Fighting fit ( discontinued)

By CaitlinHartley6

24.7K 502 58

Hartley hasn't had the easiest start to life. She is 18 years of age. Her parents died in a car crash when sh... More

The beginning
Meeting the team
First training to first fight
The fight
Off day
Game dayyyyyyyyy !!
Date time !!
Im fucking dead
Increased collection
Nothing but pain
Game day


807 21 2
By CaitlinHartley6

Hartleys POV
When I got back to the hotel I walked up to the reception, the team would be at their afternoon training considering it was 3pm so I didn't have to worry about being seen. I asked the lady on reception if she could give me my own room and I paid in cash. I didn't want to have to share with anyone anymore it was too risky and I wanted the privacy, plus sharing with mal was getting rather awkward now, and although I don't wish any ill will on her, how she treated me was just unacceptable, but whatever I don't need anyone anyways, I looked after myself my whole life and I will continue to do so.

I entered my room that was on the floor above the teams floor in the hotel. While everyone was out I went back to my old room and grabbed all my stuff before moving it to my new room. By this point it was 3:30pm. The team training went on till 4:30 so I had an hour before they all got back. I quickly stripped off my clothes before jumping into the shower. The cuts on my back had scabbed over fully do the shower was soothing instead of stinging. I must've lost track of time because by the time I got out it was 4:20. I changed into some joggers and a hoodie after reapplying my bandages. I think this would be the last day I need to wear them, unless any of them get reopened in the fights tonight. After getting dressed I brushed through my wet hair before leaving it down and letting it air dry. Then I grabbed my key card, phone, and wallet before walking down to the meal room.

I must've taken longer than I thought because when I walked in most of the team was already in there. There seemed to be some commotion going on because mal was shouting at multiple players. As I walked closer I picked up on what she was saying "hartleys stuff is all gone.... I think she left... have you seen her?" Oh so now she cares about me ?? Yet she couldn't be bothered to even text, what bullshit. I slowly walked over the group before speaking making them all jump "erm what's going on here??" Mal nearly jumped out of skin before punching me in the shoulder "where on earth have you been and why is all your stuff gone ?!!" As if she had any right to ask me any of this stuff. "As if you care, anyways I got my own room because I didn't want to share" I saw the anger flare up in her eyes and I tried my hardest not to smirk. She then went to punch me again but I grabbed her first mid air "don't test me mal. It won't end well. You didn't even send a text so don't pretend to care now" with that I let go and walked off to go and get my food. I then went and sat with Carli. She smiled and me and realised now wasn't the time to talk serious, so we just talked about random topics while we ate. After that she followed me back up to my room obviously wanting the more serious talk.

We both entered the room and I sat on one bed while she sat on the empty one. " you know the game wasn't your fault right, everyone makes mistakes and we won anyway so it really doesn't matter" her words comforted me more than I thought they would and I was glad to know she wasn't mad or disappointed. "Thanks Carli" she sent me smile and nodded her head. Carli was probably the closest I had to family so I think she deserved the truth, I hate to ruin her good mood tho. "I have a fight tonight, actually I have multiple technically" I watched all the colour drain from her face, and her mouth open in protest, but I put my hang up before she could speak. " I'm telling because I believe you deserve to know. You can't stop me going, but if it will make you feel better you can come with me. Tonight will be a mask night, so as long as we get you a mask Jason will never recognise you so your identity wouldn't be in danger if he ever needed to use it against me. Of course you don't have to co-" before I could finish my sentence she butted in "no ill come. Thankyou for telling me and letting me come with you. I know it's going to be horrible to watch, but at least I'll know you are alive" I nodded in acceptance of her answer before checking the time. It was now 6pm we would need to leave soon in order get there on time. I packed my back before we both left the hotel and got into my car. While I was driving Carli looked in my bag. Inside was my hand wraps, my shorts, my hood, bandages and a needle and thread. " why is there a needle and thread?" I eyed her for a second not sure on whether I should tell her before eventually giving in. " incase I need stitches" I watched her wince imagining the pain, I knew she wouldn't like it but I was only being honest. We must've drove for about 45 minutes before finally getting there meaning it was roughly 7pm now. The fight wasn't for two hours, but I needed to get ready and warm up, then do some quick research on the people I'll be fighting to see if I can gain any advantages.

We entered the run down building, however this one was underground so we had to go down these rusty stairs. They looked so old that I felt like they were going to snap beneath my weight, safe to say we went down them rather quickly. I told the bouncer at the door that Carli was with me and we were let inside. Once again the smell of sweat and alcohol seeped into my pores. I was used to it, Carli however scrunched up her face beneath her mask. "Forgot to warn you about the smell" I chuckled. She just rolled her eyes in reply as we pushed through the sweaty men stubbling about the place. The noise was deafening as everyone was screaming and shouting at the fight taking place in the cage. Money was being thrown around, bets being made and drinks being launched across the room. I kept Carli close to my side, nervous that she would get hurt or a guy would get the wrong idea. After the long journey across the room, we made it to the other side. I logged in that I had arrived at the commentators box before making my way to get changed. Once I was changed, I got Liam to wrap my hands while we went over tactics for the first fight. " he has a weak shoulder so use that to your advantage, he's very strong but also rather slow so with your speed you should be able to avoid most of his attacks" I had my full attention on Liam now taking in all the information he was providing me. Once that was done I made Liam promise to keep Carli or as we named her " rose" close to him so that she was safe. He agreed and that's when I stepped into the ring.

Hey guys sorry that's it's been so long I've had a lot going on with sixth form and football and shit like that. But I'm back and I hope you like this chapter!!!

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