The Deadly Power Within - Son...


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Sonic The Hedgehog has always been different. Whether it be he only has memories of the past few months or th... Еще

Chapter 1: A New School
Chapter 2: Making New Friends
Chapter 3: To Tight For My Taste
Chapter 5: A Deadly Mission
Chapter 6: I'm So Sorry Sonic
Chapter 7: Whole Team Together
Chapter 8: One's Black Mind
Chapter 9: Suspicion Is A Priceless Skill
Chapter 10: Manipulation Is Easily More Fun

Chapter 4: A Dangerous Threat

530 11 16

P.O.V Shadow

I walked out of the school building in a rather foul mood. Today was an aggrivating day and I was just about ready to uppercut anyone who made an attempt to approach me. I ignored the swarm of people begging me to go and hang with them and started heading down the plain grey sidewalk towards a nearby alleyway.

The bus stop crawled into my line of sight and my eyes wandered to the figure leaning against it. My gaze narrowed when I recognised who it was. Sonic had his earphones embedded in his ears listening to some music. Anger started to churn inside me as I drew closer to the blue hedgehog. I don't know why but whenever I see Sonic or go remotely close to him I get so riled up and I barely even know the guy at all so why? I know something is disturbed within him, I can see it in his eyes and I can read it in his body language. It's as if he's uncomfortable in his own skin and wants to escape. What really has me on edge is the fact that he has Chaos Energy. There are 4 known people to wield it, me included, and last I checked the name Sonic The Hedgehog was not on that list. I'll have to speak of this matter with the Commander.

I snuck closer to the unsuspecting bus stop and laid my eyes on the sapphire coloured creature. I stopped and my body tensed up a little and I stared intently at Sonic, my mouth agape ever so slightly. The aura around him was dark,sad and lonely. His ears were drooped a little and a small frown was married to his soft cheeks. Suddenly Sonic seemed almost.....lost, like he didn't know who he was or what to do. His eyelids shielded those bright, vibrant emerald eyes from the harsh sights of this world. His earphones guarded his ears from the toxic, poisoned words from the corrupt organisms surrounding him. The melody his head was slowly and gracefully flowing with, sending soft reassuring messages to his frightened, vulnerable inner consciousness. On the outside this hedgehog seemed calm, collected and stable but on the inside he was crying enveloped in an everlasting pool of darkness, pain and misery, screaming out for help..........only to receive none. Sonic had a dark past that he buried deep inside himself and hid behind a mask of fake joyful smiles and forced laughs to meet the the expectations of those around him. Protecting himself while causing more harm as that darkness manifested inside of him.

My expression softened a little as I peeled my dull,red eyes away from the scene and continued to stroll down the pavement. I turned around the corner at the end of the street when my ear twitched slightly. My feet came to a halt and I reached for my phone before sending a quick message to my Commander, informing him that I would be late and that I'll see him later. I start leading the way to an old, abandoned alleyway where I was sure no one would be, that is where I plan to question my stalker.

I casually walked down the street before taking a sharp turn into the alleyway I know for certain has a dead end. I waited patiently for my prey to wonder by, I could sense his energy drawing near. A smirk crept it's way onto my face when my stalker was about to round the corner. I stretched my arm out and clasped my fingers around his shirt's collar before yanking him towards me then thrusting him against the wall. I put my forearm against his collar bone and applied a steady pressure, not enough to completely block his airway and prevent him from breathing but enough to limit any movements he might make.

I looked down with a frown adorned on my face and a piercing look in my eye. Beautiful emerald orbs gazed up at me with fear and confusion evident inside them........I liked that look. I pressed my arm to the lazuli hued creature's chest a little harder, earning a soft whimper in return. My ears twitched and desperately pleaded to hear that gentle cry again and again.
"P-please ngh please s-stop" my captive pleaded, struggling slightly to escape my clutches.
"I-i can't breath"
I was dragged out of my trance and I glanced downwards only to find small tears building up in the azure's eyes. My forearm loosened its grip and the hedgehog gasped for air desperately.

My eyes sharpened and I spoke with a bit of venom laced in my tone.
"Why are you following me, hedgehog?"
I growled out menacingly only for him to cower and shrink in fear.
I sighed
"I'll ask you again.....why are you following me!!"
He gulped before parting his lips and whispering out an answer so quiet I almost didn't hear it.
"I-i don't know, you were alone and I was confused since you're always around your friends." He mumbled softly.
I glared fiercely at him, pissed that he actually thought those........things were my friends. They aren't even worthy enough to be my foot stools.
"Listen here, you pathetic piece of shit," I warned ," don't you ever say or think of those worthless mortals as my friends."
I hissed at him pushing my forearm harder against his collar bone. He whined in pain and it sent shivers down my spine. Once again my ears begged for more of Sonic's sweet whimpers and whines. I was about grant them their wish when suddenly the smaller hedgehog spoke up.

"If they're not your friends then why do they follow you around and constantly ask you to hang out with them?"
My eyebrows twitched in annoyance at the memories of those worthless beings wanting to waste my time.
"It's because they want to get 'popular' and they think getting close to me will do the trick but it fucking won't. They aren't worth wasting time on." I spat out venomously.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and that was my indicator that my time with the azure was up. I glared harshly at him before speaking in a threatening like manner.
" Now you are going to listen to this warning and if you even dare follow me again you will pay for it dearly. Do I make myself clear?" I threatened in a livid tone.
A flash of fear flared in his eyes before he slowly nodded his head up and down in understanding. I smirked evilly before applying pressure to his collar bone one last time and in return glorious, desperate whimpers met my ears sending a wave of longing for more through my body. I didn't have time to toy with my prey right now so I pulled my arm off of the other hedgehog's chest and took a step back. Sonic crippled onto his knees and with one last look of disgust sent his way I zoomed off at an incredibly fast speed.

I dashed out of the city and into the forest surrounding it. It was Autumn this time of year so the leaves of the trees were turning golden yellow, fiery red, mud brown and sunset orange. Autumn is my favourite time of the year because the forest becomes quiet, crispy and welcoming. I sped through the multiple trees and made my way towards the rigid mountain. Once I was a little more than halfway up I approached a man-made cave that was sealed off with cool, iron doors hidden away from the rest of the world with vines and overgrowth. I walked up the lock pad and started removing my cloud white gloves. I proceeded to reach my hand up into my quills and pull out my butterfly knife. The knife found its mark on my finger and dug itself into my skin allowing the dark crimson liquid to seep out of its prison. I pressed my bloodied finger to the lock pad as my blood crawled across it's surface while it scanned my DNA.
Access granted, welcome Shadow The Hedgehog
I heard a robotic voice say then metal scraping against metal causing me discomfort at the screeching sound. I stepped through the doors into the hallway of the base and the doors shut behind me.

Ahead of me was a cold, icy passage with dozens of doors branching off in every direction, making up the headquarters of the organisation that I work for. This organisation protects the plant from threats that are to great for the police and conducts experimental studies on any celestial beings or those with abilities that are unknown and can be used as powerful weapons. I am part of a team that are investigating a horrific incident that took place a few months ago and I have to make my weekly report today. I continue walking down the endless hallway and passed many doors leading to experimental labs and containment areas for the subjects. By now I'm used to the howling and crying of those we keep here since this is where I was raised. As I finally reached the end of this long as fuck hallway I stood infront of the last door to the right and took a deep breath mentally preparing for what was about to happen.

I gripped the brass handle and turned it. I pushed the door open and walked up to the commander's assistant who was seated at a desk and sorting through the weekly reports my other teammates had made. He was a teel coloured cat called Sebastian with light red coloured tips on his fur. He looked up at me with a bored, uninterested face while his night sky black eyes gazed into my soul. I stared back with the same blank expression for a couple of seconds before Sebastian cracked an amused smirk and said
"Welcome back, you mother fucking piece of shit."
I scoffed before shooting back an insult of my own
"Hmph says the bloody pussy cat who jumped on me when a fucking mouse ran across the floor."
I grinned.
"Oh come on it was that one time you bastard and the little shit was huge!!"
He wined back at me.
"Whatever you wuss. Aren't you supposed to be a fucking top agent? Tch, your pathetic."
He growled at that comment and rapidly stood up before placing his foot on the desk and glaring at me with crazed eyes.
He launched at me but before he could touch me the phone on his desk suddenly rang.

He fell onto his face with his ass in the air. I couldn't stop myself and I pulled my leg back before shooting it forward and embedding it into Sebastian's arse and sending him crashing into his desk. He moaned in pain whilst caressing his ass. He got to his feet and was just about to counter attack when the phone once again rang. Sebastian scurried over  to reach it and put the receiver to his ear. His face lost all of it's colour as he placed the phone back where it belonged. He looked up at me and pointed to the door beside the desk. I gulped and instantly became nervous. We looked at each other giving our silent goodbyes before I walked to the door and opened it.

The room I entered was similar to an office. I closed the door and swallowed really hard while looking around. Infront of me was my commander and the most respected person in this entire facility. He was the most powerful person I've ever seen in my entire life and he could easily kill you or ruin your life within seconds without even batting an eye. He was sitting in an office chair and reading the latest reports. His face was hidden behind a meta black mask. Not one person knows what his face looks like, all that was known about him was that he was a hedgehog and unbelievably strong. Even I was nervous and behaved myself around him for I do not want to die yet. He lifted his head and his eyes landed on me. I straightened my back subconsciously and held my chin up. His eyes narrowed as he spoke in his ever so infamous monotone voice.
"Welcome back Shadow I am pleased to see you are well but arrogant as ever seeing as you are still playing childish games and making a fool out of yourself."
I internally whimpered at this statement and apologized profusely for my actions.

He scoffed and asked,
"Anything interesting to report this week?"
I put on my serious face and responded,
"Yes sir, everything is quiet at Chaos College however there are two new students attending as of today."
I spoke up in a respectable tone. The commander growled and I flinched slightly, scared and panicky.
"Why would I care if there are new students attending that school!? That information is utterly useless to me!!"
He spat and I hesitantly responded,
"But sir I think you will find this information of interest. I-it could prove to be very valuable."
He glared at me before saying,
"Fine I will listen but If this information is useless and doesn't peek my interest you will be faced with fierce consequences for wasting my valuable time."
The commander warned and I took a small step back and felt anxious as to weather my info would be useful or not. I stood still and slowly took a breath to calm my nerves before relaying everything that I have discovered.

"Well sir, the two new students are a royal blue hedgehog and an orange fox with two tails. The hedgehog is called Sonic The Hedgehog and he is what concerns me. I first met him during class and I sensed something from him. He is able to harness Chaos Energy but seems completely unaware that he has this ability and has no idea he is using it. The thing is he is not on the list of those known to use Chaos Energy and we definitely would have found out about this long ago but we didn't and he is 16 years old now. Whst grabbed my attention was that if you focus on him and really concentrate on his being there is something else there but I don't know what. It's dark,cold and powerful. It makes me nervous and jumpy. That's not even the worst part, sir, the energy I am sensing from him the same energy that you and I felt at the obliterated area 6 months ago only sealed away and disguised."
I told him all the information I knew about Sonic. The commander spoke up,
"What did you just say?"
He asked suddenly standing up but something was wrong. His voice wasn't the usual bored tone it was laced with concern, fear, seriousness and nervousness.
"It's the same energy sir. I swear to you I sensed it. It was the exact same."
I spoke hesitant.
The commander looked at me and said,
"Shadow if this is true then we have to be incredibly careful with our next move or else the whole planet could be in jeopardy."
I was so confused this wasn't how the commander acted ever he was the most serious I've ever seen him in my life.
"But sir, how could that happen?"
I questioned curiously.
"Listen, Shadow if this is what I think it is one single tiny mistake or one wrong move could destroy every living thing. If that energy we sensed does match up with this hedgehog's. He is the biggest threat to this planet and others in all of history."
The commander uttered out pacing back and fourth nervously.
"Sir, he's just a hedgehog I could easily kill him whene-"
The commander cut me off,
The commander slammed his hands onto his desk and looked at me with eyes filled with worry and complete seriousness. Now I was very concerned. What being in existence could be so powerful even THE COMMANDER himself was scared of him? Surely not Sonic since I was able to apprehend him with barely any effort.

The Commander fiddled with his thumbs anxiously as he thought about our next move. I remembered one detail I had left out and spoke up,
"Sir, if I may. It seems like Sonic has no idea what so ever about any of this."
The commander snapped his head up at this new information and gazed at me. He pondered for a second. He walked towards me and latched his hands onto my shoulders looked into my eyes, making me freeze in place.
"Shadow the mission I am about to give you will be more important than your and my life,more important than anything else in this world."
He deadpanned, dead serious
"Y-yes sir."
I stuttered unsure about what the mission would entail.
"Ok, Shadow I want you to protect this hedgehog for the time being until I figure out what to do without killing us all. You HAVE to keep him clam and safe because something bad might happen if he is angered and we cannot take that risk. Don't let him get hurt in anyway. Do you understand?"
He ordered with his eyes never faltering for a second.
"Yes sir, I will guard him with my life."
I said vowing to make this mission a success.
"Good, now I'm going to send two agents to assist in this mission as it is far to big and dangerous for one person alone."
I internally groaned as I hated working with others. They just get in the way.
"Who will be my partners, sir?"
I asked still annoyed
"I am going to assign  Fleetway and Rouge. The three of you are the best for this mission. You will act as students attending Chaos College and I want you to report to me daily I want know every last detail about Sonic. And whatever you do DO NOT fucking aggregate him. Am I understood?"
The Commander ordered.
"Yes sir I will follow your orders to the letter."


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