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Between thirty and forty people lay dead on the light floor of the warehouse, which served as a temporary storage facility as well as a distribution center. Before all the drugs were shipped all over the world, brought to the dealers and thus to the market, everything came here. And now all the corpses together, literally made for a bloodbath.

With pain in her shoulders, Jyn grabbed one of the dead men under the arms, glanced fleetingly over her left shoulder and, walking backwards, pulled the corpse behind her. Hopefully this would lead to the appropriate result, otherwise she wouldn't know what to do either. A message. Cartels had their own way of sending one, and this, was now hers. One cannot repay like with like but this message, should make even the dumbest of the cartel understand.

"Hey Dad," it was heard from Jyn as she deposited the dead man, in the appropriate place and saw John standing at the roll up gate, however she continued to look at a short haired man in black clothing, "I hope Quinn, you know what to do."

"Sorry but....," John began, not knowing what to make of this let alone what had happened, nor should he, ".... what, is this going to be an act?"

"Simple. Someone wants to kill us so we're killing their people before they can, plus hitting them where it hurts them tremendously," Owen answered the question instead of Jyn, shooting two bodies in the forehead and grabbing a canister, "The running away theme doesn't work in the long run. I have no idea if you or Deckard, got us into this shit, which at this point is totally the same, because if it continues, one of us dies. Last week, we almost got killed multiple times and that information, should be reason enough for you to finally get on a new track."

New track, in this case, meant not letting it go. For the very simple reason that neither Owen nor Jyn were responsible for why a hit squad had been hired and was now after them. Pawns in a game. And what pawns were for in chess should be known to everyone. To sacrifice.

How much can a single person bear?

Nothing will ever be the same again. Everything demands its consequences. And here were the consequences. All that has happened; all the deaths, of the last years, led here. A burning warehouse with dozens dead and millions worth of drugs.

"Honey," the flames had long been burning brightly when John put a hand on his daughter's back, causing Jyn to flinch and he took her aside, away from Owen and the other two, "This act, are you serious?"

"I want it to stop. I just want it to stop," Jyn replied breathing heavily because she couldn't take anymore, just done and starting to get overwhelmed, "I want my peace. I want.... I didn't want any of this.  I never wanted this life.  I just can't take any more.... me."

"Good, then we'll have a meeting tomorrow," which led to Jyn looking at her father with shaky breaths and starting to nod, knowing inside what this was going to come down to, "We both know I'm not going to do this gangster thing, I'm going to do mine."

And Jonathan's way would become extremely uncomfortable for Jyn in the first moment, because it involved quite a bit of telling and explaining. What would happen in the end, after everything was discussed, was hopefully peace and quiet.


Man of the hour. A good half hour had passed, Jyn was sitting in the square in front of Halle watching the building burn down. The best metaphor in a long time.

"What happened?" asked Deckard but Jyn continued to stare at the flames where the beams had begun to fall and crashed into the already existing rubble, "Hey, what's going on? Can you please talk to me.  I...."

"Don't touch me," in a weak voice, Jyn pushed Deckard's hands off her arms, shook her head and pulled both rings off her right finger, "I can't take it anymore. I'm done with this form of life and with you. It doesn't matter what you do or the intent, but the ones who suffer are always the people immediately around you."

"How.... Wait.... wait, hey, what are you saying?" yet Jyn placed the rings in Deckard's hand after she got up from the floor, yet this small gesture, caused him to look at her aghast as well as briefly at his brother, who looked back rather behaviorally, "You.... Honey, you can't...."

"Leave it..... And stop touching me," defensively Jyn raised her hands and kept walking away from him because Deckard was trying the entire time to stop her from leaving and that she was looking at him to make her listen, "It's over. Finally."


Everything was going to be okay. Everything was going to be all right.

"Long time no see Jyn," Gallo said as he entered the room, held the door open as John was right behind him and sat down at the large glass table, in the middle of the room, where Jyn had been waiting for quite some time, "So, I think your problem, we can settle it quite easily. Five minutes and it would be like it never existed."

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