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By soggykookie

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*READ THE PREQUEL FIRST* The sky was grey as the coffin shook and rattled until it tumbled down the pedestal... More

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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝒳𝒳

2.1K 162 76
By soggykookie

Hoseok's POV


I was in my room frantically walking back and forth on a call with Yoongi.

"What?" Yoongi asks.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"On the flight to Egypt?" He replies.

"Go back," I say, "JUST GO BACK. Give up on her."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Yoongi asks.

"What is wrong with me?" I ask, "I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

"He isn't gonna do anything," Yoongi says, "I'm on my way and I'll take a room close by, okay? Don't worry. He won't kill you. Yuna loves you and he won't do anything that will hurt her."

"Okay," I nod frantically, "You better get here fast."

"I will," Yoongi chuckles.

Taehyung's POV

"Is the bed comfortable?" I ask as she sits on it.

"Yes, it's more than comfortable," she giggles, "Why? What will you do if it was uncomfortable?"

"I'll get a bed which is comfortable," I reply.

"It is very comfy," she replies, "And even if it weren't if you're next to me, I don't mind. You're comfortable."

"Am I?" I chuckle, "Would you sleep on me?"

She blushes, "If you're comfortable with that."

"I will be extremely comfortable," I pinch her nose.

She plops back onto the bed and makes grabby hands to me. I crawl on top of her and peck her lips. She hugs me tightly and wraps her legs around me. I nuzzle my nose into her neck and hug her tightly.

"This feels good," she hums.

"We can stay like this as much as you want," I reply.

"I have to get to work," she replies.

"I'm sure I can make your boss excuse you," I suggest.

She chuckles, "That'll be unfair to others!"

"Do I look like I care?" I grin.

"No," she shakes her head, "But I do."

"You shouldn't when you have a fully capable boyfriend who can take care of everything," I rub my nose with hers.

"No..." She replies, "That's not a very nice mentality."

"It's not?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No," she replies blankly with a pout.

"I'm sorry," I nuzzle my nose into her neck, "I won't say that again."

She smiles, "It's okay, baby."

"I love you," I kiss her cheek, "I love you so much," I continue kisses all over her face.

She giggles, "I love you too," she squints her eyes throwing her head to the side, "Let me go!"

"No," I chuckle as I kiss down her neck and nip on it.

She moans, "Please, stop."

I stop kissing her and get up, "Shouldn't have taken it that far. Sorry."

"No, no," she shakes her head, "I loved it but I have to go to the centre."

"Let me get an outfit for you," I grin.

Yuna's POV

"This pyramid is kind of far away," Mr Bang informs, "We will have to camp near the pyramid."

"That's fine by us, sir," Seokjin looks around the room at us to confirm. We all nod, "Yes, sir. That's fine."

"We'll set out the day after tomorrow," Mr Bang says, "For now, let's just analyse the data we got shots from the satellites."

"Okay, sir," Namjoon replies.

"Oh, and Yuna?" He calls me.

"Yes, sir," I reply.

"Your husband seems keen on following you around," he frowns, "But this project is staff only. He can't come."

I nod, "That's fine, sir."

"Good," he nods, "The guard outside will take you to the lab."

"Okay, sir," Hoseok replies with a huge smile, "Thank you."

"Is that big smile on your face because Taehyung's not coming?" Namjoon chuckles.

"Of course!" Hoseok replies and I roll my eyes, "He's always been sticking to Yuna but now we get her all to ourselves! We'll have fun."

"Was that your issue?" I huff, "You could have just told me that you wanted to spend time with me."

"I could have but I wanted you to want to spend time with us," Hoseok pouts.

I laugh, "Wow."

"Here's the lab," the guard opens the door for us.

"Thank you," I smile and enter the lab, "Woah! This place is amazing!"

"Oh my God," Seokjin goes, "It's so huge!"

"Damn," Namjoon looks around, "This place is well built."

"I can't wait," Hoseok starts, "Let's get working!"

I giggle and follow him to the table at the centre, "I'm so glad we came here."

"I know right!" Seokjin replies while laying the map and flattening it on the table. He brings the paperweights and puts them on the four corners, "Let's start."

"Why do you think this pyramid was built so far away from the valley?" I ask.

"Maybe a curse?" Hoseok asks.

"A curse?" I repeat.

"It could be because this person was unimportant?" Namjoon suggests.

"If he was unimportant, then why would they build a pyramid for him?" Seokjin asks.

"Not sure," Namjoon shrugs, "There could be answers on the walls of the pyramid."

"Let's compare," I pull out the pictures of other pyramids.

Taehyung's POV

"I want each and every corner of the castle to be clean," I order, "I might visit with my dear anytime. We need to be prepared."

"Yes, sir," the guard replies.

"I'll give you a heads up before getting here so you can do last-minute arrangements. Got it?" I ask.

"Yes, sir," the guard replies, "What food does the queen like?"

"I'll let the maids know," I reply to the gathered soldiers and men.

"Okay, sir," one of them replies.

"Now," I sit down, "My dear's reaction might not be the best. She might run. So I want every corner of the castle sealed while she's with me in here. Do not let her out. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," they reply in unison.

"Good," I nod.

Unknown POV

"I got a tip, sir!" A guard comes running to me.

"What?" I turn around.

"Look, sir," he grins, "They're planning on setting a camp near that pyramid we couldn't enter."

"Wow," I look at the documents, "Where did you get this?"

"I bribed the centre's guard," he smiles proudly.

"Good job," I pat his shoulder, "Let's keep an eye on them," 

"We must loot all of the gold we can get."

1062 words

A/N- I know you know who the unknown is 👀

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