The Legendary Forest

By legendaryfever

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How far will you go to bring peace to your kingdom? How far will you go to protect your newly beloved? ~~ Whe... More

Main Characters and Other Info
Rewrite Chapter 1
Rewrite Chapter 2
Rewrite Chapter 3
Rewrite Chapter 4
Rewrite Chapter 5:
Rewrite Chapter 6
Rewrite Chapter 7
Rewrite Chapter 8
Rewrite Chapter 9
Rewrite Chapter 10
Rewrite 11
Chapter 13 Rewrite
Chapter 14 Rewrite
Chapter 15 Rewrite
Chapter 16 Rewrite
Chapter 17 Rewrite
Rewrite Chapter 18
19 rewrite
A Flash to the Past
Rewrite Chapter 20
Rewrite chapter 21
Rewrite Chapter 22
Rewrite Chapter 23
~Part 2~
NL: Chapter 1
NL: Chapter 2
NL: Chapter 3
NL: Chapter 4
NL: Chapter 5
NL: Chapter 6
NL: Chapter 7
NL: Chapter 8
NL: Chapter 9
NL: Chapter 10
NL: 11
NL 12
NL 13
NL: 14
NL: 15
NL: 16
NL: 17
NL: 18
NL 19
NL 20
Legendary Forest Chronicles PART 3

Rewrite Chapter 12

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By legendaryfever

Chapter 12: In Confinement

Prince Niderudion has awoken from the terrible pain in his chest.  He had read the note Naricelissa left him and began ripping it apart in shreds.  Anyone who saw this might think he was rejecting the proposal all together, but that wasn't the case at all.  He had to make sure nobody saw what it said.  Though, if anybody asked he would tell them in was a fan♥letter from a Kespero.

Niderudion noticed his sister was still not conscious.  He hoped she was alright.  Nakosir was lying to Naricelissa about them being close to death.  That wouldn't kill them with their healing abilities.  He was messing with his sister again.

The prince realized, she was there watching everything that happened.  From the trees of above, was she peering down at him.  He was annoyed that she could of seen her.  He thought of everything that happened and wondered what that move she did was.  He shook his head, knowing he would find out next time he saw her.

Niderudion also realized how important she was to him.

"Nakosir?" The prince calls for him and he comes within seconds, "Nakosir, do you know what happened?"

"Thank goodness, Your Highness." Nakosir bowed quickly, "You are alright. It has been five hours since that incident. When your sister is conscious, Her Majesty, your mother would want to speak with both of you. I do hope you come up with something good to tell her. I did tell her as vague as possible you were somewhere and you both got injured. I suspect she would not tolerate vagueness from both of you."

"Thank you Nakosir. Thank you for your help. To be fair, if we told her we were in town by the outskirts of the forest and all the sudden two reedins came up to us and injured us gravelly, it would still be the same. That was what happened. We did not even try to hurt any reedins physically." He muttered, still recovering.  "Though now, I realized how strong they actually are. Someone told me once, you defeated one.  Is that true?" The prince lifted up to ask.

Nakosir widen his eyes, "Did she now?  er... I mean I wouldn't want rumors like that spreading.  I suppose it is true.  I have.  When I was young I practiced in the forest and used my sister to help me.  We are the only ones that can." Nakosir smiled in wonder to see if the prince would figure out the truth.  "I suggest you stay defeating the darkened souls until you are strong enough for reedins."

Niderudion nodded, "I see.  You still believe I am not ready.  When will I be ready?  I feel like you are just saying the same things and never nothing new."

Once again Niderudion overlook his words.

Suddenly his sister gained conscious, "Nideru, I am glad we are both fine.  I was thinking... Maybe we should tell mom the truth this time."

Niderudion looks at his sister with thought, "We could say we were in this kingdom still, but we saw we were close to the forest and wanted to come back when two reedins came and attacked us.  When I told Nakosir to take my sister back, they only injured me as much as Novalie.  It is true, but it sounds better."

The twins got up and put on some proper clothes.  With their knight, the three of them headed to the queen's quarters.  They opened both of the double doors as they went in.

"Oh Niderudion, Novaliera!" The queen exclaimed in glee, "I am so glad both of you are alright.  I was so worried and... Please tell me everything that had happened."

"Mother, we were just in town seeing how everything is doing, but then we realized we were close to the doorway of our kingdom that connects to the forest." Niderudion began to explain everything that made the royals look better, "We decided to return to the castle as you, Mother ad told us not to go there.  Except when we tried that, two reedins came out of nowhere and injured both me and Nova gravelly.  I told Nakosir to take her back as I wasn't injured at the time, but when I tried to ask why did they do that, they attacked me too."

The queen shook her head, "Impossible, they would never do that.  I didn't think reedins would unless there was actually another reason.  From now on stay inside and focus on your training and researching, unless Nakosir is with you."

The prince looked shocked, "Stay in here unless Nakosir is with us?"

Queen Midnira smiled, "Exactly.  Also please stay away from the forest.  I heard those darkened ones treat any legendarian with spite.  They try to turn other dark hearted too!"

This time Novaliera spoke up, "The darkened souls that remain in the forest are not strong.  They never could do anything to us when we were there.  Mother, I want all darkened souls and reedins to disappear forever."

"What?" The queen gasped, "Is it true you been trying to fight them off in the forest?" The queen then shook her head, frowning, "I don't want any of you to go out for awhile. The reedins must of made you terribly injured.  Those must of been traitors to the reedins. Since you been going in the forest, I won't allow you to go out for awhile. You may stay here for the next couple weeks.  I'll make sure that Silvon that reedin will make sure you won't leave."

The twins stare in shock.  Their knight was equally shocked at her statement as well.  How could she still think the reedins were good?

"Your Majesty, please," Nakosir bowed and closed his eyes, "It is my fault they got hurt.  If I paid more attention to the surrounds I would have known reedins were there and planned to attack.  If I had known I could of fought back and saved their injures.  Forgive me for this one mistake."

Niderudion stared at his knight in shock.  "N-nakosir!" He didn't know what Nakosir was doing nor why he was doing that for.

"Rise Nakosir Deveria." The queen told him calmly, "It is not your fault.  You have protected them all this time and made sure they are safe.  That I thank you for.  You do not need to put yourselves before them and claim it is your fault."

"Yes, Your Majesty." He stood up and held his hand across his chest.

Niderudion sighed as they were escorted to their rooms.  He hoped the time being closed off for awhile would go by quickly.  He wanted to go and follow the note's direction.  He already figured out the code and where to meet.  He wanted to thank and see Naricelissa.  The prince wanted to see her again.  He rather be with her at that moment, he wanted her.  Not only that, but prince Niderudion missed her.


"I did try, but this is still the final result.  Please forgive me." Nakosir lowered his head as he leaned on the door that kept them confined in the room.  "Are you both truly alright?  Reedins are not to aimlessly fought with."

"Does it look like I am alright?!" The prince yelled, "I want to fight.  I want to practice.  Mother had to decide to make it where we cannot go anywhere for several weeks!"

"If it is the fresh air you desire then open a window and let the cool night air come in." Nakosir offered the prince as he walked over to the oval glass window.

"Nakosir, tell me why did you learn to fight reedins?  Why did you want them killed?  At first, I thought it was the same reason, but lately I believe there is also something else backing up your reason."

"I guess it started a long time ago.  Seven years ago we were affiliated with a group that sought to get revenge on the reedins.  The reedins bewildered the group and made them suffer.  They caused their homes to be in ruin.  Everyone else only saw the reedins as good, pure souls, but this group saw the truth.  They were smart in a sense.  This group is known for possible futures, the latest one was before my time, but I knew every word of it.  The first telling told of great power and magic. It stated if all of the greatest powers are brought together the word may either start anew or broken.

Twenty years before that there was a possible future that told reedins could obtain the greatest powers and darken the entire world unless the orbs of magic are obtained.  These orbs are what creates powerful magic.  Reedins are the ones who have them and any other only have them because they taken down a reedin. My wish is to take down the reedins and obtain these orbs.  Someday I hope that I will take down enough to be able to create this magic with these orbs.  I will get rid of the reedins and give my old friends justice.  I will give a chance for the top powers to finally unite.  The Power of Visions of the past and future. The Power of Time Travel and Teleportation.  The Power of Healing. The Power of Memory."

"The power of visions of the past and future?" Niderudion gasped.

"Yes," Nakosir explained, "The ones that tell possible futures have to do with it.  The only problem was the latest possible future is no longer with us... with them.  Although, you two have two of the extraordinary powers.  You don't have to if you wish not to do so, but if you both could help when the time is right then it could lead to something marvelous.  It is just that the power of time travel and teleportation is so hard to obtain and searching for one in another kingdom is worthless.  Everyone knows not to interact with other kingdoms.  When each is united they all form one powerful magic.

Could you imagine alternating someone's memory or mind?  To have the ability to insert thoughts and control one's mind.  You both wouldn't be able to just read other's thoughts and talk to each one with your minds.  How about healing someone to no recovery?  At the brick of death, they are fully healed with several more years left to go.  The ones abilities, I wouldn't know because I never actually experienced them myself."

Both of the twins listened and wanted to know more.  If those orbs that only reedins had was obtained they be able to create powerful magic and finish reedins at the same time.

"Can we meet those that were in a group?" Naricelissa turned to her knight.

"Actually I haven't seen them over seven years.  I haven't seen them since...."

A wave of emotions passed through Nakosir.  The emotions of that place long ago and his parents' secret he kept from his sisters.  The hidden knights that they formed to take down the reedins.  The men being trained in battles while the women were taught to use magic only.  How he taught his sister since his parents never came back.  How he was selfish and cruel to her for the sake of her protection.  He wanted to feel important.  He remembered how he made parts of his memory be erased along with his sister's by testing out the first few orbs they gotten.  He remembered the deal they made with the flower of Reminiscence.

"Since a long time.  Anyway, "Nakosir cleared his throat, "If there is anyone or anything you want to tell me about you can." Nakosir changed the subject and hope to find out what Niderudion was doing with his sister.  Unfortunately, it didn't work and only silence remained.

Nakosir went by the door when Novaliera asked, "Where are you going?"

"Since you both are to stay here for awhile, I was thinking about messing with my sister." Nakosir grinned thinking about how she would hate him for that.

Novaliera cheered happily, "You are absolutely right.  What is more better than being with your close loved ones!"

Nakosir laughed dryly, "It is not like that actually.  I just wanted to go and irritate her so much she wish I was dead."

Novaliera looked at him confused, "I don't get it.  Is it like a game to pretend to wish another is dead?"

Nakosir shook his head, "We don't get along, but I deserve half of it.  Honestly, Narica barely looks like me.  I guess our hair could be called similar, but that is it."

Niderudion also was intrigued, "I couldn't imagine not talking, being with, or getting along with my precious dear twin, right Nova?" He leaned closer to his sister at that moment.

"Prince Niderudion, to you the only person worth importance all the time, every second of the day is your dear sister, Princess Novaliera.  No one else, but her.  That is why it is different, when I met both of you I had to understand how you thought.  I had to understand what you believed.  You believed only important people were who you care for, and everyone else was here to serve a purpose of a successful kingdom.  No?"

Nakosir waited for the prince to react.  He wanted Niderudion to find out he is Naricelissa's sister.

The princess nodded her head and clapped her hands, "Of course, you are absolutely right!  Nideru is my dearest brother and I am his precious sister!"

Niderudion frowned, "That is true but-"

Nakosir interrupted him mid-sentence, "Novaliera, sometime maybe you could meet my sister.  Who knows maybe you both get along."

"What does she look like?"

"Imagine a demon that dresses in beauty, but at night is a devil to kill." Nakosir suddenly started laughing, "Here.  This is what she looks like." He showed the princess on his lervizon, but not the prince.

Novaliera widened her eyes, "Wow!  She is beautiful.  I never seen one that beautiful besides us of course."

Nakosir laughed, "Eh, but now that I think if you did meet, I wouldn't know the outcome.  See, she is always planning something that I always have to deal with if it gets out of hand.  She been meeting up with some organization lately."

Princess Novaliera looked out of the window and sighed, "I feel everything is always up against us lately.  Sometimes I wish, we could do anything we want and nobody would care.  Nobody would bother us.  When we want to be bothered they will notice us, but when we don't they would ignore us.  It would be nice if we could be free.  Free to spread our wings and go anywhere we want without anyone limiting our options.  Without being forced to stay here forever and go out freely.  Going to the forest laying there watching the flowers and grass.  Seeing the birds and butterflies fly.  Looking across the hidden lakes and being there just with you...Wouldn't that be a joy if we could do that?" She turned around and her eyes were closed.

"Novalie, I would love to do that." Niderudion went over to his sister, "I mean to be free to spring up in the air and go anywhere.  Where no one could see where you go and try to stop you.  To do anything you want... that would just be grand."

The princess smiled, "Yes.  It would be."


Nakosir closed his eyes and the days seem to go by.  For the next few days they were there talking to ourselves.  For every morning, Nakosir would visit his sister and annoy her.  She would often make comments on how he must of annoyed the royal prince and princess too much.  None of the guards or reedins bothered them.  The Queen didn't bother them either.  It was just them.  It was so long that they lost track of every minute, hour, day, week, and month that passed.

Niderudion have enveloped himself in anger and guilt.  He ignored Naricelissa's warnings and because of that, he and his sister have gotten hurt.  Nakosir pretended to say unintentional words that would make him feel upset about Naricelissa.

Nakosir realized something else relating to the prince.  He realized he might actually feel the same way as his sister does for him.  He didn't know if he should approve or not.  Given the fact that his late parents' friends were everything to him.  Nakosir missed their friends' daughter.  To him, she was everything and met the world to Nakosir.  He thought of the one lad who was a swain to Naricelissa.

Nakosir laughed on how she probably doesn't remember anything.  He barely remembered it himself.  He wondered if they were okay or if they had the same fate as their parents.

It was a sad tale.


One day a knob turned and the queen was standing there.  There confinement was soon over.

Princess Novaliera hoped her mother realized she was wrong and they deserved to be free.  She hoped mother would allow them to go wherever they pleased.

The queen stood there, "Have you both finally learned?  If you like you may go.  Tomorrow is a festival too, you know.  The monthly moon festival.  This time please, try to be careful." Midnira smiled as she released them from the room.

Princess Novaliera was thrilled.  She was filled with joy and couldn't wait to go to the forest.  She looked over at her brother and wondered if he was okay.  Lately she noticed, he was acting strange.  Much to her oblivion, it was because of the separation between him and Naricelissa.  She felt that something was bothering.  She hoped that because they are finally out, he would be better.

Niderudion turned to his sister and ran out as soon as he could.  He finally felt a bit more free.  He couldn't wait to see Naricelissa.  She is important to him.  It was a fact that he has recently came to turns with.  She is way important to me then he thought she would ever be to him.  He wanted to be able to protect her as much as she protects him.  Naricelissa now means the world to him.

Niderudion looked out from the balcony.  Behind him was Novaliera and Nakosir.

"Well, I suppose it is good it is a moon festival tomorrow." Nakosir says, making Niderudion realize they were behind him.

He basically took the words out of his mouth.

"You don't say.." The prince mutters without any emotion.

Novaliera held her arms up and exclaimed, "I know and I can't wait!"

Niderudion shrugged his shoulders, "It is far better than being stuck inside here for eternity."

Novaliera looked at him in wonder.  She put her hand out, "Ah feel this!  It is amazing!  The wind feels so great and I..." The princess pauses and frowns.  Niderudion was not being himself.  He was still sulking and it bothered her.  "Okay Nideru, what is it?  Did Nakosir eat your food and you are mad at him?  Did he touch your hair?  Did he call your hair a wig or what?  I hate that my two favorite people are upset with the other." The princess looked down.

"What?" Niderudion raised his eyebrows that she figured him out.  "You are the one important person to me and that is all I want.  I was kinda irritated after what happen.  I don't want anything to happen to you again and if someone does anything I'll kill them in a blink of an eye."

Niderudion hated to lie to her, but he was successfully when he occupied is own thoughts. 

"Right..." Nakosir muttered, clearly not believing him.

The two looked and saw the sunset.  Filling with dread, they widen their eyes.  They did not want to absorb any of the sickening light.  Niderudion and Novaliera headed to sleep and waited for the excitement of the next day to come to a start.

The prince woke up yawned, "I'm going out for a bit." He turned to his sister who was still sleeping and his knight who was positioned at the door, "You both can stay here.  I just need to get some fresh air."

Novaliera was half-asleep and surprised, "Already?  Well... okay." She then held up her hand and waved to him.

"Nakosir," He turned to his knight and walked outside the room with him, "Make a portal that leads to Lyra-Moon Hidden Song Arch.  I like the place, it is nice." Niderudion muttered as an excuse so his knight wouldn't question it.  Except, little did he know that Nakosir knew of everything.

With magic and a few words, Nakosir successfully created a portal that leads to it.  This was the closest Nakosir has gotten to achieve any teleportation magic and it was barely anything.  Niderudion nodded and walked through it.

He appeared and noticed a beautiful girl waiting lonely in the distance.  Her hair dances around her shoulders and her silver dress flowed within the wind.  Her eyes were closed as if she was waiting and hoping for something to happen any second.

Suddenly she turned around with dried up tears on her face, "Niderudion!" She exclaimed, "You are alright.  I am so glad and if you do something like that to me again I'm going to lose it.  I mean it if something had happened to you I don't know what I'd do."

Niderudion laughed, "I'm fine.  See!" He lifted his hands up to prove that he was uninjured.  "Don't you remember I heal when I get hurt?  I healed you.  Who says I couldn't heal myself?"

Naricelissa wiped her eyes and started laughing, "Still..... I.  How could I forgot?"

Niderudion stared at Naricelissa and admired her, "I did miss fighting with you, though."

Naricelissa stepped back and held a sour look on her face, "I am so sorry for everything.  It is all my fault.  If I didn't suggest that then you and your sister would have been fine.  We would still be fighting if I hadn't and I...I...and...I..." She suddenly started sobbing again.

"Narissa, it is not your fault.  It was bound to happen one way or another, okay?" He places his hands on her shoulders, "You don't have to blame yourself."

"But after everything has turned out, how can I look at myself anymore without feeling guilty?  I should be sentenced to treason.  I basically caused harm to you."

"Narissa, you done nothing of that sort.  All you done is helped me and that is why now I want to say thank you." Niderudion lowered his head.

The girl that stood before him watched as he carefully put his arms around her.  She felt her cheek flush.  "Y-you're welcome." She muttered.

Naricelissa suddenly pushed him back.

"Narissa?" He looked at her in confusion

She shook her head and started running.  She must ignore all the feelings and things she felt with him.  Tears were falling from her eyes and she felt too many emotions.  She had to get away.  "Get back!" She yelled.

Niderudion was pained to see her like this.  He ran after her, "Wait!  Narissa... Calm down and listen to me.  What is wrong?" He reached out to her and gently held her arms.

"Niderudion..I," she took a deep breath.  "Just stop doing this.  I don't deserve this.  I'm a fool who only brings misfortune."

Niderudion looked at her and shook his head, "Stop? Naricelissa I can't stop.  Don't you get it?  You are too important to me.  When I first met you, I kept arguing and bothering you.  I guess that something nothing to be proud about, but I kept talking to you.  There was something about you that made me want to and I don't want to stop now."  Niderudion looked at her and could only see how the light of the evening moon shines upon her.  Her eyes gleam brightly in the light.  Her hair flows back with the chilly night wind.  Her beauty was magnificent.  He was caught off guard so much that the wind blew away his concealer.

At once Naricelissa looked away, but still said nothing.  The girl was speechless after what he said. "..."

Niderudion widen his eyes as his concealer blew away, "That..." He pressed his lips together, "That wasn't suppose to happen." He laughed.

"Pff...I'm sorry," She started laughing, "It is just that I never thought I hear you say that.  Do you need to go and get one?  I'll wait for you here." She looked down, "Nideru, you're important to me too." She smiled at him.

"You can look at me if you want.  I don't mind, besides you deserve to see what I really look like.  After all, I only wear it because my sister wants me to.  Personally, I think they are really uncomfortable," At that moment, the prince leaned in her ear to say that.

She slowly averted her eyes up and looked at him.  She widen her eyes and smiled, "Actually, I seen you before already.  It was an accident, but when I gave you that note I saw you."

Niderudion looked down, "Yeah, I saw you then too."

"I see you matured from when you were younger." She smiled at him.

He looked surprised that she saw him when he was younger, "You seen me before?"

She nodded, "It was a picture."

Niderudion looked at her and leaned closer to her, "I never knew there was a younger picture of me going around.  Tell me about it."

Naricelissa wanted to avoid the subject sheepishly said, "Oh, you know..."

"I know?" He looked at her, "Okay you don't have to tell me, but I never knew I miss you so much these passed few months."

The girl nodded her head, "I.. I miss you too."

Naricelissa leaned a bit closer to him and before they both realized it, they were kissing.  He puts his lips to hers and she closed her eyes automatically.  At that moment, Niderudion realized he liked her and never felt that with anyone before.  He hoped she recuperated his feelings.  He wanted to be there for her and protect her.  He was her everything and they couldn't resist this unspoken feeling.

Naricelissa looked over at him and told him something that changed things forever.

"Niderudion the truth is that I...."


Legend here, the last few days around the weekend was terrible and I never related more to a character than Naricelissa before.  And this was after rereading how I wrote her.

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