Mia and Nick so that he could tell them what was going on with Al while Rosalee made him some tea to calm him down since he couldn't remember anything during his time as a zombie. As they headed into the back room Mia and Nick both noticed that everything about Al was back to normal, his skin was back to its healthy pink glow rather than the pale grey colour it had been as well as the fact that he was now much calm and less likely to rip them apart from limb to limb. Nick gestured to Rosalee that he had to talk to him

" this is detective Burkhart, he's the one that brought you here" Rosalee said who was thankful that she was now able to give him some answers to his many questions

"Al I need you to tell me anything that you can remember about your last call, do you remember if he was wearing a hat?" Nick asked wanting to confirm that this was the same guy as before and that they weren't against any more of them

" yeah I remember that the most it was a top hat like Lincoln wore then I remember a lot of pain like my head was being crushed" Al said thinking back on his time after the Cracher-Mortel, there was only a few small details that seemed to stick out at him

"what the car?" he asked wanting to more details about it and match it to the one that they found by the containers yard, it also meant that he might be able to send out an apb on it

"it was 1973 buick which supposedly wouldn't start but was fine when I tried, I still don't remember much except a bug black room where he took me I guess" he said trying to focus more on the details so that the police could help the others that were still there

" was there any thing else?" he asked wondering they could get any more information of what happened to him so that they could prevent the others from getting any worse or loose where they could others

" there was others like a lot, I thought I had died and gone to hell" he said remembering all the pain and thoughts that went through his head as he felt like he couldn't move

" do you remember where this was?" he asked thinking that there wasn't a lot of places that hold a large number of people without making people curious about what was happening

" sorry I don't except in the morning hearing something like a horn" he said knowing that the noise would come on the same time everyday like clock work

"a horn like in a train or ship?"Nick said trying to clarify where this was so that he could call Hank and the others as back up when they went to go and get the others

"I don't know but I do remember there being a lot of green before it all went black" he said knowing that that was the last solid memory of the last few days that he had at the moment

" hey Al how about some tea?" Rosalee asked as she saw Nick gesturing Mia and Monroe to move over to the other side of the room so they could talk without worrying about Al over hearing them

"that car we found was left across from a container yard, some of those are green. I'd bet it would be pretty damn dark if you were shit in one of those" Nick said as he began to piece all the clues together

" Hi what do you want us to do with Al? he's beginning to ask a lot of questions we don't have answers for" she said thinking that she could probably answer them but it would mostly involve revealing the wesen world to a human

" I'll send an officer to pick him up" Nick said taking out his phone as he text Wu to send over a uniform to take Al's statement then take him over

" that's not our biggest problem right now, he said there were others and lots of them" Mia said pointing out as she pulled her cardigan sleeves over her fingers as the cold from the spice shop was beginning to get to her

"do you want us to treat them all because if you do then we're going to need a lot more antidote?" Rosalee asked wondering how they were going to get the antidote into them all with only one device

" start making it" he said knwoing that he couldn't pick those who were giving the antidote and who shouldn't get it, it was only fair for everyone to get it

"why is this guy doing this her in Portland? I know we have voodoo doughnuts but thats kind of the extent of it?" Monroe asked thinking that was probably better places for a voodoo priest to start a zombie attack like New Orleans or the south somewhere

"in the book there is reference to this guy starting a revolutionary" he said considering if this was the same thing in a different time or if this guy had new and bigger plot

" a revolutionary in Portland?" Rosalee questioned as it seemed so farfetched that this would pick Portland out of the other places that may better suited for such an attack

"it might not be connected but the captain's brother is in town" he said turning to Mia as if to remind her about Eric being in town, although it wasn't something she was likely to forget

" A member of the royal family came here? that does sound kinda revolutionary" Monroe said thinking that this was the missing link that they couldn't quite work out

" it does seem like the kind of thing that Eric would do and if he's after the key then this might be the best way to get it without it leading directly back to him" Mia said surprising Monroe and Rosalee by how much she knew about the way Eric thought

" if he's after the key then that means you too" Monroe said as his sister's words kept running through his head, he could never forgive himself for letting the council take his sister from him like that

"I need you to hid this" Nick asked as he turned to Rosalee as she was least likely one to be caught plus no one really knew that she was working with him as she nodded to hm, beginning to think of a safe place for it

"so I guess we should male some more antidote, any idea how much more?" Monroe said wondering how they were possible going to make enough for the large crowd that Al had described to them

" as much as you can and I think I know how" Mia said as she began to look around the room where her eyes settled on a large caldron like pot

Soon all the Antidote was made so they decided to take Nick's car to the container yard where the car was found since that was their best clue as where the others were being kept. By the time that they had finished making the antidote it was late in the night causing everything to be dark so Mia pulled flashlights out of her bag for everyone.

"where do we start?" Monroe asled once they had gotten out of the car, suddenly the yard seemed so much bigger in the dark

"with the green containers I guess" Nick suggested as he remembered that Al had remember the colour green above the others in the yard

"I only have one Piqure-Gigantesque, let's hope we find them one at a time" Rosalee said wondering how they were meant to cure them at once if they were ambushed by a large number of them

" lets go, I think I see a few green containers over there" Nick said pointing in the direction that he was beginning to walk in with the other close behind him

"this one's locked" Mia said as she tried to open one of the green containers with her blutbad strength but found that the doors wouldn't budge

" anyone in there?" Monroe asked to one of the green containers near them as he began to hear moaning of a large crowd which was becoming louder and louder

"that doesn't sound like it's coming from inside" Rosalee said as she could hear it without being up close to the container doors, it felt like the sound was moving towards them

" thats because it isn't and they aren't coming one at a time" Nick said as he saw the large group of zombies moving towards them as he prepared for a fight while Mia and Monroe woged into their wesen selfs

"alright shot him up" Monroe said to Rosalee as he held one of them down still enough that she was able to inject them with the antidote

" hurry up this is one is waking up and we can't hold him still for much longer" Nick said as the zombie began to wake up, in the process started to fight Nick and Mia off him since they were trying to pin him down

"I don' think we made enough antidote for all of these zombie things" Mia said as more of them began to come towards them, they were currently backing them in to a corner with no way out

" ouch man I don't think we're going to be able to take them all down, I think you're going to have shoot a few" Monroe said to Nick knowing that hand to hand combat wasn't going to get them very far or even make a dent in their numbers

" I can't, they're innocent victims... Mia you know I can't" he said knowing that he would never be able to forgive himself if he was responsible for killing some one who wasn't a criminal

"they won't be innocent for long" Rosalee said knowing that one of them getting hurt soon was becoming more and more likely

"ever get the feeling that we walked into a trap?" Mia said as she grabbed Nick's hand for comfort in the dark, she wondered if this was Eric's plan all along or if it was something that the Cracher-Mortel had just came up with

" I get the feeling that we should get out of here" Monroe said worrying that someone was going to get to hurt or worse be infected by the Cracher-Mortel and become one of them

" Like now!" Rosalee said as Monroe began to pull her towards a gap in between the zombie while Nick and Mia tried to follow them, however soon Nick was separated from the others

Eventually Mia,Monroe and Rosalee were able to find their way back to the car when Mia realised that Nick wasn't behind her anymore. She stopped to look for him while the others began to get into the car as the zombie began to crowd around the car where Mia was still stood outside

" Mia get in the car!" Monroe said worried that his sister was going to hurt because she was too stubborn to listen to him or anyone else for that matter

" no Roe, Im not leaving without Nick!" she said praying that he would come flying around the corner smiling his signature smile that she loved so much

" he's a grimm ok? he can take car of himself and he'd kill me if I let anything happen to you so get into the damn car" he said trying to make her see sense, although he knew that was something he had been trying to do since they were kids

" fine but I swear he better be ok...... where are you Nick?" she asked herself as she got in the car and fastened her seatbelt as she looked through the window still hoping to see him

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