Family First (Book II) Comple...

By LabelMeNotorious_

467K 22K 5.5K

Book I 》》》 Friends With Benefits You Are Here 》》》 Book II More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 29

17K 637 211
By LabelMeNotorious_

Melanie Wright

My dad was having a cookout today and I was all down for some free food and getting to spend time with my family. Damien had to run some errands before it was time for us to get ready and leave. That man made my days so much better. Hell I never even thought about Ty anymore. Until he texted me a damn ten page letter saying how he regret doing what he did and how he was going to work on himself and get his self together. Also that he is sorry for breaking my heart and not being man enough to admit when he was wrong and for listening to other people. The only reason I accepted his apology were because of my kids. Even if Damien was a male figure in their life, Ty was still their father and I wasn't going to allow another man to take his place, even if he did me wrong. My kids are always my main priority. So they come first no matter what. Besides that, Damien filled and completed something in me that Ty once had before, but that was long gone. He didn't have to buy me tons of jewelry or expensive gifts to see me smile, just him doing the things a man should be doing made me smile enough.

I got up out of bed because I knew I had to fix my kids something to eat. It was only 8 and I knew they were up and hungry. It amazes me that they wake up early like their going to school on the weekends. I made my way toward the twins room. The twins share a room because neither wanted to be away from the other and sometimes Kei would sleep in there with them. When I walked into the twins room they were all laying next to each other watching a movie.

"Mommy!" Ky yelled jumping out of bed, drawing the other two attention. I smiled looking at my kids. I picked Ky up.

"Morning mommy babies." I said raking my fingers through Kei's wild mane of curly hair.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Kam said pulling on my pajama pants. I looked down at him. He looked like Ty's twin.

"You always hungry little man." I said. He pouted.

"I'm a big man." He said. I laughed.

"Okay big man. Lead us to the kitchen." I said moving out of his way.

We walked into the kitchen, with Kam leading the way, Ky in my arms, and Kei on my heels. Flicking the lights on I debated if I was going to cook or not.


I wasn't cooking anything for breakfast they could eat some breakfast sandwiches, oatmeal, or some cereal. I just wasn't in the mood to stand over a hot stove this morning.

"Okay, so we have Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Croissants, Lucky Charms, and Oatmeal. Who wants what?" I asked showing them what we had.

"Lucky Charms!"



"Keep it going." I shouted.



"Hot Sauce!"



"SAUSAGE!" We shouted together. Leave it to Kam to say booty. He got that shit from Dre.

When we finished acting a fool I fixed them what they wanted. I laughed at how childish we were, but I lived for these moments.


My phone started to ring and I knew it was Damien by the ringtone that played.


"I'll be there in thirty or forty minutes so y'all be ready when I get there." He said.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Handling some business." He said.

"Mhm. Well then handle your business playa." I said. He chuckled.

"Wait till I get there." He said and with that the line went dead.

I got up to get the kids bathed and ready to go. The cookout didn't start till 1 so we still had enough time in our hands.

After getting showered, dressed, and doing my and the kids hair Damian was walking thru the door.

Right on time.

"D!" The kids shouted running over to him. He picked the all up and started to spin them around

I wore a Rotita Two Piece Yellow and Green Wrap Halter High Waisted Swimsuit which I paired with my Yellow Patron by Privileged Six Inch Heels. What, can't a girl wear heels and look sexy? Plus, I wanted to break this bad boys in. They were collecting dust in my closet.

Ky wore a Monnalisa Girls Leotard Swimsuit with Gems and a pair of Nude Nicole Miller Clear Water Sandals.

Kei wore a Mint Green and Purple Tribal Print Tankini Swimsuit with a pair of Mint Green Strappy Sandals.

Kam wore a pair of Green Ralph Lauren Hawaiian Swim Trunks and his Jordan Hydro 4 Slide Sandals.

"You look good." Damien said looking me up and down. The kids were in the playroom waiting on us. Well more like Damien because he still had to change.

"No. Nope. We are not going to be late because you can't control yourself. Plus, it took me forever to get ready." I said.

"It'll be quick." He said walking over to me. I stepped back.


"Please baby." He said kissing my neck causing me to moan. I looked at the time.

"We got fifteen minutes." I said pulling him into the bed. He smirked.

"That's all I need."


Walking into my dad's house we were instantly hit with the smell of food, the sound of music coming from the back, and voices coming from the kitchen.

"Mommy can I go play with the dog?" Kei asked referring to the puppy my auntie Killa had bought almost a month ago. I don't see how they do it. I couldn't have a dog. That's just not for me.

"Me too!" The twins said in unison.

"Yeah, go ahead." I said. They took off toward the sliding glass doors and out they went. Damien and I made our way into the kitchen to see who was in there.

"Daddy!" I yelled walked into the kitchen. He was standing in the kitchen with my momma. I rolled my eyes. Why she always have to show up to family events? Who still considering her as family? He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Mel." He said hugging me. I love my daddy so much. He always has my back and I appreciate him for everything. If it wasn't for him I don't know what I'd do.

"I missed you." I said pulling away from him. He looked over my shoulder.

"Wassup D?" He said dappin' him up. "Where my grandkids at?" He asked.

"Outside with playing with that dog." I said taking a seat.

"So you don't see me?" My momma asked with an attitude.

"Yes I see you. Do you see me?" I asked. D chuckled sitting next to me. She smacked her lips.

"Mel you need to get over whatever it is and move on." She said. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Lady gone somewhere. I came here to have fun not argue with your ass. I'm a grown ass woman and you will respect me." I said calmly. She was not going to ruin my day with her stupidity.

"Let's go get in the pool." Damien said. I got up and followed him out the kitchen. As soon as I stepped outside I heard my name being called.

"Mel!" Terrance yelled. I shook my head. He always have to be so damn loud. He walked over to me bear hugging me.

"Let me go, you hurting me." I said. He put me down.

"You're glowing." He said stroking his chin hair.

"That's what happens when you happy and ask and pray to God to take all the bad, evil, and your enemies away from you." I said.

"That might be true, but something else got you glowing. You got that 'I just had some bomb ass sex' glow." He said. I looked at him, then at D.

"That is your friend." I said shaking my head.

"But that's your cousin." D said.

"Nah we found him on the side of the road and felt sorry for him." I said. D chuckled.

"You a lie. All this sexiness was not put on the side of the road." He said mushing my head.

"That's not what your momma told me." I said.

"Oh hell nah!" He said looking around. "Momma, bring dat ahh hea' guh." He said across the backyard. She looked our way, rolled her eyes, and turned back to talking to my auntie Reece.

"Did she just..."

"Mhmmm." I said.

"I'm 'bout to take my damn belt off." He said. I looked him up and down.

"Nigga you got on swimming trunks."

"Oh yeah." He said.

"Where Vicki?" I asked referring to his one year old daughter, Victoria.

"Her momma bringing her." He said. I smacked my lips. His baby momma is as ghetto as they come and she a stripper. Don't get me wrong you gotta make your money any means necessary, but she is a straight out H O E. I still think the DNA results wrong if you ask me, but they weren't. How he managed to fuck her was beyond me. I knew that shit was a trap from the beginning, but Terrance don't give her no type of money. He buy whatever his little girl need and take it to her. She will never see him hand her money and if she try to sale or take any of her stuff back Terrance gone best her ass, then I'mma beat her ass. Why try and trap a man knowing that won't keep him, let alone be your meal ticket. She thought she was going to have Terrance eating out the palm of her hand. She thought.

Damien and Terrance decided to go play cards with my uncles while I sat with my aunts talking.

"Time go by so fast." Killa said sipping her wine cooler. We agreed. We had been sitting at the table for almost an hour. Some of the other kids were in the pool the others were playing and running around.

"Especially when you have kids." I added.

"Who you telling. PJ ass is a handful, just like his daddy." Chey said.

"He a handful 'cause you spoil his ass." Reece said. Chey rolled her eyes.

"I don't spoil him. I just reward him when he do right other then that I be on his ass like white on rice." She said. We bust out laughing. PJ forever getting his ass whooped tho.

Kei walked over to where we were sitting.

"Excuse me." She said. I looked at her.

"Why PJ can't have manners line that?" Chey said, shaking her head. Lord.

"What you need Kei?" I asked.

"We done playing with the doggy now mommy, can we get in the pool?" Kei asked me. I nodded.

"I'll be back y'all." I got up and walked over to where Damien and the rest of the men we're playing cards. My momma was the only female over here sitting on her boyfriend lap. I still can't believe she with him after he tried to get at me. She even had three more of his kids. Couldn't be me. I would've beat his ass, cut his throat, and buried his body if he was my man and tried to hit on my only daughter - hell anybody daughter for that matter.

"Damien where are the floats?" I asked him. He looked up from his cards.

"They in the trunk of my car." He said handing me his keys. I took them and made my way into the house.

Once I got them from the trunk I locked his car back and made my way back to the backyard. While doing that Terrance baby momma pulled up.

God please don't make me hurt her today.

"Where Terrance at?" She asked flipping her hair over her shoulder, popping her gum, rolling her neck, moving Vicki from one hip to the other, then sticking out the hip she removed her from. The fuck?

"Girl first of all don't walk up to me and don't say 'hi', 'how you doing?', 'what's up?', or nothing. Your momma probably didn't teach you any manners, but when you talking to me you gon' talk to be correctly. Got me?" I said. She eyed me.


"Good. Now Terrance is in the back. Don't go back there showing your ass 'cause you will get beat the fuck down today." I said. She nodded her head and followed me. "And don't touch shit 'cause we all know you steal." I added. I knew she wanted to say something, but I dared her to. I was gone beat her down.

"Triple K come here." I called out to my three kids once we walked into the backyard. Even though my kids had been taking swimming lessons on the weekends for the past month you could never be too safe. That's why I brought the floats.

"Mommy I want the dragon floats." Kam said. I nodded putting the floats on them.

"Okay y'all stay in three feet. If you go passed there feet I'mma whoop yo ass and embarrass you on this lovely Saturday afternoon." I said in a warning tone.

"Yes ma'am." They said in unison. I walked over to the table and sat back down. I watched them as they played in the pool.

"You heard from Ty lately?" My auntie Reece asked me. They all knew about the situation, but I told them I was handling it. I didn't need anymore bodies being put on their hands. They might be out the game, but I don't need them going back.

"Yeah he sent me a long ass text apologizing and whatnot. He also asked me to see the kids. As I was reading the text I was like 'oh now they his kids?' He claimed they weren't his but last time I checked Kei was planted inside me for his baby making, baby fever scheme and the twins were when we both agreed about getting pregnant a second time. We were only expecting one baby, but we were blessed with twins. After everything done new people come I the picture and start manipulating shit and going on with this he say, she say shit and all of a sudden everyone feel some type of way about Mel. Shit if they had a problem then could've said something from the jump. Why all of a sudden they feel the need to get shit of their chest with the wrong person? I was they for all of them, keep their secrets, dropped whatever I was doing for them but I got shit on in the end." I said.

"You learn who you real friends are when shit get real." My auntie Chey said. We all agreed.

"But you know what shocked the hell out of me?" I asked them.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"I never thought Dre of all people would've been one of them. I've known him the longest out of all of them and he talked shit about me to them." I said.

"I was surprised too." My auntie Killa said. I thought at least Dre would have my back, but he didn't.

"But you reap what you sow. The funny part about it is, his girl left him, cheated on him, did so much shit to him and now he feel like shit." I said chuckling. "I know I'm mean, but that's just me. I'm tough, I love hard, grind for mine, even if I don't show it or wear my heart on my sleeve. That's just not me. But if you can't take the heat stay out the kitchen." I said.

"You sound just like your daddy." Chey said. "He might be mean as hell, but he got a good heart. Just like you." She added.

"Not everybody see it that way." I said.

" 'Cause they not you. They haven't lived the life you lived. They haven't been through the things you've been through. Everyone's life is different. Not everyone can have the world, not everyone can say they struggled. Everyone is a didn't breed, even though sometimes you can be cut from the same cloth." Killa said. I nodded my head in understanding. Just because we might be the same don't mean we have the same triumphs and struggles; success and failures. We're all different.

Damien Gilliam

"Pay me my money!" Terrance yelled. This nigga won again.

"I don't care what no one say this game rigged." I said throwing my cards on the table. Everybody laughed.

"I think he cheating." P said.

"Nah, y'all niggas just sorry as fuck." He said counting his money.

"Nah, you cheating let's go again. I want my money back." Shawn said.

"It ain't nun. Somebody deal the cards." Amp said. If you don't remember I'll clarify got you. Amp, TJ, and P are Mel's uncles and Shawn is her dad. Killa, Chey. And Reece are Mel's aunties, and LaLa is her mom. Amp and Killa are together they have one daughter, Shayla, 21. Reece and TJ are together they have one son, Terrance, 26. Chey and P are together they have one son, PJ, 11.

"Ite. I'm all in." Terrance said. I looked at him like he crazy. Now what if he lose?

"You sure about that?" TJ asked him. He eyed his pops.

"Just play." He grumbled. So the game began.

"I don't see how you with my daughter." Mel mom said. I glanced at her.

"LaLa don't start with me today. I already don't like you so keep whatever shit you about to say to yourself." I said in a warning tone. I don't know why she always feel like her daughter she be lonely and miserable. She must be lonely and miserable and need company.

"I'm just saying I don't know what y'all see in her." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"No, the question is what do men see in you other than free pussy?" Terrance asked. TJ looked at Terrance, but he just shrugged him off.

"Somebody need to tell her about herself. She act like her shit don't stink. Her mouth always open - that's probably why his perverted ass married her in the first place. She take her dentures out and give him top with just her gums." He said.

"I fold." I said laughing at Terrance. He so damn stupid.

"Ole I'll suck your pervert dick with my gums having ass bitch. Ole I'm jealous of my daughter 'cause she doing good for herself that I gotta spread my legs to every Tom, Dick, Harry, Bob the Builder, Chico from the Westside, and the overweight ass janitor from the Northside ass bitch. Ole I start downgrading wearing synthetic lace fronts ass bitch. Ole I wanna be everyone woman having ass bitch. Ole I'm wearing a bikini that's three sizes too small, I have cellulite, ass bitch. Ol I'm 'bout to swallow your kids with no teeth having ass bitch." I was weak as fuck. I was crying listening to Terrance go in on her like that for another five minutes. Her so called husband wasn't even saying anything because he was too busy laughing at her too. It got so bad she ran out crying. Welp, that's on her.

"Good the bitch gone. She was pissing me off. She can never act like a lady. Always being ratchet and shit everywhere she go." He said. "It ain't nothing but niggas over here, why she the only female over here?" He said. I shrugged.

"There go your baby momma." Shawn said. Terrance frowned when he looked up seeing her, but smiled when he seen his daughter.

"Terrance get your daughter she heavy." She said. He looked at her.

"Well it's a good thing she ain't lite 'cause then we'd know that you not feeding her. You always got a fucking problem." He snapped grabbing his daughter who smiled and kissed his cheek. She so adorable. His baby momma sucked her teeth.

"Suck your teeth again and I'mma punch you right in the mouth knocking all your teeth down your throat." He threatened. I chuckled. Terrance is something else.

"I need some money." She said holding out her hand. He high five her.

"That was five telling you to get the hell out of here." He said.

"Something is really wrong with him." TJ said, chuckling.

"That's your son." Amp said taking a drink from his beer. TJ mugged him.

"Terrance stop playing. I need some money." She snapped.

"Ain't that's why you shake your ass for a living?" He asked ignoring her hand and sitting back down. Vicki looked at us and waved.

"Pop pop!" She screamed reaching for him.

"Give me my grandchild and y'all go somewhere else and talk about this shit. We were having a good ass time and y'all not about to ruin it yelling and arguing." TJ said grabbing Vicki from Terrance and walking toward the pool.

"I guess the game over." Shawn said. I shrugged. Terrance and his baby momma went into the house to talk and I went over to where the ladies were sitting.

"Hey ladies." I said being polite. "I need to borrow my woman for a little while." I said.

"Take her!" They said in unison. I chuckled and helped Mel up out her chair. I held her hand as we walked over to the pool where the kids were playing and sat on the edge with our feet in the water.

"You look sexy." I whispered in her ear. She giggled.

"That's always." She said. I straight faced her.

"Your ass can't never just say a simple 'thank you'." I said.

"Of course not." She said watching the kids.

"Wait till we get home." I said.

"What you gone do?" She asked playfully pushing me.

"You'll have to wait and see." I said and pinched her side causing her to flinch.

"Ow, Damien!" She whined.

"Man up." I said and pushed her into the water. When she came back up she had this evil smirk on her face.

"Ohhhh D you in trouble now." Kei said waving her finger at me. I chuckled at her. I was too busy looking and talking to Kei I didn't notice Mel come up toward me and pull me into the water. This girl was trying to drown me in three feet!

"I'mma get your ass Mel!" I yelled once I got free from her crazy ass. The kids were laughing at me.

"Oh y'all think it's funny? Huh?" I asked walking toward them.

"Mommy help us!" They screamed and laughed.

"Uh uh leave my babies alone." Mel said standing on the second step, pointing two water guns at me. Where the hell she get those? When did she even get out the pool? I threw my hands up in defeat.

"Look baby, we can work this out." I playfully pleaded for my life. She smirked.

"Say 'Mel is the King of the World'." She said. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"You better say it mister." Kam said sitting on the steps and playing with his water boat. They always try and gang up on me. They just like their momma.

"Fine. Mel is the King of the World." I said. They all clapped.

"Now I don't have to behead you." Mel said laughing and putting the water gun down. Big mistake. I grabbed her by her legs and pulled her underwater with me. That'll teach her.

After leaving the cookout we all were beat. All we wanted to do was sleep. Well I know I did. As soon as we walked into the house the kids lazily walked up the stairs with us right behind them.

"I'm so tired." Ky whined. I had to agree with her.

"You want me to help you out them in bed?" I asked Mel.

"No I got it." She yawned.

"You sure?"

"Mhmm." She said lazily waving me off. I nodded and headed toward her room. Today was just a long day, even though we had fun.


I'm not going to lie this story went totally different from what I had originally wrote, but I guess y'all still like it.

Mel and the kids outfits in MM.

Ty finally apologized to Mel.

Do you think he really going to work on himself?

Do you think Mel and Ty could've worked out?

Mel and Damien so cute!

Damien so freaky.

Mel mom always hatin'!

Terrance baby momma gon' get hurt.

Brit and Mike next...

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