Mercy An F!god error fan fict...

By soulessbeing72

343 30 26

This is basically just a giant shipping book but there's a lot of spelling mistakes don't be afraid to point... More

The voices and an offer
A big mistake
The meeting
A welcome suprise
The deal and some smut for dirty sinners
The nursery
Inks visit
Gender reveal
Birthday and a proposal
Married and some family time
New babys


40 3 5
By soulessbeing72

Ah yes baby pj gets to met his uncles and grandpa
Error and swap were standing outside the castle error holding baby pj today was the day to explain the mess his sons existence is. Error walked into the castle blue in toe walking straight to the thrown room. "Hey boss" error addressed nightmare sitting atop the throne in the thrown room. Nightmare nodded "hello error" he blinked for a moment "when did you have a baby did you and swap finally have a kid" nightmare chuckled. Error blushed "no dad we didn't this is paperjam he's a fusion of mine and inks magic" and with that nightmare got off the throne to go say hi to the infant he would most likely be calling his grandson. Nightmare smiled kneeling down infront of the infant and error "well he's cute cute isn't he" nightmare smiled he wasn't as cold as you'd think he'd be no he thought of his gang as family and if this kid was errors it was his grandson. "How old is he?" Nightmare asked standing back up infront of error holding his hands out to take the child which error complied with "he's 4 months as of yesterday". Nightmare smiled studying his grandson he looked so much like his son he held his grandson close. "He looks so much like your error" nightmare looked at error " when did you get him?" Error had tot hunk for a moment "it's been about a week since I got him" error smiled looking at swap taking his hand in his and smiling seeing as how gentle nightmare was with his son.  And with that horror walked I tot he room and immediately noticed error was back and had a child was in nightmares arms. He walked over "hi error!" He was excited error hadn't been around much lately "hi horror" error addressed him horrors face lit up "is that your baby?" Error smiled and giggled a bit he knew horror loved kids. "He sure is and if dad lets ya of course you can hold him"  nightmare reluctantly held the baby over to a very excited horror. As soon as pperjam was in horrors arms horror was in awe and holding the baby sitting down on the ground  basically cuddling the baby. "He's so cute" horror was still in awe of the baby "what's his name" horror looked up at error who was smiling softly "it's paperjam swap named him"  horror smiled.
Time skip
Five minutes later paperjam had gotten hungry and somehow horror had ended up feeding him mainly bar due he soundly put the baby down. Nightmare and error were talking and swap was over with horror talking to him about the baby. Paperjam had finished his bottle and fell asleep in horrors arms now error did plan on spending about a week at the castle anyway so paperjam could be around his family and ink wouldn't bother them. But horror was already attached so if they had left today and hadn't come back horror would of been upset so they are gonna stay wether they planned to or not and this was a plus error don't have o worry about his son he had people to watch him while he did his job. Swap went back over to error who was still talking with nightmare in the thrown room. Error smiled when swap pulled him into a hug "where's pj?" Error asked "he fell asleep and I don't wanna wake him and horror seems fine holding the sleeping little one" he smiled as he responded. It was peaceful for a bit no interferences it was a lowly day so far.

Horrors POV cause yes
I was cuddling the baby he was so cute when dust walked in the room. "Hi sweetie" he said to me noticing the baby colony his head to the side as of to ask who the kid was "hi dusty this is errors son paperjam isn't he so cute" my eyes darted over to him smiling widely he smiled back going over tot he couch I was sit to my on sitting next to me when he did I set my head on his shoulder. "He sure is babe" I smiled " can we have our own baby someday" I looked at dust he was blushing he looked deep in thought  "maybe sometime later babe". I frowned a bit "you said that months ago dusty" he sighed "I know I just don't know I don't want you to be in pain and I don't know if I'm ready" I showed a sorta sad smile " that ok I'm sure your ready and I'll be fine if I did get pregnant" he smiled "alright babe". Soon enough paperjam woke up my eyes lit up again "aw dusty look he's awake"    Dust smiled. "I can see that babe" he smiled softly "let's go see error he brought swap" dust smiled "alright".
Time skip again errors POV again
Everyone had met paperjam we were watching a movie in the living room horror was killer we're playing with paperjam they weren't really watching the movie they just wanted to spend time with the baby. I was just cuddling swap watching the movie making sure to check on paperjam every few moments. I was watching the movie periodically i just had to watch paperjam. I had fallen asleep about halfway through the movie from what swap told me so we went to bed.
Time skip next morning
I woke up to paperjam crying he was hungry aw great let's hope he didn't wake anyone else up. I got up out of bed to go get paperjam and to head to the kitchen to make him a bottle. As I did I noticed  swap was up he had also woken up "you know I can take care of him ruru" he smiled softly "alright" I got back into bed after handing paperjam to swap and he went to go make him a bottle I decided to check my phone. It was only 6 am wow that early for him he's normally pretty good at sleeping though the night. Whatever I thought as I went back to sleep.
Swaps POV
I wa sin the kitchen making paper jam a bottle not much a normal thing for baby's I mean if I'm gonna date error I need to help out with the kid anyway. "Here we go pj" I smiled giving paperjam his bottle and he took it I went over and sat down on the couch feeding him. I ceddled him in my arms as he ate I would head back to bed when he was done or not it depends on the time. I took my phone out of my pocket "Jesus it's 6 am already" I thought to myself I smiled not thinking much of it he was an infant after all he gets hungry.  When paperjam fnsihed his bottle I burped him and decided I would just play with him after all everyone else would be up soon why would I go back to sleep now? That's when I remembered I ha fyp meet up with ink and dream today well shit I guess I had to go wake up error. So I went up to the bedroom and woke him. "Hey ruru I know you want to sleep but I've gotta meet up with ink and dream today around 7 ok" he smiled softly yet tiredly "that's fine do what you gotta do babe" I smiled "here he is he's all feed" I said handing paperjam to error as I went to go get ready.

I am fucking lilting this book

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