Mercy An F!god error fan fict...

By soulessbeing72

343 30 26

This is basically just a giant shipping book but there's a lot of spelling mistakes don't be afraid to point... More

The voices and an offer
A big mistake
The meeting
The deal and some smut for dirty sinners
The nursery
Inks visit
Gender reveal
Birthday and a proposal
Married and some family time
New babys

A welcome suprise

30 2 0
By soulessbeing72

This takes lace about a month later afte the last chapter so paperjam is 5 months old now

Swaps POV
"Swap you bitch get in here" I heard error scream my name from the bathroom oh shit what did I do. I go over to the bathroom to error looking angry upset and happy all at the same time I couldn't understand until he handed me something it was a positive pregnancy test I was surprised "are you-" he shook his head. I smiled "that's great ruru" he smiled sitting on the bathroom counter "I guess nightmare got what he wanted huh" he giggles."but I have on concern hoe do I do my job when I pregnant this couldn't be safe at all for the baby" he frowned "hey hey it's ok"I say smiling softly. I ponder for a moment "how the hell did this happen we aren't active right now" error takes a deep breath "the night of the Halloween party" he blushed deeply as we both remembered what happened.

Flash back to about 2 weeks ago
Error has been so stressed I decided we should go to the party outer was throwing after all error and outer we're friends and ink wasn't going to be there. When we arrived error decided to drink as much as he could because he wasn't going to be getting drunk anytime soon with pj so he was goin to take any chance he can is what he told me. A few hours into the party error was pretty drunk and was wanting to go home he was getting annoyed we were both drunk and since we teleported here we would just teleport wrong and that's how we got here. Me on top of error with him moaning messily as I sucked on his neck. He was drunk and we hadn't had sex in a while we both missed it but with paperjam and the threat of ink we weren't really thinking about it or indulging in it more shroud I say because error would make subtle hints the whole time we weren't active. But here we were ready to have fun since paperjam was with horror tonight we both wanted to just party and take our minds off all the stress. Here error was under me begging for me to take him already and well I wasn't apposed I missed his body anyway.
A bit later cause no full on smut I have other books for that
Error was nearly passed out in my arms we were cuddling after the fun we had. I smiled "I love you" he hummed "I love you to" and he fell asleep soon after.

Back to present time
Errors POV
"You fucking did this" I hissed stop swap holding paperjam sitting on the bed "I know" swap muttered "your telling everyone what you did" swap blushed. What can't you do it I don't want nightmare to yell at me" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "It's babies your the father of this baby and your the one who said you wanted another one announce it for me" I said as swap took a deep breath "fine but when they notice your stuck in a female ecto-body their gonna realize it for themself" he says. "Well then that's great but your still setting the facts straight" swap sighed "fine but only because I love you ruru". We walked out of the room me carrying paperjam and swap infront of us "can't we just not tell them" he said "no your telling them" I said as we went to the living room where everyone was already since it was early morning and they were all eating breakfast. "Morning guys" I said sitting down at a place on the couch. As always horror something was off he could tell when anything changed almost immediately and his eyes lit up "your having another baby" he asked as everyone else wa sin shock except swap and I swap speaks up "yeah we are" he said before going quite again. Nightmare came out front he kitchen he was making breakfast to was normal he was an early bird and he ran the house "excuse me but did I hear they correctly" swap seemed a bit worried when he replied "yeah you did-". Nightmare smiled "you guys must go had fun that night then" he chuckled "dad nows not the time for that" I replied "another baby I think he castle really" dust spoke up sarcastically in a joking manner. "Believe me we weren't expecting this either" I said looking at swap who looked nervous. Killer also looked at swap "so you got my brother pregnant" (family dynamic go brrrrrr) . "Yeah-" swap said awkwardly killer continues to glare at him "don't do it again after this one" he said bluntly as both and and swap blushed "again?!" We said it in unison we obviously had no intentions on a having third kid. "I would lt be surprised if it happened again after all error you fucking last forever as made evident by that night" dust said as I blushed  even brighter  "we're not fucking having more kids I'm not doing it" I hissed out.  "Jeez I'm just saying" dust said as cross finally decided to speak up "so now there's two kids" he said blandly obviously still tired "yeah..." swap replied. Nightmare decided to chime in again "as happy as I am to Sheba mother grand baby this summer dangerous for both error and the baby with his job" I cringed "yeah we were already worried about that". Nightmare frowned "we know it's Necessary but be careful error we both know what could happen" he had worry in his voice.  I set pjs down on the couch as he crawled over to horror who was also sat on the couch he had started crawling recently which was cute and happy and a good thing to keep our mind off the stress,but him being able to move brought worry when we looked away.
I set my hand on my stomach "I'm sure we can work something out with ink he's reasonable now he isn't angry anymore" I said trying to be hopeful. "I'm sure your right" swap said smiling sitting down by me putting his hand on my thigh. "Stop being lovey dovey it's to early" cross said annoyed. "Yeah yeah" I replied giving swap a kiss to annoy cross. And with that swap moved his hand from my thigh to my stomach we could do this right yeah of course we could we have family to help us. Swap rubbed my stomach "I love you ruru~" he wa doing this to tease cross he got annoyed when I showed any affection to my lovers. I just set my head on his shoulder "mm love you to" I hummed.

Time skip to a few hours later
Paperjam was showing early signs of talking this was great we wanted him to talk. T would be nice if he talked early so we could know what he wanted because this baby was difficult sure he is my son but he's picky. And knowing what he wants would be great and that's when it happened his first words when I was just knitting "m-mama" my face lit up "aww pj this we're your first words let's go tell daddy (swap) he'll be so happy" I didn't even care he called me mama i was fine with it after all I was technically a mom huh? I walked out of the bed room and out to the loving room pj had just woke up from a nap and I was cuddling him for a bit before we went out tot he living room where swap was. "Babe you'll never  believe what just happened" I said walking over to swap who was on his phone on the couch "and what happened?" He replied with a smile "pj said his first word" swap was in shock "he did what was it what did your little boy say" I smiled "he called me mama". Swap smiled "that's great now come to daddy pj" I gave swap paperjam "he's learning and growing  so fast" I smiled nearly crying my little boy was growing up it felt like yesterday I found him. "It feels like just yesterday we welcomed him to the family" I said "hey they grow up fast you know that" he said holding on up to his chest smiling. Paperjam patted his face "I know but I don't want him to grow up this fast" I said giggling at paperjam. Nightmare came in the room "lunch is ready I think you should eat also good job buddy you said your first words" he said I guess he heard us talking  about him the kitchen and living room are put next to each other anyway. "Alright I suppose I am a bit hungry" I reply smiling softly.

that's the end of this slightly horny yet wholesome chapter

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