Fight for your life

By ilovegreysanatomy129

21.4K 772 453

Just when Meredith's life is at its peak, something tragic happens. Can she get past it? Set around early sea... More



1K 44 15
By ilovegreysanatomy129

After the accident, Meredith found herself exhausted all day. She just didn't have any energy to get up and move. Not that she could move around anyways.

She knew it was normal for recovering patients, but she didn't like it. But when she woke up at noon without anyone waking her, she couldn't do anything about it.

Meredith felt like she was letting down her kids and her husband. Deep down, she knew she wasn't, but there was this voice in her head telling her she was.


Derek woke up with his wife snuggled tightly in his arms. He could feel the casts pressed up against him, but he didn't mind.

Derek knew recovery could be grueling for patients, and not just the physical part of it. When you are confined to a wheelchair, it takes some independence away. And when you're Meredith Grey, that really sucks.

She sighed contently, tucked up against his chest, her head in crook of his shoulder. Derek loved these moments in the morning, just listening to her breath.

Derek couldn't help but move her hair out of her face. She groaned, and shifted in his arms. "Sorry. go back to sleep." Derek whispered.

"I'm up." Meredith mumbled, snuggling closer to his  warmth. "Sore?" He asked, rubbing her back gently. "Mhm." She muttered in response.

"It'll be better soon." He assured. "I have to pee." Meredith whispered. "I'll help." Derek offered as he got out of bed and moved to her side. He lifted her up and carried her carefully to the bathroom.

"I'll wait outside." He said, kissing her forehead before leaving the bathroom. Today, would probably be the same as yesterday. Staying inside and doing nothing.

Meredith hobbled out and plopped herself into the wheelchair Derek had brought over. "Want to do anything today?" Derek asked as he began out the door.

"Like what? I can't exactly do much." Meredith pointed out. "Well, we could go for a walk. Go for a ride maybe." He suggested.

Meredith definetely did not want to go for a drive.

After Derek got Meredith settled into the car, he turned the car on and backed out. Meredith tensed up, only a little a first, and Derek did not notice.

It wasn't that she was scared. She just...didn't trust other drivers. Derek pulled up to the intersection. The very intersection where it all happened.

Meredith's breaths quickened and she grabbed on to the seat tightly. This time, Derek did notice, and looked at her with concern. "What's wrong?" He asked softly, grabbing her hand.

"I'm fine." Meredith whispered, closing her eyes tightly. Derek looked worried, but then he finally realized.

"I'm sorry Mer. I-I didn't even think of....I won't take this way again, Okay?" Derek said. "I'm fine." She repeated, her breaths wavering.

"Hey, can you look at me?" He asked softly, while keeping an eye on the traffic light. Meredith opened her eyes and looked at him. The tears in her eyes broke his heart.

"You're okay. I promise you. Nothing is going to happen. Hold my hand and just breath." He said. Meredith shakily grabbed his hand again as the light turned green.

"I got you." Derek said as he took a turn.

"I don't want to go for a drive. Maybe a walk." Meredith said, snapping out of her thoughts. "Okay. We can see if the kids and mom want to after breakfast." Derek smiled as he carried her down the stairs.

Derek went back up and grabbed the wheelchair and rolled her into the kitchen. "Good morning." Carolyn said with a smile as she bottle fed Bailey, Zola at the counter.

"Good morning." Meredith said. "Hi mama!" Zola exclaimed. "Hi daddy!" She added. "Hi Zo." Meredith responded as the little girl ran over.

Meredith wrapped her good arm around Zola and kissed her cheek. "Did you sleep good?" She asked. "Yeah! I had good dreams." Zola responded.

"Good." She replied. "Bailey was a little fussy, so I gave him a bottle from the fridge. I hope that's okay." Carolyn said.

"Yeah, no, that's fine. Thank you." Meredith said.

Meredith hopped on the counter chair and poured herself a cup of coffee. Derek eyed her protectively and she smiled.

"What's on the agenda today?" Carolyn asked. "Maybe just a walk today and some movies." Derek replied, sitting down next to his wife.

"Sounds good." Carolyn said.


After breakfast, they all geared up to go outside. It was actually a nice day out in Seattle. Meredith volunteered to hold Bailey while Derek pushed her.

Meredith had Bailey snuggled in her lap while they left the house. Zola was running up with Carolyn. "You okay?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. It's nice to be out of the house." Meredith admitted as Bailey nuzzled closer to Meredith and whimpered. "You're okay little man. Mamas got you." Meredith whispered.

They walked for a little longer before Zola started to complain. They turned around and soon after we're back in the house.

Bailey was getting a little cranky again, so Meredith breast fed him and then put him down for a nap. Truthfully, even Meredith was a little tired. The mix of pain killers and the moving around made her tired.

While Meredith was resting on the couch, Zola wanted to play outside, so that's what Derek and Carolyn Did. "Your wife is a trooper, Derek." Carolyn said with a smile.

"Yeah, she is." Derek agreed. "She's good for you." She said. "You should bring her home when she's able to travel." Carolyn suggested.

"I will if she wants to. I want the kids to know their aunts." Derek

"Okay." Carolyn smiled.

Hey guys!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to drop them. Thanks for reading!!

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