The Thief and the Harbingers...

By Lauren___Manuel

40.7K 1.5K 2.5K

"Your so twitchy and scared," his hand brushed under my jaw, "its almost refreshing to see you at my mercy."... More

Sleep and Snacks
A knack for good timing
Crows make good emergency food
Electric Chaos
Treasure Hoarders Will Be Treasure Hoarders
Foul Legacy
Your Move
The Expensive Looking Man
Tsaritsa's Return
A Fresh Start
A Conversation by The Sea
Christmas Special
A Reunion In Inazuma
Stalker Stalker
Miss Me?
Better Than Nothing
A Harbingers Meeting
Big Hats and Big Storms
A New Visitor
Caught Red Handed
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Signs of defeat
New story

A simple fee?

2.2K 87 263
By Lauren___Manuel

As much as I hated to admit it, my night was a lot more enjoyable than I had anticipated it to be. I'd caught up on a lot of necessary sleep and had more than a few pleasant dreams. Childe was rather warm and kept me more than cozy, his arms never faltering to hold me tight. He was like a bear cub, or more like a jacket honestly, the way he clung so snug against me.

I had quite a wonderful night, that is until I was electrocuted out of my amicable sleep.

"Agh!" I blared, tumbling out of bed with Childes fur skin blanket tangled around my feet.

I looked up disappointedly, Scaramouche 'greeting' me with his signature scowl.

Of all people I had to wake up to, it just HAD to be Scaramouche, my least favorite harbinger. What was he doing here in the first place? And where did Childe go? But most importantly, why was he such a dick? Was it really necessary to spark me up while I was clearly peacefully sleeping?

I swear I'd kill this son of a bitch someday.

"You have five minutes to get ready and meet me outside," he crossed his arms over his chest, boredom clearly written on his face.

"What?! Why!" I was vexed with irritation. I hated when people disturbed my sleep, especially in such a cheap, rude manner.

"Since the Tsaritsa is over 200 miles away and will not be returning for some time, she has ordered me to make use of you. You will be accompanying me to Liyue."

Well this was a shitty start too the morning.

"Where's Childe?" I asked groggily.

"He has an over abundance of work to complete," he gestured to the piled up papers on his desk, "as you can see."

So that's why he was gone. He was getting a head start on the day, likely to finish his physical tasks and later come back to finish his paperwork.

"Why do I have to come with you to Liyue?" I questioned from the ground.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes and turned to leave the tent, "stop asking questions and get ready brat."

Scaramouche differed greatly to Childe, it was hard to believe they were both harbingers. You'd think the fatui would be more alike in personality, considering their jobs were to beat the shit out of people, kill them to.

I sighed exaggeratedly throwing my arms into the air.

I already couldn't wait until the day would be over. Spending the day with Scaramouche would only bring about trouble.

After changing into a t-shirt and shorts I joined Scaramouche outside. 

The walk wasn't far at all, however, Scaramouche insisted on keeping a lengthy distance in front of me, occasionally glancing back to make sure I was still following.

I wasn't sure why he was going through the trouble to take me to Liyue, I didn't have much to offer at the moment anyway, but I didn't question his motives and kept quiet behind him.

Once we had arrived, the atmosphere shifted to that of a more positive one. The cloudy day only made the bright city stand out more, as it seemed to have its own bustling energy scattered through the pavement as we traversed through the city.

"Grilled tiger fish, get your grilled tiger fish here!" A man waved a hand in the air, welcoming all that passed by.


His bored orbs eyed me from the side, his way of telling me to continue.

"I haven't eaten yet. Can we get some food?" I asked, motioning to the man promoting his food.

Now seemed like the best time to bring my growling stomach to attention as it was unlikely we'd pass anymore food stops in the direction we were going.

He stopped in his tracks just before we had passed the small shop and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Wordlessly he sifted through his pocket and brought out a small handful of coins, along with... my vision?

I see, so he was keeping it on him, right in his pocket in fact.

He seemed to notice my cold stare as he only smirked and flicked a coin at me with his thumb, before putting away the rest of the silver.

He definitely did that on purpose. He wanted me to know I was absolutely defenseless at this point in time.

I turned around with the coin I was given and proceeded to order some grilled tiger fish and continued to walk behind Scaramouche through the crowded city, all the while munching on the tasty treat.

I accompanied him to multiple shops where he proceeded to collect money, threaten clients, and do other unspeakable harbinger things that I refused to watch. It only made me sick to my stomach to see innocent people begging for mercy. It was undeserved and unjustifiable. These poor people didn't have a clue what they were getting themselves into by signing a contract with the fatui.

I remained silent for majority of the day as I didn't want to make things any worse. I assumed Scaramouche's intentions for taking me to Liyue were nothing more than to show me how merciless and cold the fatui could be. It had to be. I played no major roles toward anything by co-existing beside him.

"Enjoying the day I assume?" Scaramouche shot me a witty smirk over his shoulder as we walked to the next client.

"What do you think," I mumbled.

The part of town we were entering was much more secluded from the rest, harboring a small shop at the far end with a shaggy haired vendor inside.

"Ah, you must be, you've hardly said a word," Scaramouche stopped just in front of his next client, turning towards me fully, "you must be speechless by the fatui's power."

"When do I get to leave?" I crossed my arms unamused.

After all that I had already witnessed today, I wasn't in the mood for anymore of his games. I only wished to run back to Childe's tent and hide under his blankets, preferably alone. I was more safe there than I was with Scaramouche, that was for sure.

Scaramouche's ridiculous grin only grew as he took slow steps behind me, planting his hands on my shoulders.

"As soon as you," he leaned his head over my shoulder to make eye contact with his next client, "kill him."

The mans brown eyes widened with fear, his hands beginning to tremble. Scaramouche and I had only just stepped in and the man hadn't even gotten a word out before he was being threatened.

Scaramouche wanted me to kill this man.

Did I hear him correctly? No, I couldn't of, my imagination was just being super overactive. I'm sure if I asked him, he'd clarify that he had said something completely different to what I thought I heard. 

"What?" I asked.

He squeezed my shoulders lightly, "kill him," his voice came off light and airy. 

So, my imagination was definitely not overactive at the moment, he really wants me to kill this man.

I took a deep breath in. He was trying to get under my skin, to get a reaction out of me. I couldn't let him see any weakness from me.

"No." I shook his hands from my shoulders and took a few steps away.

Scaramouche watched me with interest, although he seemed to of hoped for a completely different reaction.

It seemed he'd have to do something else to get a reaction out of the girl.

Scaramouche unsheathed his katana and in a flash he'd slit the mans throat clean open, all the while making eager eye contact, being sure to watch for even the smallest of movements from the girl.

I jumped back completely startled, watching as blood spluttered from his throat. My hands shaking, eyes wide as I swallowed down a scream.

There it was, that was the reaction he'd wanted. Scaramouche laughed maliciously, completely satisfied by the fearful look on the girls features.

Calm down, calm down, calm down. Please Y/N look away. No matter how much I yearned to tear myself away I only seemed to grow more anxious, panic rising and goosebumps forming over the thin skin of my arms and legs. My stomach churned the same way it had when I'd killed that rabbit, I felt like I was going to lose the grilled tiger fish in my stomach.

How could someone be so cruel. That was a living, breathing person. And he took his life away from him within a second! No, no unfortunately the man was still suffering, writhing on the ground.

I felt like I was drunk. Everything around me seemed to shrink away, a sense of dizziness vibrating my thoughts and actions.

Scaramouche was more than overjoyed by her astonished state, but realized he'd have to step in as the girl began having a panic attack.

I stumbled backwards hoping to flee from the scene, only to trip over a divot in the concrete. Scaramouche was quick to catch me, the bells on his hat jingling with his rushed movement.

My breathing came out in ragged huffs, I felt like I was suffocating, like everything was crashing in all at once.

It's just death its not a big deal, everyone dies- its not like its uncommon. Yes, these things happen all the time so why should it matter? Why can't I stop reacting like this? Please stop breathing so heavy and shaking- I'm going to explode. God, please stop, please stop, get ahold of yourself. Attempting to rationalize myself through the panic only made me feel worse.

"Shhhh," Scaramouche faltered to the ground, taking me with him and pulling me into his lap. "Deeeep breaths," his tone daunting and mischievous, like he was taking all the time in the world to enjoy this pitiful moment I was having.

His frigid body remained close against mine, one leg straight and the other at 90 degrees on either side of me as I stayed wrapped in his embrace. His pale slender fingers slithered through my hair soothingly.

I could see the brim of his hat poking into my peripheral vision even though my eyes stayed glued the dead man in front of me.

"There's no reason to panic anymore, he's already dead and that's not going to change," he continued in a matter-of-fact like tone.

Only when my breathing decided to pick up pace even further did he decided to shut his mouth, ripping his hand from my hair and placing it over my eyes so I could no longer bare witness to the horrendous sight.

A few minutes had passed as I attempted to slow my huffs into normal breaths. Scaramouche's heart beat from behind me was calm. I did my best to focus on his calm demeanor in an attempt to match it. Surprisingly, he was quite patient.

More than a minute had passed as he placed his other hand over my chest to monitor my heart beat. Seeing as it was now much less stressed than it was before he helped me to my feet, keeping his hand over my eyes and turning me away from the bloody man.

He hadn't even uttered a word, nor had he a chance to even beg for his life. I wondered if he had a family to go home to at the end of the day. A wife and kids, a home with lots of plants and pictures of him with his family. Would there be those to mourn his death? Or even worse, maybe he was all alone. Maybe he had no one to mourn him, no one to remember him bye.

Removing his hand from my eyes, Scaramouche watched me curiously with an amused smile, his hat following suit as he tilted his head to the side.

I looked away with a blank stare.

I wished I would've handled it better. Death was nothing new to me, I'd seen it first hand plenty of times. However, I never remembered seeing something so graphic. I never remembered watching the life leave someone's eyes as they held their throat and spluttered to the ground with blood pouring from their throat.

"I've one more stop to make," Scaramouche tugged at my arm insinuating that I follow him, "and then we may leave."

How could someone be so unfazed by death? In fact he wasn't even unfazed, he was giddy with excitement when he killed that man, like it was the highlight of his day!

My body was put on auto pilot, I hardly remembered forcing my legs to move as I followed him through the city once more.

I wondered how necessary that really was. What kind of atrocity had that man committed for him to be slain in such a way? Forgotten to pay a simple fee? Or maybe Scaramouche truly wanted to make an example of him. It didn't make sense.

My unsuspecting form bumped into his back after he'd made an abrupt stop. His gaze caught on something in the distance. 

His demeanor changed entirely, turning to me with narrowed eyes, "stay here," his finger pointed to the place in which I stood, "don't move," his voice low and threatening.

Was he stupid? Leaving me here all by myself? He was practically asking me to escape. No shit I would take this opportunity.

"And what if I do?" My half lidded eyes stared back with the same intensity. I was getting tired. If I could make trouble for the man, I most definitely would seeing as he recently TRAUMATIZED me. 

"Defy me and I will break your vision in two." He glared.  

"Yes sir," I replied sarcastically with a two fingered salute.

As soon as he left my sight, I did what any other person in my position would do. I left.

Come on, I would be as stupid as he was to not take this chance to run. My life was more valuable than my vision.

I figured my best bet was to find help, I was sure someone useful would be around the city.

Dashing around Liyue I was sure to keep an eye out for Scaramouche as it would be most unfortunate if I were to be caught in the act of disobeying him.

I couldn't trust just anyone here in fear of someone being an undercover fatui agent.

As far as I knew, many roamed through the streets of the city as to make sure everything ran smoothly with the abundance of shop owners they had under there control. I would need to find a familiar face while keeping a low radar.

I hadn't had much luck in that department as I scoured the city for a good ten minutes. Up until that is, a mess of familiar blonde locks caught my attention.

There, conversing with the blacksmith was Aether. My heart leapt in my throat. Finally this nightmare was about to be over.

Aether no longer wore the same disheveled appearance from a few days ago, however, his aura seemed rather strange as he faintly hid behind the black smiths pillar. He looked on edge, glancing around his surroundings frequently.

"Aether!" I whisper yelled across the pavement.

If he were trying to hide from someone, I wouldn't blow his cover, but I still needed to get his attention. It would suck to miss this chance.

Looking around frantically, his shocked eyes landed on me as I waved him over. He dropped his act of unease once he'd locked onto my face and scurried over.

"Y/n!" He engulfed me in a hug, relief washing over his face. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He continued, placing a worried hand over my forehead.

"Could be better," I answered bashfully, "how are you? Are you okay? What's going on?"

"Never mind that, where have you been? Did you get captured? And if so how did you escape?" He shook with questions, his body trembling with excitement and relief.

"It's a long story, you'll never believe what I've been through," I looked around my surroundings carefully, "but first we need to-"

My ramblings were cut short as I was swept up by a purple cape and a pair of hands on my shoulders.


No. No. No. No. NO.

How could he have found me so quick? I was confident in how stealthy I had been, running around the city.

Unless of course, this was how I would be of use to him. This was Scaramouche's plan. He was seeking out Aether.

Aether's guarded presence and low profile were specifically for this reason, it all made sense now.

Scaramouche knew Aether would only have an open presence granted I capture his attention. If my unsuspecting form were to notice Aether and call him out from the shadows, it would give Scaramouche the perfect opportunity to publicly confront him.

But now I was no longer concerned for my safety, rather for Aether's.

Was he going to kill him? Would Aether suffer the same fate as the man from earlier? Flashes from the earlier occurrence sped through my mind. The blood, the gasps of pain, all of it as I seemed to relive the moment.

"Aether." the man spoke from behind me, "just the man I wanted to see."

Aether stepped back in surprise unsheathing his sword.

"Ah, ah," Scaramouche scolded, "you wouldn't want these innocent people to get hurt, would you?" He motioned to the citizens of Liyue minding their business and prancing about.

"Or" he outstretched a hand in front of me whilst still keeping a palm on my shoulder, "this one."

He was clearly referring to me. In this situation I was perfect leverage.

Aether hesitated before sheathing his sword, sweat forming on his forehead.

This was bad. The hope that bounded in my throat earlier had dissolved into deep seated fear.

I stared to the ground with wide eyes, my heart pumping painfully in my chest.

This stress is gonna give me pimples. Wait- not the time!

How could I have been so ignorant of his intentions. It was so obvious he wouldn't just give me an opportunity to 'walk free.'

While it wasn't possible for me to know specifically that he was looking for Aether, I should've known to question why he would jump at an opportunity to let me run.

"What do you want?" Aether complied calmly, eyeing Scaramouche with uncertainty.

"You know what I want," Scaramouche replied, squeezing my shoulder, "give me the gnosis and your friend can walk free."

Aether looked to the ground with guilt, "I cant do that."

"And why might I ask?" Scaramouche asked distastefully.

"I don't have it."

"Than who does." he growled.

Aether hesitated before speaking, "it is..." he looked back into my fearful eyes before sighing, evident with frustration, "it is with Lady Ninguang" his eyes fell to the ground defeated. "I don't know where she is, but she plans to put the gnosis on the next transport to Mondstat."

"Mondstat? For what reason?"

"She has asked for the knights of Favonius's protection over the gnosis."

"When and where will this be taking place?"

"Tonight near the sea of clouds."

"I see," Scaramouche chuckled triumphantly from behind me.

Aether reached a slow hand out as if to test out whether he could grab me and run. He'd given Scaramouche all the information he needed after all.

Scaramouche in return yanked me back with a crazed smirk.

"You'll get the girl once I get the gnosis."

Aether clenched his fists into balls, he probably felt as stupid as I did.


"Pleasure doing business with you."

As soon as the words left his mouth, we immediately fizzed with electricity and dissolved into nothing more than particles. Scaramouche landing us in a foreign location which I assumed to be his camp.

It was slightly different to Childes as the tents were more scattered about and there were no trees shrouding the site with protection.

I dropped to my knees facing away from him, and only stared to the ground in disappointment.

He had gotten all the information he needed. I had played right into his hands.

Things were only becoming more and more difficult, because of me. I couldn't help but feel useless. Useless and guilty.

Scaramouche wept a hand through my hair gently. His fingers tangled in my mess of H/C locks.

"Gooood girl," he mused, "you did well leading me too him," his fingers running soothing circles over my scalp. "Now all you must do is accompany me to the sea of clouds to ensure my retrieval of the gnosis."

"Will I be free after this?"

He crouched down from behind me, his fingers still making a mess of my hair, "what do you think?"

Of course I wouldn't be free.

"I'll do what it takes to make sure it doesn't fall into your hands." Scaramouche showed his displeasure with my comment, gripping my hair from the root of my head and yanking it back, forcing my eyes to meet his as he now hovered above me.

"You will do exactly as I say," his tone was stern, a free finger tracing down the middle of my vulnerable throat.

If my freedom wasn't guaranteed, I wouldn't guarantee the gnosis' return, even if that meant breaking it.

"Understood, your majesty." My tone aggressive and sarcastic.

I hated him. I hated him with a burning passion. I hated those amusement filled eyes that stared through me and made me feel so small.

His trailing finger stopped, a pair of indigo eyes looking down on me as a lion would upon its prey.

He sighed aggravated.

Letting go of my hair he slid down in front of me, keeping his finger on my throat as it then trailed to meet my chin, forcing me to look the harbinger square in the eyes.

"Your not to keen with following orders are you?"

"Fuck you."

His gentle finger under my chin turned into a harsh hand gripping my jaw as he slammed me against the ground.

Fear enveloped my eyes as I shook under his grasp. He caught me off guard once again. I had almost forgotten he wasn't as tolerant as Childe was.

He looked over my features with a satisfied smirk, "You're so twitchy and scared," he tightened his grip on my jaw, "its almost refreshing to see you at my mercy."

Scaramouche had made sure to note the ferocity and spunk the girl possessed the recent time in the woods. Even though the girls face turned red with embarrassment when he'd patted her down, she had still shown immense spirit in her vigorous and desperate attempt to escape.  All he could think of on the way back to camp was how badly he wished to break that spirit of hers.

Seeing the genuine terror on the girls face right now, filled him with a sadistic satisfaction. Oh how he wished to see more of those faces, to feel her slowly submit from beneath him, to see that same fearful face she'd made earlier in the day when he'd slashed the throat of the innocent.

"You don't scare me," my voice cracked as I cowered under him.

His free hand gripped my waist harshly, feeling my shaking body.

This was a familiar setting, fate seemed to bring me below him yet again.

"Hmm" he hummed leaning into my neck, "you're trembling." I could practically hear the smile in his voice as he whispered into my ear, trailing a hand further below my hips.

My face lit red, my body refusing to move under his grasp.

Why can't I move, is this shock? I want to move!

"Similar to that night in the woods, you don't seem so cocky with my hands all over you. You're quite compliant in fact."

This man was to bold for his own good. He clearly enjoyed seeing me frazzled. All I needed to do was act- not frazzled?

Easier said than done when your in this position. But I needed to do something, I couldn't just let him win.

Feeling a sense of bravery I gripped his shirt and pulled him toward me, his grip on my jaw loosening as he used both hands to hold himself up.

I knew my vision was in his pocket, I just needed to grab it.

His brows furrowed, looking down at me with a confused stare, surprised by my boldness and refusal to submit.

My other hand feeling over his abs making there way to his pocket. I could feel myself still quivering, but I tried my best to subside it as I made attempted to make fierce eye contact.

He stared back at me with the same ferocity with a sideways smile and narrowed eyes. This seemed like a challenge for power, I just needed to stay strong and keep up the act.

It was clear as day what the girl was doing, Scaramouche could feel the girls trembling fingers against his skin. Yet, he was still curious to see how far she'd go, if she were brave enough to snatch her vision right from his pocket.

"Well?" He leaned down closer to my face "what are you waiting for? Take it." My fingers tentatively reached into his pocket, my heart quickening with every movement.

I was becoming far to nervous far to fast.

His eyes trailed my throat as I swallowed harshly.

That was it, I had lost, I'd shown weakness.

He let out exaggerated sigh and gripped onto my injured wrist aggressively, forcing my hand out of his pocket.

I winced at his grip on my bandages.

I was so frustrated! I wanted to slam my head into a wall! Or smack someone or... or- commit arson! Yes, arson.

Even if I had been able to take it, I wouldn't have been able to decipher my vision from the rest of the coins in his pocket. Nor would I win against him in a fight. For now at least.

"Unfortunate. And I was going to let you take it to." He pulled himself up off me and walked in the direction of his tent.

Stupid bitch.

I would have my revenge. Not today, but I swore it. I would kill him.

Standing up from the ground, I followed behind him cautiously.

His tent was just the same as Childes, even the same positioning of furniture. It had the same comfortable atmosphere, but his bed was littered with thick books scattered across it.

Scaramouche ordered me to stay in the tent until he returned, leaving to discuss plans with the residing fatui. Likely making plans for tonight.

I already couldn't wait for it to be over.


It wasn't long before we made it to the sea of clouds, Scaramouche had multiple fatui hiding in the bushes and behind trees around the specified location. Him and I being the only exceptions, we walked toward the wagon head on, Aether and a few other men in the distance.

"Play your part and I wont kill him," he spoke harshly as he dragged me along.

Aether wore a nervous expression doing his best to look hopeful.

Arriving in front of them, Aether revealed the gnosis from his pocket.

Scaramouche nudged me forward a bit, but still kept a harsh grip on my arm.

I hated being Scaramouche's pawn. Not only was it embarrassing, but people would surely get hurt. 

I held my hand out to take the gnosis. Aether looked at me with pursed lips and handed it to me, to which I hesitantly handed it over to Scaramouche.

Looking it over for imperfections he seemed satisfied enough and let go of my arm.

I rushed over to hug Aether. I knew it would be the last time I would. At the very least I wanted to make it count.

I could only hope he wouldn't blame me, or be mad with me.

A gun shot from nearby sounded, catching Aether and I off guard. Next thing I knew the entire wagon had burst into flames.

The hiding fatui sprung from the bushes, taking down all the men Aether had brought with him.

Aether struggled in my grip as I kept him in place.

I didn't want to do it. But it was the only way to save him.

What's a little pain to Mondstats savior? I thought to myself sadly.

"I hope you wont be to mad with me," I whispered.

Aether stopped struggling, his heart rapid against my ear.

And so I did the only thing I could to save his life. I electrocuted the ever loving shit out of him.

He flailed and convulsed in my grasp until he no longer had the energy to struggle, much less remain conscious. 

Scaramouche had agreed to let Aether live, granting me momentary use of my vision on the account that I be the one to knock him unconscious.

Couldn't have anyone following us back to camp after all.

I dropped Aether to the ground, disgusted with myself.

His chest still rose up and down, he was just going to be asleep for a little bit.

I'm a horrible person. Why did I have to do this? It's okay. Its completely fine! This was the better alternative!

I stared a little longer, lost in thought until Scaramouche pulled me away. 

"Lets go brat."

I felt awful. Aether was the kindest person I had ever met and this is how I had to repay him? He deserved the world, and more! He deserved better.

A feeling of warmth collected in the corners of my eyes. I did my best to refrain from looking Scaramouche in the eyes as I didn't want him to have anymore satisfaction at my expense.

I didn't say a word once we arrived back at camp, I could hardly eat my madame, my stomach felt like it was going to drop into the fiery pits of hell. Which is probably where I would be following it.

Scaramouche almost felt a tad bit of guilt. He enjoyed watching her suffer, but he didn't want her to be a buzzkill for the rest of the night.

"I was planning on chaining you up like a dog and letting you freeze in the rain," he let off a small smirk "but I suppose you can sleep in my bed for tonight."

He outstretched his hands like he were welcoming someone, "take it as a token of my sympathy," he didn't mean to say it so sarcastically but it had only irritated the girl further.

Walking past him into his tent, I crawled into bed and buried my head under the covers.

I wanted to sleep and do nothing more than sleep. Today was horrible.

At least his bed was warm, that was comforting.

I wondered if Childe would have forced me to be as cruel as Scaramouche did.

Most likely, he was a harbinger, it was his job to be cruel.

Taking off his oversized hat, Scaramouche crawled into bed beside her. Scaramouche had no clue how to console the girl. All he knew was he was tired of her foul mood, even though he very well was the cause of it.

"Come here."

I froze at his words.

Come here? What the hell was he trying to pull now. Why the hell would I want to be anywhere near him!

"No," I held my ground and turned away from him.

"Now," he growled.

I hated that he was in control. It bothered me to the core, but it was clear I had no choice but to follow his orders, unless I wanted to be shocked into oblivion.

Slowly, I turned back to face him, it was hard to see him through the dark but I could make out his form laying on his back. His arm was above my pillow waiting for me to get closer.

I inhaled nervously and slowly scooted next to him.

He sighed with annoyance, "hurry up," and shoved me into him.

Was he trying to console me? Why was he doing this. It was out of character from his constant anger issues edgy boy persona.

Maybe he was trying to make up for the day?

"I'm not sorry by the way, I just want you out of this foul mood, its bothersome."

No, still a dick.

"I hate you," I snarled.

He laughed whole heartedly, his chest shaking my head.

I raised an arm to smack him but he caught it and pulled it to his opposing side, forcing my upper half to slide on top of him.

"You dare hit a fatui harbinger?" I could still see his stupid smile shining through the dark.

To close. His face was way to close to mine.

Although, I hadn't noticed how structured his cheek bones were and how perfect his porcelain skin was. He was quite literally the definition of "pretty." However his looks could never make up for his horrid personality.

Nerves caught up with me as I slowly lowered my head back down to his chest to avoid the intense eye contact.

That was something him and Childe had in common, they both loved prolonged eye contact.

He allowed me to pull my hand away as I hesitantly placed it over his chest next to my head.

His cold slender fingers found there way into my hair, gently pulling at the strands and running his fingertips over my scalp the same way he had the last two times.

I was still very much on guard. It still took me a good 20 minutes before I could fall asleep.

I could tell he was still awake for the same period as I was, likely awaiting me to fall asleep before he would attempt to do the same

His hand went back and forth from my hair to the small of my back, rubbing soothing circles into my skin until I eventually fell asleep.

He wasn't to unbearable in this moment, one would actually enjoy this type of embrace if it weren't for the fact that he'd stolen my vision, held me captive, and forced me to hurt my friend.

He was decent at the moment.

I still hated him, though.

Edit: HEY, I want to clarify that I will be coming back to this chapter to edit it fully, I'm so sorry for the poor quality of this one as I've been so busy. I'll make up for it next chapter :)

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Scaramouche Art credits: @Yai_Sea _Ball on twitter After being assigned partners for your photography project , you and your assigned partners get to...
114K 4.2K 16
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