š˜¾š™Šš™‹š™”š˜¾š˜¼š™ || š™…š™Šš™š˜¼š™...

By gonsleftcheek

62.6K 2.7K 2.1K

ā š™Žš™¤...š™®š™¤š™Ŗ'š™«š™š š™œš™¤š™© š™–š™£ š™šš™«š™žš™” š™Øš™„š™žš™§š™žš™©, š™š™Ŗš™? āž āš™”š™šš™–š™ š™–š™£š™™ š™£š™¤š™¬ š™„ š™š™–š™«š™š š™–š™£ š™–... More

ź§ļøŽ Characters & Stand Info ź§‚
1.0 || Evil Spirits!? ||
2.0 || Returned Friend. ||
4.0 || Boats. ||
5.0 || Freighter. ||
6.0 || Singapore.||
7.0 || Feuds & Loss? ||
8.0 || Return!? & Cars ||
9.0 || Creepy Town. ||
10.0 || Steely Dan? More like Dirty Dan. ||
11.0 || The Sun. ||
12.0 || Baby...STAND? ||
13.0 || Retrival. ||
14.0 || Almost There. ||
15.0 || Cat & Dog. ||
16.0 || Recovery and.... Family?! ||
17.0 || Dads....amiright? ||
18.0 || Split. ||
18.5 || The Lost. ||
18.7 || The Deal. ||
19.0 || Awakening. ||
20.0 || The Friend. ||
20.5 || Ready to Love? ||

3.0 || Airplanes & Rapiers. ||

4.2K 166 197
By gonsleftcheek

((A/n: I'm hungry... 🧍🏽‍♀️ also if you aren't or even in the slightest afraid of heights you can skip the tiny inner monologue that you have. Enjoyyyy! Also the artists @ for the art is on the top right corner of the pic! ))


You sat next to an old man all the way in the back away from the main group.
Why? Because it was obvious that they'd be targeted on this flight, so you took it upon yourself to sit as far as you can!
For strategic reasons of course.
Not because you were fighting the urge to let out your last meal at the distance between you and the ground.

Ah yes the sweet wonderful ground. Just knowing that this plane could go down at any second because of an attack is 's' level frightening. At least we'd probably land in the water. Hm...water I'd definitely rather take a boat or a nice cruise ship. Maybe even a speedy speed boat-

An annoying buzzing sound snapped you out of your thoughts and you saw Jotaro stand up.
"A...a rhinoceros beetle? No...A stag beetle!"

You grimaced at the thought of it being a Stand.
The beetle dodged Star Platinums swipe and tried to go for Jotaro's tongue. But the black haired boy stopped it with his teeth.
His Stand proceeded to throw multiple punches but the stag dodged them all.

The old man beside you was now sleeping with a smile on his face.
That's suspicious....that's weird. You narrowed your eyes at him.

The stag flew over and then went through a row of civilians, killing them gruesomely and taking their tongues. It then wrote on the wall 'Massacre!'.

The old man woke up rubbing his eyes,
"It's so noisy...I wonder what all that ruckus is." The stag flew towards him.
"Look out!" Kakyoin yelled.
But the stag flew above him then away.
He got up and you tripped him, watching as his dentures flew out.

You fake gasped taking a napkin and picking them up, hiding the blood painted wall.
"I'm so sorry sir!"

The three men looked at you and you glanced at the stag beetle.
"Oh..why thank you, young one."
If I'm wrong I'm totally going to cry about this later. You thought to yourself before lifting the old mans chin.
"My pleasure!" You smiled and shoved the dentures in his mouth then leaned back kicking him in his face.

So much for not beating up the elderly. 

Tower of Gray disappeared then reappeared, confirming your suspicion.
Copycat and Hierophant green were both summoned. The black cats eyes turned and it transformed into Hierophant Green.
"Emerald Splash!"

The stag dodged it and you let off another splash.
You grabbed the old man by his hair.
"Call it off and nobody else dies."

"You think your shots will even hit me? My speed is on a entirely different level. With my next attack I will stab your Stand's tongue with this Tower Needle, and rip it out!"
He ignored and said to Kakyoin.
"Then you!....You bitch!"

"Oh put a sock in it old man."
You threw him to the side and stood up.
"Copycat, Mirror!"
While the stag was distracted by another Emerald Splash, Copycat copied the stand and used it's Tower Needle to pierce through it's heart.

The old man screamed in agony as his tongue and head split open.
You gagged turning away from the body while Avdol and Joseph set him down on a chair.

Kakyoin twirled a piece of his hair."It doesn't appear that he has Dio's flesh bud in his forehead..."

"From the start, Tower of Gray was an evil Stand that killed tourists, making it look like an accident only in return for pay." Avdol placed a sheet over the body.
"I'm sure Dio was able to use him because he was easily bought, blinded by greed."

The plane tilted to the side and Copycat slid into your leg.
"I could be imagining it, but it seems like the plane is flying crooked." Joseph said.
Your stomach dropped as it tilted even more making you bump into Kakyoin.
"It is crooked. It can't be!" Joseph yelled and marched to the front.

"The cockpit is up ahead so passengers may not enter." One flight attendant warned.
"I know that!" Joseph scooted her to the side.

"S-Sir!" She tried to stop as well as another.
They sweat dropped and looked at each other.

Jotaro moved around you and walked up in front of them.
They both blushed at his features.
Woah! What a handsome man. They thought in unison.

He shoved them both out of the way. "Move, bitch."

"What a shock!"
They fell back and into Kakyoin's arms.
"Whoa, there. Pardon. It is inexcusable of him to treat women in such a cruel manner...but this is an emergency. Please forgive him."
With the blush still prominent, they were in a trance at his words.

You and Avdol just stared. "What the hell..."
You pulled Avdol by his coat and walked around Kakyoin to the front.

"This is awful! We've been had!"

Three mangled bodies were on the floor.
"Their tongues have been ripped out! That stag beetle bastard."

Joseph checked the controls. "It's falling. The autopilot's been destroyed as well."
"This plane is going to crash!"

"Dying at the unripe age of 17...and I haven't even touched a dolphin yet." You muttered while sitting beside the dead security cop.

"AHHHH!" The old man from before yelled, while what you think at least is him gurgling his blood.


"I am the Stand that holds the Tower card which suggests accidents and the end of a year journey. You will not reach Lord Dio! Even if you survived this crash, you are 10,000 kilometers from Egypt! Those who swore loyalty to Lord Dio will pursue you every hour of every day! There are Stands in this world that you can't even imagine. Lord Dio is the master of Stands! Lord Dio has the power to reign over all of them. There's no way you'll reach him! You bastards will nev-"
A bullet pierced in between his eyes cutting him off and killing him completely.

You slowly put the cops gun down. "Oops didn't know the safety wasn't
"Um anyways." You stood up smiling at the flight attendants.
"This old geezer is going to land the plane, in the water..so can you go put life jackets and seatbelts on the passengers."

"Got it!"

Jotaro turned to Joseph and you stood near Joseph's seat.
"So you can land this...right?"

"Well I have experience with propeller planes, but..."


"But, guys this is my third time. Have you ever heard of someone being in a crashing plane three times?"

You all look down disappointed.
"...I'm never riding in a plane with you again." Jotaro announced and you nodded.


The plane landed 35 kilometers off the Hong Kong coast. You and the others had no choice but to head to Hong Kong.


"Hey, pretty girl!"
You turned to the guy at the stand pointing at yourself and the guy nodded.
"Are you guys tourists? Want some rice porridge? If you're in Hong Kong you've gotta try dim sum or rice porridge. We have hot cola, too."

"Ou yes! I'm starving." You said and CopyCat appeared at the mention of food.
Kakyoin mentioned some random fact about Hong Kong to Jotaro.
"I'll have it the popular way with pork and a century egg." Kakyoin ordered, politely.

"Coming right up!"

Avdol spoke next. "Then I'll have-"

Joseph yelled from across, finally off the phone. "Hey! What are you guys trying to eat? We're going to my friends shop."

"Hey dandy guy! Want to try some Hong Kong hot cola?" The man asked cheerfully.

"Hot?! Everyone know Cola supposed to be cold!"

You rolled your eyes.
Jotaro turned. "Old man, who were you calling?"

"Hm, oh I'll explain everything when we get to the shop. We need to work out a plan that'll get us to Egypt as safely and quickly as possible."

"Without more innocent people dying.." You added.
"The quickest way would be by plane but..."

"Yeah...It's now become impossible for us to fly to Egypt."


You sat in between Jotaro and Kakyoin, staring at the empty chair across.
"If we encounter another Stand user like the last one on a commercial flight, we're sure to cause a disaster that will harm many people. We'll have to get to Egypt by either land or sea." Joseph explained.

"But if we fail to meet Dio in fifty days..." Avdol trailed off.
"If we stayed on that plane we'd probably be in Cairo right now." Kakyoin mentioned and the table fell silent.

Joseph took out a map ready to open it. "It's too soon to worry about our deadline. And anyways it would be cool to take an alright sized boat and go around the Malay peninsula then cross the Indian Ocean. It would avoid the whole boarder thing and I doubt any of us would want to cross the desert." You said nonchalantly, thinking about what you were going to eat.

They all looked at you in subtle shock.
"Whoa Y/n..."
"When did you learn that?"
"That was so specific it's frightening."

"During my free time." You answered while tapping your gold flower shaped earrings.

Joseph put the map down with a sad huff muttering, 'But I was going to say that..'

"Well I do agree with Y/n, so now our greatest danger is the Stand users Dio sends against us. We'll have to do our best to get to Egypt without being spotted." You all agreed and you clasped your hands together.

"Are we just going to sit here all day or order something..?" You questioned and Copycat walked in dragging a stolen bag of cat food.

Another big ass bodybuilder man walked up to the table. His face being covered with the menu but his tall gray flat top showing. "Excuse me, do you have a moment? I'm a tourist from France and I'm having a hard time with the kanji on the menu." He closed it revealing his face and his pretty broken heart earrings.
"Would you please help me out?"

"You're annoying. Go away." Jotaro said without a second thought.

"Come on now Jotaro, it's fine." Joseph held his hand out taking the menu and opening it.
"I've been to Hong Kong many times, so I can at least read the kanji on the menu. Why don't you join us?" He offered gesturing to the seat beside him.
Joseph began to order different things off the menu and you leaned your head back looking at the ceiling.
Imagine if this dude is a Stand user...I just hope he waits till after eating to attack.

The food arrived and they stared at it.
"This looks like food with beef, fish, clams and frog, but..."

"Indeed. This is rather different."

You quickly thanked for the food and grabbed a bowl.
Joseph laughed as you began to eat.
"See Y/n knows whats up! It's on me! Eat up!"

Kakyoin tried the clam. "Wow this is..." He trailed off looking amazed.
You nodded in agreement understanding him even though he didn't finish his sentence.
Avdol hummed in satisfaction and Jotaro just ate silently.

"Well? Pretty good, isn't it?" Joseph said letting out another laugh.

"Well, they've certainly taken a lot of time to prepare this." The Flat top man picked up a star shaped carrot.
"Look, these carrots...It remind me of something.."

Copycat nuzzled your leg and you pushed back your chair, making sure your bowl was secured and safe in your hands.

"That's right. Someone I know has this exact mark on their neck.."

"You..Are you another..."
You rolled your eyes.
"You could've at least waited till after we ate."

He placed the carrot on the back of his neck and the bowl of rice porridge shook violently before a sword erupted out and attacked Joseph.

He dodged with his prosthetic arm.

"Watch out! Magicians Red!" Avdol summoned, while flipping over the table.

The humanoid armored Stand's rapier moved fast making the flames float around it.

"What!?" Avdol yelled, while you and Copycat almost shed tears at the wasted food.
"Another Stand user!"

The Stand aimed the flame at the table and it formed into a fiery clock.
"My Stand holds the Chariot card! Silver Chariot!! Mohammad Avdol, it appears you want to die first. I've made a fire clock on the table. I will kill you by the time turns twelve!"

Copycat appeared on your shoulder looking at the Stand.
You took a bite of your saved food. "I'm guessing cool shit is about to go down."
Copycat's eyes went silver then normal and he meowed in agreement.


((A/n: I love how I hate writing out fight scenes but I choose a show that has fighting every ten seconds. Also I got some freaking food! 😩 Hope you are enjoying this story so far! ))

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