Agent 007 (A Steve Rogers x R...

By smellslikehotgorlshi

87.3K 2.4K 883

Currently being edited/rewritten. (Chapters with written numbers {e.g. One} have been edited, actual numbers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Books by Annabelle

Chapter 21

1.7K 56 10
By smellslikehotgorlshi

**Hello, I loved writing this chapter. That is all. 

A couple weeks later, YN was sitting in the conference room, casted leg up on a chair, her crutches leaning against the wall opposite. Bucky sat in front of her, head cocked and eyes narrowed.

"You are not taking that cast off by yourself." He said, rolling his eyes.

"I won't be doing it by myself, I'm asking you to just, ya know, rip it off." Bucky grimaced and shook his head.

"Ain't no way, princess. Sorry." He scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "I know you're only asking me because the only other person strong enough will give you the disappointed eyebrows." YN widened her eyes dramatically.

"So, you've seen them too!" She said, pointing a finger at her friend. "I thought they were reserved for me." YN rolled her eyes as Bucky chuckled.

"Considering I'm the one who taught him the expression, I'd say it's reserved for anyone who acts before they think." Bucky shook his head again. "You know you remind me a lot of Steve back in the thirties. He was so reckless, getting into fights with men twice his size." Bucky grimaced. "His Ma and I would spend most of our evenings using gauze she had swiped from the hospital to clean his wounds." He said, looking up into YN's eyes. "Don't get me wrong, he still is a reckless idiot. But at least now he has a minimal risk of breaking a bone by falling on his ass." YN laughed at that, throwing her head back.

Calming down, YN placed a hand on Bucky's knee. "He was, and still is, lucky to have you, Buck. You're a great friend." Bucky's cheeks reddened slightly at the attention before he cleared his throat and stood from the chair.

"I know what you're doing." He commented. YN feigned innocence with a confused look. "Trying to butter me up so I can help you with that cast. It's a no, YN. You're only in it for three more weeks, you'll be fine."

YN grumbled as Bucky helped her stand, sliding her crutches under her arms. "Fine, maybe Tony will design something to take it off." Bucky sighed, watching her hobble out of the room. YN limped into the kitchen eyes scanning the room to see if she had any company. Deeming it clear, YN moved toward the cupboard to sneak one of Sam's hidden cookies.

Hand halfway in to grab her second cookie, one already hanging from her mouth, YN was startled by a voice. "Well, look has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Literally."

"Stark, no one will hear from you ever again if you tell Wilson." YN snarled, shoving the remainder of her cookie in her mouth.

"Woah, no need for violence, Agent." Tony muttered; hands lifted into the air. "What's with the attitude anyway?"

YN turned her glare on Tony quickly. "This fucking cast has to be on for three fucking weeks. And I am fucking over it."

"Noted." He said, pouring himself a glass of whiskey and lifting the glass in YN's direction. "Drink?"

"I'm not supposed to, I'm on pain killers." YN murmured, lips pursed.

"One drink isn't going to kill you, YN." YN agreed, accepting the drink that Tony handed her. "So, where's lover boy?"

"Out, I guess." YN muttered, shrinking down in her chair and taking a large gulp from her drink. "Did F.R.I.D.A.Y get anything else from the data we got from Grayson's?" Tony shook his head, making YN huff and take another big sip.

"Don't drink that too fast, if you're on pain killers. You'll be drunk on one drink." Tony chastised.

"Perfect." YN grumbled, downing the drink in seconds.

"Hey!" A voice called, making YN look to the door. "No alcohol whilst you're on meds." Steve frowned, walking over to grab the glass from her hand.

"Tony said I was allowed." YN pointed to Tony, making him scoff and throw his hands up.

"Dibber Dobber." He grunted, earning a laugh from YN. "Since we are on the topic of throwing people under the bus, Bucky mentioned something about you wanting him to rip that cast off of your leg?" Tony raised an eyebrow making YN glare at him and drag a thumb across her throat, mouthing "You're dead."

"You what? YN, why would you want that?" YN sighed as Steve gave her the famous disappointed eyebrows.

"Because I'm sick of it. It's itchy, heavy and annoying." She grunted, smacking a hand onto the cast.

"It's only three more weeks, YN." YN rolled her eyes, lifting herself from the chair.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." She muttered, as she reached for the crutches. Leaning to far over, her foot slipped and she tumbled to the ground, neither man close enough to stop her. YN laid still as Steve and Tony rushed to her side. "You can put me out of my misery now. I won't be mad." She whispered, closing her eyes. Nodding to Tony to lift her back to her chair, Steve waved him from the room. Tony rolled his eyes but left anyway, snagging his drink as he passed.

"What's the real reason you're upset?" Steve asked, sitting on the coffee table in front of her.

YN opened her eyes, the glassiness of them shocking Steve. "I feel so useless with this thing on. I can't do anything. Coulson is sick of me wallowing by his bedside, so I can't even do that now." YN sighed, lifting a hand up to run it through her hair.

"So, you're bored?" Steve questioned, a smile on his lips.

YN looked up, staring into his blue eyes blankly. "Obviously. You have been busy all week, Sam and Bucky have been in and out on missions, Parkers at school. Everyone else has their own shit to do. The only person that's actually here all day is Bruce, and I'm not sure he enjoys me snooping around his lab."

Steve sighed, reaching for YN's hand. "How about I take a couple weeks off? Then they'll only be a week left and Parker will be out of school for the semester."

YN narrowed her eyes at Steve. "Are you asking me to babysit the kid?" He chuckled, helping her stand.

"No, but I know you two get along well. So, I thought you'd enjoy annoying him for the week." Steve responded, grabbing YN's crutches for her.

"So, I'm annoying now?" YN asked, her lip curled slightly.

"The best kind of annoying." Steve winked, making the woman laugh.


YN and Steve were together on Steve's couch a few days later, both enjoying some time off from missions. They had a movie playing in the background, but they were both much more interested in the way their lips moved together. YN was leaning against the arm of the chair, Steve in between her spread legs resting on his knees.

Bringing his hands up to grab a fistful of YN's hair, Steve pulled at it gently making her head tip back so he could get better access to her mouth. YN moaned softly, the sound being eaten up by Steve. Moving herself to rub against Steve's leg, YN breathed out another sound of ecstasy.

Pulling away, a very flustered Steve caught his breath. YN whined in annoyance trailing her hands down his chest. "Why's you stop?" She whispered, arching her back slightly.

"You're leg, YN. We can't" YN frowned before rolling her eyes.

"C'mon, it's my leg, not my back." She grumbled. "I wouldn't be opposed to you blowing that out too, though." Steve's face scrunched in confusion as he leant down to kiss his girl.

"I don't even know what that means." He laughed, moving away from YN, to stand to his full height.

YN laughed before thinking for a moment. "Me either, really." Her statement making them both snort with laughter.

Watching Steve stretch his body, YN felt her chest fill with butterflies. She had never felt so at home with someone before. Steve was her safe place, somewhere she could be completely herself without fear of judgement. Her stomach tightened at the sentiment. She'd never had this before, this wholesome feeling of safety. Steve looked down at the swooning agent, blinking his crystal blue eyes. YN couldn't look away, her own eyes attached to the depths of his baby blues.

"Jesus." She whispered, making Steve question her. "I'm so fucking in love with you."

Steve laughed, leaning down again to press a loving kiss to her lips. "And I am so utterly in love with you. I don't know what I did so right to deserve you."

YN sniffled, tears threatening to expose her overwhelming emotions. "Such a sap." She whispered with her own chuckle.

Steve helped a groaning YN up from the couch, the woman voicing her unwillingness from being moved. "C'mon," Steve started. "Let's go for a walk outside, get some fresh air."

"Ugh," YN groaned again, slipping the crutches under her arms. "But that means people. The only people I want to talk to right now, are here in this room." Steve rolled his eyes, strolling slowly toward the exit.

"Sam's out there." Steve said, knowing it'd get the agent moving faster.

"Fine, but only because he understands my jokes better than you and Bucky." She commented, perking up as she hobbled into the elevator. Steve sighed, a scowl on his face. "What? Not my fault you're an old man."

Sighing again, Steve replied; "You spend too much time with Tony." Making YN release a loud laugh. As they exited the building and moved around to the side of the compound, they saw Bucky and Natasha laughing together looking toward the sky. Steve would never admit it, but seeing Bucky smile always warmed his insides. The man had gone through so much shit in his life, he deserved some laughter.

Looking toward the sky, YN and Steve saw Sam and Tony hovering about sixty feet in the air, lining themselves up. Noticing the two newcomers, Bucky filled them in. "Their trying to see who's tech is faster."

"Aren't they both Stark Industry tech anyway?" YN commented, remembering Tony had upgraded Sam's original wings a few years back.

"Yeah, well Tony's the dumbest smart person I know so." Nat said, making the three others laugh in agreeance. The four grounded friends watched Sam and Tony ready themselves, Natasha letting off a blank shot from her gun to signal the start of their 'race'.

"I think Sam's got it." Bucky said followed by a scream of enthusiasm toward his boyfriend.

"Ooh, Tony's gaining on him." Nat said, as Tony did in fact get close to the back of Sam. Looking back, Sam laughed before angling himself with the wind and kicked on his boosters, soaring away from Tony, who's suit was at full capacity.

"Samuel is the winner!" YN yelled as the two returned to the ground, Sam with a gigantic smile whilst Tony had a look of defeat painted on his face.

"Alright what do I win?" Sam laughed, leaning onto Bucky after his wings folded away.

Bucky pressed a loud kiss to his cheek, making everyone groan in faux disgust. "There you go, baby."

Sam laughed, grabbing Bucky's waist and swopping him down making a chuckle bubble out of the older man's chest. "Oh, baby. For a win like that, I'm gunna need more than a smooch." Everyone groaned in real disgust this time, turning and walking away from the laughing men.  

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