By TrilllQueen

98.8K 6.5K 2.1K

"I'll never snitch on you daddy, I'll hold a brick for you, daddy" More

prologue+face claims
Heat Wave
Point and Shoot
Opp Stoppa
Hate It Here
Real Acquainted
Parental Unit
Smart Investment
Making Plays
Money Making Machine
Too Close to Touch
Onna Block
You've Got Potential
The 411
Exotic Pack
F*ck A Friend Zone
Sober Thoughts
So Fetch
Speak Your Truth
Fingers Crossed
The Principles
Sorry For The Wait
The Box
Behind The Glass
Damn Triple Homicide
Soul Ties

Flewed Out

2.7K 214 91
By TrilllQueen


"Dream...Dream" I could hear someone's voice say as they tapped my side. I groaned and rolled over, burying my face in the pillow.

"Come look at my new car"

I looked over and it was DJ standing beside my bed. "Car?" I said confused.

"Yeah come look" He walked out of my room. I pulled back my covers and slipped my feet into the house shoes beside my bed. When I made it outside I was instantly blinded by the sunlight.

I shielded my eyes with my hand as I walked over to the driveway. There was a black Nissan Altima parked in the driveway.

"This your lil mama car?" I asked.

"Yeah" He chuckled nodding his head.

"I guess them long shifts at Amazon is finally paying off," I said walking around the car to check out all the angles. "Congrats I'm proud of you" I said as I hugged him.

He's been wanting to buy himself a car ever since I could remember. This past week he's been working overtime at Amazon. I guess this is why.

"Thanks sis"

"So you're taking me to work?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"I wish I could, I gotta head in to work" DJ said looking down at his phone.

"Whatever" I scoffed "Drive safe" I gave him another hug before going back inside. I climbed back into my bed and scrolled through TikTok for a little while before it was time to get up and get ready for work.

The only thing I could think about is the end of my shift. I already wanted to get back in bed and take a nap.

I stood in the mirror and brushed my hair up into a top knot bun. My arms were burning as I brushed my hair but I was determined to get this bun right. Once I was done getting dressed I went into my mom's room to let her know I was leaving. She's been working the night shift the last few weeks so I barely see her.

"Ma I'm gone" I said tapping her shoulder.

"K" She said with her face still buried in the pillow. "Be safe. Text me when you get there"


Before heading outside I grabbed a granola bar out of the cabinet. I walked outside and a cool breeze instantly greeted me.

"Hey" I could hear Jay's voice say.

"Hey" I replied quickly glancing over. He was dressed in this navy blue suit with a stripped blue tie which made me do a double take.

"You look nice. Where are you headed?" I asked walking down the porch stuffing my apron into my bag.

"I got some business to handle. You headed to work?" He questioned and I nodded my head yes.

"Get in" He unlocked the doors to his car.

"Thanks" I said as I circled around to his car.

"So I guess you gotta tell me where you work at now" Jay said as he backed out the driveway.

"Pancake Palace"

"That sound familiar. Where is that at?"

"That's where we went and got breakfast at after you threw that bag in my window" I replied with a slight chuckle.

"That's where you work at for real? And you haven't brought me no pancakes home? That's crazy"

"Let's not pretend like you're ever at home"

"Touché" He chuckled.

"So what business you gotta handle today that got you dressed up like James St Patrick?" I joked looking over at him. This suit really did make him look like Ghost. He looked so clean cut, I never seen him like this before.

"It's pretty ironic that you say that" He laughed, "I'm finna go see somebody about a night club"

"As in, you're about to own one?"

"I mean kinda sorta. I'm trying to invest in one."

"Okay multiple streams of income, I see you. You're really business savvy I like that in you"

"You ever been to Miami?" Jay glanced over at me taking his eyes off the road for a split second.

"No, is that where you're going?"

"Yeah you wanna come?"

"Boy bye" I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"I'm forreal" He looked over at me again.

"Boy my mom would kill me" I laughed shaking my head, "Besides, I gotta work"

"We'll be back before she even realizes you're gone and I'll pay you for the day"

"Are you being dead ass right now?" I questioned confused. There's no way he's about to buy me a ticket to Miami and pay me for my work day.


I knew this was a bad idea but turning down a day with Jordan was something I didn't want to do.

"I can't go to Miami in this" I looked down at the black jeans and top I had on.

"You look good"

"Are you sure you want me to come?"

"Call somebody to cover your shift"

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my
contacts looking for Jayda's number. I knew she was somewhere still asleep, I know I would be. The call rang a couple times before she finally answered.

"Good morning my favorite person in the whole wide world"

"Girl what the hell you want" She replied.

"Can you take my shift today?" 

"Fuck no"

"Please I'll pay you! Something came up and I can't make it"

"What came up?

I knew the only way she'd agree is if I told her I was going to be with a dude. She loves encouraging the hoe activities.

"I'm going somewhere..." I turned my head towards the window and then whispered, "with Jay"

"Awww shit bitch!" Jayda yelled loudly in my ear. I instantly started to turn down the volume on my phone. I glanced over to see Jordan laughing.

"So is that a yes?"

"Yeah girl I gotchu. I wanna hear everything later on"

"Okay. Thanks! Love ya!" I said before hanging up the phone. "I'm all set"

"Cool. Imma try my hardest to get you back before your people notice you're gone. Ion need ya momma tryna kill me"

"I appreciate it"

About 15 minutes later we arrived to the airport. As I sat in the passenger, I looked out the windshield watching the route he was taking. He drove right past the terminals and even the parking garage. He followed the twisty road until we ended up in the back of the airport where all the planes board.

"You got everything?" Jay asked as he reached into the backseat to grab his bag.

"Uhhh yeah" I replied confused.

"Wait we're getting on this?" I asked looking at the private jet in front of us.

"Yeah" He turns off the car and gets out. I was at a lost for words. I grabbed my bag and got out of the car.

"You good?" Jay stopped walking and turned around to wait for me to catch up.



"Are you sure I'm dressed okay?" Dream asked looking down at her attire.

"Yeah you look good" I reassured her for the thousandth time. I held open the door, allowing her to walk inside before me.

Neon blue lights provided light to the entire place. A few staff members were walking back and forth from the back making it clear that they were getting ready for opening hours.

"Oooh this is nice" Dream said aloud glancing around.

"Jay!" I heard a voice say from a distance.

"Steve" A smile appeared on my face as I went into business mode. I extended my hand out for him to shake it.

"Dream this is Steve. Steve, Dream"

"It's nice to meet you" Dream held out her hand to shake his.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman" Steve smiled and kissed her hand.

I glanced over at her to make sure that that didn't make her uncomfortable. She half smiled at me and gave me a slight head nod.

"This place came together nicely Steve. Have you opened up yet?" I asked looking around again.

"Opening night is Friday."

"What do you have planned?"

"Ladies drink free all night and live entertainment right here" He said pointing over to the stage with a pole.

"Strippers? That's the door opener you got planned?" I scoffed shaking my head. "Steve you're gonna be closed by Saturday morning at that rate. We're in Miami, there's strippers everywhere"

"Well what do you suggest then Jay"

"I got million dollar ideas I can't just give 'em away. I can open my own club if that's the case." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't know the first thing about running a nightclub" He scoffed shaking his head.

"I know how to make money Steve"

He stood there in silence and looked off into the distance as he thought about what to say next.

"What're you about to do? I have to go meet my wife on the yacht. We can talk business while our ladies bathe in the sun. You ever been on a yacht Dream?"

"Yeah my dad has one" Dream told him with no hesitation.

"I'll meet you there Jay." He looked down at his phone to check the time.

"She doesn't have a change of clothes" I stated.

"I'll have my assistant bring something over" Steve said aloud as he walked out the door.

"Your dad has a yacht?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at her.

"Of course not" Dream scoffed "But he tried to stunt on me so I had to lie" We both laughed. I pulled out my phone to call us an uber.

"Are you okay with getting on the yacht?" I asked as we walked outside. Her coming to Miami with me was already a pretty absurd idea being that we've only known each other for two months. Now, her getting on a yacht and being in the middle of some water was a different idea.

"No but I don't really have any other option"

"We shouldn't be there long. You can go get your nails done or something" I stated.

"I mean I also don't wanna be alone out here" Dream added, "You promise to keep me safe?" She asked making eye contact with me. If this was any other day, eye contact would have made her nervous this is how I know she's serious.

"Of course, I'll always keep you safe" I nodded my head not breaking eye contact with her, "I pinky promise" I held out my pinky. I watched as a smile appeared on her face. 

Our uber came shortly after and we headed to Steve's
yacht. I was not tryna be here long. All I need for him to do is agree to do business with me so I can be on my way home. The yacht was still docked so we just walked on board.

"Anybody here?" I said aloud.

"It's about time! I started to think you ditched me kid" Steve said. "Vanessa this is Jay and his girlfriend Dream"

Dream and I both looked over at each other. I thought she would correct him but she didn't. "It's nice to meet you both" Vanessa said before shaking both of our hands. She was this young brunette that looked like she could be a Kardashian sister.

"Vanessa take Dream somewhere to change into her bathing suit while Jay and I chat"

I followed Steve to the sitting area. "So what do you have in mind Jay? I can't have girls in my bathroom doing lines on the sink"

"Of course not" I shook my head "I was thinking molly and ecstasy maybe. Issa party scene out here ain't no market for it back home."

"You got some on you? I gotta test the product first? I can't have people od'ing"

"Nah but I can have some to you by tomorrow"

"You ever tried Molly?" He asked and I shook my head.


"Nah I don't do that kind of stuff. Strictly marijuana over here" I chuckled.

"What about ya girl?"

"Nah, she's a good girl" I replied jokingly.

"Slip her one tonight. I bet she won't be for long"


"I'm just fooling around" He laughs and takes a pull from his cigar.

"Let's talk numbers"

"I'll give you 10% of profits"

"10?" He frowned.

"People are gonna keep coming back for more pills which means more drinks and them bringing friends"

"I still need something better than 10% Jay."

"I gotta cut my men in that's risking their freedom selling this shit and I'm the one paying for the product. It's far from cheap. The best I can do is 15%"

He nods his head approvingly.

"But still, you aren't gonna attract a crowd with strippers. What's a DJ yall white people like? Book one of em ASAP, I'll pay for it but I want first month's profit from the club"

Getting a DJ to perform here even just one night will bring enough traction to the club for at least a month. I'll make that money spent on booking back in no time.

"Excuse me"

"You was already gonna make no money with that lil plan you had set so you aren't missing out on anything"

"Ya know you run a tough game Jay"

"It's all business Steve, nothing personal."

"Understandable. I'll see you Friday" He stood up and shook my hand.

"See you then"

I walked out of the room to go find Dream. We were barely on this yacht for an hour. I know she's probably going to be mad that she changed into an entire bathing suit just to leave before the yacht even moved.

I walked outside onto the deck to see Dream laying on her stomach in the sun next to Vanessa. She had on a white fendi bikini and due to all the sunscreen she had on, her skin was glistening and gleaming under the sun light.

"Hey you ready?"

"Wait we're leaving already I barely got a tan" Dream asked looking back at me.

"Yeah we're on a time crunch remember?"

"Oh yeah" She said getting up, "It was nice meeting you girl"

"Whenever you're back in the city we should get lunch." Vanessa replied "I'll use Steve's card" She whispered and they both laughed. Dream slipped on her clothes over the bathing suit.

"Here" She took the Dior sunglasses off her face and tried to hand them back to Vanessa.

"No, keep 'em. I'll just have Steve buy me another pair"

"No seriously I can't. You already got this expensive bathing suit for me."

"Trust, it's no big deal. Consider it an early birthday gift from me to you" Vanessa replied before taking a sip from her glass.

"Are you sure Vanessa?" Dream questioned.


"Thank you so much" Dream gave her a hug before we left.

"Y'all sure did become friends quickly" I laughed as we walked down the dock.

"Yeah she was cool. Did you know she's your age?"

"Nah I've never met her before. This is like his 4th wife. They keep getting younger and younger" I replied shaking my head.


I opened the door of the uber for her so she could climb inside.

"I'm tired" Dream yawned as we made ourselves comfortable. She grabbed my arm and snuggled up beside me, resting her head on my bicep. I didn't say anything, I just rested my hand on her thigh and let her have my arm.

"Has your mom texted you?" I asked pulling out my phone to check the time. It was 5:25 here so we'd be back home in about two hours or so.

I looked down at her and she was sound asleep. I smiled to myself and shook my head. I could tell she was growing more and more comfortable with me the more time we spend together.

I used my one free hand to unlock my phone. I sent a text to Leon letting him know everything went smoothly and that I was on my way back to the city.

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