✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ never just only one...

By Little7Seven

61.5K 807 26

Family. A burden. A curse and a blessing at the same time. (Unedited) More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
original cover
last ride


1.9K 38 5
By Little7Seven

For a good ten minutes, Jyn had been standing under a bridge in her Ghibli, waiting and observing the surroundings. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing was moving, nor was there anything to see or hear. Grumbling, she leaned even deeper into the seat, her head back and stared up at the ceiling. Normally, this would not have been her job. This was not her construction site.

A ringing followed a few minutes later, so Jyn half-heartedly pressed the button on the steering wheel, tilted her head, and looked out the windshield with her arms folded in front of her chest.

"Have you paid him a visit yet?" a man's voice asked, causing Jyn to press a button on the center console's touchscreen twice before tucking her hands right back under her arms, "Man you must be excited about what it sounds like right now."

"Yes, I've been to see him, but..... he seems to be completely indifferent to such things as consequences. I think he's a person where the learning effect is absent," thoughtfully, Jyn pulled her legs up on the seat and sat on her left hand, "I mean, someone like that would have to have learned from his past. At least something. It would have even made more sense if you had taken care of it yourself......"

"Would have been a little difficult, especially since he is, after all, exactly your kind of guy," a smirk settled on Jyn face with which she looked to the floor, then to the display in the console, knowing full well that he was teasing her about it, "..... dead would be the worst scenario to happen, though. Yes? Do we understand each other there?"

"My god, I get it yes. Just do your own shit next time," slightly miffed, Jyn pushed the call away, because if she was going to do his 'job' at least he didn't have to bitch at her like that, "You too."

Wonderful. Truly wonderful. If this task hadn't sucked long enough, their next encounter, would certainly not be harmonious. Not one bit.

After a few more seemingly endless minutes, Jyn finally leaned forward, started the engine and drove over the gravel onto the road. Slowly it was time to get into the action herself, instead of waiting here until someone spoke up. Which wasn't going to happen anyway.

As she drove, Jyn kept pushing away the incoming calls, steering the Ghibli around town and letting her eyes roam the area. Guaranteed she wasn't. If she could guess, someone was pretty pissed off right now..... To a hundred and eighty. Self-inflicted.

At first, nothing was visible, but when Jyn drove past one of the tunnels, she slowed down and finally turned the car around. Were there some cars parked across the road? Before she turned into the tunnel, she came to a stop at the intersection and it was just the right thing to do. Everyone knows that moment in life when you don't know exactly why you're doing something, but you just do it. And this just now, was such a moment. Actually.... Normally, she would have gone into the tunnel now, but because she didn't do it for some inexplicable reason, the waiting and pointless driving around had finally paid off. A huge bang took place, immediately followed by a kind of too large go-kart and several black sedans, which raced past her. Still, it got better.

"How well do you know Owen Shaw?" it was Toretto's voice coming from the speakers after Jyn took an unknown call, "Your opportunity to catch him."

"At the risk of sounding a bit arrogant at this point, I still have to say that I probably know him better than some people do. I know more than what is in the files of all the authorities," and that was understatement on Jyn's part, "Where are you Toretto?"

".... Heading downtown.... From the looks of it," Toretto replied uncertainly, which immediately caused Jyn to shake her head and type in several things on the center console touchscreen and then set off to get downtown, "Where are you?"

"On the way to downtown, it looks like..... Toretto, open your mailbox. The file attached, send me your location, otherwise it won't work. "To her surprise, less than two minutes later, a map of London opened on the display, with a red flashing dot moving incessantly. "Got you. Downtown? Yeah, not quite. But.... let's leave it at that."

"Is it normal with you to have to constantly correct everyone or prove how intelligent you are?" tonelessly smacking her lips, Jyn just rolled her eyes at Toretto's words and took the next exit since it was the quickest way to his point of view, "You said Homeland and Security Service used to be. So what do you do now?"

"Journalism," Jyn hadn't resigned for that at the time, but then again, somehow she had, yet it was all a bit more complicated, "Still better than being a wanted criminal in the States. Must be hard for you."

However, considering Brazil, life with a couple of million shouldn't be so bad. No matter where you are. Toretto was therefore not allowed to complain.

Of all the things that could have happened, a silver Jensen Interceptor had to drive into Jyn's side. And that was on purpose. Pure intent! Had not been an accident or an oversight. No, it wasn't that at all Time and again, Jyn had looked at the map and then back at the road, trying to locate Toretto here somewhere. The dot told her that the guy had to be nearby, but there was no sign of him. Distracted or simply inattentive, had finally been the reason why she had not seen the silver car coming from the side street. Full board into the right side. The poor Ghibli. How could someone do that to such a wonderful car? Didn't the driver have a heart? You can't treat a Maserati Ghibli like that.

Stunned, Jyn opened the door, got out and walked around the car. Cursing loudly, she pressed the heels of her hands against her forehead and then screwed up her face. It really couldn't be true. Bull's-eye. The Interceptor had hit exactly the rear axle. Thus it was over with the driving. She grabbed a bag from the back seat, slung it over her shoulder, and finally collected her phone from the front. This was going to be a pretty long trip. What a fucked up asshole.


An hour and a half later, Jyn bent over a table, flipped through all the plans, and then compared them to other notes that were on the table.

"So we meet again that quickly," merely glancing to the side where Owen Shaw was walking towards her, Jyn continued to flip through all the records, "So what's your role? You started at Homeland, then you moved here to London and started in the Security Service. Now you're just a journalist. Now the question for me is, what's your role in all of this?"

"My role is far more important than you know. So.... you remember our last conversation?" questioningly, Jyn took one last look at one of the pieces of paper, spun around and leaned against the table, "You fuck up, I'll be back. Here I am. The only problem is, I can't chop off your hand. So what do we do now to solve this problem?"

"Mhh.... one idea I've got," meaningfully Owen put his hands on her waist, lifted Jyn onto the table and stood directly in front of it, where he ran the back of his fingers across her cheek, "A few things like that."

"Sorry," with a pout, Jyn lifted her right hand and held it in front of his face, wiggling her ring finger, "Married, honey. And quite honestly. He's the better choice."

Enthusiastically, Jyn tightened her right leg, pressed the sole as well as the heel against Owen's abdominal wall, and pushed him away from her. Her choice had clearly been better.

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