Forbidden Love- Akdha fanfic

By froootiii

5.9K 234 32

Can 2 arch enemies- Jodha and Jalal understand each other and fall in love? Highest Ranking: 1 in #akdha More

Who are you?
Confused Emotions
The masked man
The meet
Under the same roof
Who will win ?(Part-1)
Who will win?(Part-2)
A Step Closer
Will You Come With Me?
The beginning of our Love
What Have We Done ?
Let's Seperate

The Female knight

402 18 1
By froootiii

Jodha and Jalal were traveling to receive blessings since they were newly weds. Hamida wanted both of them to spend some time alone.

While returning they stopped for hunting,

"Shenshah, let's not go hunting. It's not good to kill small animals."

"Jodha begum, if you want ,you can come otherwise you can stay here"

By this time , everyone had gotten used to both of them fighting.

"How can I leave you alone? I will come with you."

"It will take my whole lifetime to understand you , Jodha" , Jalal said smiling looking at angry Jodha.

At one point, the troop spilt. Jodha and Jalal went together, deeper into the woods.

"Shenshah let's go back , I am getting scared."

That's when they heard , the roar , unknown to both of them this was a turning point for in their life. That night would be a night filled with troubles.

"Shenshah, that's a ..."


The tiger came in view. Now this was a perfect kill shot for Jalal. He pulled the trigger but the rifle didn't work, that's when he realized it was a matter of survival.

"Jodha begum, step back"

"Shenshah but.."

Jalal took out his small dagger he kept with him .

The tiger was about to pounce on Jodha but Jalal came and started wrestling with the tiger.

Jodha was scared as hell she wanted to do something.

On the other hand , Jalal managed to kill the tiger but he was wounded very badly.

Blood was gushing out with an alarming speed, and he was losing consciousness.

Jodha looked at Jalal's state and started crying.

She ran to him, " This is all my fault, I thought that you would kill a deer or some innocent animal so I removed the bullets"

Jalal smiled looking at her, " If the woods were  so safe , I would never carry a rifle.To fight a tiger you need another tiger."

Jodha looked at Jalal with sadness, " The tiger may be the king of the forest, but does it realize all the other animals are innocent why does it have to kill it?"

" Jodha begum that's the law of survival. It has to kill others to survive."

"But it creates fear in others animals."

"Maybe that's the cost of being a king, on this path you have to walk alone."

Suddenly the sky became dark, to make matters worse , it started pouring heavily.

Jodha managed to find a lake , she dragged Jalal's body and laid him on the stone. She poured water on his wounds.

"Ow..", Jalal cried in pain.

Jalal was losing consciousness in and out. He saw a woman, blindingly beautiful, fear marked her face, she was his wife , Jodha.

Jalal had never witnessed such care for him ever. Neither his numerous begums nor his badiammi took care of him like she was taking, inspite of hating him so much.

He heard her say, " It must be sad to walk alone, that's why he's so heartless cause no one has accompanied him. He has never experienced love."

Jalal felt tears flowing from his face, he didn't know why the sentence hurted him, but it was true he didn't have anyone beside him, who he could be walking hand in hand. He never understood love cause he never loved anyone, cause around him all he received was empty love, just words but no emotions.

"Shenshah we need to take you to Agra."

Jodha dragged Jalal's body under a tree, when a violent gush of wind started blowing, she saw Jalal shivering.

Jodha wrapped her arms around him, to keep him warm. Jalal saw fire in her eyes, if anyone tried to hurt Jalal , first they would have to cross Jodha"

Jalal loved the warmth. He didn't want her to leave. That's when he collapsed.

"Shenshah,open your eyes"

"Jodha begum, I always wanted to die like a soldier not like this. My begums, my mother I don't want them to cry over my death. Jodha.."

Jalal closed his eyes, Jodha was frantic, she wouldn't allow him to die , even if she had to fight the god of death herself she wouldn't allow him to leave her.

She found Jalal's horse, with a help of rope, she carried Jalal on her back, with one hand on Jalal's cheek to hold him in place and the other hand on the reins of the horse.

Atgah khan was searching was Jodha and Jalal.Darkness had already enveloped the sky , but there was no sign of Jalal or Jodha.

Atgah immediately ordered a search , and while going in circles he heard a female's voice, strong , sharp and commanding.

"Atgah saab"

He turned to see Jodha begum riding the horse with a severely wounded Jalal on her back .

"What happened Jodha begum?"

"There's no time Atgah saab, you need to send a letter to the hakim of Gwalior to immediately come, Jalal has been injured severely by a tiger. I will take him to Agra. Please, I beg you , do call the hakim fast."

Atgah knew Jodha and Jalal's marriage was a political one and it was  quite a common sight to see both of them arguing and fight with each other, but today was different.

He saw fear, care and maybe a spark of love in Jodha's eyes for Jalal. Atgah had never seen anyone care for Jalal so much except for Hamida. Atgah hoped that Jodha would help Jalal take right path.

"Don't worry Jodha begum, you go to Agra. I will send for the hakim."

On the way to Agra, Jodha was praying to Kanha. " Please let him be safe , please."

The road seemed endless, long but Jodha was relentless. Jalal felt a gush of wind and a soft feminine hand on his cheek.

Jalal knew he was on a horse and the rider was none other than Jodha. Jalal felt safe , so safe for the first time. He put his worries aside and clutched Jodha harder and rested his head on her shoulder.

After an hour, they reached Agra, everything happened in a hurry. Jodha saw all the begums crying. Hamida was angry at Jodha and Ruqaiya slapped Jodha.

But none of this mattered to Jodha, she ran to her room and prayed in front of her Kanha.

"Nothing should happen to Jalal. I beg you , nothing should happen to him."

Hamida saw Jodha crying. She felt bad for how she treated Jodha a while ago, but she had to keep Jodha safe.


"Ammijan, I.."

"I know Jodha you meant no harm. But I need to take you to a safe place. Many begums are angry at you knowing your the cause for this. More than Jalal your life is in danger. You're my daughter, I will keep you safe, come with me."

"No Ammijan, I won't go anywhere. It's my fault, all of this is my fault. But I won't hide, if by killing me, Jalal's life is saved then I am willing to do so. I don't want to leave him like this. I won't go anywhere." , Jodha said crying.

Hamida was taken aback by Jodha's words. A woman like Jodha was a gem , Jodha may not like Jalal but she was ready to give her life for him.

"As you wish Jodha.Take care."

Jodha went back to her spot, when she remembered about the same incident that had taken place in Amer with Sujamal.

She immediately prepared an ointment, and begged Hamida to put it.

Once it was applied, Jalal's health improved.

After a while-

"What do you mean Jalal is getting worse? You said the ointment worked.", Jodha heard Ruqaiya scream

"I did, but it's increasing Jalal's body temperature . He's has a high fever."

At the same time , the hakim from Gwalior entered.

He immediately examined Jalal, and asked the Royal hakim,

" Give me the ointment you applied on Jalal."

Once he smelled it ,
"This ointment, it's the correct antidote. Only one person can prepare this..."

And in front of him he saw his answer,
"Rajkumari Jodha, I didn't know you were the new Hindu begum of Shenshah. This is something I taught Jodha begum when I went to Amer. The fever  is because the poison is breaking. It's a good sign."

"Thank you Hakim", Ruqaiya told.

"Ruqaiya begum, you are thanking the wrong person, you need to thank Jodha begum."

Jalal opened his eyes, he saw everyone around him, but his eyes fell on Jodha. She must have told everyone about her fault.


"Shenshah, you can't have water, after a while we will give you. It's not good for you to take water now." , he heard Jodha's voice.

On the other hand, in Adham's room:

"Sharifuddin, let's say good bye to Jalal and come. That Jodha begum came in handy. She's the reason why Jalal is this condition, and those hakim's from Gwalior will never make it. I made sure to block their path.", Adham Khan said laughing.

"That's not going to happen anymore Adham.
Jalal has regained consciousness.", Sharifuddin replied with a frown.

"What do you mean Sharifuddin?"

"The main hakim came with Atgah and even if the hakim didn't come, Jalal's life would still be saved. Jodha begum made the antidote for him that saved his life."

Adham khan screamed, again his plan of getting the throne was gone.

Jalal's room-

Water was being given to Jalal and after listening to everyone, Jalal desperately wanted to rest.

He dismissed everyone, and asked Jodha to stay back.

"Jodha begum, please sit here"

Jodha sat next to Jalal. He saw her tired face, her eyes were swelled with tears , he saw that her wounds were not dressed.

"Shenshah, I am sorry all this is my fault.."

"Jodha begum, can you pass me the ointment."

Jodha bought the ointment,
"I will apply for you ."

"Jodha begum, sit down and give the ointment."

Jodha passed the ointment to Jalal. Jalal took Jodha's hand and applied the ointment on her wounds.

"Jodha begum, I know you meant no harm.I admire your bravery and persistence today to save my life. But you must also take care of yourself. If you will please raise your head."

There was a small gap between them. Jalal was applying the ointment on Jodha's forehead.
"Ow, it stings.."

Jalal started blowing over the wound. Jodha looked at him, she was mesmerized by his eyes, they were ..beautiful.

"I am happy that you are fine, really, I thought I would lose you , I am so happy that you are ok .." , Jodha said crying.

Jalal could feel a strange kind of happiness. He wanted to hug her and console her but he didn't know how Jodha would react.

"Jodha begum, I am here cause of you, so I request you to take care of me. I don't trust people easily but maybe I trust you a bit. So please stay ."

Jodha smiled, and hugged him by reflex. Jalal was stunned, he didn't know how to react. It was the first time he felt warmth in a woman's touch.

It took a moment  for Jodha to realize what she had done. She hugged Jalal.. oh god!!
"I am sorry, I.."

"It's fine, I will tell the maids to arrange another bed beside mine ."

"I will come after some time to give you medicines and I will bring my stuff." Jodha payed her respects and exited the room.

Something good had come out of this episode, Jalal knew Ruqaiya would be ballistic after hearing about this. He would deal with her later.

Jodha entered Jalal's room after some time.

The bed allotted to her was right in front of Jalal's bed. She saw Jalal sleeping peacefully in his bed.

"Shenshah,Shenshah,it's time to take your medicine."

Jalal woke up groggy and he saw his wife , with her hair open wearing a red lehanga and shawl. She looked ethereal.

"Your medicine, here"

Jalal took the medicine, he was very tired.

"You should go to sleep, good night Shenshah .", Jodha said with a smile.

"Good night Jodha begum."

He saw her walk to her bed and lie down . He closed his eyes, but after a while he opened it.
He turned to look at Jodha. She was sleeping so peacefully. With a smile on his face, he never realized when he went to sleep but  it was the most peaceful sleep he had ever had.
I hope you guys liked it!!

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