✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ never just only one...

By Little7Seven

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Family. A burden. A curse and a blessing at the same time. (Unedited) More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
original cover
last ride


212 8 0
By Little7Seven

The night is darkest just before the dawn comes. And here is my promise. The dawn is coming. Always. But..... In the darkness, there are no rules. So tonight..... Do what you want. Kill who you want. And when morning comes, you too joky.... will be reborn.

No sooner had Toretto's black Dodge sped past Deckard and Jyn than Deckard put the car in gear and drove right behind, until the Dodge was brought to an unintended stop because something was blocking his way. Pierce, Hobbs, Parker with Ramsey, Letty and Eric blocked Toretto from continuing. At that moment, Toretto took a look in the rearview mirror, however, his way back was blocked by Deckard and Jyn as well. Game on.

"I've got a really bad feeling about this," after Deckard cracked his neck, Jyn sat up straight in her seat and tensely put a hand on the dashboard, "This is kind of taking too long. What's he waiting for? He must be up to something. Somehow it had been too easy and easy, is not his style. It's not like him."

"Stop.... please stop, honey. Once. Maybe it would be beneficial not to see everything, from the beginning, negatively. I'm sure the bitch already has a plan to get the goods to her unscathed," Deckard patiently watched the proceedings, but Jyn only let out a snort because she obviously disagreed, "Just a suggestion. Don't have to take it."

Of course. Even better than accepting a suggestion from Deckard Shaw about waiting and letting it come to you, it was Ramsey's announcement and the fact that Toretto had just stolen a nuclear case. Well, the launch codes for nuclear missiles. Bomb.

Engine roar and gas play, that's all that happened at first. Then, for no apparent reason, Toretto hit the gas and headed straight for the group in front of him. What had Toretto..... oh..... That..... Now all the wall had to do was stop.

"Eric," Jyn warned him firmly via headset, which was already turning into a threat, but too late, because his oh-so-great plan to stop Toretto completely backfired and only caused Toretto to escape, smashing a flower store in the process, which is why Jyn then rubbed his forehead and raised his eyebrows, "Jerk."

"Great friend you've got there," Deckard sneered, driving after the others as fast as he could, which Eric's turn ruined and thus slowed Deckard down, so that now, really annoyed, he ran his hand over his face and shifted up a gear in quick succession, "You could get jealous. Sorry but competition, would look different. What else do you see in this guy?"

"He's charming, possesses a nice smile, isn't exactly unathletic.... ", Jyn began enumerating looking up at the ceiling as if reading it from up there, and at the word unathletic, Deckard looked suspiciously at her, "..... he's taller than you. So makes quite a bit of difference. And what's additional in his favor, he's significantly younger than you are. All these components add up to a really great result. You can make one or the other smear. You have to do it either way with a person. Acceptance is the key word."

"You really know how to make a man feel like he's the only one," Deckard puffed, rubbing his nose with his thumb, trying not to lose sight of Toretto in all the traffic, "The only one among many. Maybe you should have waited before finding a new one. I would have been worth it, at least."

"If only I'd known sooner. How convinced someone is of themselves right now. Delightful," Jyn pulled out her phone with a snort, pressed her feet against the dashboard, and began to skim the map, of the entire city complete with construction sites, detours, and closed roads, "You can't imagine that I really missed you. Even though we were never together permanently or for a longer period of time, or rather could be, it was still better than the last months. And it will only be worse because we don't know what will be when it's over. One on the, Nobody makes sure you don't have to go back to prison. If not, which I don't think you will, other authorities will take care of it. It will never be the same again. Now add to that the fact that I'm on the list that belong to you. This great watch list ensures that I am now not only checked once, but ten times. With us, everything is just getting worse and worse. There's nothing about it always getting worse before it gets better. No, just when you think it can't get any worse, we're proven wrong. So far it got worse every time. Not better. How can it be that with us, always one is put on it? Our karma account shouldn't look that bad. Mine, at least."

"We're together right now. Not necessarily under the best given circumstances but at least together. Which wasn't even a thought a few days ago," Deckard also took the next turn at full throttle, causing Jyn to so abruptly put his feet down and prop himself off his seat with one hand, "We'll see the rest when the time comes. It's worked for the last few years, too."

"Will be easy," Jyn assured mockingly, placing her other hand on the edge of the door as she saw Toretto heading straight for the scaffolding and then skirting it the next moment, "Stop at...... Stop..... I never, ever want to have anything to do with them again. No matter what it is or where it is, in the end, it's all smut. Even you, never tackled a mess like this...... forget it. Abu Dhabi and Los Angeles. Billions of dollars of damage did that."

"Sweet," Deckard started laughing as the scaffolding landed on top of Eric's blue Subaru, leaving it completely fenced in and unable to leave, "Oh man, it really makes you wonder how he's managed to not get killed on the job so far. Now once again honey. What do you see in him?"

"Oh shut up," Jyn replied with a grin, but had to start laughing because of it, so she gave him a light shove against the shoulder and nodded knowingly, "What do I need Eric for when I have you back?"

Before Hobbs simply drove his truck through the fallen scaffolding as if they were toothpicks, Jyn leaned over to Deckard, she placed her index and middle fingers on his left cheek, her thumb on his chin, and kissed him several times on his right cheek, his face contorting in amused annoyance. Typical woman, according to the motto.

"As soon as Toretto is reunited with his people and can make like heal families, I'll make sure you get enough time to do that," visibly convinced, Deckard turned his face to Jyn to give her a fleeting kiss on the lips; right at the moment she was about to press another one on his cheek, and then immediately looked forward again, as if nothing had happened, "To think that you and I have so much to catch up on. Just the two of us."

With Letty, in their red Corvette, and Parker with Ramsey, in the silver Mercedes AMG class long since stuck to Toretto, Deckard took a detour that wasn't a detour, around the outside, so Toretto was completely boxed in at the end. Took a little longer, around three to four minutes, but in return, there would be at least one person in each of the four streets, so Toretto wouldn't get the chance to leave.

Even from a distance, it could be seen that there must have been two hooks in the Dodge long ago, as the car tried to get away with its wheels spinning. At the intersection Deckard stepped on the brakes, pressed the red button on the gear shift knob and the hook got wedged in the driver's door, of the black Dodge. Lastly, Pierce joined in his Bentley, the reverse gears were engaged and the ropes tightened. The wheels from the Dodge squealed, began to smoke, and the intersection was all but impossible to see, thanks to the smoke. Over the radio, Hopps could be heard saying that the car must have around two thousand horsepower. Then Parker joined in, topping it off at three thousand, and because it couldn't stay that way, Deckard threw in the five thousand last.

"Anyone offering a ten? No? Thank you!", Jyn hissed into the radio so that everyone in the group could hear, and then dropped the small black box in her hand to the floor regardless, "Always have to go one more. Always once more like you. Can we do without that stupid dick comparison for once?"

"That wasn't a dick comparison. It would have looked different," Deckard placated her, which didn't go over too well with Jyn and earned him an unnerved look in return, "You don't have to understand. With women, that's..... Although.... it has nothing to do with this, but you are not that different. You always have to have the last word. And, because I know full well that you would love to deny this right now, I'll remind you that you were the one with the question about the ten. The last word."

"And what's the big deal about that now?" eager for this now answer, Jyn put her elbow on the edge of the window as well as her hand on her neck just below her jaw to brace herself from the windowsill, where she then watched Deckard curiously, "If I'm right, it's normal to want the last word. With you guys, it's all about your ego. Why else would you keep pulling the same stunt just to prove who's the alpha male here? Oh yeah, it's in your nature. Bullshit."

"I don't recall you ever complaining, being bothered by it so far, or ever having a problem with it," by now it was just a matter of keeping Toretto from getting away, causing Deckard to grimace as he realized the jaguar wasn't going to put up with this much longer, "And if you had your way, you'd have the last loser by your side as a friend right now, like that jerk from Nobody is, for example, or some other low-life moron. Toulon and Menton. As already said. I've been worth all that even though you, well.... so a bit.... You know where I'm going with this."

"It's your own fault. Gave me no reason to say you're the guy for me, and possibly the guy for the rest of my life," Jyn interjected with a mere shrug, leaning the back of her head back against the glass to see how the others were doing, and back to Deckard, "Toulon. From then on, you had me (won over) even though it looked like anything but that. But you knew that long ago (from then on)."

"No. I didn't know anything about you after that," Deckard confessed with a puffing smile, causing Jyn to look at him now as if she hadn't understood him and thus a bit confused because she had assumed something else, "Only one thing I knew and I made sure of that. Thank my ego. Honey."

"When the misery is over, there's one thing to do," with a dull smile, Jyn looked down at the ground, then straight ahead, and then, picking at her fingernails, shook her head, "Love to after that but that takes precedence. No matter how.... Somehow it must be possible otherwise....."

"You'll get the chance," Deckard assured her before Jyn had even finished the sentence, since it was obvious and clear to him what the issue was, "Can we agree on one beforehand? One thing at a time. First this and then that?"

At full throttle, Toretto sped toward Pierce and his white and red Bentley, unceremoniously putting the car in reverse, which pulled the rear of the Bentley upward, causing it to end up on its roof. However it came to this but Hopps catapulted himself out. Advantage of Toretto. So now he could back up at full throttle and the AMG and Corvette were slammed together with a bolt in the air.

With such a loud bang, the Jaguar was pushed onto Letty and Parker's cars, causing Jyn to immediately prop herself off the roof and door. If anyone wondered what that felt like, the answer was probably this. It's like when someone slams into you without warning on a bumper car at the county fair. And really, really hard. At least they had both been spared the air roll and the accompanying collision.

Before Jyn was able to speak again, she saw Toretto already crawling out of his Dodge to get to the suitcase. Quickly she undid her seatbelt, pushed open the door and chased after Deckard, who had long since jumped over a car and just disappeared around the next corner.

It couldn't have been that much of a head start that Deckard had had, at least that was Jyn's opinion. Groaning, she had climbed out of the Jaguar, ran down the street and there immediately to the left, Deckard in pursuit. The moment she turned the corner, two shots rang out, Hopps could be heard behind her, and it felt like someone was yanking her to the ground. In truth, she had merely stood there, begun to shake, and there was a scream that escaped her just as the two shots fell. What had happened in the few minutes that Deckard had been out of her field of vision, chasing Toretto to get the case? It couldn't have been much. But it had been enough.

"No.... Nonono..... please, that..... no," pleading with water in her eyes, Jyn stared at the motionless body a scant ten yards away from her, moving slowly and completely resignedly toward Deckard, but Hobbs put a hand on her shoulder that they both needed to get out of here immediately, "I can't..... I..... He.... I can't just let him..... We're..... right now, aren't we?"

"We have to get out of here," Hobbs tried to convince Jyn to get out of here, which was easier said than done thanks to the fact, "Now."

More than reluctantly and as if in slow motion, Jyn took the first steps backwards without taking her eyes off Deckard and only turned around when she reached the corner. After so many years, surely it couldn't end like this. Shot just like that? It couldn't be. No, it couldn't. Someone like him doesn't die like that. Out of range of the sirens, a good seven to nine blocks back, Jyn stopped so abruptly and slumped to the ground on the spot. That hadn't just happened.

Hope. Every man who has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy..... So simple..... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. On this way, i learned one important thing. There can be no true despair without hope.

And here is my promise. The dawn is coming but before they comes, it is night and with her, the darkness. And then comes the dawn. After the darkness. Not before.

When you think it is over just because he is dead. It's not over. The game have just begun. And after all, i will say. Game Over!

When all this had come to an end, someone will have to answer for it.


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