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gonsleftcheek tarafฤฑndan

59.7K 2.7K 2.1K

โ ๐™Ž๐™ค...๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช'๐™ซ๐™š ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ฉ ๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ก ๐™จ๐™ฅ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฉ, ๐™๐™ช๐™? โž โ๐™”๐™š๐™–๐™ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™„ ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™–... Daha Fazla

๊ง๏ธŽ Characters & Stand Info ๊ง‚
1.0 || Evil Spirits!? ||
2.0 || Returned Friend. ||
3.0 || Airplanes & Rapiers. ||
5.0 || Freighter. ||
6.0 || Singapore.||
7.0 || Feuds & Loss? ||
8.0 || Return!? & Cars ||
9.0 || Creepy Town. ||
10.0 || Steely Dan? More like Dirty Dan. ||
11.0 || The Sun. ||
12.0 || Baby...STAND? ||
13.0 || Retrival. ||
14.0 || Almost There. ||
15.0 || Cat & Dog. ||
16.0 || Recovery and.... Family?! ||
17.0 || Dads....amiright? ||
18.0 || Split. ||
18.5 || The Lost. ||
18.7 || The Deal. ||
19.0 || Awakening. ||
20.0 || The Friend. ||
20.5 || Ready to Love? ||

4.0 || Boats. ||

4K 141 128
gonsleftcheek tarafฤฑndan

((A/n: I'm sadly skipping the whole fight scene regarding Avdol and Pol, not because I don't like it it's just because I'm lazy asf 🧍🏽‍♀️))


Avdol snapped away the fire from Polnareff's unconscious body.
"Even now, you remember to be chivalrous. And you did not throw the dagger when I had my back turned." Avdol flipped him over.
"Despite having orders from Dio, your proud honor shines through. It would be a shame to kill you." Avdol paused for a moment and parted his hair revealing a flesh bud.

"Yeah." Star Platinum came from behind him and got to work.

"Ugh, those tentacles are so gross!" Joseph held his mouth and wiggled in disgust.
You were thankfully done with your food but still turned away from the ordeal, afraid it might come back up if you stared for too long.
"Jotaro, hurry up and get it out." He exclaimed.

"Hurry! Hurry!!"
"Shut up old man."

Star Platinum successfully took it out and it immediately turned to ash when hit sunlight.

"Good! Now that the flesh bud is gone, we can be buddies!" Joseph punned.

"Kakyoin, don't guys like him who make stupid puns seriously piss you off?" Jotaro said and you handed Avdol a cloth from your bag to wipe off the blood on his face.


"The boat that we had chartered from the Speedwagon crew yesterday should be at the harbor now."

Polnareff stood in front of you all.
"What's wrong? Is there something else you needed Polnareff?" Avdol asked.

"I haven't thanked you for freeing me from Dio's spell yet."

"For that you need to thank Jojo."
"Don't need it." He dismissed.
Avdol spoke. "It appears there's no one to accept your kind thanks."

"All right, I don't like to be pushy either. But there is something else. Monsieur Joestar, I'd like to ask you a very bizarre question."

"Hm..a bizarre question?"

"Forgive my curiosity, but even while your eating you didn't take off your gloves. Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right hand, would it?" Polnareff questioned.
"What? My left hand, a right hand? That is very bizarre. What do you mean?"

"I'm looking for the man who killed my younger sister." He answered.

Well that took a turn.

"I don't know his face but I know he has two right hands."

Joseph took off the glove revealing his prosthetic hand. "I lost it in battle fifty years ago."
Polnareff looked down. "I apologize for my rudeness. Please forgive me."

"If you don't mind, could you tell us what happened?" Joseph asked and Polnareff turned to the sea dramatically.

"It's been three years now. My younger sister was walking home from school with a classmate one rainy day. It was the country road in my native France. On the side of the road, a man stood mysteriously. Even though it was raining the rain fell around him in a dome- like shape, as if an invisible screen surrounded him. Suddenly as if cut down by a scythe her classmates chest was sliced open. And then...my sister was shamed and killed. That was all the man wanted."
"Barely escaping death her friend somehow survived. She said that she didn't see his face, but both his arms were right arms. No one believed her testimony but I understood it! Because I believed the same man may have a similar power to the one I had been keeping a secret."

"He's definitely a Stand user."

Polnareff did a leg stretching pose. "I swore! My sisters soul would not be able to rest unless, he atoned with his death! I will use my Stand for retribution! Then a year ago I met Dio and eventually I was ordered to kill you. I believed that was the right thing to do." He finished.

Avdol crossed his arms. "It's partially because of the flesh bud, but Dio's also skilled at manipulating others."

"Indeed." Kakyoin agreed. "But according to what you just said, it would appear Dio has found the man with two right arms and has joined forces with him."

"I've decided to go to Egypt with all of you! If I go after Dio I'll be able to find the one who took my sister's life!" Polnareff announced.

"What should we do?" Kakyoin asked.

"I have no objections."


"I'm sure you'd follow us even if we said no."
Joseph shrugged.

You smirked and walked around him. "No problems here but would you please let me-"

"Yes!" He answered cutting you off.

You stopped and stared blankly. "I didn't even ask you yet..."
"Anything you ask will be a yes from me amour!"
He said with a cheeky grin.
Is he trying to flirt- I hope he knows I'm probably like 4 years younger than him.

You shook that thought off and gave a charming smile. "Okay then allow me to have your Stand!"

"Of course!- wait what?"

Copycat hopped in your arms and meowed happily.
"Thank you good sir! My collection is getting better by the day!" You said and skipped back standing next to Kakyoin.

"W-What did she just do..." He asked.
"Oh she just tricked you into a agreement where she can use your Stand anytime she pleases." Joseph said waving it off. Polnareff looked concerned but calm about it?

Jotaro looked down. "Good grie-"
"Excuse me!"
Two girls approached him.
"Would you mind taking our pictures?"
He's amazing! I'm going to use this as my chance. She thought to herself while smiling at Jotaro.

"Thank you!!"

"He didn't even answer-" You said aloud.

"We want our backs to the ocean!" One pointed.

Jotaro tried to hold it in before bursting. "You're annoying me! Ask someone else!"

"Now, now, now, now...I'll take a picture of you. Come, come." Polnareff intervened walking them over.
"You have very nice legs, let's get a full body shot."
He took multiple photos.
"Ouu nice! I'm going to take one more."
He snapped it and smiled.
"Très bien! Just like the button, I want to push push push your hearts towards mine!"

"I don't quite understand his personality." Avdol confessed.
"That was a very sudden change of mood." Kakyoin agreed.
You pet Copycat. "I think right now he's thinking more with his lower half then the upper."
Jotaro tugged his hat down. "Good grief."

Saving Holly is the main objective. In order to save Holly, the crew has to head to Egypt to kill Dio and the curse with it. In order to avoid any danger, they travel by sea rather than air, heading first to Singapore.

"To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for three full days. Well lets relax and keep our spirits up." Joseph started.
"But seriously guys..."

"Can't you do something about those uniforms!? You're going to continue our journey wearing those. Isn't it ridiculously hot?"

You leaned back in the chair, shrugging.
The night before Holly fell under complete illness you both completely altered your school uniform to fit your style. Not like you hadn't changed, you had clothes in your bag but wearing this just put a smile on your face.

"I'm already wearing a skirt thats enough breeze as it is." You said while pulling your skirt up a bit.
Don't worry you wore shorts so no flashing.

"And well we are students...and students should behave as students. But I suppose it does sound like a stretch." Kakyoin said not taking his eyes off his book.

"Hmph! Japanese students are such stiffs."

"I see...so this is Bushido. Once you clear your mind even fire seems cool." Avdol tried to confirm.

"But you know, girls won't fall for stiffs like you.-" Polnareff started.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!! You big lug!" What you believed at first was a younger boy, rustled in the crewman's arms.
"Damn it let me go! Let me go!!"

"What a little brat!"
The crewman tried to contain him.

"Hey whats going on? I thought we agreed no passengers on our boat." Joseph pointed.

He kept thrashing and moving around trying to get out of the guys arms. "I'm sorry it's a stowaway. We found this brat hiding in the storage down below."

"A stowaway?"

"Come at me if you're gonna! I'll kick your balls in!" He yelled kicking around.

"I'll turn you in to the naval police."

He stopped. "What? The police?!" He moved away. "P-Please, I just want to see my dad in Singapore. I'll do anything! You could work me as hard as you want!"
The crewman pulled his cheek. "Let's see. What should I do?" He contemplated annoyingly before flicking the kids nose.
"I'm not gonna let you go after all. Hell no."

Tears ran down his face and the crewman spoke again.
"First, I'm gonna go let the Captain know, so come wit-" The kid wiped his face and bit the crewman, before hopping into the water.

"Whoa! He jumped in! Talk about energetic!" Polnareff said amazed.

"Is he planning to swim to shore from here?"  Kakyoin got up looking over the edge.
"What should we do?"
You placed your bag on the chair and Copycat tried to pull you back by your shoes knowing what you were about to do.

Jotaro scoffed. "Just leave him. I'm sure he dove in because he's a confident swimmer."

"This isn't good there are sharks around these parts, he's going to get hurt!" The crewman shouted.
"Hey brat come back! Get back here it's dangerous!"
"The waters are shark infested, get back here boy!"

"That's a girl, you idiots."
Once you saw the shark fin near her you dived into the water, and Copycat transformed into Star Platinum punching the shark into the air.
"ORA ORA ORAA!" Star yelled and then punched the shark in the air repeatedly.

The shark fell and floated to the top. You came up behind her, holding your hand out.
"Come on, lets go."
Her eyes sparkled at your pretty features for a moment but she quickly put on a facade rolling her eyes.
"I don't need your hand I'm fine."
You only smiled and flipped her hat off letting her hair fall.
"Whoaaa you're hair is so beautiful! There's no need to hide it."
She turned red and just began to swim towards the boat, with you directly behind her.

Red blood stained the water a couple meters behind you. Another shark floated up cut in half.
You glanced back and saw the shadow of the something in the water.
"Y/n! Below you! Something's attacking from underwater." Joseph yelled.

You grabbed the girl and began to haul ass to the boat.

"Y/n, hurry!"

"I-It's too far." Joseph stuttered.

"If it's distance then leave it to me." Kakyoin summoned Hierophant Green, and it's hand wrapped around your arm pulling you up.
The life tube below you went to shreds.

"It disappeared! It's a Stand! That thing is a Stand!"
"A seafaring Stand...I don't believe I've ever heard of such a thing." Avdol confessed.
You sighed and the group of five stood away from the girl eyeing her.
"Could she be the Stand user?" They whispered.
"Did she lure Y/n into the shark invested ocean on purpose?"

"W-What's with you jerks glaring at me like that?!" She took out a switch blade.
"I don't know what's going on but do you wanna fight?! Don't underestimate me! I'll take you all on!" You slowly put her hand down.

"My cat's so cool right?" You said throwing Copycat at her.

Copycat hissed and fell as she didn't catch him and looked at you oddly.
"Hey! How's Dio doing?" Avdol asked suspiciously.

"Dio? What the hell is that?"
"Don't act like you don't know you little brat!" Polnareff shouted.

She put the knife back up getting into a defensive stance. "You damn punks! Do you want to talk to me or do you want to get stabbed? Which is it! This demon blade is telling me what it wants the blood of it's 340th victim already."
You let out laugh, knowing that was a lie.

"I don't think it's her."

"Yes but...."

"So is this girl our stowaway?" The captain grabbed her by her shoulders. You cringed at his roughness when he pulled her arm hard enough from her to drop the switch blade.
"I'm pretty harsh when it comes to stowaways. You may be a girl but if I'm easy on you, we'll just get more and more stowaways." He said while Jotaro lit a cigarette.


"Captain, I'd like to ask you something. You've verified the identities of all ten of the men on board., right?" Joseph questioned and the Captain let go of the young girl.

"Of course. All of them are veterans who have been on this boat for over ten years. I'm not sure why you're so worried about that. By the way..." He walked up to Jotaro and took the cigarette from his mouth.
"I request that you refrain from smoking aboard this ship. What did you plan to do with the ashes and butt after you're done? Were you planning on throwing it out into the beautiful ocean? You're a guest on this ship, but I'll have you follow her rules. Mr. Outlaw." He then put the cig out on Jotaro's hat then put it in his jacket pocket.

The group gasped and you put your hands over your eyes, peeking through the slits.

The Captain walked away and Jotaro put his hands in his pockets. "Hold it. If you're going to put it out, just put it out. Don't be a condescending prick about it you jackass."

He turned around and Joseph intervened. "Hey, Jotaro! Don't be rude to the captain! You're the one at fault."

"Hmph..I'm very aware that I'm being rude. He isn't the captain....I just figured it out. He's the Stand user!"

"WHAT!?" You yelled in unison.

"Sta....nd? What might that be?"
Captain Dragon looked around confused.

"That's inconceivable, Jotaro. Captain Dragon came recommended with the verification by the Speedwagon Foundation. He's someone we could trust. There's a 0% chance he's a Stand user." Avdol gestured.

"Hold on a Stand? I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Polnareff spoke. "Jojo, random guesses will only make things more confusing!"

"Do you even have proof?" Kakyoin asked.
You shrugged. "Then again, I never had full proof that, that old man was the user. So if you think it's him trust your gut Jojo!"

"I've found a way to differentiate Stand users from other people." He replied.

"Ou how?!"

"If a Stand user inhales even a little bit of cigarette smoke, a vein pops up on the tip of their nose!"

All of you touched your nose, except for the young girl, Anne and the crew mates.

"You can't be serious Jotaro!" Polnareff yelled.

"Yeah, I'm lying." He confessed. And the so called "Captain Dragon" had his hand on his nose.
"But it looks like we've found the idiot."

The guy took off his hat and his eyes rolled back for a hot minute. "Very cold of you. Damn it."
"You're right I'm not the captain. The real captain is already sleeping with the fishes at the oceans bottom back in Hong Kong."

Jotaro pointed at him. "Then you can sleep at the bottom of Hell!"
He chuckled as his Stand grabbed the young girl near the railing.

"Damn it!"
The blue water Stand held her in place, standing on the railing.

Trouble on the water!
Lies and betrayal! The Moon card which suggests the fear of the unknown!
Stand Name: Dark Blue Moon!

"If I had tried to take six of you at once, even I'd break a bone or two. So I was going to hide my identity and take care of you one by one...but since you've figured me out I guess I have no choice to take on all five of you! Getting my hands on this girl is a sign that my luck is changing for the better! I'm going to jump into these shark infested waters with her. Of course you guys will follow us in. But in the water, where I have an higher advantage, I can beat all six of you!"

You laughed at his claim.
"Don't underestimate us by taking a hostage."

Jotaro spoke up. "Don't think that I, Jotaro Kujo will be shaken by this!"

"Underestimate? No, this is a prediction! But I did hear that your Stand Star Platinum is pretty damn fast. I'm not trying to brag, but my Dark Blue Moon is pretty fast in the water. It can swim more elegantly than any fish in the sea!"
Captain Tennille stood on the railing.
"Why don't we test them out? Follow me, if you're prepared to choke to death on all the seawater you're about to swallow." They jumped off and before they reached the water Star Platinum punched Dark Blue Moon into the sea and caught Anne.

You watched his body float away.
"You're the only one who's going to choke on seawater. Avdol say something." Jotaro said while putting his thumb down.
"You tried to out-predict me, a fortune teller..." He started.

You and Polnareff spoke in unison with a grin. "...But it's ten years to early for you!"

"He sure talking up his Stand's powers, but it looks like he was just an idiot." Polnareff said and Jotaro seemed to be struggling to pull Anne up.

"Jotaro, what's wrong? Hurry up and lift the girl!"

You looked over.
Barnacles spread on the side of the boat and on Star Platinum's hand.
"Acorn barnacles?"

"He's still planning on fighting. He attached them to me earlier when I hit him. And my Stands strength is being drained."

"Then withdraw your Stand!"

"I can't. Which is why I'm sweating way more then I want to right now!" He lost grip and fell.


You and Kakyoin summoned Hierophant Green and yours caught Anne and Kakyoin's missed Jotaro.

"This isn't good." Joseph confessed.

You pulled Anne up and a whirlpool began to form.
"That's humongous!"
"Where the hell is Jojo!?"
You summoned the copy of Dark Blue Moon.
"Let's save him!"

They also summoned their Stands.
You and Kakyoin touched the ocean first and your hands cut.
"These are scales!"

You looked at your hand. "The bastard made the whirlpool covered in scales!?"

"He wasn't bluffing when he said he could beat all six of us. This whirlpool is like a watery ant lion pit! It's possible we could die if we all dive in."

You all watched the pool. "Curses it's too reckless to act!" Avdol sighed.

Jotaro's body was seen for a moment before swirling back under.
"It's Jojo!" Kakyoin pointed.
"He was limp!"
Joesph put a hand on his hip. "Limp? He wasn't struggling at all? That might be a good thing."

You held the bar in anticipation hoping for the best.

The whirlpool came to a stop. And soon after Jotaro swam up for air.

You jumped and shook Avdol happily. "Jojo!"
"That's my grandson for you!"

Joseph got ready to throw a life tube and the boat rumbled.

"You've got to be kidding me-"
The middle of the boat blew up, and set off more bombs.

"That captain planted bombs!?"

"Hurry up and get the emergency boats out! We'll signal a nearby boat for help!"


The crew sat in one boat and you all sat in another.

You sat across Polnareff, petting Copycat.
The only noise was the conversation with Anne and Joseph.

Anne spit out the water Joseph had gave her and pointed.
"Everyone look!"

You looked up and your eyes widened. "Holy shit."


Okumaya devam et

Bunlarฤฑ da BeฤŸeneceksin

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