Fated (Mikaelsons+Saltzmans)

By Panda_Squad01

79K 1.8K 287

(On Hold) The Mikaelson twins and The Saltzman twins are soulmates, that's all I can say 😆 *mature content*... More

Cast 2
"Not and update... but important"
C1-{~Guess Who's Back~}
C2-{~Wouldn't Miss It~}
C3-{~Get The Hint~}
C4-{~Happy Birthday~}
C6-{~My Name, A Tattoo In Your Skin~}
C8-{~Welcoming Mistakes~}
C9-{Mistakes and Confessions~}
C10-{~Chaotically Cute~}
C11-{~Small Chat~}
C13-{~Road Trip~}
C14-{~On Our Way To The Fair~}
C15-{~Welcome to The Fair~}
C16-{~The Fair is a Fun Place~}
C17-{~Hosie at the fair~}
C18-{~Weird things are meant to happen at the fair~}
C19-{~romantic date with destiny~}
C22-{~Promise? Promise~}
C23-{~The Bond Have Been Completed~}
'New Story'

C20-{~Did Someone said HOSIE?~}

1.7K 51 7
By Panda_Squad01

*No one's Pov*

-the same night-

While doing the spell the girls can feel their bodies being pulled towards each other. The feeling of the spell is something indescribable for them. They don't know if is actually gonna work but all those thoughts go away once their lips are against each other.

Josie can taste Hope's strawberry lipstick and is addicting, Josie thinks about how soft Hope's lips are. Josie will never be able to touch the clouds but she doubts that the clouds are softer than Hope's lips and that combined with Hope's lavender scent is like being in heaven for her.

Hope on the other hand is completely lost in Josie's scent. Josie's sweet scent makes Hope feel like she's in heaven, she doesn't know how to describe it but she knows Josie's scent makes this kiss even better. Aside of course from Josie's pouty lips, Hope can taste Josie's berry lipstick combined with her own and she can't get enough of Josie's soft lips.

The kiss is passionate, yet slow. Is like they are putting every emotion into this kiss, is not their first kiss but is the first one that isn't destroying anything around them. They could feel the ground shaking at the start but then it stopped and everything was about each other's lips.

Sadly for them, they have to breathe. So, once air becomes necessary, they slowly pull away. Josie's hands are resting on Hope's waist while Hope's hands are on Josie's neck. Their foreheads are together and they are breathing heavily.

After a moment of staring at each other and feeling each other's breathe become normal the silence is broken.

"Wow," they say at the same time, which causes them to giggle. "That was" Josie stops because she can't find the right words for it. "Amazing, awesome, indescribable" Hope helps Josie to find a word. "Yeah, all that," Josie says with a smile. "I'm happy it worked" Hope admits. "I couldn't go one more day without kissing you" Hope adds and Josie suddenly remembers how Hope was teasing her earlier.

Josie gains some confidence and takes Hope by surprise when she kisses her again. Josie captures Hope's lower lip and bites it making Hope let out a sound, just when Hope deepens in the kiss, Josie pulls away and then smirks.

"Hey" Hope complains. "That was for teasing me early" Josie tells her with a grin. "Such a tease" Hope sighs.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Josie speaks again.

"Should we get going" Josie asks and then Hope remembers that she has planned something else.

"Are you sleepy already" Hope ask. "Not really, I slept on the way here, so I'm not really that tired" Josie tells her. "Are you sure is 10 or 11 already, I don't really know I never check the time. The point is, I don't want you losing sleep" Hope asks just to be sure. "Yes Hope, you know me. I'm not sleepy" Josie assures.

"That's great now, you miss are having a date with me" Hope suddenly tells Josie, whose eyes go comically wide. "What" Josie ask. "Yeah let's go," Hope tells her making her walk just a little bit more. "But is really late" Josie blurts out and Hope stops walking. "I know but I didn't want to wait anymore. I know you kinda need time before being my girlfriend but that doesn't mean I can't take you out on dates, I wanna do something different so why don't take you out on a date in the middle of nowhere (on the beach) at midnight. But you know what forget it you're rig-" Hope starts saying but is cut off by Josie's index finger on her lips. "No-uh, you already planned this and I'm not saying I don't want to go on a date with you I was just surprised ok. Now let's go. I don't wanna miss our first official date" Josie tells her with enthusiasm and Hope smiles widely.

They arrive at an X, a mark so Hope didn't get lost, Josie's confused but the confusion goes away once Hope puts down the invisibility spell that she casts.

"Wow Hope this is.. wow," Josie says while looking at the things that Hope prepared.

(Imagine the forte just a little taller and larger without the pillows under it)

Imagine this under the little forte in the first image, but just with the blanket and the pillows. Imagine a bigger blanket and only white pillows... I'm not good at describing things lol)

There are trays with different food on the sides. Josie's favorite foods to be specific and some of Hope's. The place is beautiful, it is dark so the light all around the place is perfect.

"How did you do this. We haven't been here for long because we were at the fair" Josie exclaims.

Hope chuckles while looking at Josie's reaction. "I have my ways," Hope says. "Let's get this date started, shall we" Hope ask her "we shall" Josie answers, and then Hope leads Josie under the forte (also known as a little house by me lmao). Hope sits Josie by her side and then looks at her.

"I thought about the food earlier, well you only ate at McDonald's today, so why not have some of your favorite foods. Also, there are some of your favorite snacks and drinks" Hope pauses. "But that's not everything" Hope explains and Josie is just looking at her with love eyes. "I prepared a movie," Hope tells her making the rest of the things appear. "I thought it would be kinda boring if we just eat so why not eat while watching OUR movie" Hope finishes explaining and Josie just smiles like an idiot then hugs Hope who's taken aback but answers the hug a few seconds later.

"So, we are watching Brave" Josie asks (Disney movie y'all). "Yessss" Hope slowly says.

Soon Josie is cuddling with Hope.

Hope feeds Josie as if she was a little kid and Josie just smiles at Hope's little gestures. Hope isn't the most social person but she sure has things to say to the characters in the movie and Josie can't help but laugh at Hope's childish behavior. They also make little talks about the past and also why Brave is their favorite movie.

Josie says is because Mérida is one of the only two Disney princesses who doesn't need a prince to rescue her and also in Josie's eyes, Mérida is the gayest bitch in the whole of Disney's existence. But the thing Hope doesn't know is that Brave is Josie's favorite movie because it reminds her of a certain red-head girl who she's head over heels for.

Hope's reasons aren't that different tho, Hope feels like Mérida is the only really independent princess in the whole Disney but that's obviously after Elsa.. yes her favorite movie is Brave but she can't deny that Elsa from frozen movie is a character who makes your gaydar go wild.

She also likes Brave because Mérida is protective of her family and it kinda reminds her of how she would do anything to protect her loved ones. And last but not least Josie. Mérida reminds her of Josie, not because of her physical appearance obviously but because of the way she cares for others, and well... Josie surely doesn't need a man to be who she is supposed to be.

The whole time throughout the movie Hope can feel herself staring at Josie's neck, most of the time is unconsciously and this makes her find it weird but she just lets it slide.

When the movie ends the girls have already finished eating and they are laying down on. Josie's resting her head on Hope's chest while Hope has her arms around Josie.

"Be my girlfriend" Josie suddenly blurts out and Hope's eyes go 'memeble' wide. "W-what," Hope asks because she thinks she might be hearing things. Josie pulls her head up just enough to see Hope in the eyes. "Hope Andre Mikaelson I think I've made you wait enough and I've waited enough. Would you, beautiful,  please be my girlfriend" Josie ask with a firm tone of voice. Hope looks at her deep in the eye and once she notices that she's not hearing things, she crushes her lips with Josie's. Josie is quick to respond to the kiss and once they pull away Josie speaks up. "I'm guessing that's a yes" Josie says with a smirk. "Of course, it is" Hope whispers loud enough for her to hear and then kisses Josie again.

The kiss started slow but then it starts getting rough and more passionate but not normally passionate is like they can't get enough of each other and that's because a kiss isn't enough anymore...

Hey guys I'm back. I hope you liked the new chapter. I really don't know how to describe things so sorry if this wasn't romantic enough.. also next chapter is a Hosie chapter too, I guess you guys can imagine what it'll be about 😉. Also, don't worry there are chapters for Jax and Lizzie too. Sorry for the grammars mistakes is really late and I'm too lazy.

Have a good one guys and take care.

-A 😄

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