Tangled (Male! Rapunzel x rea...

By Pineapple4l1fe

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All his life, Rapunzel was told that the world was a very dangerous place. That he should never leave the tow... More

Quick Author's Note
Tangled (Pt 1) - A Single Drop
Tangled (Pt 2) - Thief
Tangled (Pt 3) - Deal
Tangled (Pt 4) - Captive Freedom
Tangled (Pt 5) - The Snuggly Duckling
Tangled (Pt 7) - A New Light
Tangled (Pt 8) - Happy Birthdays and Lovely Evenings
Tangled (Pt 9) - Misunderstandings and Realizations
Tangled (Pt 10) - Completely Free

Tangled (Pt 6) - Escape

6.6K 224 98
By Pineapple4l1fe

They ran as fast as they could down the rest of the tunnel as the soldiers gained on them.
They appeared out the side of the dam and looked down to the ground.

The two looked for a possible escape route and found it across the other side of the dam's construction site.

But nearby below them, a blocked-off area was broken down by the Stabbington Brothers.

"Who's that?"
"Aha ha... They don't like me."

The Royal Guard finally caught up to them.

"Who's that?!"
"They don't like me either..."

Maximus then appeared behind them, angrier than ever.

"Who's tha—"
"Rapunzel! Let's just assume for the moment, that everyone here doesn't like me, yea?!"

The boy glanced up and shoved his frying pan into (F/n)'s hands.
"Here." He said before whipping his hair to a ledge that stuck out and swung to the next ledge.

(F/n) blushed.
"That was kinda hot..." she muttered to herself before turning a chuckle.

The Captain of the Guard drew his sword.
"I've waited a long time for this."

(F/n) whimpered as she looked uneasily at the frying pan in her hand before ducking under the Captain's flying sword. She immediately swung at him and knocked him out.

Another guard thrust at her, which she then knocked his sword up and hit down on his head.

A guard with a large mustache tried to come from the side, but she quickly slid the pan up and smacked him across the face.

Once again, she ducked and moved to the side as another guard tried to swing at her.

She quickly flipped the pan and uppercut his chin.
When the last man fell, she looked down at the cooking tool with amazement.

"Oh mama, I have got to get me one of these!!"
A sword pointed at her from her peripheral vision.
She pointed the pan at her challenger with a wide grin.

"HA... ha?!"

Maximus winned threateningly before swinging his sword at her. She yelped before blocking his hits.
She ducked under a jab before blocking the horse's parry to her feet.

"You should know, that this is the strangest thing I've ever done!—"

Maximus smacked the pan out of her hands.
The two kind of just watch the pan fall, amazed that that actually just happened.
The two then looked at each other.

"Did... did I just lose a duel fight with a horse?" (F/n) asked Max. He nodded before pointing his sword to her.
Rapunzel called out to her as he whipped his hair to her hand.


Said girl smirked to Maximus and blew him a kiss. "Tootles my little pony." She said sweetly as she was yanked off the cliff, Maximus dropping his sword in shock.

"(F/n)! (F/n), look out!" Rapunzel shouted as the girl swung lower and lower to the Stabbington Brothers. They rose their swords to strike.

"Oi Oi OI!!!" She screamed.
Rapunzel yanked his hair harder, tightening the grip.
The hair shortened a few feet above the brothers, making them miss their target by an inch.

"HAH!" (F/n) laughed as she swung higher.
"You should really see your faces 'cause you look—" She was cut off by a plank of wood sticking out of a water slide slamming into her stomach.

"...Ridiculous." She grunted. Rapunzel flinched at her painful position before turning to the sound of knocking wood.

Maximus had found a plank— that was attached to the dam— and began to kick it down.
The soldiers around him came to as he finally got the wood down and quickly began to cross.

"Come on, Blondie!" He turned to (F/n), who held the end of his hair.

"Jump!" Rapunzel didn't think twice as he leaped off the cliff, Maximus's teeth mere inches away from pulling him back.

Pascal squeaked in fright as the two swung down.
Rapunzel made it safely down before continuing to run from the Stabbington Brothers who chased after him.

(F/n) quickly slid down the water slide, kicking and pushing a bit at the wooden structure as she slid by.
She successfully jumped off the end of the slide and managed to block the brothers with the slide's ruins.

She immediately grabbed more of Rapunzel's hair and the two continued forward. The dam finally broke and washed away the guards, Maximus, and the fugitive brothers. A large column of rock fell toward Rapunzel and (F/n) as they closed in on their exit.

They finally reached the inside, (F/n) grabbing the frying pan on the ground and jumping into the cave just as they were sealed in.

Water began to seep through, fast.
(F/n) and Rapunzel looked at each other with fear before going to the nearby wall.
(F/n) looked around in fear before diving into the water, looking for a possible exit.

Rapunzel began to use his pan and hit up against the wall. Gasping for air, (F/n) came up and began to shove against the wall.

She came beside Rapunzel and pushed up against a rock.
"Ahh!" She yelped in anguish.
She had cut her hand.
She sucked in the pain before diving back in. Rapunzel repeatedly hit against the ceiling before (F/n) finally come back up.

"*Gasp! Cough cough* I-It's no use. I can't see anything." She cried out as she held her hand in pain.

Rapunzel frowned down at the water, breathing heavily before diving down himself.
(F/n) dove in and pulled him back up.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and placed a hand against his cheek, wiping the hair out of his eyes.

"Hey, there's no point! It's pitch black down there."
Rapunzel backed away a bit before leaning his back against the wall.

"This... this is all my fault. She was right, I never should have done this. I'm so... I'm so sorry, (F/n)."
The girl watched as Rapunzel looked away from her and shed silent tears.



"...My real name is... (Y/n) (L/n)... Someone might as well know." She said, smiling sadly at the boy.
Rapunzel mirrored her expression.
"I have magic hair that glows when I sing."


"What did he saaaaaaaaay?"

Rapunzel looked at her with a realization.
"I have... magic hair, that glows when I sing!"
He examined. The water suddenly began to rise around the two of them and Rapunzel began to sing fast.

🎶Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine—🎶

They took a deep breath as the water filled the rest of the cave.
Sure enough, Rapunzel's hair started to glow.
(Y/n) almost yelped, but covered her mouth to save her air.

The two followed the stream of light and found it near a pile of loose-looking rocks.
The two share a glance before quickly swims over to it.

Rapunzel pushed the rocks away quickly, even as the light slowly began to disappear.
Soon, he was about to stick his hand out to the other side, and the barrier keeping them inside was finally broken.

Rapunzel and (Y/n) pulled themselves up to the shore and gasped for breath.

"...We made it."
"... His hair glows."

Rapunzel grinned before jumping up and running to the side of the river to pull his hair out.
"We're alive! We're alive!"

(Y/n) slid her own hand through her hair in shock and fear.

"I-I didn't see that one coming."


"His hair actually glows."
(Y/n) looked down to Pascal.


"Why does his hair glow?!"



Rapunzel smirked.

"...It doesn't just glow."

Pascal smirked at (Y/n).

The girl whimpered.

"Why is he smiling at me?"

Author's Note: I would like it to be known that I do not own anything related to Disney, any of it characters, or the original plot line. I've basically copied and pasted the story structure.

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