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Surprise. With all that had happened today, Hattie shouldn't be surprised about it anymore. It should be the thing that surprises the least of all.

"Come on Jyn," Deckard began in a weak tone, because an argument, would not be beneficial; slowly pulled the bottle from Jyn's hand and placed it, behind her on the counter, "How long have we known each other? Do you really trust me to do that?"

"Is this a joke?" it could only and therefore Jyn couldn't do anything but laugh, "I trust you with a lot of things. You know that phrase, 'You die as a hero or live until you become the villain' or 'I trust everyone but the devil that's in everyone'? You've done enough that makes that, not a big stretch."

"That's different. It was never about enriching yourself, as you know honey. Many things, very many things, can be said or imputed to me but not that," on this Deckard took Jyn's right arm and with a movement of his head pointed to the metallic bracelets she wore on her wrist, "May ask what that is?"

"The debt of freedom," Freedom in this context, looked less like freedom, but Jyn liked the alternative even less, "Did you really think Owen and I were just going to get out of the shit we got into just because of you? Besides, you couldn't care less what those trinkets are because I found someone to remove them for me long ago. One hour because Owen is your brother and for old times sake, then I'll tell Brixton. Let him worry about CT17 because, let's face it, he's a T-unit come true. I really wish you guys a lot of fun with him. With what you guys always do, I don't want to get between him and you."

"Now I know who you remind me of. Ramsay Bolton," that was a comparison Hobbs brought here that Jyn had never heard before, "And you know, he ended up getting eaten by his own dogs."

"Unlike Ramsay, I love dogs and would never starve them to death, so they would never eat me because there's no reason, especially since I wouldn't feed human flesh," too much 'would' in the sentence for Jyn's taste, "Besides, I would be a Lannister. One hour. The clock is ticking from now on."

Valar morghulis. All men must die. Men in form for humans. And now. All men must die. Men like male as a gender.

Finding a veterinarian who cared for more than just the usual pets was harder than expected. Of course, there were still those who took care of the animals in the zoo, but, the very few could be paid under hand. To find a doctor for humans, who earned some money on the side, there were so many of them, plenty, and never a problem. With them, the problem was much more finding one who would actually keep his mouth shut and not make another buck selling information.

In her search, Jyn came across something she would rather not have found. An animal dealer who sold all kinds of unusual and exotic animals to people willing to pay any price. A choice, however, she did not possess.

Enthusiasm looked far different, because, of course, it was a building that you could only get to if you walked across some backyard on the outskirts of London. The door was open, and as soon as Jyn set foot inside, a voice called out that she should take a look around, and that he would be right there. First impression: not unfriendly.

Another thing Jyn suspected was a camera at the entrance otherwise certainly no one would have simply shouted for her to look around. If Shenzi, Brook and Ginger hadn't been with her, the man wouldn't have made a sound, because she could be here to arrest him, too.

"Little Nagini," Jyn noted after a few meters as she passed several terrariums, where the interpretation of exotic, was already quite poor, because piranhas were once no small number, "You're already cute. No wonder why people want you....  And what are you? Small, so poisonous."

"Came from Ghana three weeks ago.  Atheris Hispida, the frenzy scale viper. Quite deadly," a man in his early forties explained as he peered into the terrarium next to the python, then looked down at Jyn's feet where Brook began to yawn, "Want to sell it? I'm sure a buyer can be found quickly.  Anything to do with cats goes fast."

"Not for any money in the world," Jyn shook her head and looked past the man where something metal must have fallen, "I'm just looking for someone to take a closer look at these three times."

"May I?" a moment passed, but then Jyn tapped her hand against her leg, stroked Ginger and made a hand signal so that would settle, "What are they supposed to have?"

"Same thing as a human getting too close to an explosion, maybe? Purely theoretical," which was true, but this world now consisted of 'purely theoretical' happenings, "Which is not."

"Like them, downtown possibly?", snorting, Jyn exhaled, merely shrugging her shoulders at the possibility, "If they had beeping in their ears, or hearing problems, you'd have noticed long ago. When they have something, they get obnoxious."

Which could only mean that now and then hyenas were also sold.

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