Mercy An F!god error fan fict...

By soulessbeing72

343 30 26

This is basically just a giant shipping book but there's a lot of spelling mistakes don't be afraid to point... More

The voices and an offer
A big mistake
The meeting
A welcome suprise
The deal and some smut for dirty sinners
The nursery
Inks visit
Gender reveal
Birthday and a proposal
New babys

Married and some family time

8 1 2
By soulessbeing72

Errors POV
It had been a month since pjs birthday we decided we wanted to just get eloped before the baby's are born because we don't wanna have to worry about a wedding with two new kids. After all it's a month until my die date we're hoping they come on their actual due date it would be less of a surprise I don't because I don't think I want a surprise early birth. So here we are outside the courthouse just married "I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you my love" I said swap hugged me from behind holding me close his hands resting on my stomach "I glad your mine forever" we weren't going on a honey moon since I was nearly in my 9th month of my pregnancy and I didn't wanna risk going into labor on vacation we already had plans to welcome the baby's into the world at home we wanted a home birth so the kids could be home and I could take care of them right away. "I'm ready to go home" I said nuzzling my head into swaps neck. These little brats are fucking kicking like hell and it hurts" I hissed out "ok ok ruru" he teleported us home pj was waiting on the couch for us to get home. "Daddy mama!" He jumped up and walked over to us "hi baby" I sat down infront of him picking him up in my arms "mamas not feeling the best so you'll have to forgive if I can play with you your brother and sister are kicking mommy a lot" I smiled softly. "Hold up baby mama needs to go for a second milk dose putting him down and teleporting to the bathroom.
Swaps POV
"Don't worry for mama baby it's just mama carrying your baby siblings mama will be better soon" I comforted a seemingly worried pj "mama sick?" I smiled "sort of buddy" I pick him up "mama has your siblings in his belly and that makes him sick and causes some pain to mama but he's ok"  pj smiled "ok we go to mama?" I smile and nod teleporting into the bathroom to see error washing his face he did this every time because  it made him feel berthed after puking"swap tell your fucking children to stop kicking me" he says I laugh and go over leaning infront of him "you two behave your giving mom trouble" I kissed his stomach "your fucking magic you bitch they stopped" hr hissed out as pj went over me hugged his leg
Errors POV
"Whatever I want fucking cuddles" I said "you owe me that at the least you put me through this" I stood up and slid my head against swap. "It's really getting to you huh it's making you feel really bad?" I hummed "yeah your children are monsters swap" I laugh "well I'm a monster id hope my baby's weren't human" he joked. I rolled my eyes "yeah yeah there brats are giving me a hard time and I want affection" I dragged him tot he bed as pj followed behind us. I flopped myself onto the bed dragging swap down with me "cuddle me" he pulled me into a cuddle and oh climbed up into the bed with us. Pj just cuddled up to me kissing my stomach hr understood he had baby sibling in there at the least"night night sissy bubba" my heart melted he was so cute. "Oh baby your so cute" I said pulling him up to my face kissing his forehead. "Mama loves you so much" I smile he cuddled up onto my chest. "Love mama to" I nuzzled my head into swaps chest "I love you ruru" swap said smiling "I love you to jackass" I said humming contempt. "Your kids are little jerks" I said swap laughed "alright ruru he said. "I'm glad to get these brats out of me" I said "I sure you are ruru" swap said smiling "we're waiting a couple years after this if we're having more little brats" I said. "Alright" swap smiled "I don't wanna deal with this agin for a while" I said looking at him as he set a hand on my stomach "understandable" he said rubbing my stomach. "It's a fucking nightmare your lucky you don't deal with this" I hissed out at him he gave me a kiss on the forehead "I'm sure it is" he replied. "Are we still stopping pj off with ink for a week?" He asked we had plans to let pj spend a week with ink so we could do the last little things to get ready for the twins "yeah" I replied. "Alright is ink picking him up or are we taking him there?" Swap asked "inks picking him up because he knows how bad the pregnancy is treating me" I said swap smiled "alright have you finished packing his bags?" He asked. I groaned "no not yet can you do that" I cuddled up closer to him "yeah sure I can ruru" he said "but not right now" I said. He smiled "alright" he replied "you can do it after I sleep" I said

Time skip swaps POV
I was finishing packing pjs bags for inks pj was helping to the best a one year old could "alright buddy your bags are all packed" I said patting his head "I hope you have fun with your dad". I smiled lol I picked him up going to our room error wasn't in bed great he was in the bathroom again I walked into the bathroom "ruru you ok?". He looked at me smiling "yeah babe I'm ok" pj looked worried "mama?"error caught on pretty quickly "baby hold on don't cry mama is ok". Pj teleported to error well that was new he hadn't used magic before "did you just teleport baby?" Error smiled at pj patting his skull he nodded "that's great my big boy your learning so much I gues your to big to call baby now huh" error laughed a bit pj smiled proudly "I big boy!" He was stringing together cohesive sentences "well I guess mommy's gonna have to call the new baby's her baby's now" error said oh looked slightly upset "no I mama only baby" error laughed "well that's gonna be to bad cause the new baby's will be here soon" he smiled. "Fine" oh looked at the ground then at me "tell mama she can't have baby" I laughed "well I can't do that" I replied "but we can call the baby's something other than baby" pj smile again "ok!" He was really only talking around us and horror but that was fine "oh and pj remember tomorrow your going to dads house for a week you have to talk to him" error said pjs face turned to a frown and he shook his head "no no talk" error frowned "baby you know your dad just wants time with you plus daddy will still be your dad" we could both tell pj thought we were trying to replace him with the new baby's "mama and daddy still love pj?" He asked looking at error. Error nodded "of course we do your our baby but your siblings are also our baby's their gonna needs lots more attention when their born their  younger than you and need a lot more attention so that means no playing with them alone for a while" error said calmly pj was a smart kid he seemed to understand that we weren't trying to get rid of him or anything we were just excited for his siblings. "Mama hungry" pj said error laughed "let's go get you a snack then" he smiled "go with daddy he'll get you a snack" I smiled if don't mind error falling him to go with me after all I was also his dad. "Daddy" pj said "yeah buddy let's go get you a snack" I walked over and picked him up leaving the room. When I walked into the kitchen I set pj down "if you don't tell mama we can get you some ice cream" I said I liked spoiling him he was always happy "yay!" I walked over to the fridge and got pj out and popsicle we bright them when he started teething and just finished to buy them because error also seemed to like them they weren't bad just not my thing. Still I gave on the popsicle "you can sit on the floor in the living room but no's tiring on the couch with it" I reminded him he smiled "ok daddy". He went over and sat on the living room floor I followed behind him "daddy tv?" He looked at me I smiled "sure buddy" I turned on the tv to pbs kids (the true supreme kids network) "tank you daddy" he smiled watching the tv eating his popsicle. Error came out of the room and sat by me "Rhys you give him a Popsicle dinners in and hour" he asked "it's fine ruru" I said giving him a kiss then setting my hand on his stomach "I'm sure he'll still eat dinner" I smiled "yeah your right" he said cuddling up to me. "You feeling better?" I asked as he buried his head in my neck "yeah a little" I smiled "That's great".

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