Perfectly Wrong For Me

By CalmDeniseWrites

449K 13.8K 10.5K

"Whatever you have that stupid grin on your face for, the answer is no. No smoking, no guns, none of your Maf... More

1. First Encounter
2. And, Action!
3. A-Hole
4. Lies, lies and more lies
5. He's back
7. How we met
8. Just Friends
9. Everyone needs a Val
10. Silly, Silly, Connor
11. Birthdays
12. Chapter Title: Unavailable
13. No panties
14. Eye contact is the key
15. Dinner With Stones
16. Rest in Peace
17. Attention: Secured
18. Wasted
19. My treat
20. Target guy sucks
21. Butterflies
22. Secrets revealed
23. Act natural: Failed
24. Wedding things
25. Married.. or not?
26. Heartbreaks
27. The L Word
28. Ride or die
From the Author

6. Craps

17.7K 542 514
By CalmDeniseWrites


Red or green? If I choose red, I'll look like I tried too hard. But if I choose green it'll look like I didn't try hard enough.

I hold both shirts up, staring at each one for a while before choosing red.

Since tonight I had to go with Dante to his casino opening as his fiancee, I at least wanted to look the part.

I put the shirt on with slightly baggy jeans and threw my black sneakers on. The shirt hugged my skin tightly but I had to wear it for tonight.  I open my room and step into the living room where Dante is sitting on the couch waiting for me. He is on his phone, legs slightly open as I stand in front of him.

I clear my throat to get his attention and he looks up from his phone. "Does this say fiance to the world's rudest casino owner or no?"

He puts his phone away and sits up. "Hell no."

"What do you mean, hell no? It took me ten minutes to decide which shirt goes with these pants. Not to mention it was thirty bucks."

He looks at the shirt more closely, "Thirty bucks? That shirt was thirty bucks?"


"From where? You must have gone to a fancy store. At the thrift store that would have been five dollars at the most."

"Seriously? You couldn't have told me this before I spent thirty dollars on it?"  I respond frustrated. Yes I was cheap. I will say that proudly.

"Either way, you're not wearing that right?"

I laugh, "I don't know who you think I am but I'll be damned if I have some man and especially you telling me what I can and cannot wear."

He stares at me, first looking as if he wants to put a gun to my head and blow my brains out but after a minute it switches to a smile.

He nods in understanding as he stands up and walks to me. I try to remain calm at his closeness. He bends his neck down and I feel his breath on my neck as he whispers, "Put a dress on, Diana. Don't make me ask twice, alright?"

After he says this he grabs his phone off the couch and walks towards the door, "I'll be in the car." He says before walking out.

I roll my eyes and scoff as I walk back to my room. "Stupid hot jerk." 

I go back to my closet and look at the very few dresses I have. One being one of Fiona's old dresses. I didn't quite know how that got in there. I am about to bring it to her but remember Lily is watching her for the night.

The only dress that seems acceptable for tonight is a long red dress Valentina had given me a few years ago as a birthday gift. It was an off the shoulder dress with a slit. I had tried it on once but never wore it.

I quickly take my shirt and pants off, replacing it with the dress and go to my mirror to see.

I hadn't dressed up in forever, so right now I was feeling good about myself. I knew I wasn't an ugly woman, sure I had moments where I hated myself and a few insecurities but who didn't.

With my red hair pushed back, anyone would be able to get a nice view of my breasts. I noticed the stress marks that were once all over them and my arms were gone and that filled me with a little more confidence.

I didn't have an hourglass body, but I was happy with it. I had nice c cup breasts and my ass was enough to work with. With my long legs Everything filled in pretty fine. Besides I needed to love my body, everyone else had treated it like shit.

After freshening up I grab my bag and turn the lights out. I walk out of the apartment. Locking the door before walking to Dante's car. He watches me intently as I walk up.

"Happy now?" I ask, sitting down in the passenger's seat."

He stares at me for a moment. His mouth opens as if he is about to say something but it closes back and he starts the car.

"You clean up nice, Ambrose." He says, facing the road as he begins to drive.

"Thank you." I take in his clothing and frown. "Why don't I get to wear a tee shirt and pants but you do?"

"I'm not. We need to stop at my house first. I'll change. Look for a few things and we'll go to my casino opening."


On the way to his house it is absolute silence. Only the sound of the passing cars can be heard and the occasional honks. I don't mind it though. It gives me time to think and prepare myself for tonight.

We soon reach a big house and I assume it is his. His house is in a small little neighborhood and  away from everything. There are no kids' bikes parked on the sidewalk. No arguing neighbors across the street. It's peaceful.

"Wow." I say, mouth agape as we get out of the car and walk to his front door. He unlocks the door and opens the door for me.

My mouth stays agape as I step inside. On the side of me is a set of gray stairs and on the other side is what looks like his living room. Picture frames all over the wall. Some of a baby, who looks to be at least less than a year. She looks almost identical as him. Same dark golden brown hair. Same grey eyes. And even the same small little birthmark on her cheek.

Must be his sister.

Looking around I see other pictures of him and a group of other people who must be his family. I smile as I see a picture of him and what I assume is his mother hugging.

They look so happy. I think to myself.

I've never got to have that. And it was all I really wanted. I just wanted a family that cared. I wanted to be able to sit down at Thanksgiving and listen to everyone talk. Or just even have a nice family dinner.

I follow Dante up the steps and into his room. He quickly goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. I don't know what to do so I just sit on his bed. He has a soft black blanket. The kind that makes you instantly want to go to sleep just by touching them.

Curiosity gets the best out of me and I lay back on the blanket.

Just trying it out, Diana. Nothing else.

Running my hand over the blanket, I begin to get comfortable as I lay on the bed.

Oh my God, it's so freaking soft!

I start to move up on the bed. Soon I am laying  on my stomach as my hands roam around on the blanket. And just as my eyes begin to close the bathroom door springs open and I immediately sit up.

"What the fuck are you doing?"  Dante asks. I realize that it looks like I was doing something else as my hair is out of place, my dress is slightly twisted and the blanket is fiddled with.

"No, no, no! I was not doing what you think I was doing."

He looks at me and back at the bed. Then he looks at me again, then the bed again before speaking, "Right."

He walks away and I follow him. I then notice he has changed into a black suit. A red rose sitting in the front pocket. I also noticed the multiple silver rings on his fingers and a necklace on his neck. It had a small picture frame hanging on it but I wasn't close enough to make out what it was. And as much as I hated to admit it, he looked damned good.

I wanted nothing more than for him to-

"I just need a few documents." He says cutting my thoughts off as we step into his office. His back is already turned to his desk as he searches.

I glance around at the many pictures and items he has in his office. I notice what looks like a small statue of a cheetah on his shelf and that peaks my interest.

"Don't touch anything." He says sternly just as I am about to pick it up.

He then turns around, shoving an envelope in his jacket he starts walking out of the office and I follow behind. Soon we are out of his house and back in the car.

On the way to the casino, Dante tells me it won't be a long drive as he lives near it. He also tells me how I should act. Since there will be important people there, including some of the other detectives.

"So basically act like your little puppy? I follow you around, act like I adore you and pretend I know anyone there, right?" I complain.

"Look Diana I need this. I've been working on this for five years. If I can get this casino to last longer than a few months I'll feel like I'm not a total waste of oxygen." Dante replies aggressively.

I stay silent. This obviously meant a lot to him and despite not liking him, I could at least do my job. He was paying me to act like his fiancee so that was what I was going to do.

We ride in silence for the rest of the drive. When we reach the casino I am completely shocked.

"Oh. My. God."  I say as we get out of the car.  I have the same expression as when I saw Dante's house.

It is absolutely beautiful. Beautiful bright lights shining on the top of the building, with the name, 'Coronal Casino'. It wasn't a high-rise building but more wide, making It seem like it took a large amount of space. The door entrance was a brownish, redish color as we stepped closer.

"Is that an unbelievable 'oh my gosh', or a disgusting 'oh my gosh'?" Dante asks, looking at the entrance as he rubbed his hands on his pants. His features had changed from the usual nonchalant expression to one of nervousness.

Is Dante nervous? The same asshole who didn't give a crap about what anyone thought of him, that Dante?

"Are you nervous, Dante?"

He still doesn't look at me as he responds, "What? No. Fuck no. Just a little hot. Man, did the weather go up or something?"

"It's like freezing out here, how are you hot? That reminds me I should have brought a jacket."

He finally turns to me, taking his suit jacket off, revealing a white dress shirt underneath. "Here. Put this on."

I push it away, "No. I don't want your jacket."

He pushes it back to me, "Put it on, I don't need it."

I push it back to him more forcefully, "No. I don't want your fucking jacket. I'll be fine. "

He pushes it back to me again, "Damnit Diana stop being so damn stubborn and put the fucking jacket on!" He shouts.

I flinch a little at his tone, memories of my childhood filling my head. I quickly push them away.

Tonight I will not think of them.

I finally put the jacket on. It is a bit bigger than me so I don't put it on all the way, only over my shoulders. Dante walks off a little. "Give me a minute." He stands on the side of his car and I avert my eyes, giving him space.

When he returns his signature grin is back, "Ready, baby?" He asks, pinching my cheek.

I return a fake smile, pinching his cheek as well, "Don't call me that."

He hooks his arm underneath mine as we walk in the casino. Noise surrounds us immediately as we step inside. Slot machines spin, games ding and dong, coins hit metal, there’s a pitter patter of the people running the games. It was  practically an adult version of Chuck E Cheese.

A man begins to approach us as we move forward. The first thing I notice about the man is his red eyes. Either he was very high or needed a doctor immediately.

As he gets closer I take in his features. He was tall and slim, his skin a russet, reddish-brown. He had curly medium length black hair that moved elegantly as he walked. He was also wearing a suit identical to Dante's, except he is actually wearing his suit jacket and has a dark blue shirt underneath.

"So you made it." Dante says, grinning at the man.

"Ah, come on, you know I wouldn't miss my boys' casino opening. " The man responds as they hug. They quickly let go.

"Micheal, Diana Ambrose. Diana, Micheal Collins." Dante says.

"So, is this the woman you were telling me about?" He asks, and his attention turns to me. He leans forward, whispering in my ear, "Don't worry, you don't have to pretend around me. I already know you guys aren't actually together." He smiles proudly as he leans back away from me.

Since he is the same height as me, I don't have to look up to see him. I lean forward, matching his actions and whispering back, "You ever get that close to me without my permission again, I will shoot your kneecaps." I smile proudly as I lean back away from him.

He looks at me with wide eyes, "You didn't tell me you were pretending to be engaged to a murder."

"Yeah she's a feisty one for sure."

No speaks again as a tall woman in jeans and a tee shirt approaches us.

As soon as I notice what she is wearing I immediately get mad, "What the hell? Why does she get to-"

"Don't fucking start, Diana." Dante interrupts, looking at her outfit.

"Janice Bundy." The lady says, shaking hands with all of us.

"Wait, are you related to Ted Bundy or something?" I ask before I am able to stop my mouth from asking such a stupid question.

"I was just about to ask the same thing." Micheal says, which makes me feel less stupid.

"Are you?" Dante asks

The woman smiles, "Yes. I am related to Ted Bundy."

The smile drops from all of our faces and is replaced with fear.

The woman laughs at our reactions, "Guys it's a joke. Just a joke. "

Despite being told this I am still unsure. Dante, Micheal and I laugh stiffly but fear is still evident on our faces.

When the woman begins to laugh louder, I slowly start to back away.

Dante and Micheal both quickly follow my actions. Stepping back slowly as the woman laughs. Once we are further enough away we turn around and walk away as fast as possible. We don't stop walking until we reach a slot machine.

"We can all agree she's a fucking phycopath right?" Dante asks and Micheal and I nod.

That was one of the strangest things I have ever encountered in my life.

Micheal and Dante start to talk and I begin to look around the casino while they do so.  I check out a slot machine just for fun. I put in a five and by the time ten minutes had passed I was banging the machine in anger after losing nearly fifty dollars.

"Why do I hear a bunch of winners all over here then! It's like this machine hates me or something."

"The ones you hear are fake, baby. I put them there to give people hope that they might win." I hear someone say behind me and immediately know who it is.

"I told you to stop calling me that. I'm not your fucking baby." I respond, turning around facing Dante.

"Come on." He says, ignoring what I said. He places his arm underneath mine. Dante leads us to a game of craps. At least thirty men are surrounded around the table playing. Some standing and others sitting.

When they see him approaching, Micheal tells the person sitting at one of the chairs to get up and they oblige. Dante sits down as he takes a cigarette out. He lights it  and puts the side that isn't lit, in the side of his mouth.

He frowns when he notices I am still standing. "Sit down baby. Let's watch these fuckers waste away their money." He says, patting his right leg.

People stare at me, waiting for me to sit on his leg. After a moment I sigh and walk towards him. I smile as I slowly take a seat on his leg.

As we watch the men play craps, shouting and dice rolling repeatedly is heard. When I move to get a little more comfortable Dante places his hand on my thigh where the slit is. His rings cold on my skin.

I try to not show him a reaction he is hoping for as he moves his thumb up and down slowly. My breathing starts to quicken slightly as his hands move up.

"How about you play,  Dante?" I hear a man suggest and Dante stops moving his hand. He takes a hit of his cigarette before responding

"I'm just watching today fellas."

"Ah come on, one time man! Just once." Another guy says.

All of them stare at Dante, waiting for his answer.

He is silent for a second before speaking, "One time?"


"The next roll of the dice has to be the number I choose?" Dante asks

The guy nods, "Yup."

He lets his cigarette out in an ashtray on the table and straightens up in the chair. "All of y'all owe me five dollars if I win."

They all cheer and dig in their pockets, each one of them placing a five dollar bill in the middle of the table.

"And what if you lose?" Asks a guy on the side of me.

Dante grins, "Then I don't have to kick y'all out of my casino."

Dante leans next to me and I shiver at his breath on my neck, "What number baby? Seven or eleven?"

I think for a moment. I've watched a lot of people on television with Fiona to know that most of the time it is always seven. But if I base my decision off of a show and he doesn't win that would be stupid. But if I choose eleven it's more likely it won't be right.

Just go with your gut, Diana.

"Seven." I finally say. "And don't call me that."

Dante repeats my answer and the 'shooter' rolls the dice. It almost feels like the dice rolls in slow motion as we all watch the dice move. I turn away when I see three.

Damnit Diana!

"It's seven!" The guy on the side of me shouts.

I quickly turn back to the dice and my eyes widen at the seven little black dots on the dice.

"I was right!" I cheer happily as the people around us shouts. The men that put their money out groan in disappointment.

Dante looks at me in shock "How did you know that?" 

I smile and play it cool. Shrugging nonchalantly I reply, "Lucky guess."

As Dante collects the money from the table I get up from Dante's leg.  "I'm going to the bathroom to freshen up." Dante nods and orders Micheal to go with me.

I roll my eyes as Micheal follows me to the restroom. He stands outside and I quickly use the bathroom, freshening up my makeup before walking back out. When I step out,  I bump into Dante.

"You know it's kind of creepy to stand this close to the women's restroom right?"

He digs in his pocket and I look at what he has in his hand confused, "Why are you giving me the money you just won?"

"Wouldn't have gotten it without you, Diane."

I shake my head, waving the money away, "No, no, I can't take that."

"Why the hell not?"

"It's yours. You earned it. "

He tries to give It to me again and I push it away again, "Diana take the money."


He steps forward, "Take the money."


He holds my hand open and puts his hand in, and when he leans in like he is about to kiss me my eyes go wide. My heart starts to speed up as he leans in and I close my eyes.

"Thank you, baby." He kisses my cheek instead and before I can process it he is gone.

I look down at my hand and see the wad of money. "Sneaky son of a bitch!" I shout as he walks away.


Hey to the most wonderful people in the world!

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and if you did please, vote, comment and share!

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