By violet__an__absinthe

15.6K 577 28

Love Basically a word which is basically an alternative to need. Taehyung's need was desire. She was Taehyun... More



1.4K 31 0
By violet__an__absinthe

1 Year Earlier

Her eyes glittered in happiness and glistened in over joy the moment he entered the room as she spread her arms only to be greeted by a securing and warm hug of him as his lips escaped little giggles. Her chuckles soon filled their warm embraced situation as he carried her while embracing her. He soon started leaving butterfly kisses all over her neck as she laughed loudly feeling ticklish. His arms which were securing her waist soon were taking her towards their bed and slowly put her down on the bed his eyes met hers. So many overwhelming emotions, so many unexpressed feelings, so many unspoken words but nothing escaped their lips as they let the silence express their feelings and overwhelming emotions. Their eyes had tears of joy as he scanned her every feature which was causing his heart to beat in an uncontrollable way. For him, she was the most delicate beauty which always falls from the heaven but this beauty fell for him and he promised himself to cherish her forever. Arms which were capturing her waist pulled her towards him as his forehead matched hers as they inhaled each other’s breath and exhaled for each other to breath. She whispered
‘You did it”
She said and a dollop of tear left from the corner of her eye. His lips found smiling at her words as he sighed in relief his lips found hers as they celebrated Taehyung’s success which was giving a spectacular speech in the UNGA along with other members in front of prestigious personalities of different countries. She came to the hotel after their arrival and will leave the next morning before their departure. She was Taehyung’s hidden desire which gives him pleasure and an immense passionate feeling which he never feels around anyone. So being with her on his big days gives him a tint of satisfaction and pleasure. So she specially came to stay with her this night and to make it worth his desires and needs. She played with her fingers which were resting on his ruffled hairs. Taehyung’s slender fingers found their way to her neck as he tilted his head slightly to deepen the most needed yet desire full kiss. One arm which was capturing her waist, clutched tightly as she smiled so beautifully in between their kiss noticing his habit of clutching her tightly as if she was leaving her any moment. Her arm rested on his neck slowly caressing while completely letting her melt in his kisses. He felt his each desires screaming in between their kiss. He devoured her lips with his each stroke. She closed her eyes completely losing control over herself and surrendering to him fully. His lips felt so softly molded against her, his kisses felt so correct, so perfect against her lips. She devoured his each touches as if he was showcasing his needs through his kisses. As if he was showcasing his desires and passion for her and only her. The night was indeed long as they became one so passionately and so in satisfaction. 

5 A.M in the morning that night.

She flustered her eyes open as felt a soft stroke of touching sensation near her neck as she found, Taehyung was literally burying his whole self just like a baby in her embrace as her hands were wrapping around his waist. Taehyung’s face was hidden near her neck area as his cheeks brushed against her collarbone, while his arms were capturing her waist tightly and dominatingly. Her delicate fingers started stroking his messy hairs as her lips smile a little remembering their memories last night. She kissed his hairs slowly in affection. Immense affection which was not less than love but more than it. She tried to get up but she heard him groaning in irritation as his comfortable sleep was getting affected. She remained frozen in her place and waited for him to sleep again. She again attempted to get up as slowly as possible without making any noise which would disturb him. She went to the shower and changed herself as well as took a warm wet cloth and a pair of comfortable wear. She walked outside only to see him sleeping peacefully while hugging the pillow which replaced her place. She went to him as observed his features as well as expression. So soft he was looking while his lips which were curving in a pout then again a thin line. His breaths were steady and swift. She kissed his forehead as she started wiping his face slightly with that warm drape of cloth. She caressed his each features while she slowly brushing that warm cloth on to it. he groaned a little as she left butterfly kisses against his neck while her cheek brushed against his cheek as he slept again. She knows exactly how to make him warm and comfortable for sleeping perfectly. As if she was handling a new born baby’s sleeping habit, which were groaning a little in between there sleep but when someone the baby admires touches them, they become quiet and satisfied with what they are experiencing. She smiled seeing him sleeping again by receiving her kisses. She wiped his arms and feet which were swollen due to practicing a lot. Her heart pierced seeing his swollen feet. She changed his clothes into new comfortable clothes. She hanged his previously worn blazer and inner shirt on the restroom and returned only to see his hands searching her presence around him. She shook her head as she went close to him and set the pillow near his searching hands which he pushed away not feeling her essence in it. She went near his face as his fingers caressed his bare neck and snuggled her face on his neck as he grabbed her by waist the moment he realized she was near him. He fell asleep soundly this time. She got up and went near his feet and massaged it with warm oil which she heated a few minutes ago. She massaged until her own hands were becoming heavy and tired. She looked at the wall clock of the hotel room. It was 7 in the morning. She got up immediately as her flight was leaving in 9 am. She reduced the AC temperature as she saw he shivered in between. She set the blanket on top of him as his one finger interlocked with hers. She smiled faintly as she tried escaping his grip but his grip was firm. She kissed his finger as she snuggled in his arms while trying her best to leave his grip. He snuggled more on her neck burring his face. She kissed his forehead multiple times as he slept again. So she took advantage and left him setting his alarm to 9 am in the morning. He has to get up as he had schedules in met museum.

She left....

To be continued

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