Soulmates ~Rebekah Mikaelson~

By tvdbexx

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Your name is Avery Jenna Gilbert. You are Elena's younger sister but Jeremy's older sister. You left town bec... More



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By tvdbexx

When me and Rebekah saw Stefan's car and both looked at each other concerned.

"Oh shittt" I say as me and Rebekah then go over to the door and open it and see Stefan and Damon and Jeremy all looking at Klaus and yelling at him until they look back and see me and Rebekah.

"A!" Jeremy says and runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

"Hey Jer... wh-what's going on?" I ask also looking at the two Salvatore Brothers and Klaus.

"Well uh Stefan didn't see you in your room and he got worried and told Damon and I heard then we went looking for you and came here first" Jeremy says and I mentally slap myself in the face for not saying anything and sneaking out in the middle of the night.

"Um yeah about that... I um-" I start but get cut off by Damon.

"To bad, let's go, your never coming back here again" Damon says grabbing my arm roughly.

Rebekah quickly vamp speeds Damon off of me and slams him into the wall and also slams his head into the floor. Passing him out.

Stefan then tries to vamp speed to Rebekah but Klaus vamp speeds in front of Stefan and holds him by his collar.

"You are not to touch my sister, nor Avery" Klaus says before snapping Stefan's neck and I quickly run to both of the brothers and check on them.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jeremy says and I get up and go over to him and he grabs my arm but gently.

"A please, come home" Jer asks me and I can't help but just look down at the floor without saying anything.

Rebekah slowly pulls me away from Jer and Klaus steps in front of Jer.

"Klaus please.. don't hurt him" I beg Klaus and he just puts his hand on Jer's shoulder.

"Jeremy, when you go home, tell everybody, that Avery is our family, my family, and if they hurt her or come after her, I will end their lives in a heartbeat, goodbye now" Klaus says and Jer looks at me and I slowly nod.

Jer scoffs and grabs Damon's and Stefan's body and takes them to the car and he drives away and I see him drive away through the window as tears form in my eyes as a few slowly come down my face.

I can feel Rebekah come up behind me because she wraps her arms around my waist from behind me and leans her head on my shoulder and I lean back into her.

"Are you okay love?" Rebekah asks me and I nod without saying anything as I take a dee breath.

"Yeah.. it's just hard" I say slowly as I can feel Rebekah take her head off my shoulder and she uses one of her hands to stroke my hair.

"Can I stay here? I just don't think that I can go back there.. alone" I say thinking of all the stuff I need and still left there.

"I can go with you to get your stuff" Rebekah says facing me towards her as I put my hands around her neck.

"I don't know.. you never know if they have a white oak stake laying around somewhere" I say sarcastically and she laughs.

"I can take care of myself love, don't worry" Rebekah says then Klaus walks over and he smiles at us.

"I see it finally happened, and don't worry sister, Avery's good for you, better than anybody else" Klaus says and I smile and look down but look up and smile at him.

"Thank you Nik"

"Thank you Klaus, and also, thanks for today Klaus, it was really nice of you" I say and he takes a step towards me smiling.

"Avery... you are now with Rebekah, which makes you family, and family protects each other, always and forever, your apart of that now" Klaus says and I smile and see Rebekah smile at her brother as she goes over and gives him a hug.

"Don't lose her sister" I hear Klaus whisper as they pull away and I smile to myself.

"I'll leave you two alone" Klaus says and he leaves the room and Rebekah walks over to me and her hand rests on my cheek.

"We don't need to go get your stuff if you don't want to, I'll just buy you more clothes, better ones" Rebekah says and I smile but remembered something that I left there.

"My necklace" I whisper and Rebekah looks at me.

"The one I gave you?" Rebekah asks and I nod.

Rebekah gave me that necklace before we left on our trip to run away from the hunter. It meant to much to me. I couldn't just leave it at the Salvatore House.

"We need to go get it Rebekah, I'm not leaving it behind" I say and Rebekah smiles and grabs her keys and we head down to her car and start driving.

-10 minutes later-

We arrive at the Salvatore House and I take a deep breath and Rebekah looks over at me.

"You sure you want to do this?" Rebekah asks and I nod as she takes my hand.

"Then I'll do it with you, always and forever, right?" Rebekah asks rubbing my hand with her thumb and I nod.

"Always and forever" I say and she smiles as we get out of the car and I slowly knock on the door.

I then see Jer open the door and he glares at me.

"Who's at the door Jer?" I can hear Lena ask from the other side of the door.

"Who do you think Elena?" Jer says as he opens the door wider revealing me and Rebekah standing firmly beside me ready for any attack that will come my way.

"Avery" Damon says rolling his eyes.

I slowly walk inside the house and I see everybody inside and it's really awkward until Rebekah whispers in my ear.

"Go get your stuff, I'll way here for you" Rebekah says and I nod as I then leave heading off to my room to grab my things while I'm already here.

-3rd person POV-

As Avery walked to her room, the blonde Mikaelson, stood there while everybody glared at her while they feel like she stole their best friend, their friend, their sister, from them.

"Why are you here Rebekah? And what have you done to Avery?" Caroline asks the other blonde in the room.

"I'm here to let Avery get her stuff, I haven't done anything to her, I never have and never will" Rebekah speaks truthfully as everybody was about to start arguing when Avery came out of her room with a bag full of her stuff and her necklace that Rebekah gave her around her neck.

Rebekah smiles when she saw the necklace and Avery tried to walk over to her but Stefan stood in front of her.

-1st person POV- (Avery's POV)

Rebekah looked like she was ready to attack Stefan but ever since we started dating we have different signs for us and I gave her one that meant 'Hold on' for her not to attack Stefan.

"Av, please, this isn't you, you would never choose them over us" Stefan says and I slowly look to the ground.

"I hope your ashamed of yourself Avery, choose the bad guys over us? Your family? Your friends?" Lena says and I can see Rebekah clench her jaw and I roll my eyes.

"None of you guys ever gave a shit about me! It was always Elena you cared for, loved, took care of, protected, and you took her side for EVERYTHING! And never gave me a chance to speak, Klaus and Rebekah did! Their my family, that none of you guys will ever be" I say and shove past Stefan and walk out the door and go to the car and out my stuff in the back.

Stefan tried to run after me until Rebekah stood in front of him.

"If any of you lot, hurt Avery again, you will answer to me, understood?" I hear Rebekah say before I walk far enough to put my bags in the car.

I then see Rebekah walk back into the car after I get in and she starts to drive away when I cry softly and Rebekah looks over at me concerned.

"Hey darling, it's okay, I'm right here okay? I'll always be here for you, you don't need them, I'm here darling I'm here" Rebekah says as she kisses the top of my head but still keeping her eyes on the the road.

"I know, but it's hard, they were all my friends, and my brother and sister" I say and Rebekah grabs my hand.

"I know love, it'll get better though, I promise, and if it gets worse I will be here for you, every step of the way, always and forever" Rebekah says and I smile at her and wipe away my tears.

"Always and forever"

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