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By soggykookie

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*READ THE PREQUEL FIRST* The sky was grey as the coffin shook and rattled until it tumbled down the pedestal... More

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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝒳𝒱𝐼𝐼

2.2K 184 27
By soggykookie

Yuna's POV

"Why is he coming!" Hoseok whines, "It's our expedition and it's work! Not vacation."

"It's okay, man," Seokjin says, "He just can't stay away from his fiance."

"I am not his fiance," I blush.

"But you would love to be," Hoseok scoffs.

"What is your problem?" I ask.

"My problem is him," he replies.

"I'm sorry there's nothing I can do," I reply.

"There is. Just keep him away from us," he states.

"No," I fight back.

"Hoseok, don't you think you're being ungrateful?" Namjoon asks out of nowhere.

"What?" Hoseok snaps his head to Namjoon.

"He booked us first-class flights, luxury hotels and rooms," Namjoon starts, "And you're here telling Yuna to keep him away after he did so much for us."

"No what-" 

"That's enough, Hoseok. Let's just end this topic here," Seokjin interrupts.

"Good idea," Namjoon leans in to take another drink and returns to reading his file, "We've been assigned this one pyramid which was recently discovered by our satellites."

"Show me," I lean towards Namjoon, "It's really small and why is it away from the centre of pyramids?"

"It's a mystery," he replies.

"I can't wait to check it out," I hop on my seat, "I'm so excited!"

"Me too," Seokjin shoves chips into his mouth.

I lean back into my seat and close my eyes sighing.

"Yuna's on cloud nine, isn't she?" Namjoon chuckles.

"I am," I smile.

"Is it because of Taehyung?" Seokjins asks with his mouth full.

I hum, "Kind of."

"I'm so glad he's keeping you happy," Namjoon says.


Yoongi's POV

"He's tagging along with us!" Hoseok yells from the other end of the phone.

"What? Why!" I hit the table, "Why does he have to put his annoying ass self in everything."

"He's gonna be with Yuna all the time," Hoseok sighs, "You won't be able to meet her."

"I want to meet her!" I yell.

"Well, you can't!" Hoseok yells back, "I don't know. She isn't gonna listen to me. Just give up on her, man. Just give up," he hangs up.

I sit down frustrated.

"Sir," my guard calls me.

"What?" I snap.

He flinches, "The police are here for.. you?"

"What?" I raise my eyebrows and stand up. The police come rushing into my office.

"Mr Min Yoongi, you are under arrest for taking videos and uploading them to the internet without consent," the officer states.

"No," I shake my head.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning," the officer cuffs me and pulls me out of my office. I resist but it was of no use. They pull me out of the building into a sea of reporters flashing their cameras at me. I look down trying to avoid them. The officer pushes me into their car and cuffs me to a hook inside.

"I need to call my lawyer!" I yell.

"Remain calm," the officer says, "You will get to make a phone call at the station."


Taehyung's POV

"Mr Min Yoongi of Em Industry is currently being arrested for invasion of privacy. A few weeks ago, he recorded Mr Kim Taehyung, CEO of Kim Enterprises and a woman named Min Yuna without consent and uploaded it on the internet."

"Mr Kim Taehyung's videos went viral on the internet! Mr Min Yoongi probably gained a lot off of this. What a shameless man!" 

I chuckle as I hear the reporters announce Yoongi's arrest. This is what you get when you mess with the wrong person. I should have just killed you and the rest of your family back then, huh? People like you make me want to stop being nice. I should be nice only to my dear.

I rest my head on the headrest of my chair. My dear is the only one who deserves my kindness. I wish I could take her on a vacation, buy her everything, love her, pleasure her and make love till she cannot handle it. I smile at the thought of a small beach date with her, me on my knees with a ring, proposing to her, her sweet smile when she says yes, or maybe a few tears of happiness? I chuckle. I'll hold her in my arms and kiss her softly as the sun sets into the water, I'll plan a grand wedding and marry her. She'll be my wife, she'll be mine. Mine to love, mine to touch, mine to enjoy, mine to do everything. I'll love her so much. And then, I'll make her the mother of my kids. I smile. By the time I'm married to her, I'll have already told her who I am and what I am. I would be able to assure her that she will go through no pain during pregnancy. I can't wait. 

"Sir?" I hear my secretary, "Did you see the news?"

"Yes," I grin.

"You must be happy," he smiles

"I am," I reply, "But he'll probably get out soon with his influence."

"We can lock him in with your influence!" My secretary suggests.

"No," I chuckle, "I want him to come out and suffer."

"You're very evil, sir," he chuckles, "Do you need something?"

"Nope," I dismiss him and take out my phone to see my lock screen. She is so beautiful. I sigh and open her contact and call her.

"Hello," she says from the other side, "Is my baby missing me?"

"Very much," I whisper, "Your baby is missing you."

"Aww," she giggles, "Just be patient, baby. I'll get home soon after work. You can see me then."

I just stay silent.

"Is there a problem, Taehyung?" She asks, "Do you have to stay late at your office or something? If so, I can come to your office after work."

"No, no," I shake my head and smile.

"Then why were you silent?" She asks.

"I just didn't know what to say," I reply, "Words are so inferior against your love."

She giggles. I can imagine her blushing, "So cheesy. I'm hanging up, baby. See you at home."

"Wait!" I stop her.

"What?" She asks.

"Check the news," I tell her.

"Oh..? Okay," she says, "Is that all?"

"Yes, don't forget to check," I remind her, "Bye, dear."

"Bye!" She hangs up.


Hoseok's POV

Yuna rushes into our room and switches the TV on. 

"Yuna, why are you turning the TV on-" Namjoon asks being annoyed.

"I'm just gonna check the news," she states as she surfs the channels.

"When did Yuna start watching the news?" Seokjin laughs.

"Never," she sighs as she gets to a news channel, "Taehyung told me to check the news."

"Mr Min Yoongi of Em Industry arrested for invasion of privacy! He was proved of recording Mr Kim Taehyung, CEO of Kim Enterprises and a woman named Min Yuna without consent and uploading it on the internet. This happened several times and several videos of them were uploaded."

"EH!" A man on the TV says, "He is probably going to come out with nothing more than a slap to the wrist. Police never do anything to the rich people."

My eyes widen, "What the hell?"

Yuna scoffs, "He deserves it."

"No, he doesn't!" I yell as I get a phone call. I step aside and answer the call.

"Hello, Hoseok," I hear a familiar deep voice, "I assume that you saw the news. I just wanted to remind you that,"

"You will be the next if you don't stay out of my way."

1297 words

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